Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 13, 1900, p. 6

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fEwT PINK V IUH Culvert con f l g lJuiUlfllli Ah exceptionally thunder Delia Kenny matron- of Ttiertf Garden Patty held blacksmith bill J W Smelter l r to Mr John McNeil lakes the lead in Hc tutting on Tuesday- Mr Fountain Windsor at the Jersey The iihoro of Casks Hay lias put on holiday appearand again anil all cottages have summer oocu panic Mr A J anil family ace oc cupying one of Col colludes and Mws Jennie ton spent over Sunday vitli lc Mfcsc Allan I young men were up from Newmarket on Sunday and brought the fl Skylark to tier usual moorings Maude Richardson of and Miss fast week with Mrs A sized wharf is being fitrueted In front of the Davison lies for sailboats and ferry to land passengers A load of about a down young men and ladies principally of Airs Canes Normal spent Sunday at the and look tea Willi her Messrs J WddliWld Mad- dock anil Rev Thompson were quests At Saints on Monday and Tues day A bible class for Ibe study of the lesson in charge or Rev Hon will be conducted Sunday evening at oclock at cottage to which every body is welcome The lake has been very rough for several days but Rev P Addison caught bass on Saturday and Mr Thompson of Aurora caught a J lb Mr has Iraiihf mod his do micile into a very neat collate I An exceptionally wivero thunder ntorm passed over here on Wednesday last The rain came down heavily that the grain very in jured Hall fell vltli such ra pidity to cover the ground Wow Mrn 1 Aylward found hall measurlns Inches Lightning fiUuckT a tree In front of Mr on the opposite it down the t Mr Frank Pearson relumed to To ronto OH Monday lout after spending weeks at home Miss of Toronto was visiting her aunt Mrs Cooper a few days last week- She returned to To ronto on Wednesday Mrs- Cooper ac companying her Miss Greene of Toronto Is vis iting her brother Mr Ralph of this place Miss Lynch of is visiting with Miss Alma Ay ward Mr- John Wright of St Louis is visiting his parents for a few days- Delia of Iowa is home Geo sold a tidy little craft boat on Saturday to a camper Ho still has several dandy yachts The first of he season Mrs John Miller had new wild raspberry pie for Sundays dinner The tame raspberries are turning A big crop District Quarterly will be held at Church the to Evangelists land ministers from all over the jtrtct are expected to be present De dicatory services will also be conduct- fed services have been held in ibe church for four years past yet it not formally dedicated Rev Daniel was a welcome at Hemes on last Father Bill says beat the at quoting scripture Taking advantage of the extremely dry spell Win has been making much needed repairs to- the dam as water bad sprang a leak beneath waste way He has put a cement foundation- gas or gasoline is superior is a disputed point our mercliants Either rift preferable to coal We are sorry to hear that good uncle Draper west of is very poorly almost bed fast I has blown the gospel trumpet and the whole armor of righteousness for many long years Hell soon receive his reward Its surprising to see the long tramps our aged friend often takes his eightieth year a days tramp of twelve or more miles seems nothing to him Some times he trudges oil smart as a little hoy Several slight rainfalls have been the crops Before the weather ilpally settles we hope for a rousing big storm Its needed Mr Julius our Informs us lie is doing well fully as well as anticipated His milt is a good one Ever since the inauguration of- our market our merchants have been doing an Increased business And I am proud to say that tbo tlrc is a healthy riyal- listing yet the utmost cordiality exists between them as it really should lie No in Baldwin this season therefore the outside public have had no public opportunity to sample our good wives cooking But let me as sure them they are yet unsurpassable Mr and Mrs Anson Jones of Ml Albert were visiting her sister Mrs Wellington Morton here last week sorry to note that Mrs Jones quite crippled by Theres always a calm a storm Baldwin is very peaceful and just now Whcnll- the excuse brevity Last weeks hot wave not conducive to bril liancy of wit Charlie be Frances and all the little wee are of to the north country after the luscious blue The Owl Mr Willie had an exciting ex perience for a few minutes oti Tues day lie was raking in a hay field when the bit broke in the horses mouth lie fell oil the sulky and the horse ran across he field Into a fence comer without doing tiny damage The win was a welcome visitor on Wednesday it was much needed We hope it will spoil our small pota toes Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent a few days here visiting her aunt Mrs J Mrs is visiting in Mrs A J also are visiting friends in the city Mrs James Anderson of Omaha is spending he summer here with rela tives Mr Webber was calling on old friends here last week also Mr Wil liam Webster We wish them success in their new fields of labor Methodists were disappointed last Sunday their minister did not put in an appearance Messrs A and Blizzard spent Sunday at Morton Park Mrs J Hughes spent Sunday in Newmarket Mrs Baker of Winnipeg was calling on old acquaintances on Monday her holidays Mies Emma To We also of Toronto arc visiting A couple of our gave a exhibition on the highway last Sunday afternoon- The victor must spectators foe one or two of them were seen running towards at a lively puce Wo believe tbit matter is being investigated Mr Mrs spent Tuesday at the Several from here attended Mr I Crakes raising at