Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 27, 1900, p. 3

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Li Y V 7 Weeks ftetai ABOUT The Christian Sunday School at Bonds Friday well attended greatly The boats were kept busy arid and took great delimit the races Bond The Canadian Band of are corning up trollop his evening and will con cert to oclock on he Lawn permit- ting The agent was In rawing Moonlight on Wednesday next Police Count The laid Information before Mr Woodcock ngairiFiL a man for conduct down Town lout day arid It was settled for and touts before coming to trial were issued for to come before last night an assault Mr Woodcock felon The Secretary of this Association acknowledges with thanks the of Town ptojiavjng returned from va cation last evening and will conduct regular services on Sunday NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY Mr Waller Gain fionof Mr Michael Cain who popular at the depot has brought great honor to schools of na tive Town well as much credit to his own ability by winning the old Medal for proficiency At the Ottawa Normal School Well done Walt zrrttrzr- CJ T I J J Work Is the new to the gliding the capacity by kitchen and bedroom Mr has the contract for the work and material WO and Mr Mitchell ye carpentering addi tion Ms on- the east the height as tho main building having the appearance of a r I I A young mail named Frank sides got a on his right while running a rabbeting ma chine at Canes Factory last Saturday rnoming Though the hone was not Injur Id I lie saw fire the flesh from tip of the thumb nearly to the wrist requiring IB to close wound It is doing nicely High School Hoard had applications for the position rendered vacant by Miss Starrs going thru a of testimonials the choice fell upon Mr Forbes for merly Science Master at but who resigned to further pursue his studies and comes to Newmarket with very strong recom mendations Special wll Lieut- Col on evening and Sunday LieutCo ban an Officer of the Salva tion Army for over years and has held positions of responsibility for last 13 years Since he has injected on behalf of Field Commissioner Miss the working of the Army New round lo Vancouver ConaePt The serenade by the Town Band last Friday evening was thoroughly enjoyed by an Immense crowd music was delightful the hand show ing great proficiency under the leader ship of Bandmaster McDonald The weather was Just right arid Metho dist Church lawn as well as the side walks and doorways in the vicinity were lined with people The new music from Toledo the gift of he conducted i Frank Cook is becoming quite a fa vorite received the Toronto Junction they when Iiaerosse the vere defeat at have been practicing hard and they meet St Catharines here next Wednesday August 1st should make a very different showing the defence and home fields have been gremly strengthencl and Hie little in capturing lite Cham pionship Seats reserved for ladies the last J Fine mens The Newmarket Fire has decided to run their annual Excursion on Aug date will a Civic Holiday in order that our people may have an opportunity patronize the Excur sion and encourage our Volunteer Firemen who are ever ready for duty on the call of danger The tickets are only and are good for days See Methodist The proverbial good weillur for the time 111 succession attended the Methodist Sunday School Excur sion on Wednesday and off with Mr Hewitt artis tic ability oil the woodwork of Mr The prospects are that apples will be big crop ibis Fall A hews boy the carp got left at the depot here on Tuesday evening arid lie made a for the Metropoli tan Hell not hear the last of if for a while Moonlight Excursion to Bonds Lake on Wednesday next rang Council meets at King Station tomorrow Fall wheat and barley will All bo cut a this section by tomorrow if It keeps dry Mr building another im mense egg vat at storobouso on or ham street Co have a dandy new delivery wagon People arc thinking About putting furnaces for winters Mr A has ft now on order Mr McLaughlin Mr Wright have put up new awnings a pair on llie block Newmarket Band has two more garments yet garden panics and Holland Landing We might say hi regard to Engine cheap by ih i the the turn of one birch on the pari of the and Street Instead of liaviT it is a firstclass rig an J mended by all who knov it The Army cannot take charge of the the cars at the Park at six- oclock to return home they did not put in an appearance till seven oclock The service by the Metropolitan was very satisfactory and all that could be expected The ride was made in good time and everybody was delighted with Monro Park whera we met the fol lowing Toronto people who were there see their friends He v two i Mrs Merrick and her moth er Mrs Warren and daughter Mrs John and Mrs J I Hunter and her mother Mrs Vim allwool Trcedn ply Collais Cotton extra heavy and black yards wide French fet Color worth for Linen Mens Ceylon Flannel regular for All over Colored regular to 10 and Youths Overalls