Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 20, 1900, p. 6

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I YlJ ROACHS Garden Party Which to have last Tuesday on Mr lawn fit aid of Hie ten lie Christian Church nonet till next- on ac count of he wet weather During the heavy storm thai passed over this section on Wednesday afternoon of week Mr Theodore met with quite a loss his hired hoy narrowly escaped his life Mr Hat lion resides on base line about three from this place The hoy was plowing Die storm camo up The horses were struck and instantly The electric current is supposed to have I fll passed along the plow Handles rs ltie rtoclorii tare boy was stunned some lorn from his body and several teeth out Fortunately the ftoon returned to apparently none- the worse for his close call Mr Patrick Council of the old est and most- respected residents died at his residence on Monday after on illness of three weeks The funeral oh Wednesday was largely attended Rev Mr conducted the services which were held at the house Mr Council leaves a widow and eleven children all married Mrs to NHvakrt OH A HON Mr Thomas had the jnls- f or tune to lose a valuable horse on Saturday night last it being killed by lightning however it was Insured for part value Miss Emily and Sunday at Orchard Heath spent a few days with friends on Union St this Week Miss Maggie has relumed home after spending the Just- year in Columbia A Mrs It if and son Gordon have gone to to the holidays with her mother Mrs It Way ling from her visit at Mr ably Hied the Methodist- pulpit on Sunday last Mr Kills Long attended the funeral of his Mr at on Sunday last Lots of visitors at Mr on Sunday Mrs of and sister Mrs Will of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr Mr and Mrs Watson picnicked with friends at Morton Park on Sat urday last Mrs Fletcher and daughter of Toronto spent Saturday with her The Society enjoyed a rare treat- on Sunday evening when Rev Mr of Toronto who sum- met log at Orchard gave a very interesting and able address on the topic of the evening How to missionary work successful It is expected that flew Mr Turk will ad dress the meeting he fore long pro bably next Sunday evening Dr Warden a prominent Pres byterian minister will occupy the pul pit of the Methodist Church on Sun day morning the hist The Is an able speaker Mr Livingston will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday morning The Temperance meetdig on Monday was a complete failure on ac count of the severe storm There church here now Sun day morning and evening Elder of Newmarket commenced preaching here last Sunday morning and Is to come every other week The Methodists have an appointment here the alternate Sunday morning and the Church of lias service every Sunday evening so we are well sup- plied now July is Pros- Very next BALDWIN We regret to hear that Mr sister Mrs J Wesley Mr George is rusticating with his brother Mr A Miss Wilson and brother of St also Mrs were guests of the Misses Allen last week Mr Cane and lady friend spent over Sunday at Mr Angus Williams and Mr Nor man spent Monday with a parly of ladies at the Lake A bus load from Aurora HUM- day at Morton Park Both the Skylark and the Vat are out every day With cruising parties Mr Geo Smith artist of was busy here this week with his camera Rev A II the wellknown evangelist is supplying the pulpit of the Methodist Church during July and August while the pastor J A Rankin is rusticating at Orchard Ikach Squire is having a great- time raising his poultry this season polecats and rats he has lost young turkeys and chickens Last week Mr John Manns son About 17 years of age was taken to Toronto Hospital for treatment on ac count of injuries to his leg just be low the knee Ivan was working foe Mr Friend Morton while driving thru Keswick about three four weeks ago the horse was frightened at a bus trimmed with flags and it holt upsetting the buggy and throwing out As the injuries only grew worse under local treatment he was advised to go to the Hospital When first examined the doctors were afraid his leg would have to ho ampu tated but Mr Mann got word on Sat or day that he was doing nicely Hopes are entertained that he will not even have a still knee which was also feared if the teg was saved Guests at Fenwood Mr Boyd Manager Mr- and Mrs Gal- and son Mr and Mrs Donovan and family Mrs T Buckle Mrs Mr Frank Job of Toron to Guests at John Mrs White and family Mr and Mrs James Jackson Mr and Mrs Daniels and daughter and Mr Wade alt of Toronto Miss Bertha Wright St Louis Mo and Messrs and Webster of Aurora During this week Mr A Bums and family brother George of Toronto and Mr Watson and family lave been added to the chore residents occupying the cabins next to Saints Rest In the place Mr Fred and com rades are having a rest when not on fishing and boating expeditions The summer residence of Dr at Hollow Is now rapidly ap proaching completion It is an airy building with broad piazzas and com manding a beautiful view of the Bay la front as well opposite shore Mrs David Wilson of Toronto also lira Hairy Wilson are occupying Mr cottage this week a rues Dales of Michigan a former resident of this part a brother of Mr David Dates has fallen a victim to cancers and his health is considerably impoverished therehy Mr and Mrs Dales and another brother Rich ard Dales of accompanied l hem to