Tuesday last Miss Winnie part of her holidays in the city Mrs Dr Adams or- City Mich and Mr and Mr- of Newmarket Mia May on Friday last Mr Clarence May and May look in the Keswick to last Wednesday Mrs Johnson Brown and dathur of Winnipeg were visiting at Mrs Browns during the past week Mr and Mrs- J Johnson arc 111 Scott Miss Mary Boyle of the Post Bepiirtment Ottawa was calling on old friends here one day lust week BUTTON be Garden Party held under the auspices of the Christian Church on the grounds of Jot Con King on July 17th- An program will be rendered 9 A serious funaway occurred near here Mr and his son Noble were both thrown from the car riage and seriously lbjurcd The for mer had both lego broken and the lat ter sustained severe abdominal injur lea Both are In a critical condition Mr IK Johnstons mill here caught fire shortly after the noon hour op Tuesday from a spark and was totally destroyed Fortunately only one cutting was in the but the machinery was en tirely destroyed Loss about KESWICK Beachs Ft take for the season Prepared lor public comfort times of extreme heat IceCream etc o eel lent Bible- Mr is Agent for the at button and Ms author- receive col- it Tells yours shows a If that mirror of yours shows a wretched complexion a look moth patches and on the skin its liver trouble but Kings New Life Pills regulate the li ver purify the blood give clear skin rosy checks rich complexion Only at Lehmans drug store LLEGE CORNEK8 Our recent strong winds are jloing considerable damage to apple crops The Free Church has now a new stone foundation and other re pairs Mr Ed Grant Kcv Mr or and the Joker helped to do the stone work picnics and lawn festi vals are prevalent Mr Jacob Smith must have the most accommodating ice hives as one day last two more swarms of bees went that way and settled down to work This is the third year he has ken lucky in this way The farmers are busy haying which is a belter crop than at first antiei- Mr Young has now an ideal pump placed in his well with hose at tached to give his vegetables a drink as well as his stock With this im provement and others pending he will soon have an ideal farm and buildings Mr new resi dence Is moving onward ion Mr John Halt has improved the frontage of his new farm with a handsome road gate Mr has a new wire fence extending from the house to the road and a pretty wire gate attached I Just one girl is a very popular song around here One day last week an electric storm was passing over A flash of lightn ing look a line down Mr I chimney and blew some lids off the stove No damage done on ly it set the inmates a and for some time factory had another sale and the realized per lb which is an increase on the last sale One day when Mr Hy was working a team one of his neigh bors colts bothered his horses He tried to drive it away but it kicked and he received both feet in the vicin ity of his coat tat One of our farmers had new pota toes on the market at Newmarket last World Healer I tried many remedies to cure piles writes It Smith of La tham III hut found no relief till I used Arnica salve I have not troubled since Grandest pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world per box guarante ed by Lehman druggist Saturday which sold at per bag Mr J- is contemplat ing building two silos this season Mr has a new silo They are becoming universal around here air J milk test has tan the highest all along 35 Cherries are assuming their red coats and the birds as usjai are test ing them Some birds have no wings at all but get there the same For Intend and Children Mr John Ira to accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to The Mr Wilson of London occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here last Sunday and preached an and impressive sermon The here attended services last Sunday at the Methodist church The Union Sunday School Excursion starting from on Wednes day last passed here to Jacksons Point thence by steamer Enterprise to Mrs Debbie received a ter from her son J pard on his arrival at Liverpool He enjoyed the trip across the ocean only experiencing one rough day during the passage Mr and Mrs Geo Rurrows went to Albert last Tuesday to visit friends Debbie of Sutton and her sister Mrs Tomlinson of Raid win have gone to for a weeks visit with their sister Mrs Rasker- ville Miss Aver and Miss of Toronto were visiting with Mr and Mrs Johnston of Sutton Mrs- wife of the station agent at is visiting with her brotherinlaw Mr of Sut ton Quite a number of our citizens took in the excursion to last Wed nesday Miss Jessie Allison wheeled up from the Point and spent Mrs John of Sutton We understand that Mr whose wife is spending the summer months at Jacksons Point with mother Mrs Allison is at present in London as a delegate to the Christian Endeavor Convention now being held in that city Mr represents Cookes Church Endeavor Society of Toronto Miss Harrison of who has been spending a week with her aunt Mrs Dr Noble returned home last Monday The met last Tuesday at the home of Mr Sil ver Mrs Donald McDonald of the Her mitage we regret to say is very ill fears being apprehended thai she might soon pass away Her son the Rev McDonald was sent for to come home The Methodist congregation of Wil frid held their Sunday School Anniver sary last Monday evening Mr and Mrs Silver of Brae were pre sent Mr Silver was elected chair man and discharged the duties with much acceptance- Among speak ers was Mr of Messrs- Jenkins and of contributed much to pleasure of the evening by their musical jen- The annual Garden Party of the English lurch will be held on on the beautiful