Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 13, 1900, p. 8

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Constipation P Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Indicate that Is out of order best medicine to care ail ills li found In Hood IJtfoonts Bold by nil medicine dealer The of America J many They twUUng flight charge In mooting of TWiwHl lit Oaf finite a of and iatadla f Ainf cutting slight ilfyin Otft ua iiii by catling or twine IKS el re return- no detention from pan new by our nerve ate and the of manhood returns GLEET of wo their by cam They frequently Weakness Manhood orr Irritability hen aUra By with dark Weak Lack i Ambition VriC0Ole I and jnafbo Hip Dont coo sun Molly ihey no Id -dficMeJaont- allow FIND and Mrs miller a double this Mr father dying oil Katurdiy Mrs father dying at Good wood on Sunday many friends of wJll sorry of hie- illness Immediately after the last Sunday morning at he was ill and has beep forced to keep his bed since Brit m b to you- Men and Women jou for two for nod CURES GUARANTEED Wo lieat and cure EMISSIONS BY HUMS SECRET DRAINS BOOKS If writo for BLANK for KENNEDYS Cor Ave and Si DETROIT BETH1SU CORNERS Mr- preached an excel lent sermon on Sunday We would tike to find out why the members cannot conic to prayer- meeting and have belter order kept on Thursday evenings The young peo ples Class is largely attended and a great good is being done We are very sorry to hear thai Wil lie very sick with Inflamma tion Noble attends the case daily Miss spent Sunday at home also Mr Holmes Davidson Mr is having foundation completed under bis barn Very nearly everybody the 1st Jacksons Point There were quite a few went to the concert on Monday and didnt get home until early in the morning Children Cry for LEHMANS DRUG STORE FOR ALL Curbs and All Forme of yield to it JirttillJ tut Si lirrtirttnt fur J it lias no Kir A J tonic him to he Burgeon Utile hoi litCAme ami trjiD iumy power I nt him jxfl one t tcitfolr rs roln4odotbOuUQotJofirofmytfcttwefn cure 1 ucorillbir bottle v5 Our is moving the office into his new and commodious quarters this week Mrs Hurling and daughter arrived home Sunday last after spending a week with friends near Aurora Mr and sister Jes sie of Newmarket were guests of Mr and Mrs J Dennis on Sunday last- Airs and daughter arrived home on Tuesday evening after an absence of five weeks with rela tives and friends in Berlin Waterloo and Stratford Major Armstrong of Lloyd town leaves on Saturday next on an extend ed trip to- England Before returning home he intends to visit the Paris Ex position Messrs Marry Clark and Robert Mo captained the barn raising at Mr Win Kittsons on Wednesday June Roberts side being defeated by two rafters Great preparations are being made for the reception of the various Orange Lodges who are coming here to the anniversary of the Battle of the cry for CASTOR I A AURORA AH the of teachers in the Public been reengag ed or another year On Monday evening the lumber alongside the Grand Trunk track north of used as a fence in winter was destroyed by fire by some evil disposed person On Tuesday afternoon Mr- James ilonkmane residence about two miles south of this place on- street was entered by sneak thieves who the house end stole in and a silver watch Mrs Aurora shop ping and Mr was at tie rear end of farm working The The Industrial Exhibition prize list been printed It provides for a distributionof In premiums Vcterana of will excursion to Niagara and Brocks monument on J Warden Central Prison has returned from a visit to a improved Mr John A County Clerk and High Constable- of ijtyj has returned to his duties after an ill of five The courts decided tho County in the milter court rooms in new County Court House will now have to pay for extravagant of the iiy without having a voice as to kind Re sponsible government wm taxation without a voice is and this is just what Toronto and the Courts are now doing towards the ratepay ers of York No wonder Warden lire- tor wanted to remove to Newmarket Dominion Day was duly celebrated here Almost passengers were carried on the Street Railway lines during the day an increase of between and over last The late Mr Joseph Gibson of the Dominion Hank staff who of heart failure on Sunday while canoe ing Ilumbcr Way was buried on Tuesday last George Hill was committed for trial on Tuesday on the charge of manslaughter in having caused the death of Hurry P Dr and Dr Trow gave evidence of having attended and of hav ing been present at the postmortem stated that death was caused by an abscess of lie brain resulting from an injury to the eye by an umbrella in the hands of Hill The License Commissioners have giv en The Hub and the two hotels in the old Leader Lane provisional license till the 1st of Au gust to dispose of i heir business The lines arc tightening In his sermon on Sunday evening at the Balmy Deach Pavilion Rev Dixon made an appeal to those present to unite and put a stop to the dese cration of the Sabbath the once quiet beach was now witnessing A few prosecutions for quoit and other games will stop the came fur complaint Mr Ives Cobb of Washington and Chicago architect