Michigan to pay him a visit We hope they may have a pleasant and profitable time Mr Armstrong experienced an adventure about days ago Having just returned with a load of shingles for his new barn he drove inside of the building He unhitched three traces preparing to unhitch the fourth when an irritable horse stepped oft the end of the barn floor being the only floor that was laid at the time and dragged the entire outfit down into the basement a distance of some feet We are informed that the principal damage was a broken tongue and a few bruises on the horses not to incapacitate them very much Mr and Airs Vernon of Whit church were visiting friends here on Sabbath last Ms P Spink and daughter Gladys are spending a few days with Mrs J J Spink Mr Geo King who has for some time been engaged at the Klondike saw mill got his hand badly cut a few days ago with the in the shingle mill Mr Win Curtis has this week made himself the recipient of a brand new Waterloo threshing engine We regret to chronicle the fact that on Monday last half a dozen of our village ladies visited the berry patch on Proctors farm Con securing a very fine lot of berries but white Mrs was absent from the wagon where she left about lbs of berries a certain miscreant whose name we withhold took both pail and berries We strongly advise the young man to speedily make amends Mr John and wife of Torpn- to were visiting friends and relatives here Mr Albert and wife of Whit church were the guests of his brother Mr Mrs Charles and family were the guests of Mrs Heacock who has just returned from visiting her sister Mrs Henry at Toronto Mr Hiram has returned from a visit to the Paris Exposition and reports a good time- Mr Sim Tilson who has been tak ing a course in the Business College at Toronto spent a few days here this week and his Aunt Mrs accompanies him to Is land on a visit to her sister Mrs Mrs Wood was visiting friends in the city last week An aged couple from took the sports at Aurora on the We- had a dab of rain on Wednesday last and a storm during which Yates saw mill was struck by the electric current hut luckily escaped lire On evening we had an other display with a copious downpour of rain for which we are grateful All Nature oven the birds show that they appreciate it A large number from this section by private conveyances to the blue berry regions Silver bought forty pounds from Uncle Sam Youd better call around huckleberry pies not had to lake and has the knack of making good Hon J- Davis was looking in on Ms friends in this section on Thurs- Father accompanied whether in the capacity of mas ter of ceremonies gate opener etc am prepared to state however Id rather Imi a lack to the or than be a dweller in the tents of those who arc vainly seeking the opportunity to wear their shoes Some think the honorable gentleman is too great a temperance crank but love to see a man up for his prin ciples Mrs John Miller keeps her hanging in the well to keep On Saturday she was preparing to churn and drew up the can the handle gave way and all her churning of cream was dumped in the water necessitat ing pumping the well empty What her private thoughts were history does not record not very cheerful J pre sume Only two on our market Aaron does not come any more as he was side tracked by the of her buyers We understand he was grossly abused having butter he had purchased knock ed out of his hand and kicked about in the dust The guilty patty had to seetfe Come back Aaron youll get fair play or somebody H Ik expos I hope may friends are enjoying their summer outing The chief drawback to this holidaying at its is the Sunday visit Tse who wish enjoy the quit suuity of the Sabbath ae disturbed by ihe Sunday guests Seems me Id give some very plain hints if necessary by a nuniber 1 boot such company Congratulations to our young friend Bert Cane Hes welt rewarded for the great interest he took in Whitby Ladies College I often wondered what was the attractive power there The poor man here hires pasture for his cows tho rich man pastures his on the Queens highway The poor mans cow is fat the rich cow just skin and bone Bees are said to be doing well Honey Is plentiful and cheap here James Millers father from Mount Albert is spending a few weeks with him In conversation with the Hon Com missioner of Crown Lands he inci dentally intimated he found pleasure in reading Breezes Now if such a busy man can afford to spare time for breeding shall continue this column of weekly happenings shouldnt Sound advice If a young minister were to request me for advice I should say Go take counsel and cultivate the good graces of the elderly min isters In no way can a young man gain more popularity Rev is one of the most popular ministers in our section which is largely due to his deference and re spect for the fathers in Israel of the church I have noticed he would drive miles out of his way to visit the aged ministers The occupants of leasehold proper- tics have promises of an abundant harvest in this locality Crops gen- look well thanks to welcome showers Aunt Rachel Young of Keswick is spending a few days with her niece Ben Aunt Rachel is Li a The Went were wel comed in Biz is booming at the brick works Mies M of Toronto is home on a vacat Ion Mrs Evans and daughter Elsie of Omaha are visiting at the Royal also Mrs of Toronto Mrs Boyd and children of Inlet spent the past week at