Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 27, 1900, p. 2

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if i J v JV j i a 4 a J 4 Scaled Joe Roy Moonlight K axon Furniture Undertaking- J From Germany Faun for Bale A Davidson Threshing Outfit Co Toronto fcQ in North Toronto 9 in am pm to pm CO pm am am IIS am pm a IB pm pm rt pm pm Return Fare either way GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OlVifltOK 5rK a a a V iC A J Is v- Sp I a iJ s fe J a- 10 wis ft 3 ft- s w CI jy p U The World has no particu lar love or use for Dominion ate In a late issue editor makes these Therp is Indication that one of the principal of the coming general election will lie the reform or abolition of the Senate It is of- the most vital Canada as a whole that there should te a decided change In ho Senate That body of ancients and discredited political has Its usefulness if over was any which we very much doubt and Is today more or less than an obstructive The 1 miction directs at tention to a peculiar in the history of journalistic management and the outcome of what the opera tions of legal intricacies may cud up to It Ways of bring- strange results The liquidation of the header and Recorder Is re sponsible for the odd spectacle of the judiciary lakln a hand in politics That Journal is now being run under the direction of a court yet last week ft jumped right in to discuss politics in that sledgehammer fashion thai has always characteristic of papers late proprietor It looks funny to see a Canadian court thus mixed up in polities A father having large sympathy for his abused daughter appears to have married a heartless sort of a person asks this question In case a husband a hoses his wife calls her vile names threatens kick Iter fails to supply her needed clothing can she- leave him and lake Iter child an infant one year old with m and can she compel him to support her Answer Of course she eri no doubt about it provided the wife lias con ducted herself properly Where a wife is justified in separating from Iter band on of the court generally allows her to have the custody of ail children under seven years of and also such alimony towards the wifes necessities as the nature of Hie properly and personal of the husband will warrant- Our Society Column person Visitors at Mm Waited tcli street Miss of Toronto with Mao Hughes Rev Amos of Aurora spent him to Tuesday evening in Town Dr Campbell of Toronto was call ing on friends in Town yesterday Mrs Hall from Lansing is A fore the enemy under General has cut the railway and lino Honing Spruit and cap a With an of under General been In pursuit of since tho but in compelling flght more a retiring a ion Lord MethuorhoA defeated a force near and joined hands with the British force under General Baden- the guest of heraunt Miss Morton -Mr- Angus WliliamB Is homo from I Wnnues in the city on a weeks vacation 1 Mr Oscar to Colling wood last Saturday for a short visit Mr Lloyd teller in the If is spending a few days in the city Mr of Toronto is spending a few days with Ufa friend Mr Ed Hill Miss is visiting friend Miss at Miss Kskn of Toronto spent a few days In Town last week calling on friends Master- Hoy is spending two weeks with his cousin Arthur Mrs of Bradford is guest of her aunt Mrs Marshall Mil lard Ave Miss Winifred is enjoying a few weeks vJfiit with friends In Col- Miss Kennedy of Odessa is a are on If his BUT AMD WITH ISSUE all FRIDAY JULY Hoisting monopolies Notwithstanding the exFinance Ministers puerile criticisms of the in capacity of the Federal Government and bis sarcastic allusion to its action in regard to the coal oil question the country will be glad to know that the great railway companies have at last been brought lo time by the uncom promising attitude of the Hallway Committee of the Privy Council At the instance of the Standard Oil Co which appears to have absolute con trol of the industry in Ihe Republic and likewise of the railways over which their product must be shipped our Canadian railways for a length of time discriminated in rates in favor of the above Oil Co and against its competitors This dis crimination the Railway Committee of the present Government Mr Fosters to the contrary notwith standing compelled lie railways to remove This was triumph number one but the Standard Oil Co then sought to maintain by changing its tactics and causing the railways to charge discriminating rates against poinQ where the competing oil was handled leaving the places from which the Standard Com panys oil was transported untouched This new phase the ac tion was prompt met by Rail way Committee of the Privy Council declaring against it and the railways were compelled to disoutiuue the un just discrimination This was tri umph number two lite friends of the present Liberal Administration have reason to thankful for the uncompromising de termination of the Government on be half of the people and to them be longs the credit of the victory obtain- over unjust especially is this the fact when it ie remembered that during all the long years that a Conservative Administration held the of power no was ever made to assert the rights of the people This very