Tiie Era more bom news every week In North York weaned Is fir i NORTH YORK Give mo the petty to know to utter and to ftrgup Recording to other liberty No paper outside of North York paid in Advance l paclu i It pays to buy the best If you Twine that want Binder feet to the other ru pound twine more than you must buy Plymouth Plymouth Special lb Pure Manilla lb This No olfer is Just as Good as Am PLYMOUTH HARDWARE PAINTS OILS ETC I i A Try Our Bread isbptU wholesome and sweet We please irds of die people of Newmarket with t Why not you Choice of the Season our Our Aim How Good is not How Cheap K JACK ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Fonda about Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid Do ring year Polices ware issued for The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars Hew Spring have arrived and collect of lie Surpassed for extensive variety attrac tive designs and general com- pletenr The latest styles of shades of ex ceptionable value and weaving duratiity Fancy and Fancy Trouserings are included- and examine and make your selection now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT inspector J A Byes Are Workers ioq per annum if paid in advance OOr of ost Marvellous of geqtUpy Installed Era Office in the Printing urged forward forcing the cast line Our improved Wharfcdale Jress had from the mold through the parallel been in a few years before we knives trim it accurately to chased it from the Toronto Type Cora- thickness and drop it into the galley the former owner exchanging it along with the others preceding it for a larger press- It was overhauled Meanwhile the Mine lias also been by the firm before shipping it here returned from came After and it has given us the cast line has been made the car- lion We usually run our edition jaws which have heretofore held at the rate of per hour though the line tightly damped between the press can run still faster if is released and opened slightly quired the bar fits in the Just a year put into the notch is withdrawn and a Era office a Newspaper Folder action pulls down alt the body from the Toronto Type Company parts of the matrix bars and spaces which folds the paper cuts the 1 art of printing moveable letters was invented in and many improvementa and inventions have followed to- fa cilitate the production of boohs and newspapers they been chiefly a line of faster presses For over 100 years no improvement was purchase offered to relievo the compositor in a ahead of printing office of the tedious method of setting type and it remained for the last few years of the Will Century to evolve relief as Canada and the United States And have invested in Montreal in machinery and special tools for its production Up he present time there are on ly about of these machines in use and when we were negotiating for the of one orders were so far the manufacture that the Company required two months to fill our order but have found the Company equal to every part of their agreement and the machine was in- thing used on other machine The keyboard is placed a suitable height to allow an operator to work it easily while silting and the ar rangement of the of the Keyboard is that has adopted in the typewriters In its operation it is automatic By touching a key it re leases a mechanism which the character desired and in an in sight of the operator adds it the line being formed Should the operator accidentally touch a Key the ran be at once without having lt the line The matrix bar in made from spiiiri brass with much care and bar lias characters and as there are bars it gives characters on the keyhoard In just at the left of the key- board there are of these matrix- bars thus giving individual ehari in cast being four times the numfyr in any other line casting machine made Another ad vantage is that every letter takes its turn thus ensuring a perfect face on the type for a longer length of time The spaces used the words are made of steel and tempered as perfectly as a adjustable for thickness in justifying the line lo its predetermined width In operating the the differ ent buttons on the keyboard are touched to brine such char- to a common level in which position they are by books plac ed on the bars and spaces at regular heights The line carriage then starts its return from the left to the pages and pastes the sheets together as fast as the papers are printed With the exception of a slight adjustment we have not had to touch this machine ever since the Toronto machinist put in I 300 right meeting when way hack to J it in running order It saves five or the point of assemblage the distribu- six tours every week in folding papers tor which device is quite simple end gives them quick just when they are most needed In connection with the improvements Manufactured Montreal Cost The necessity of this invention was stalled in the office two The distribution of the matrix bars arid spaces is effected by levers to which are attached leading wires loi watch spring being also the magazine being collapsed on brought together at a proper time and point to meet- the line carriage Willi its returning line the wires at the free ends of the levers the books of the matrix bars A retraction of the levers then follows which raises the and spaces from the car riage and on the of wire containing same a vr- responding supporting wive in the sev eral magazine chambers they are lite- ally swept from the distributor into about through the numerous strikes among compositors in the large city offices who were already receiv ing from lo per week but through well organized unions were able to exact unreasonable demands or block the trade The idea of casting a line of type at once struck an in ventive mind and the problem was then virtually solved For two or three years we have been under the impression that a type setting machine would be an advan tage to the Era office but know ing that such inventions were in their infancy we deferred the matter until something like perfection could be ob tained After a close examination and tjny of the three machines on the it was promised THE Is a marvel of skill and mechanical intelligence There are over pieces and everything is fitted with the exactness and precision of clockwork Every part is duplicated so that in case of accident at any time any part can lie duplicated from the factory Every piece and part of this ingenious machine which weighs about lbs is made from the raw material in the Companys own factory under the su pervision of competent foremen and overseers and not content with that a system of inspection has been devised and applied which renders it absolutely impossible for defective work or ma terial to enter into the machine as