Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 20, 1900, p. 8

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i tsv J a 77 yi f i V V lilt I f lor biliousness ale nausea and core- Jaundice liver Hon etc They in to prevent a cold or break up Mild penile certain bey your confidence Purely they be liken by children or delicate women dcalere or by if I Co ia All Forma of Yield to fcOdQriilbrtbl nd nniMnio no Dec ll J I The which ban been Pines for over a week closed good success on Sun day Large crowds attended the meeting There was a number of con verts some of which were baptised at J pond on Sunday The Sabbath School intend holding their annual picnic at Wilcox lake Kllison had a very large rais ing Wednesday the bam went n without any trouble or accidents after which a very pleasant veiling Several a relic were amongst the decorations of our streets j during the of July celebration I which was success RICHMOND HILL bine 10 allVDghlio look to ihIfl4TtJlll with Iter a Til Iaim the lion could Alter MirvaifdjlinBtjllcajtfT I ttrtruUjftnJfc to In trior act r all J ho yen Lot He 1hjo1 fort Oe f I rttOo raj a rteltl rirl on After irfAiuunt I ico Kit core f to mr to Miss or has upending a week here Mr of Newmarket Dis trict Chief Banger in the A York District has rtsigned and the permanent sctrelary has requested the courts in the ti name The crops art looking well- About twenty young people from aroiidd hero enjoyed a MuHselmanfl liiKe one ftlit last week- i- A severe electric storm here on Wednesday afternoon of last week and all the telephones hut two were burnt out A lilt west of here Mr barn Was struck and a colt In the field was- kilted Accompanied by the bawl of the Regiment the local Orangemen in the demonstration On Tuesday of last week Mr north of Aurora a large bank barn There was a of men present from both King Sides were chosen the King men taking one side and the Whitchurch men the other Although much fewer in number the King men were successful having rmSl of their rafters up before Whitchurch men had commented putting theirs pp Children cry for CAST The Richmond lacross learn by their a but remedy to one tut it i- went to St fill the iy their league game immense crowd good all through Up to three min utes of the close the score was even all when the home matte the winning shot making the score I to in favor of St Catharines Air of Toronto was referee children for CASTORS A Our Set returned it we fait- pVcth Dud of flpy invnuun receive our opinion Mine to fiot us latent taken out ill 0fctWilioulcltArgCpIliTjlfi in ivMly by for copy FREE J CO Patent Attorneys pvcaa VASKiriGTON D p pntns A In Quick for DIARRHOEA COUGHS COLDS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA BO BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- BUY ONLY THE PERRY Leading Specialists of America YEARS 1H DETROIT CUR EMISSIONS pa lie to tctoi of Ibty of train of jmtouij Tbrjjr unfit fttQsn forbuftnwjr fwinl No ioatttr wbtiUtr fcaowd by ff- Evader you help or except wiy you You we Dot cured Oar II care You ion CURED Are 0a End ox TOu fend blotcUei fiuiceOfU ttrioklftd yvcal your clatter bow rious jour to be of you bad it Kill euro it worniy their sod meat Or josoIp benefit but a ho rrnu IIKBj NO iffA NO Vo SYPHILIS GLEET KID CONSULTATION If to Mil write ft for a forH01Ii3fJ SHELBY STREET July Msll- wain aged years was instantly Killed yesterday afternoon by lightn ing while he was working in the field Children Cry for The new steamer Van Woodland fcuilt in will make its OR A W CHASES K CATARRHCURE tent to Heal dura VACh Mr and Mrs spent Civic Holiday at Rev J A the new pastor of the Methodist Church here was presented with a Gold Mounted Pen and an address his late charge The and friends of and Rtler Hill held their annual picnic at Wilcox Lake on Saturday last there line a lare gathering and a very enjoyable time was spent hi baseball and bathing Woodward of who here lost month owned worth SloOO had mort gages household effects and in notes and debts It is all willed to Mrs Woodward and after her to the daughter Mrs Mr Johnson who has con ducting a branch business for the Mammoth Fair Co of in Sutton the past months has re turned to town a icd assumed the man agement of Mr large departmental store Mrs and children of Newmarket arc visiting her mother Mrs J Ash burn The Hand gave an open air concert in their stand front of the New Auditorium on Saturday night There was no service in the Baptist church on Sunday the pastor Rev Cameron being in Winnipeg Dur ing the pastors absence for a month they have decided get a supply two Sundays and have no service the other two is indebted to another of its citizens for a magnificent flafc pole which was successfully raised last Tuesday afternoon Mr Frank Miller the genial host of the Mansion I louse The ten mile bicycle race which has to he contested by ii different runs now stands as follows Hen points Art Atkinson points Hare points- Race time 1st see 2nd sec 3rd sec As three more runs are to take place somewhat faster time is yet expected On Friday last Mrs of got up on an ottoman to see what time it was and by some means she fell upon the her head narrowly missing the hoy Stove Her arm began to painful and medi cal aid was summoned when was discovered that her arm was fractured above the wrist The old lady is years of age and much sympathy is fell for her in her mishap The Sabbath School the Point and Orillia was a good suc cess about taking in the trip from Altogether about oc cupying ten coaches were on board be fore reaching Sutton The cricket match at Sutton between Stouffyille and was won by by a score of to 22 The boat lo bad all she could The weather was fine in the morning but during the