with Comb at 10 Three We try to keep you posted weeks ago we advised buying then sugar has gone up per lb we advise you to buy Fall Goods when you will save on every dollar since Now Cattle A veterinary surgeon at Kingston states that the practice of dehorning cattle should bo prohibited There has been more sickness among cattle this year than in any year or IvVtnty years back and he attributes much of it to dehorning Quite a number fanners in North have had cattle dehorned during the past two or three years and we should like to know if their experience corresponds with the Kingston veterinary opinion an important thing to know It is Ceo Miss Sarah Gain Mr Ceo Gain Mr Well and Mr Jos Haines were about 300 on the Ex cursion but as the scholars were tak en at less than cost it scarcely paid expenses learn that there will a balance on hand The profit will he more this than on last year the charged for tickets was Gospel Temperance meeting on Sunday so it will he a union meeting Tho employees of the Monetary Times Printing Toronto with their wives families and sweethearts at Bonds Lake on Satur day A full program of sports was carried out for which valuable prizes were given Mr J Smith of Smith a former employee of the company went down to the in afternoon and grouped the party in one of the cosy corners of the Park The negative is a good one The Jogs for Canes Factory arc coming down at the rate of ten ears a day You foil with Baking Powder The York County Departmental Store row TOBE Departments The Cheese At on the there wcjc only boxes of cheese Offered by the nine factor represented of which number Newmarket had fl Experience Those who missed the address by Dr in the Presbyterian Church last Tuesday evening realty missed the opportunity of a lifetime Ilowevei we wore pleased lo that notwithstanding the wet night the church was well filled by people of all The Big fihoaa Following is the of Prize List that was not ready week when went to- press Jeans wax Martin 2nd Codicil our IJeaits green 2nd Asparagus 2nd Geo Partridge ike Is turnip James 2nd Carrots garden Trivelt- 2nd Cabbage 2nd Cauliflower J 2nd George Peas iu Pod Martin 2nd Mrs Peas shelled J Hughes 2nd J Stafford Onions green from seed Mrs- Ik Hoover 2nd Kavanagh- turnip Millard 2nd 2nd Sirs field Potatoes Mrs 2nd largest Mousey Mrs Collection of Garden Vegelablers I Collins 2nd Peirin Celery Partridge FRUIT Strawberries Collins 2nd j red J Hughes 2nd Mrs Raspberries black M Foster 2nd Mrs ycllov Martin 2nd John red wild Mrs 2nd If renin Currants red J 2nd Martin Currants while- J 2nd J- Dowries Currants black Mrs Hoover Martin 2nd fas 2nd of Small Fruits Apples collection nearest matured Partridge 2nd T J ESSAYS On Gardening Mrs Jones The success of the Slower Show speaks wet for tie coming Fall JlHlhjd an the Horticultural Society anialgiijoated with the ami many are given f iif encouragement this De partment All members of the can at in without There were five buyers present the Liverpool cable showed a slight ad- denominations vancc Three factories sold for hear the thrilling experiences of winch is the highest price paid in the venerable hoaryheaded gentleman years and the others sold at j from his own lips after a sojourn of Newmarket always commands highest price on the market Next meeting on the of Aug say that quite a shrinkage is noticeable in the quantity sent the Factory Last only 11 cheese were made here Moonlight The Canadian Hand of To- will run a Moonlight to Ponds on Wednesday evening next Aug 1st and will play a select program of music at the Park This is one of the finest musical lions in Canada The members are ail picked musicians including Mr Charles Savage Cornet Mr Fen ton Trombone Soloist and Mr John Xylophone Soloist pre senting an array of talent that no other Canadian Band Admis sion to the concert is ten cents but railway ticket holders are admitted free See advertisement Days Only Teeth cheaper than the Post at A flee Last Friday the home team lost to in a very loosely played game by to 14 and an innings The attendance was very poor and quite the contrary of what the boys exacted after the game they put up against St Michaels They seemed to be disheartened and the result was a very listless game on the home teams part The visitors put up a fine game both at bat and in the field giving their pitcher great support and helping him out of tight corners fast fielding On the contrary Gamble received the worst kind of support and with one or two exceptions the fielding was very yellow behind him led throughout and a the locals managed to tie the score in the last Innings they could not hold the advantage and scored the win ning run with only one man out The boys somewhat discourag ed by the attendance are determined to play all the faster ball and the next game will be with St Michaels here on Aug Torontos Civic Holiday when no doubt there well be a hot game The home team defeated Sutton on Wednesday by to runs in a very fast snappy heavy hitting game