may be desired into line the spaces spaa- key king used in its proper place until an alarm belt notifies the operator that bis line is nearly complete It is then completed or the word following which the operator grasps the lever a l the right of the keyboard thrusts it for ward thereby locking the line of assembled matrix bars and spaces into what is known as the line car riage pulling the handle back starts in motion the entire mechanism of the machine the first action of which is to move the carriage with its assem bled line from its position in or der that the operator may continue the composition thai he may be en gaged upon The line carriage moves to the left a short distance and stopped moment while the justifying is done which action is two short successive strokes on the bottom of the steel work spates which hang be low the matrix bars in Ike line The Centre or core of the steel spaces are made wedged shaped so that when urged upward they expand and thereby push the matrix bars in the line until the given space between the jaws of the line just made in the office wc all our shafting to the basement and have now one of the most com plete printing- offices to be found in Canada We should be pleased at any time to have our readers call ice the machinery in operation and breth ren of the press are specially invited London July Percy Phillips aged years was killed yesterday by lightning while standing under a tree Mr Win Cameron of Kingston was struck and killed train near Hamilton Solid Gold W Best Gold Fill Glasses 100 perfect GLOBE OPTICAL Street Toronto Sight is the only special sense which we use constantly except during Perfect eyes see without effort flic imperfect ones arc constantly muscular strain Is it- any wonder eye strain is jo hurtful eyes Consultation free Satisfaction guaranteed OPTICIAN Co- A GfiSOLjlNE Manufactured in Tot onto Cost which is the predetermined I carriage width of the line it is proposed to make is entirely closed and the line of matrix bars and spaces are justified and present a metal tight front for the succeeding operation The line carriage then moves still further to the left and in behind the block at tached to the front of the machine known as the vise where it is stop ped respective compartments ready for further use The line then returns to its normal position ready lo receive the line and form the same operations While from this description it might he thought a slow operation yet ac tually from the time the line car riage is first locked about the line until its return less than ten seconds have elapsed and this little machine Meanwhile vel of the to left a mold of proper height and length of line moves from the left end of the machine toward the right and meets the incoming line At the moment of meeting a potj containing type metal which is heated by gasoline and having the force pump attachment is ur ged forward and against the hack of the open mold and forces the front of the mold closely up against the as sembled line The instant the I tacts are made complete and metal ket we came to the conclusion the The receives its power tight the force pump injects the an engraving of which through small round belts similar to metal into the mold and against the companies this article excelled ail those used in a sewing machine and assembled line of characters and others for a country office Its com- less than onesixth of a horsepower spaces covering the PRESS Manufactured in Original coat coincident with the locked up justified cast and ine carriage from right a perfect of type and distri buted its matter from whence it came automatically and absolutely Many inventions of later years have been called remarkable but that of the is marvelous when it is considered how much is put in so small a compass to accomplish such a wonderful amount of work As the requires constant and steady power we have just placed in the basement of the office a new Gasoline Engine of p manufac tured by the Co of Toronto and it does its work admirably This is also a new invention and is the first engine of its kind in this part of the country Its great advantage over is that it only requires about R Gentleman of the same and workmanlike appearance is drives it The heating of the metal j The metal instantly solidifies and the steam a contrast to both the Roger and Lin- Is effected by the use of gasoline and several parts are then retracted the three minutes to start and absolutely machines at such a distance from the operator mold with its cast line still in no attention from morning After experimenting for over six and the working parts of the machine place moves back to Us normal till night except the piling here is for the years on the Monoline and overcoming as not to convey the fumes of the tfan in doing which it passes a keen no heat and absolutely no odor and is 7- all discouragements usual to inventions metal to the former or undue heat the knife that trims any metal a remarkable invention which seems of this the Canadian Composing latter and the working parts of the gates which be on the back of most to go The moment lis Company of Montreal were so satis- machine are all open and i fully under the cast line The mold on its return stopped all consumption ceases and we who was shot on Dominion Day by fled that they had the machine that control at all times There is no fa stopped in front of parallel knives unhesitatingly say that is the roost the age needs that it has been patent- whatever from the gasoline the burner arid opposite a device known as Ihe economical and convenient power July of died suddenly last even ing while standing In the office of the Led in all countries in Europe as well being a great improvement on ejector which in its proper turn for is a printing office that can be Hunter still lives doctors say she cannot recover She Is paralyzed from the waist down i I beg your pardon And with a smile and a touch of his hat Harry handed to an old man against whom he had accidentally stumbled the rah wliich he had knocked from his hand I hope I did not hurl you We were playing too roughly Not a bit said the old man Boys will be boys and its best they should be You did not harm me Im glad to bear if And lift ing his hat again Harry turned to join the playmates with whom he had been frolicking at the time of the accident What did you raise your hat to that old fellow for asked his com panion- Charley Grey He is only Old Giles the hawker That makes no difference said Harry The question is not wheth er he is a gentleman but whether I am one and no true gentleman will be less polite to a man because he wears a shabby coat or hawks veget ables through the streets instead of sitting in a counting house I i