rental home here Miss Daisy left last week for Place where she will Vis it Mrs Leslie for a few weeks Miss V A is visiting friend at Richmond Hill SECOND STREET NORTH Miss May Gray of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr John also Mr Harris Jessie spent Sunday at her home also the Misses Hoi tor of Bradford Mr Harry Curtis has been confined to his bed for the past week suffering with a number or Willie driving a load of in the bam Miss Emma Morrison had the misfortune to crack her shoulder blade Mr Albert has purchased a new also Mr Jas Wright and Mr being all made by different firms Tho some storm of last week did great damage to the crops also blew down part of the bant which is being built by Mr John BUTTON Mr John is Agent for the at Sutton and is author ized to receive subscriptions accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to of Denbigh killed by fight J Matthew was drowned 2nd spending the day visiting and sightseeing until they were separated and of course after a time the began to consider the advisability of securing her guiding star preparatory to starting for home In her en deavors she wandered thru an en trance at the southern part of the grounds and after crossing fields of corn c she came to the Metropoli tan track Following it back to town she mot her spouse at the Queens Hotel where the horse and carriage were wailing Aurora Is a big place to get lost in Mr- Love started Tuesday last for Manitoba visiting friends- and re latives Mrs is rusticating at Lake her health being some what impaired The little stranger who made her ad vent at the homo of Mr Hi White is staying right there On Tuesday evening last Mrs Rob insons Night Blooming was quite an attraction smith a scaffold a distance and received injuries fell oil of twenty foot that may prove one of those dear old souls who make themselves universally beloved Sure twas a lucky day for Baldwin and our granger friends that a mar ket was established here Youd say so yourself if you once saw the throngs that visit us on Mondays Wimmin folks wont be now of a lack of washwater Were a plenty James has the most promis ing crop or yellow field corn have seen It averages about four feet in height all out in tassel The two sisters Grandma and Aunt have gone oil a visit to their Bister over near Shanty Bay John Miller made a job It stems ut terly for it to leak now A match was played a week ago Wednesday between and Sutton The weather was un favorable and only an innings each was played Sutton PujsJey shipped a carload of stock last Thursday The Hon J Davis spent a few days in this locality visiting among his constituents At the Methodist Harden Parly held at Mr Peter Grants at the Point the Hon Mr Davis- occupied the chair and a pleasant time was spent Mr of Toronto a friend of Mr intends spending some time at the Lake Shore Mrs of Toronto who has been visiting with her sister Mrs J returned home Saturday Mrs is reported to be very ill is with her daughter Mrs Dr Toronto Mrs H Johnstons daughters Clara and from are vis iting here at present Mrs is visiting with friends herejt She is the guest of Mrs Miss Flora of is on a visit here with friends Mr of Toronto has been visit ing his sister Mrs Johnston of Sutton Mrs Donald McDonald lies in a very critical Condition Miss of Toronto who has been visiting with Mis Johnston re turned home on Monday Two things that do not harmonize a rosette on the breast and a cigarette in the mouth Sincerely regret to hear death of Dr Thomas died of at China young people were confirmed the English Church last Tuesday Bishop of Toronto Can dour compels me to say that he does not set a very good example before youths in the injurious tobacco habit Mrs who has been visiting for some time with her mother Mrs Cuttle returned home last Monday to Toronto A mixture of socialism and what is termed Higher Criticism prevails largely in our which would be more appropriately designated Low er Criticism inasmuch as it seeks to degrade man to- the level of the brute creation or in other words that man is descended from the monkey or some thing lower What a lofty ideal such persons have and how proud they most be of their self chosen ori gin These critics would relieve man of all responsibility to a higher power and hence would follow the loosening of every incentive to a life of virtue morality and purity The underlying object of these worldlywise people seems to be a morbid desire to have a fling at Christianity and its expon ents the ministers They assert that the church is loosing its influence that it fails to draw the masses and that those who do attend are no better than those who do not that thing better Is needed for China than Christianity that obtains in this country c and because the church in her efforts has not power- to at once transform ro from boors to alt that is pure and saintly the whole blame is cast upon it If these wises acres would only look inward they would find that it is riot tho church or A very severe ntorm over here on Saturday evening A belonging to Mr Titus was struck and killed by lightning also a stack of hay belonging to Mr John wont up in smoke Mr improving the entrance to his beautiful farm proper ly by a pair of stone pillars and a fancy Iron gate Mr Geo Powell barber of Newmar ket and Mr Fogg spent Mon day fishing at the lake Guess they got luck Mr and Mrs Wright Fogg left