day heavy- occurred now and again which detracted con siderably from the pleasure which otherwise would have been experienc ed OAK RIDGES A pretty wedding was celebrat ed in St Johns Church Oak Ridges Wednesday July 1th at oclock when Elizabeth eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo was married io Mr John merchant and postmaster at The church had been adorned by the young people of the congregation with and orange and looked very pretty The marriage ceremony was performed the rector of the parish Rev Mr who assisted by Rev Mr Hand of Lloyd- town the church being crowded to the doors The bride was handsomely costumed in white muslin with- bridal veil decorated with of the val ley and looked graceful and Her Maid of Honor was Miss Flo who was dressed in organdie over white and she was further attended by Miss of Toronto and Miss who was attired in or gandie over blue and yellow The bride and her fair attendants made a lovely group and every movement was Tuberculosis vepttop Which was- right Kvcrywhcre of preventive in dealing with tuberculosis gaining recognition A pamphlet has been widely- circulated by the he Health Department of the Vestry or Hammersmith giving the follow ing rules for preventing contagion No milk should be used has not been boiled All meat should he thoroly cooked before being- Meal suspected to be diseased should not ho eaten The expectoration from a Con sumptive patient should as far be burned It is a- source or serious danger when it Is dry audvbecomes dust and so the air A patient as for women should as Tar as possible spit into a Preoption It -WfllJJ- prccablc drams nation vessel containing home ulceration curia tart the of the vessel should be the delicate or emptied down the drain organs in a elate of perfect They should never be allowed to dry and on a handkerchief Is no alcohol or other in Any formation of dust should be as far as possible prevented by using damp dus ters for furniture and tealeaves or damp sawdust before sweeping the floors All culinary utensils used by a rftfl drift Apart to tmilifyhti rheart by society roaming firide the home dyll and to the club The apple homes which echo -to- love arid laughter of volcee- flic which are often rem They out of ft or condition of the delicate female organ When conditions removed and vital- to the motherhood It frequently that the is gladdened by the coining of happy infant There no other medicine that J- Do you hin of If you write THIS SUMMER roomy which have teen occupied by a consumptive patient the consumptive patient should washed boiling water being used by cither persons The wearing atarcl of a con sumptive patient should he kept scru pulously clean The kissing or a consumptive pa rent be avoided Favorite consult V Pierce of by letter Kvery held as strictly private mc redly confident i bad a front uterine rouble for two in am before write of Co about tip in I taw the of ftr medicine and would jive trial report I bought a bottle of Dr- lit- and it fell tetter than I for After four and a Half ties I gave birth to a bright girl who is vow LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT Arid prJooi of Vanccre Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Wise and never home llic tffis indicate love in society and both agreeable and babies they grow four old and ha not ha 1 nnich In pretrial Ion a day of of Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork i i Dr Pellets arc a women of habit boon to The Willi case and was supported Mr Mr and Mr ceremony the invited guests to the number of drove to Mr 2nd concession where the bride and groom received the hearty congratulations of their many friends To frightful disfigurement Mrs Nannie Gallcger of La Orange applied Arnica Salve to great sores on her head face and writes its cure exceeded ail Iter hopes It works wonders in Sores Bruises Skin Eruptions Cuts Hums Scalds and Piles Cure teed by Lehman druggist Charged With k to a hank the in Infants I hi Geo Overall who is in county as an insurance not had a very smooth lime dur ing the last two or three years lie is now in jail committed trial on the very serious charge of forgery E vera I lias been acting as agent for the Mutual Fire Insur ance Company Before he could his agency be had to give a bond for to protect the against possible shortages The bund was given however and to it were the names of Frank of Thornton a cousin and McKay Division Court Bailiff ap pears that the cousins was attached and on of ibis McKay signed the bond is that Kveiatlii shortages n over Si the company called upon the bondsmen to put up According to l KveraJIs story Ibis was the first he knew of the bond pri soner said he met his cousin in in April of and got permis sion to sign his name Frank ICveral admits meeting the prisoner in Allan- dale but says be distinctly told George that he would have nothing do with mm whatever He claims that his signature on the bond was a for gery McKay learning the condition of affairs with the other swore out a warrant for arrest which was July effected by Detective before P lirillJa on Monday and sent up for trial Crown Attorney Cutler con ducted the prosecution There is another charge pending against Eve rail that of soliciting in surance for the Citizens Insurance Co Chicago which is not licensed to do business in Canada Examiner True faith handed Rainbows- in heart Some men are bears at borne Merited praise is wholesome Troubles are like larger by musing A v man eve goe- teller for information The slave has but one master office holder has many Many a man lays down bis life trying to Jay up money is a plant or slow growth but its fruit is Never make pleasure an excuse for neglecting your business A man can talk as