circumstance also demonstrates that Canada now has a Government not only able but to break the power of monopolies and restore ta the people rights that lax admin ist ration have from I them The Ontario Premier Hon Ross has returned from a holiday at Clifton Springs and has been much The following paragraph we repro duce from the of this week much pleasure Sir Oliver was eighty years of age on Sunday Horn the days of re sponsible- government be lived through days of the Union was one of the of Confederation and as Pre mier of Ontario did perhaps more than any other man in Canada to deiinc the relations the Federal and the Provincial authorities After having worked so long and so faithfully as political chief of the Province he now fittingly occupies a position of dignity and comparative leisure as the repre sentative of the Crown At a Conservative Convention in South held at on Saturday last Mr Houghton Lennox of was nominated as the party candidate to contest the Riding to fill the vacancy created by the death of the late Col No less than twentytwo names were proposed hut the chief struggle was between the gentleman chosen and Mr Richard Jell reeve of Mr Lennox win ning by a majority of out of a total of 320 votes Like West On tario the Riding is a political hive with tins difference it is decidedly Conservative while West Ontario is just as decidedly Liberal On gave June J3 he of ike now case of the The latter was convicted of selling li quor on the Indian and sentenced to six months impris onment He to the conviction and Justice Street whom the appeal came decided thit the punishment did not At the crime and increased the sentence to nine months appealed to tbft Court of Appeal and this morning the court aproveo Justice Streets ac tion The case is first in Canada in which a sentence has inreasci on an appeal to quash it- AURORA ing her vacation at her fathers Mr Kennedy Mrs Lues by of A I laudato down on a visit with relatives for week or two Hon and family occupying their summer residence street Sentinel Rev is recovering rapidly from recent illness Miss Stella and Miss Flo Mason of How man He are visiting their cm- sin Mrs Davison Mr If Jkuuton has returned from London where he was attending Masonic Grand Lodge Mr and Mrs Dyke of Si loam spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs A Mr Frank FrcoJ of Wilson is visiting at bis uncles Mr Joseph Newtons street Mrs J- was At Home with number of lady friends on Tuesday afternoon of last week Mrs Archie Thomson and two daughters spent Sunday in King visi at Mrs Win Websters Rev is home from rims by feeling quite refreshed by the breezes of Lake Ontario Mr V Hughes son of Mr Hughes up from the city and spent Sunday at home Miss Bertha of Toronto is spending two weeks vacation with re latives here and at the Lake The Hunt boys of London are spending a couple of weeks with their uncle Mr Mr Geo of Philadelphia Pa of Mr Reg is spending a couple of weeks with him Masters Robertson and Ir vine Ross wheeled to last Sat urday to Spend part of their vacation Miss and Miss Smith of To ronto who were guests of Miss Annie McDonald for a week have returned home Eider Chid Icy and family from Randolph Vermont arrived in Town Wednesday to spend a portion of holidays Speight and children of Georgetown have returned home after spending three weeks with her mother Mrs Messrs John Dolan and Henry Low are playing with the Regi ment Hand at the Military Tattoo in Toronto this week Mr Hesson of Port Arthur who carried on a barber shop here some years ago writes that there is a great deal of building going on there this summer Zips Presbyterian Church is to have a new organ and in terior improvements to cost about Rev A J Martin for Bethlehem district A of Canadian casualties including two loathe This iMioga death list for all tho contingent up to PLENTY OF In of work done Africa up to May Dr says Wo supplement tho work of the medical by tho issue of invalid foods etc ln weeks wo used suits of and a mass of supplies about pairs of and pillow cases in like proportion Wo have likewise Issued a Urge oE brandy whiskey port wine and Marsala also cocoa wine tea biscuits tinned chicken turkey milk and rabbit besides potted meats jams marmalades tinned fruits honey limejuice pickles in vailed coffee and of tho latter dozen including the Canadian Invalids goin by hospital trains provided by tho kitchen on train but those going by ordinary trains are provided with by us Alt invalids on hospital train receive a kit bag from us containing shirt brush tooth brush sponge and bag handkerchiefs and SOT filled unci I have in stock at pres ent moment Our society is now spend i month in Cape Natal of coming from Canada or Aus tralia The total oxpenditure in now about J Cob Otter has made a good recove and returned to front Miss Jirioio still continues very ill ever but is doing as a be expected Canadian in are nearly all con- valesdeiit London July The supplemen tary estimate by the pro longation the war in Africa amount to making a total of vote1 for purpose and bringing total army estimates up to London July Lord is advancing toward on railway running from Pretoria to Lorenzo Marquez