Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 20, 1900, p. 5

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it j f i MM- fffl fl NEWMARKET BRANCH A it DRAFTS ISSUED Merlin and bought rod to national lO- and jfttly Matt Text If man will come after let Win deny himself and lalto I up his cross mid follow me successful out Iho patients condition world has never a unit on the character of Christ Agent for Ctto Honor to Current How Agent on farm and Town if Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Grace MARRIAGE BUTTON WEST Simpson fMirfn8t and Fancy of and NEWMARKET Verse The faithful teacher closely examines his pupils believers have ever been unanimous on Jesus Christ arc truths that the keenest brain search IB All great movements have uvea of one man ID At Pentecost and lie opened the Kingdom to Precious stones should Kept In a Jewel case The advanced scholar has deeper lessons to learn Jjo careful of your anxieties about Jesus Christ speak Satans thoughts we are as Satan The denial of self is the true disciple badge long garnered wheat gives no harvest Life in the precious asset in this worlds inventory PRACTICAL Verses 1314 Men of the world have never been a unit In Jesus Christ The fioul lat is Spirit taught has ever discerned Christs di vinity God can the teacher of ordinary men if they WIN Around some consecrated individuality the world ever moves He who robs Christ of divinity removes the vitals from re ligion Not trials but a crucified life fa cross bearing TRUTHS Verses arc confessions and confession Christs divinity gathers in every excellency Christs divinity makes sin and -atonement- real Christs divinity gives Christian faith solid foundation Verses The Church has not many hut one foundation The truth incarnated In Peters words is the foundation The truth incarnated in Peters life is the foundation No man can found a supernatural religion Verses 2123 Opposition to atonement is from Satan The Cross alone is fatal to a sluing life The Cross alone emphasizes the fatality of sin The Gross is the only effective weapon against sin Verses 212G The Cross has a relationship to the believers life The Cross signifies our union with Christ in death He who chooses the life of self will lose the fellowship with God He who denies self gains the joy of knowing God Verges Scriptural opinion of Christ is vital to character Christs divinity believed works out a supernatural life in the believer Christs atonement received works out death of sin in the be liever Christs atonement realized destroys all self centered life mm Better Than He booked if At per cent op ilw loans for J andjtcat let Agent for the wnwn Office Block Mount Albert The Washington Star quotes a travelling man as an amusing but is hoped an exaggerated of the a man who ap plied for a position as schoolmaster- in a Southern mountain district schools in that region it should be ex- arc maintained subscrip tion The travelling man says I was stopping at a cabin all night and a pale slender young man came during the evening to tali- with my iot Im thinking of starting a school here he said and I watited to see if you would subscribe Kin read Yes Kin write Certainly Kin rigger Of Course If It Hi No discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter the excitement that has been caused by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Its severest lests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption Pneumonia Hemorrhage Pleurisy and Bronchitis thousands of Whom It has restored to perfect health For Coughs Colds Asthma Croup Hay Fever Hoarse ness- and Whooping Cough it is the quickest surest cure in the world It is sold- by Lehman who guaran tees satisfaction or refunds money Large bottles and i Trial bot tles free It Is reported that the To ronto University will Inaugurate a department for the examination of proflClchts The Police Magistrate sent Henry of Kingston to serve six months in the Central for Indecency in fork A few more lessons like this will teach the vulgar to ob serve proper respect for public decen cy An evening paper The Star has Ibis suggestive observation There Is something wrong the Toronto milk lest Milk that is reported to be excellent and Is thought lo be fine doesnt make cream in the pan as does milk you get the farmer when you arc at your summer cottage should gel a sample of real milk from a real cow It is understood the scheme for the federation of Provincial and Trinity Universities is rapidly taking definite shape Details are now being dis cussed The Glorious Twelfth was grand ly celebrated in this city The pro cession numbered about the or ange and blue colors were prevalent along the whole line Before the pa rade started Mr F Clarke pre sented a beautiful silk Canadian en sign to one of the city lodges The day at the Exhibition rounds was a gala one and everybody appeared to enjoy themselves Games and sports in the big ring was the great attrac tion during the afternoon During the past week about members of the Yukon Field Force bronzed by the rays of the Artie sun have been at Stanley Bar racks proceeding to their vari ous infantry schools These men look fit for anything the grey fell hats they wear looped up at one side give them an active appearance tots of citizens look them to be returned vol unteers from South Africa J McNiel of Hamilton who was in jured some days ago while drinking Willi a crowd in north end of the city died of lockjaw at the hospital The House of Commons has passed the two for Toronto harbor SI for the work at the eastern entrance Tor diversion of the Don and dredging of the harbor I OF BOOS r li j CLOTHING AND that Talk Look at a of them Malis Fine Lace Boots for Mens Fine Dong Lace Boots for Mens Box Call Lace Boots for Ladies Fine Dong Oxfords for Ladies Fine Dong Oxford Cloth Top Ladies Fine Dong Oxfords Mens Good Tweed Suits lor Mens Extra Good Tweed Suits idr Mens Extra FipeBIk Worsted Suits Sate Gost i 5 Jji SEATS tor Pupils THE Factory Newmarket Accooimodating prices for the Trustees Write for estimates mm Limited Notre Dame St Montreal P Bay St Toronto a Notice to Creditors Very KIDNEY and Mr Patrick J McLaughlin Que- states J was troubl ed with kidney disease and dyspepsia for years and have that bad could not sleep at nights and terrible agony I tried all sorts of medicines hut