he likes when bis wife is away on a visit The love of a good woman is the best protection a man can have Unless a man keeps moving the world will soon him down A mans ideal borne lias a man let in every room on which to rest feet While the fool is waiting for an op portunity the wise man makes one The longest periods in the life of a smalt boy are those between meals You can seldom judge a man by bis actions when he is away from home The smaller the fish the more it strains the veracity of the fisherman There arc many kinds of foolishness but the worst kind is selfishness A gem is not polished without rub bingnor is man perfect without trials If a man has good judgment be oc casionally uses the judgment of others The older a man gets the more lie laments because of the things he hasnt done The man who doesnt know what he wants is always kicking The devil was says a retired baseball lie coached five when she first Adam stole second When Isaac met at the well she walking with a pitcher Sampson struck out a good many times when lie lat the Philistines Moses made his first run when he slew the Cain made a base hit when he killed Abel Abraham made a sacrifice The pro digal son made a home rut David was a long distance thrower and Moses shut out the Egyptians the lied Sea Largest Factory in for PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT A Caw We the under do hereby rtfirfte to refund tin money on ft twenty- five cent bottle Dr Wills glish 1ili if after using threefounhB of of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four will per manently cure the most obstinate- of Constipation faction or no pay Wills English Pitts are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Main Newmarket Got BINDER FT IT CUT lie lies l Drive Mads Ufa Bearings lor lite and he doesnt get it It is well to make a good beginning and it is also well remember that the end is what determines every thing Five Blocks Go Up in Smoke Dont Stop taking Scotts Emulsion fee- Cause its warm taking it until arc cured It will your lungs and give you Mood In Us Jn winter ret oil made easy Sftip An djutii Arizona which over dam age started at oclock last even ing and burned unchecked until oclock this morning when the fire fighters went a considerable distance in advance of the flames and blew up buildings on the south side of Good win street preventing them from crossing that street Tile burned district embraces five blocks in which were located the prin cipal mercantile bouses both hanks both telegraph offices three newspaper plants four hotels every saloon and every restaurant except one in the town besides scores of private resi dences Insurance agents estimate the total insurance does not exceed At daylight teams were hauling lumber to the public plaza which was soon covered with tents and tempor ary frame bindings The will be ready for business tomorrow Both banks have had temporary located and will be open tomor row The sufferers from the fire have been provided with food belter clothing and it is not thought any outside will be necessary- July Or ange gathering today lias great success At least visited and away highly pleased with their days outing The largest procession that has tvst walked our streets proceeded to- the Town Park and were entertain Al by numerous eloquent speakers Chap- lam Walsh of the I was the principal speaker It was a day every respect Compare the Era with any other weekly for home news The virtues of are many and varied and moreover are not as well known ought to says an English exchange It is very wholesome and even those who do not like it should take it medicinally in the spring foe it purifier the blood keeping it cool and healthy One great virtue rhubarb possesses and which is not generally known is it takes all flavors while giving none in return and is therefore of the great est use in adding to a tart or pudding when the fruit used has run short or is expensive A Vldov Love Receives a setback if she has offen sive breath through Constipation Bili ousness or Stomach Trouble but Dr Kings New Life Pills always cure those troubles dean the system sweeten the breath banish headache best in the world for liver kidneys and bowels Only at Lehmans drug store ALL SIZES With and Serrated L dter Platen if Ask our to show the New Patentee Bearing Knife whe specially ordered irxQ FROM JULY 3RD I Central Business v- Offer ezcdUat opportunity for Teacher and 8toIpr Student in the Shorthand and Penmanship ycmbert enter at ftnr two up- at Special terra for work Fall vblcb op en Sept manufacture the and most complete line of and Seeding on Earth comprising Spring Tooth Cultivators with grain and sowing attachments if Spring and Spike Tooth Disc Jiafpotas Grain Drills all kinds Rakes friction and dump- If you in our line eend lt00 Catloat J You will it much to met est to do so THE Co Out Subscribe for the Ira and set all the Home FOE BALE Three in Can he seen working at the office Thursday Is a bargain at but Will sell for Enquire at this NOT PROMPTLY SECURE Write for oar Iplereitg Help How u sketch model of end new iliietiyw- Hiving that of Aurora are of- terJogmyireeetrH to my in North gentlemen arc acting as toy agent that my sole time Mr All order placed In Ma will the moat attention an have supplied thru lor toe orchard the Offered by the Hon Wra man repTeaeotlorfblaiielt urenThum a patron Jiurte slnocaJuneJUttW ftl patentable application have ajccessfuHy prosecuted by i ally equipped la Mod re dispatch as as the Highest hi rion receive nolle J over too the Specialty Patent od Engine ert MARION MARION and that be that be fax ton and ub10 Newark nd m baa that Celebrated low Co do a A T A fc

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