Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 20, 1900, p. 3

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y Weeks JJtwv jvr3Tg aOQ The Christian Sunday School the trolley leaves- it pre good on any car during If you have visited take His is a very favorable opportunity Union Sunday School unites Ms picnip Presbyterian Next Sabbath morning Roy Mr will apeak on Judas the be trayer study of this involves of deep themes Id the evening arevicwof ihe of Dr will he given mid hear it as it will the on Tuesday night doubly Bottled South end racket a couple of weeks ago has by of and coats by second parry This slip value en Inspector mat- attends to busi- I tie Junction of huiVwtoM in the Championship match lur ing ten successive scored last In minutes for the of was referee There was THE A J f A match took place on Wednesday evening between the men at Canes Factory and the Specialty which was quite exciting The score stood to in favor of Canes Factory and one innings to spare Both sides flue ItinrcporWd on account of the asking an rate after were completed Excursion Niagara Falls is off i the the Excursion to Toronto next probably be the last one of season from- bete and should be well patronized The On morning young man Harris narrowly escaped losing a The fronts Qf four were scored vyhlchrwill Jay him oil work for awcelcof so The Specialty people adding to their targe tK of lumber by the car- load The yards and sheds will soon bo asfull as they will hold Mr Hunter a new brick wall at the Office Specially Works dividing lie engine and boiler rooms He Stole On Monday morning Constable whom praise is duo a telephone message from recent fire we learn that Mr we Clifton acted a heroic part for which lit received no commendation While in look out for a man about years of age small mous tache brown hair scar on nose qbout dump the hulk of the lifting in ou oddish brown coat dig new machine fsom Laundry the flames roaring over their as If roof was ready to fall In upon Mr Clifton raised Jiis head to watch the ceiling and received a full charge of water In the breast from the Town hose He stuck to tin machine however until removed dangerous position and vest brown sailor pants black and white stripe shirt and black and white check tie The man was engaged with Mr A Craig near On Monday morning he was missing as well as 25 lo Mr Nothing seen of the man here ffoothodlot Hey of Toronto ex pected to preach berc next Sunday morning and evening- premeno The Fire Brigade is to meet this evening for Excursion business and possibly the Excursion will go to the Falls as previously Orteday lastwesk Mr Ver non slipped Inbin yard and fell to the ground injuring bis back so severely hat he was confined to his bed for several days Jaloiit Who Is to address on his work in the New Hebrides in Presbyterian church evening Is acknowledged of all denominations of the greatest of missionaries We doubt if there is greater Dr is now seven years of age has upwards of forty years in mission work in the cannibal islands the South Seas Hit experiences are thrilling and many of his tie short of miraculous To hear a man of such faith and works is to feel that the Gospel lias lost cone its oldtime power Thin in visit Let the of all denominations turn out to hear this hero The meeting wH com mence at oclock A in aid of his work will he This Friday afternoon the home team play at lion Park This pro mises to a very exciting game is playing a very having won several this sea son against fast teams However after the game the local against St Michaels on Do minion Day we are quite of our boys winning Gamble will be hi for the home team with Weir behind the bat The remainder of the team- will likely be the same as on Dominion Day As the boys are in debt for their uniforms they expect a large attendance at Fridays game which will materially their finances frame called at Admission gents ladios Come and help the boys along to Next Wednesday the Methodist Sun day School holds annual Excursion to Toronto all the way by trolley special ears are to lie in readiness at oclock and return from the Park at pm There is every accommodation at Park to provide very enjoyable out ing for both old and young As the tickets arc only it affords a cheap trip for any who desire lo spend the day in the city The Jelhodist Excursion generally takes a good crowd and it is hoped that next Wed nesday will ho no exception Bond Weather permitting the Hand intends to another of the delightful openair Concerts this day evening on the lawn in front of the Methodist Church The follow ing program will be rendered March Soldiers in the Park Move Johnson Oporatic Selection Boherafam Girl Waltz Mackie Casey Two Step Dinahs Jubilee Ellis March Toledo Light Serenade Starlit Night March Fort Hall Fleeting Shadows God Save the Queen palled to Mr of Montreal did not put in an appearance Newmar ket on Wednesday as which was quite a disappointment ao a num ber- of men were In Town horses for sale a I if There was a good market last Sat and new potatoes i- 1 were down to a peck hut tor beans a gallon cabbage and each Garden rasp her and a box raspberries and a box Currants quart and Black Iahts flc Pure allwool Mens Linen Cotton Hose heavy and black yheeting yards French Fancy Fust Color fur 10 60inch Table Linen Mens Ceylon Flan not Shirts regular All over Colored Muslins regular to now 10 and Overalls with Bib Combs at ami 10 We try to yon posted- weeks ago we advised buying then sugar has gone up per lb we advise you to buy Fall Goods when you will save oil every dollar since Now if A Mr Wilson is occupying The Cedars Mr taken the house vacated by Mr Wilson Mr has gone into the house were Mr formerly resided and Mrs Geo Rose is moving into the house on Millard Ave which she recently