for the United States Government has a work drawing plans and specifications for the new Toronto Hotel Obstacles T Ooveriunent that still upholds A dead wrong That spares and shields with tecting folds grasping throng care not who may beneath tho waves 4 Of dark nto drunkards graves Woo is their their Shame on the Word has fulflled vtiiosc promises urh voters hailed As truth very many more took little note Of windy words believing deeds Resulting a much diminished vote The cause to build Shame on the Government that Mill maintains A careless mien That at every straw in its do main its plans- to screen The difficulties thus to obviate That compass it in the affairs of state And Prohibition prospects complicate As ail have seen School OK JUHK NO Shame on the Government that still obtains As revenue The bloodstained gold to swell its gains Its will to do Forgetful that a canker lurks within Each dollar gained by trafficking in sin That breeds a curse with every touch a stain Of lifeblood hue Shame on the voters who failed to respond Who gave a weak excuse for banish ment Of hopes so fond Put foolish arguments within the reach Of those who should be first and last to teach AM that is good and pure by act and speech A lasting bond Shame on the pulpits where no voice is heard Wrong to decry Where men with folded hands list to the word Of Cod en high Where consciences axe soothed to apa thy All heedless of the grief and misery That floods our land with woe from sea to sea While loved ones die Putting a like into a with- tola- money All to goto nothlmr the ft organs of digestion iiifonutrf- iloflVtheieoa Sit Into Ttie nutriment not body the can be mended be cured- medicine or pjomKcn blood Doctor Medical or- of digestion and nutri tion It is a positive en re for all caponiers of organs and cures also such diseases of the heart blood liver other organs as have their cause or diseased condition of stomach There is no alcohol or other cant contained in Golden Judical Discovery are imitations Imita tion money is So are imita tions of Dr Pierces Discovery Get genuine Mr John or Soracfsel Co I been for a unable to moit the tune The doctor I had My weak ami nervous arid my hurl throbbing continually and I short of breath J wrote to you for ididotthnkyour dtagnoslswas right bill I ordered fcotflct of After three idoa went to work hare been Free Common Sense Adviser pages is sent free on receipt of to pay expense of customs and mailing only Send onecent stamps for the paper bound edition or stamps for the cloth Ad dress Dr V Pierce Buffalo Do you think of If you do write Hlfi SUMMER NEWMARKET ONT And of 1 Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows a Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork A 3rd Beatrice Kflluy Wesley Jr Hilton Grow Myrtle Grose Salter Squires 2nd Harry Trusty Nor man Alfred rCLuoaoiLiLlinjioJrriiiyrt ifc flit lae about fcone Juvinjt a him fcurreaoc3jirftrUiUMmtrjK0tcrklib6invrijiL JO If it hid a to the to toy iUrclfon ho IfcB to anr on It a flpTt A do tic ite book free or 1 aivrnva no OR ACHE on Witt LOOK OUT FOR IM1TAY10H8 THE QEHOlftE tlOTTLR PATENTS GUARANTEED Our returned St Any one ending of any jouaptly revive the Mtue wilt upon out through us without charge in and widely circulated ly VIDTOH J fiuIIdittB a Atlinlf price Enquire at A Office- in Winnipeg Jnly Most of the members of the Legislature have returned from their homes arid upon being questioned as to the appearance of wheat gave a uniformly favor able report recent rains been general all over the province and the wheat crop is experiencing promises to iv the most hopeful a week ago The yield will he double of ex pected by the most hopeful a week ago The other cereals have benefited even more than wheat and the oat barley and root crops will be fairly good The grass has sprung up and the wells and streams which were drying up theives are supposed to have been a have again filled up much to the relief gang of live young who have ivc stock Altogether the rains been prowling around country for the past week A farewell and a reception was given to Rev Dewy who baa been pastor of the Methodist here for past three years and who is leaving for Agnes at Toronto and his successor Rev Pearson who comes from in the Church overling An address and purse was given to Mr Shortly after oclock on Tuesday morning Mr Geo Stewarts barn at the south end of the town was discov ered to- bo on fire and the alarm was promptly given the fire impossible to stay the of flames build ing and its contents were consumed inoluding one a quantity of hay and some implements The origin of the firo is unknown There was some insurance on tho building and con tents Children for Two daughters of William Brighton aged five and drowned in Murray Canal aged sixteen eon McGregor Tury Etui drowned while bathing in the short distance from his RSA of the past have saved millions of dollars to province This is the sum of the reports made by the local legislators Winnipeg July There is not a part of the province that- has not been well soaked with rain during past hours and altho there has been a generous fall in most sections before raising the hopes