here on Friday last for a trip to Winnipeg and the Territories Mr Geo Fogg received word from them on Wednes day saying arrived Winnipeg all right on Sunday morning Messrs Willie and Deli Fogg are acting as banana Mr Foggs absence The library will be open every Tuesday afternoon Thurs day afternoon and day Saturday Miss Lois Love of Aurora is the guest of Miss Addle Wight Miss Link is visiting in To Mr John Fogg is visiting in New market Mr Jos Tail of Mount Albert was the guest of Mr a few days last week Mr and Mrs Henry were visiting in North will ini bury on Sun day Jas Bain has returned from two wks visit in Thornbury ilss Turner is visiting Rochester Mr of the Toronto Police Force was visiting bis mother a few days last week Mrs Coates Mrs Walker and Mrs of Toronto are visiting with Mrs John Allan A family by the name of moved into Queens on Thursday last and moved out again on Monday Dr Graham is having the front of his premises remodelled also a boule vard made and a bridge in the road in front of his new lot Mr and Mrs Geo Fogg were visit ing in Newmarket on Sunday last Several of our citizens were storm- stayed in Newmarket on Saturday night last Mr Frank Morton was visiting in Sharon on Sunday Mr and Mrs J of Thorn ton were visiting here a couple of days this week Mr Dell Fogg is visiting Thorn ton Judge lUCLHAVEN E Roachs Lake Open for ail Campers and Parties for the season Prepared for public comfort in times of extreme heat I ce Cream etc A Refreshing Cup The cup to truly cheer must be of the best quality properly cured and dried your demand in this We a in Main St N Grocers Newmarket The Be The Best Class of The Best In JMoPth York or famine of the He In by for- their home Monday On my Sunday evening stroll I no ticed hat Miles Gum Swamp has a field of Indian corn averaging over five feet higher than my heart The Owl teaching at fault bo their for- their home Petrol a a i IhojJifis ii It on at Hi own stony and hearts that will not- accept the truth If they instead of cavilling at Christianity adopt its prehears into their lives this n better world in many respects me to tliiw iinvttvr i week Mr John There is either feast news for this place We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Patrick of Keswick The family have the sympathy of the en- tiro neighborhood in their sad bereave ment Deceased was a member of the Christian Church at Keswick for a good number of years Mr Forsyth of Mongolia visited Sirs A Winch on Sunday last He returned home Monday Miss Irwin accompanied him Miss of visited her sister Mrs Walker Mor ton on Sunday Messrs Cody and Montgomery of Harris Co are with Mr Walk er for a few days Mr Hartley of is with Mr the interests of pea harvesters Misses Buchanan of are visit ing Mrs I Gilpin Mr and Mr John Bird visited friends in Brechin this week Mr Bird returned home with them Mrs Silas Souks of QuetnsvilIe is at present visiting her father Mr Lu ther Draper Mrs Nash returned to Toronto after a weeks visit with her mother Mrs John Mr visit his grand mother Mrs J on Sunday He left Monday for Toronto He is studying for the ministry for the Christian Church If be is as earnest worker as his grandfather Rev he Will no doubt be of much service to the Church and its people Mr J was in Lloyd- town last week the funeral of his brotherinlaw Mr Reynolds Mr Perry Morton had a very suc cessful raising last Thursday after noon Nearly people were pre sent and all worked hard to assist each other Hon J Davis P for North York and Commissioner of Crown Lands was present and was heartily welcomed His genial smile and hearty handshake is always pre sent which makes him the more agree able and popular The Keswick Christian School and School intended having their annual Excursion on July 31st ami in fact had chartered the boat for that date but hearing that the Mao- cabee Lodge of Keswick had fixed their date for Aug 2nd the Sabbatf Schools have decided to postpone their excursion It Is however not defin ite but reports say tbisTnis School excursion should be pa tronised by all since- they have so lib erally given off voluntarily Must Pleased For Keep them Year Year and Have Foreign Business than any Paper in the Riding Be We after More of Thanks Mrs Gray of Holland Landing wishes to canny friends very kind durlne Illness and death of her ID At a general servant for family of three No washing- or coomb Apply promptly to of Jlkra Ave Toronto Souses to Seat- Apply to MRS Main Sir per month McLaughlin MERCHANT TAILOR Irish and Scotch Tweeds Fancy Vesting and Trouserings in Large Variety is and you will be Built Eight He dLri show wear It Is he very can do tcb aim to make each separate piece ft you nicety ftcd fine wearable you want to leave jour order with my Try us pleased Prices Reasonable FOR THE HOLIDAYS Til Ho of 4 Deputy County Court Clerk for the past fifteen years in Winnipeg is dead Ont July Thomas Carroll of Emily four miles north of place had his bam totally lav tveiiift iii t VJ A ifi rice fj by fire fax lit iind i to All work guaranteed Be Ready holidays and your soon foiog likewise will asking for photos of lf Have them lifeli nt once by Photos fioiahd all the Styles and at Lowest Price- Finely Finished dozen most artistic at Crayon and Water Colors Portraits and frames of all to Older a i i J an eJi iv of for Duties lihsi-

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