pur chased You never fall with Baking Powder corner v The York County Departmental Store Departments Dont man ever makes anything by buying of fake dealers who go about the country locating in little towns for a week and making a great noise about what they will give away These fellows are in to make money They can not buy legitimate goods any cheaper than a legitimate dealer hence are sure to get stuck if you buy of them Buy of your home dealer He give you just as the same class of goods as these fakirs will Your borne dealers are here at all times Their reputa tion is at stake They assist you and you assist thera They pay taxes and give assistance at any time when assistance is needed They contribute to your societies your churches schools any legitimate arid good cause while he fakir comes in for a couple of weeks takes your money and gives nothing but shoddy in turn Look out for the fakir Give him a severe letting alone and thus as sist in the welfare and prosperity of your town St Day Sunday last was St Day and to legends connected with this Saint as it rains or shines oh the of July so shall the weather be for the forty days ensu ing St Day if thou dost rain For forty days it wilt remain St Day If thou be fair For forty days twill rain mair Poor Robins Almanac so long ago- as made declaration of the same adding a word as to the Saint him self In month is St Day On which if that it rain they say Full forty days after it will Or more or less some rain distill This was a Saint I trow And bishop also Who in his time did many a feat As Popish legends do repeat A woman having broke her eggs By stumbling at anothers legs For which she made a cry St chanced to come by Who made them all as sound or more Thau ever that lliey were before But whether this were so or no Tis more than you or I do know Better it is to rise And to hay while the sun doth shine to believe in talcs and lies Which idle monks and friars devise Burnt Out About l oclock on Monday night something went wrong with the arc dynamo and thai accounts for no street lights since it Appears that the current lost its connection in the armistice winding An electrical ex pert was expected here yesterday to look at the machine It will pro- have to he sent to the city for repairs Fortunately the light i not very badly needed at this the year The electrical expert arrived on Wed nesday evening and his examination confirmed the suspicion of Electrician Kitchen Temporary repairs were made at- once and the street lights were on a little after oclock Yes terday the repairs were completed sending anything to the factory in the It is reported that a Moonlight from Toronto is coming to Bonds Lake this evening The Brit ish Canadian Band is to provide music and they expect to come thru to New market before getting of at the Lake giving our people half an hours seren ade Christian Church In view of the great missionary Roy J coming to Newmarket next week Rev Weeks proposes to give a brief sketch his life Sunday morning On Sunday evening the pastor will continue his Talks on the Lesson for the following Sunday which inaugurated Sabbath evening X- THE CHEAP STORE ySJ jA moving the Buildings- On Monday morning four teams and eight men commenced grading on the Fair to moving all the buildings upon the property re cently purchased on the South side of the grounds They have been at- It ever since and expected to finish last night Other men are tearing up and re moving the floor in Floral Hall and getting ready to move Mr Woodruff of Albert has the con tract and expects to move all Ave buildings in three weeks The largest is about feet square including the transepts and was built without a floor so that it will be a ticklish job to move intact- When completed the Pair Grounds will present a roomy appearance and give ample latton for everything connected with the coming Fair Pretty Fixed Oh Monday a arrival at the Industrial Home came from Township named Peter Shaver In removing his clothing and giving him a clean outfit no less than were found tied up with a bundle of rags in an old handkerchief As he is to be a permanent inmate this sum reverts to the Home In Mens only Mens Tweed Soits well made good light and dark patterns reg ular price were 800 and 850 Special Mens and tog Exciting One of the most peculiar runaways that ever happened in this Town took place on Tuesday afternoon A span of horses belonging to Mr Reuben of Sharon were tied at the rear of the freight shed while the owner went into the depot to transact some business A freight train came along from the north and the noise frightened the horses caus ing them to jerk loose They ran with all speed to the south end of the freight yard and the only opening on the track they headed that way As they reached the track the engine was but a few yards from them being previously hid by freight cars sheds c This increased the fright of the horses and they sped lets The Cheese Factory has patrons now Mr rot on Main St north of Dr office is nicely graded for a fine new residence next- year Any of our people desiring the ser vices of an appraiser for land or buildings will find Mr Phillips Park Ave a good practical man of large experience job issued a business card for him this week A wedding is on the program for the first of next month and prepara tions are going on at the north end in anticipation of the happy event- The High School Board is to meet on Saturday to select new Science teacher Farmers wear a broad smile these days as the price of binder vine- lowers A few of them however ie along the track from the high bridge Exams The following are the names of the candidates who passed the recent High School Entrance at Sutton and Newmarket- Anderson Jessie Allcock Sara Arnold Edgar Viola Eyes George James Annie James