no relief until I began using Dr Chases Kidneyfiver Pills The made a new man of me and Ihe old troubles to be driv en out of my system One pill a dose gents a box Hie matter or the of Late of Township If Daily Gain Ground Held by Foreign Ttfoops did want a marriedman The las three teachers the Old with gals an thar LATEST IN UP CallBefpreQrderinffIjIiewbere Alto Money Loiafi- Fire cent on lf v Air married No Wal time bap run off with gals an enough gals in this neighborhood now But I dont spbse none of em would want a lean feller like I reckon not married much ex- j a feller terbc Then one thing Me and liill an is ait ten school an lam ter read an write I an he AK so I reckon tlje only one wr settle is me tec hey Kin lout I studied boxing said the stran ger Don know boxes make ifryf one an see was the big hit at Julie map and he yarned eofisejoirs- rifck he had his the voouIkjx in his feet P the ah him witj a ilwed he said Young feller ill some fiehoof an iter work on Victoria July YAM The discharge of a Winchester in the hands of a 10yearold boy re sulted in ihe death of the hoys fath er caretaker of Cold St waterworks and his sis- tor The hoy is so crazed with that he attempted to drown himself in the reservoir Ww Mutual for Pi j Corner of lad Lot J a fis Retail Among the numberless difficulties with which every publisher of- a news paper has to deal with is the over earing demand of some- people in re- to giving their neighbor or some one else a ripping- up thru the -ol- umhs of the newspaper Many times it is essentia perhaps that persons in all localities receive thru the columns of- the paper a good dressing out but the to see tbe do would not his her a 11 aBHWi to the- article for any- sty iiJ vv will popularity or reputation tiiem boxes will Bjflfe are to the eJi- it and father- ii simply he cause he hasnt any reputation Unit perhaps A -publisher- reserves at all times to publish or all RlCec1pp communications and as v consequence ItoWnff are- more cast Into fliie London July A curious story is told- of a recent visit of the Prince of Wales to Newmarket He arrived there unexpectedly took a cab and drove to the Jockey Club unrecogniz ed Cabby seeing His Royal Highness walkng oh called loudly to a nearby policeman Stop that man he has not paid Ins fare The policeman at once recognized the Prince of Wales and was horrified but the Prihco was much amused and produced the money fln Streets The a beat DteDtODt has Yet Die la no man or Wocjiq can fcaye foot H coift all blood and end ip The favorite catbpytibj8iRooB Mils Winnipeg July Vincent Horn aged years was accidentally shot ahd killed yesterday by his playmate Levi Verhon Stewart an employee in Mani toba was killed by lightning while The young man was from Athens Ont- Wiflnitfeg July A jrrqgan bad both of his taken while 1oardjng his at te jewoco the and era sev eral whfej legs London Saturday July ll The Daily Express at Tien tsin dating his message July says that despite the most determined ef forts of the allies the Chinese are slowly but surely driving them in and are daily occupying ground that- on the previous day was held by the foreign troops On July they mounted six guns at Mr Delhngs house at the racecourse and six at Mr villa From these advantageous posi tions they have since maintained an in cessant fire sweeping the streets of the foreign settlements and rendering position after position untenable Tem perance hall has also been occupied by the enemy and from there a hail storm of rifle bullets and fifteen shells burst for six hours over Col Dor wards headquarters One was killed and nine were wounded by this fire Neither the Welsh Fusiliers nor the Americans who arrived on July have a single gun fit to reply to the Chinese and they are with transport or commissa riat Navigation of the river below is wholly impracticable The waters of the and have been diverted by cutting the can als from upper waters thus flood ing the kin London Is hereby pursuant to ftVrttnAtbee of toe fiald or before the 1st Say of August H Lloyd for Ad- J u Jars and of their to- the of If thorn duly verified notice after the GiJ lt day of Augxut the laid Aden trail piU proceed with of dCjCCasI country east and south of by Saturday July The h Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express in a despatch dated yesterday claims to have the authority of the Consular body for stating in the most emphatic terms that no official news of any description has come from since July when it was stated that the foreigners there had been massacred on some date between June and June possibly July The correspondent adds that he has vainly offered a thousand pounds for any authentic news He further says and that is that China is everywhere preparing for war with the powers London Saturday July A spatfh to the Daily Mail from St Petersburg says that in the last six hours of the battle outside TienTsin the Cossacks captured six Krupp guns end killed a large number of fleeing Boxers The Chinese lost 3000 killed includ ing Gen Key AH the wounded Euro peans were sent either to Vladivostok or Port Arthur The allies in Tsin have a twomonths supply of food and ammunition at July IN PROVIDING to facilitate your business- have you a Long Distance h It la doubtful if Any testimony much grateful unsolicited Two Main t A basket or placed op file for use thap iri- ever printed By some people the editor of a is far ton it amdunt of a I too at times id ffilJiii fr a beoaAV to the writes aa been troubled with Weeding for tow or flye y ud on Alto Floor BoHdiOMB Butter 8ft1tj Canned Corn Peas Oology -V7enxFe- od Orders on ilk ed almojdyJ flnp that wu at large hut happens somfine on more- individuals time what at large- would do it the editjjT all or even J Kf the the he Jiowato as gospel in unpleaaknt W arc M afioat drift a f stories 1Jit the tow in the of editor and he seldom iTv moat the- A newSpapef not printing things- as does for things Wilson Star km i We fero The charges The Local of BELL TELEPHONE will be pleased to We Want Your Trade time ierjge will Bell Do It what Bat We Can Import- your pip f are by our of our work tell lt CQM AT ONCE HAND I i fieffuUtPufc0 lL EVENING CLASSES am tor m Era for Balance of 1900 ssr for only cents Cash J L i I iiiAMr iyi -1- A a i i

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