generally no rain present previously fallen this year and never before in the his tory the province was such rain needed AH wheat that had any life in it will revive and where it is not too far advanced will probably bear very J heavily Until a few days pass it will be impossible to estimate the crop prospects under the new condi tions but it is certain that the situa tion is so greatly improved that the hard times looked for are probably fax away Shame on the homes where still the- tempter lurks On closet shelf Where manifests bis tragic works To please himself Where sons and daughters form the taste for wine Indulging more and more as de cline At last become in habits like the swine Of hope bereft Shame on the world at large where every man Should strive to be His brothers keeper in the saving plan The world to free From galling chains that bind with iron grip That drag to death and woe een while they sip The foulest draughts that ever touch ed a lip On sea or land How wearisome to hear of party tricks On every hand Of intrigues in politics Throughout our land I Elect Vie men who will with greatest speed Come to our countrys aid in her great need To abrogate the traffic are agreed A loyal band Grant Richmond Hill or Othettrxiise It far better to bo alone than bad company Even a weak woman can put up a pretty stroQR talk Understanding is the path that leads forgiveness Only a very small man ever attempts to belittle others Help others and it will help you to your own troubles The man who always speaks the truth is sure Iq have other virtues Women if the only tyrant that some men not inclined to resist Too things are not worth the sacrifice necessary to obtain them Borne husbands practice economy only when buying things for their Women ate always trying to find out things they would rather not know Every time you avoid doing wrong you increase your inclination to do right Wise is the man selects the obedient daughter of a good mother for his wife Medicine 2nd are two that it is always more pleasant to give than to receive There is probably nothing purer than tbe of a man who lends money to another when be ex to get it back Factory in Canada foe manofactnre of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co newmarket ont Ml JOB 1 this summer Then add a tittle to three times a day It how fast let mother take the Emulsion r Lightning struck and fired the plant of Standard Oil Constable Hook NX caused an estimated loss of Charles King a yard man was killed by the bolt Chinese following Chinese words and their meaning will useful to many at this time and ho river sea fliwest Nan south Pel place Tien heavenly pearl mouth of river as Hankow Yang ocean provincial CApital of district always tickles us to get up against things like following whose authorship is disguised by the well- remembered Ex When we attended wo used to wonder how it happened that was selected to represent that important unknown quantity if- mathematics but since we began sacrificing our life on the un grateful of journalism we per ceive it was taken from oftenmen tioned Ex used by editors to conceal their publication other pens But as your devil would say Heres a go Backward turn backward oh time in your flight make me a kid again just for tonight with the and warts I possessed lone ago and the dear little stone bruise that on my toe Give back my Id kite with its tail for the kind fly now always lands mo in jail Back to the river once more let me roam till tbe gloam ing arrives and when I get home take me out to tho woodshed and there let me dance to tbe tune father played on the seat of my pants Ex Rag Ieaao wishes to the public that he to on that he has Iowa Co Loom H the late to and that ho to lo Beet Work In- Carpet Weaving Call and see Bend jour ray a Id MARKS DttioHe lag a and in fcveMion ii CoiEatitev toaisilctIIofiiwttntBdbo6konl for a ffiJW a ForeleaVtho Era In over lh We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done- see what work and terms can get at the Era Office before you order Our ft promptness is pro- BALED to the under- Tender tor Sup- for the Dominion do received at tola office uaUl Tuesday or July Inclusively Tor the supply of for the Do- fonn of tender can be obtained at this where ail infonnaUoo can be bed application that not unlets made the printed form and with their actual Bach tender must be accompanied an bonk Cheque made payable to the or der the Honourable the Minister of tmder wllj be if the party up on to d- or if he fall to complete the work contracted for the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned The Department not bind to ac cept the or any tender By order JO ROY Acting Secretary Department of Works of Canada Ottawa June Inserting this advertUemeot without authority from the Department will not be paid for it Farmers ATTENTION BUY Tumi tEHMASS Write lor our aid Send a or jour and as to whether Rejected by conduct offices in ud cme Marion rioo over the Dominion MARION MARION Haw York Atlantic FOE SALE AT mm j Throe horsepower fi ratclass con dition Can ho working at WB a will fiell for at at a Stable atreet lol on i J

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