Ethel Marsh Annip Morrison Edward Mor ton Gertie Willie Floy Minnie Mabel Edward Roe Harry Sibley Alice Story Winnie Spalding Emily Thompson Wil son Robert Wesley Wilson Sutton Anderson MiUNte Blanche Vi ola Lulu Millard Ida Miner Alice Eva Young to Water street followed by the train Many people expected to see the wagon and horses thrown into the creek while crossing the bridge at Timothy street but luckily they cross ed in safety- At- Water street they turned oft the track and went up Sec ond street then along Cotter street to Mr Grays corner and then out to Second street again by the Water Works Reservoir continuing their race Southward A young man named Jack Marshall about years of age who lives on Cotter- street was attracted by the runaway- and seeing the train coming along he jumped onto the second crossing and lump ing off ran over to the Second arriving at corner just about the same time as the horses and sticceedd In stopping them He deserves great praise for his courage and thougthfuiness Considering circumstances damages wire remarkably small a slight break in the tongue the double tree split and a shoe twfctcd on a foot of one of The tents of the rig were strewn along 1 some their several weeks ago at prices ahead of what they are now Mr Evan is increasing the stable accommodation at the by mak ing stalls for Ws- bus horses MrT getting ready to put new sills under his residence on Raglan street- No meeting of Town Council last Monday evening- Owing to the heat there was no Gos pel Temperance meeting last Sunday A new awning is being made for Starrs grocery Heavy rains the- past week have helped roots and garden truck The dry weather in June was good for the pump business Messrs ton sold a dozen new pump and attended to a lot of re pairs Mr Ed Richardsons houses on prospect arc making quite a show for size Mr Savage tolls us that he has put new in the past 2 weeks lie will have to start the engine next week to replenish his stock The Owing to the appointment of wood as general organizer for Ontario by the yearly meeting Rich ard Rogers of has been invited to be the minister here He has accepted only provisionally con sequently the appointment is not defi nite The Friends Sunday School officers will discuss the question of to night Visit to A special car- on the ar rived here about oclock Wednesday afternoon containing a dozen or more men from Toronto- Mr T J Wood cock happened to be near at hand and escorted the deputation to the Water Works They were very favorably impressed with our domestic water and electric light systems and especi ally the artesian well water They also the Specialty before returning to Bonds Lake for lunch Manager was with the party of Ulster During the- dry weather the problem of securing more water for the domes tic service engaged the attention of the Fire and tight Committee- It was thought at one time that either some other arrangement would have to be for water to sprinkle the streets or else sink another well how ever the mechanical mind of the worthy Mayor suggested use of an Ejector and the Committee consented to try the experiment The instru ment was secured arid connections made between the boiler and Well inch it ft down the well- This well has the largest pipe and- is down- the It was flowing at the rate of gals per hours trie Use of the Ejer tor the flow is just doubled whenever the water is required Of uses more fuel but solves the prob lem years Suits Coats and Vcts Odd Coats Odd Pants Odd Vests Boys Blouse Suits c Cleaning Positively at and A Crockery and Glassware Ironstone Tea Sets China Cups and Saucers per Ironstone China Tea Plates per dozen Ironstone China Dinner Plates per dozen Ironstone China Toilet Glass Tea Sets worth If rrtlMi Glass Berry Howls Cake Stands Fruit Dishes and Bread Plates for 18 loots and Broken Lines Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes in Tan Chocolate and Black sizes J to regular prices were- t75 to for Boys Tan 1 and only regular price for Mens Black and Colored Lace Boots sizes and re gular price and for Linen Carriage Dusters Plain Fancy worth Si for Specials in Dress pieces Summer Dress Goods regular prices were and clearing at yds French All Wool Plaid Dress Goods in 3 Pat terns regular price clear ing at Grenadine Dress Goods for 35 We still have some of these Goods left Ladies Clothing Fancy Plaid Summer Dress Skirts regular price Special Fancy scalene Underskirts deep flounce regular for BLOUSES Broken lines new uptodate sty lish garments regular prices were clearing at PILL ftgnviGfc tbo the Italian employed the stones arid tiie police hid to be called out ChasBulla shops Toronto Junction with a painful accident Saturday while at work He was at on a hoist when his hand got in one of the chains badly s inching of his fingers two of which vill pro bably imVQ to Heart and Nerve Pills per box Wards Blood and Nerve Pills per box Vegetable Pills Dr Williams Pink Carters Iron Pills barters Little Nerve Pills 14 Pills Little Liver Pills Liver Pills Dr Liver Pills Kidney Liver Kidney Pills Kidney Pills Operating Pills Regulator Pills Morses Indian Root Pills Diamond Dinner Bristols Pills Hoods Vegetable Pills Pierces Pleasant Purgative Fills Burdock Pills Improved PiUs per 15 Pill riolloways Pills oyers Cathartic Pills Warners Safe Pills Rhubarb and Soda Pills i dozen Blands Iron Pills modified for i I Blands Iron Pills and Swutel Blands Iron Pills with for- Pills grain per dozen Compound Cathartic Pills Improved per doz AntiBilious Pills per dozen 6 Rheumatic Pills pec Extract grain Pills WyethB AntiDyspeptic Pills per dozen J Quinine Pills for Quinine Sulphate Pills for A- Pills box Wills English Pills Dr PiUs Rheumatic Pills Hutch Liver pills 20 9 am J j

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