He has reached fain- as the scene of of the Regiment in The caval ry and mounted infantry under Generals French and Button dispers ed bodies of the enemy hovering on the flauks of the advancing army and took prisoneie Col Broad wood continues his pursuit of and has captured a number of Boer Generals waggons Gen reports defeat of a body of Boers at Farm near Gen with has defeated a body of the enemy at River It is presumed that ho us marching southward through the OF J 1 We must clear fully one hundred Boys and Mens Tweed Suits during the next days A demand for cash Sg more particular ly a demand for the space occupied by these goods makes it imperative that these hund red suits be cleared no matter what the sac rifice in price Look for the Bed Ticket on every Suit Boys Two Piece Suits at Hoys Cotton Suits Boy Three Piece Suits hi Boys Young Mens Fine Tweed Suits at Men s FirstClass Tweed Suits at Mens Fine Dark Tweed Suits at Mens Blarney Serge Suits at Mens Best Worsted Suits at 5 So 50 Red Ticket Price r IT It 11 I If 50 4 98 25 5 3 These price cuts are well worth your in the stock is up tion well made and perfect fitting goods and we cut the prices in this way simply to make room for our enormous purchases made for fall MADDOCK t- President Castro of Venezuela an nounces that the rebellion in that country over A onearmed man named into the Grand River near Elota and was drowned Mmm w The njoyeJ hand given the Canadian under the leadership Arthur A of lads fv Metro truck a car- through tin and in iui of the trunk f hoys ifrokfU by his visit The Conservatives of North fcave nominated Mr Cameron jr- The Garden hold in will Church on the grounds of Mr Calvin Monday veiling was a decided put- cess and a very veiling wan spout Band was iji atiendame airi nil only taken an of to oppose Mr jTho eiviieH held hi iln on thy the represen tative and if we judge of the result of the contest by what the has to say in to the re- inert Mr JteCarWrylias lian but for tiirit ha- hull Son a of Newmarket is pastor of this church Prof of the On tario College of Music Toronto spent last Friday with his friend Mr Scott at and assist ed the at their openair concert in the evening We regret very much to learn chat Mr Frank who learned his trade at Gardners Foundry and went to Gait last Spring met with a very accident While assisting in moulding some hot flew in his face causing the loss of sight to one eye lie went to Hamilton hospital for treatment Bell it the Mich on the July to Mr ftnd Eiis Bell a son At North on the to Mr lire a daughter In Town on the to Mr and Mrs aeon Br Street Toronto member Medical Colleges Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann will at the Hotel Newmarket every Saturday Dr is a specialist and will give free examinations and Consultations to all who will meet him at- Newmarket Or has plenty of private funds aid will advance money to at 4 per cent yearly No valuations agents fees or charged For Medical or Financial assistance call Shepherd at Royal Hotel THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House Has made special out in pricey on Furniture for s few daye before s took per sett up Sideboard Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables up Bedroom fluites up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces 16 up All other goods in proportion Mill A SPECIALTY calls attended to at Residence John Hi July Key CO a White pet a Goose Wheat per a Barley per a ate per a Peas per bushel a per 4 a Butter troll per Lb Potatoes per hair CO I Hay per ton- 100 Deer lb- per pair Turkey a lb Grocery ft Fruit Store Another thipment in for Saturday The arrived in perfect condition and they are yours for little money J Raspbetuues Cherries Red Gooseberries PSCIAt directed to Raspberries tor coming week These berries reach us daily from Mr Deans farm and are therefor guaranteed in perfect condition Leave your orders now Beans and Potatoes Jersey every day Sugar by the barrel for preserving Crown Brand Fruit Pints Quarts and Half Gallons i In Cleveland Ohio on the of by Rev Mo- Michael Mr to Helen formerly of At Toronto on the of Jaly of Place Oak aged and Funeral at fli Johns Oak A Landing the 20th of July infant con of Mr days Town on the Elsie of Mr Gibion aged E03 days on July Fleet fiahip of Admiral moor and son late RN of FOB The Irony of Life by JJaldooH jj pi Roy Hooker Joan of the Sword Hand by Crockett Dor- by A We receive a copy of books as are published you may book for them Off Stories The and print are both From the following titles you can of good literary quality of these books Doyle The Dutches Mrs Jules Verne of David price on now for 10c Jqi in Glassware and China Crystal SJ and and six Nappies Crystal Glass Water Jugs quart size Cream Pitchers and Spoon Holders China I Sets ptuifc Dishes Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets Fancy Tea Sets 4 pieces Fancy Pitchers Bread and Plates Assorted Bread and Butter Plates Fancy Fruit Dishes Fancy Fancy Decorated Salt and Peppers Fancy Cheese Dishes Ruby Epurgnes All these are new goods and just the thing pi gift STARR for a Central Telephone I

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