of ball The boys got in game at the start winning out handily A return game will likely be played soon Score Sutton Newmarket DattersSumrnerfeldt and Kay Gamble and Weir and Tom Kelly- years in the South Seas including his tribute to Christianity could not but strengthen the faith of everyone in the gospel pi Jesus Christ and the power of the Word of rod When he landed on the island of savage cannibals were located there clothed III nakedness and war paint and they had already devoured two missionaries years the whole population became christian and the natives worked for years gathering roots to raise sufficient money to print the gospels of Matthew and Mark in their own tongue which cost 1200 sterling The Dr explained how that the cruelty and trickery the foreign traders had made- them very suspicious of white people the lives of five missionaries had teen sacrificed on this account His own life had many times teen in great peril and some of these circumstances he described showing the loss of pro perty and awful chances against loss of life the missionaries undergo it was with a degree of triumph the Dr was able to state that of these people now conduct family wor ship night and morning though for years it was a constant struggle be tween life and death Some people who enjoy privil eges of Christianity assert that the money given for missions is used largely in salaries hut the Dr the congregation that it was only for the good that they could do thai ail were engaged in the work was evident from what they received got no salary whatever get per annum between them and get fit each There are also native teachers The mission of Dr to this land is primarily to secure the coop eration of the United States with Britain in forbidding traders to give firearms and liquors to the natives and it Is sincere hoped that in this he may be successful and secondly obtain funds for carrying on the work A collection was taken up which amounted to after which Miss Elva contributed a beautiful solo it was after ten oclock a re quest was sent up that the Dr should tell as briefly as possible about the sinking of the first well on Is land This he consented to do and it was listened to as eagerly tho former part of address Many of the- audience embraced the opportunity of shaking hands with Dr at the conclusion of the service and wished him great success in his work A special meeting of the Town Council was held last Monday night all the members being present The matter of consideration was the of oneiric The Committee appointed to into the matter presented a lengthy report suggesting the adiisaility of duplicating the Plant There are now over lights in stalled All the stores all the churches but one and many private residences ate entirely dependent for light upon the Town plant Already trilling breaks have happen which serve to accentuate the in- convenient which will should any accident of a serious nature occur to the machinery The Committee has examine the re venue and expenditure and finds that at the present time the lighting gives a balance over cost of 885i9 for the year In this sum we notice that the Committee has added as the cost of street lighting and other Town lights now in use The Committee propose lengthen the present Power House feet the South put in a larger boiler and engine and a dynamo of greater ca pacity than the present one mated cost Another Pump is also with a capacity of gals per min ute to increase the and thus make both systems competc The total cost of it is to raise debentures for years and bearing interest at per cent the annual levy which would be At present the consumers of light pay for the lighting which should the General funds of the Town in Which It would more than meet toe mi lee to the users of light a per fee sys tem will drop debenture debt of the in a fur ther of in The Council ended te ado- lion of the rep a will be lot Kwcn The of tire plant is a necessity THE CHEAP STORE Goods that were 15 18 per yard I Comprising Fancy Calored Dress Muslins Sateens Ginghams Prints x c v fJ Prices were and 35c Two who iiwrcrl shot and killer two policemen and thud in Ken John fiwith- was hilled freight motor on if T for Of of ilf per barrel i VThlto Wheat per Wheat per Barley per per Butter oh per lb Potatoes per Apples per Wool per lb Ray per ton lb Chickens per pair per per a I July a ft on flO e nisi S s 13 CO ID Hi a A ft 111 a K fl To clear the balance of Grenadines this week we make the above unprecedented offer The wholesale price of these goods was sold retail all over the country at We offer you your choice of Colors as long as they last at just onethird the regular price per yard If you are not in need of a Summer Dress buy now for evening wear next winter The goods are all wool Black Grenadine over Fancy Colored Shaded and Pattern Linings T Suits Boys- Coats and Vests Odd Coats Odd Pants Odd Vests Blouse Suits c Clearing Positively at and Li ft i WIV i j

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