grounds of Dr Nothing extenuate set nothing down In malice Sometimes things have to be said that are not relished by all but necessarily have to be spoken for the public good and for that reason it be truly said lliat of all the habits that men supremely ridi culous those of smoking and chewing certainly cap the climax It is most surprising thai man with his intelli gence will allow himself to continue such an absurd habit is expensive uncleanly conferring no good and dis tasteful to one half ofthc community la it all reasonable that men should assume that tbey arc privileged to drink smoke and swear but these very persons will not tolerate such practices on the female side of the community but would and con temn as unworthy of the slight est recognition Truly men spend their money for that which is not bread and their labor for that which not Livingstone preached on How to study the last Sunday morning in the Methodist Church Elder Dennett very ably preached a sermon last Sunday evening In Christian Church- The church was well filled Everyone k looking forward at hav ing a trip on the Excursion Mr is still low The Christian will run an Ex cursion to in the near future 1 A large turn out in expected next Monday evening at the Gospel Temper ance meeting A good program is provided Mr Jackson of New market will occupy the chair Mr of Toronto will give the address- Music by Miss Wilday of New York Mrs of Toronto ami Mrs of Keswick also a reading by Mrs Jackson of Newmarket A tableau one of Mr i best cartoons entitled Un der the Cloak of the Law will be given OAK Late last Tuesday evening word reached Mr John of this place appraising of the death of his eldest son at Peru Indiana James left home more than twenty years ago for the Southern States where he nualified for a locomotive engineer and was engaged J n that capacity in In diana when he was taken ill with a violent attack of hiccough All that kind friends and medical skill could do proved of no avail His brother Wil liam who was present at his from Chicago at once had the body embalmed and accompanied it on its long journey home reaching hero Wednesday evening The funeral look place the follow ing Thursday and was- the largest seen here for some- me James was in his fortysixth year esteemed by all who knew him and was considered an engineer The death is a particularly sad one since a younger brother is at present with the 2nd Contingent in Africa and also from the fact that the heavy insurance which he carried will not be paid on account of the policy only covering death by accident We are sure Ihe family have the sympathy of the surrounding commun ity It was a grand thing this that such an enterprising drug gist as IS Lehman secured agency for Kings Discovery for Consumption the wonderful remedy that has startled the world by its marvellous cures The furor of en thusiasm over It has boomed bis busi ness as the demand for it is immense He gives free trial bottles to sufferers and positively guarantees a cure in Coughs Colds Bronchitis Asthma Croup and ail Throat and Lung troubles A trial proves its merit Price and Hell Culvert con Rfavel J blacksmith hill 2 J gravel and telephone t Cook on Road Machine 3 Fry con Smith grant con Jos Street Jennings gravel Machine repairs fiarvey Snider lumber grant Jennings culvert con It IT Holt Jr team on Machine 52- J Fry culvert con 3oo Open lor all Campers and Newly furnished Mitch repairs con ft J cedar posts 387 Courtney McDonald grant con S0 Webster grant Geo repaid King Proctor plank McAllister repair line work con J Cook graveland cedar J Roys repair to id 760 Davis Castle Hill culvert Davis culvert con Jos Billings salary 2 Sons blade- J- grant Aurora side J grant con Walton gra vel gravel con J Murray gravel con gravel con Pottage culvert Jamieson grant con A repair to rd Geo Wat son sheep claim J Gillespie sheep claim 2333 Geo Jicitor fees Major Stephenson operating ltd Machine Tew use road James Sloan was appointed pound keeper in place of J Harris in the village of Council adjourned to Hotel July a A Refreshing Cup The cup to truly cheer Jc of the best quality properly cured and dried your demand in this We supply Main NOTICE Mr Si V Mel Canadian Gov ernment agent has just shipped llers and three carloads of stock and effects from Michigan to western Cana da The dool laborers and carmen at Rotterdam baa assumed a serious aspect Strikers have fired upon the wounding ten of thorn The thunder storm of Wednesday was very violent A boy named Phil lips was struck and killed at London and another boy named Was killed near The Methodist churches at and were struck and at Smiths Bay houses were unroofed and a schooner capsized SUUtfviiscmcnta it a lineman touched and was thrown oil a pole His skull was fractured and condition critical Council Council met at on Sat urday June The following accounts were passed J work on Road Ma chine White bridge on con Ross grant and con Ross Egan gravel cedar and lumber 4377 Miss Tinline gra vel 3700 John Hilliard Tew repairs line John gravel Wal ter culverts con James Thompson balance grant John grant con Geo Harper gravel 240 Leonard culvert con 250 Joel Edwards repairs to bridge A Lloyd repairs con Storey gravel bill J J Kehoe grant line clearing pit John repairs con Neil Campbell repairs con Johnston shov snow Davis removing stones Norman culvert con J Ful ler deliv tile Fuller grading Holt repairs Holt repairs side line 43 Edward Marshall repairs fitb repairs pond grant 3725 Deacon grant cop A grant con Arch grant con A shovelling John Cook Road J Corliss gravel James to Apply MRS Main JAB lDduetrlQl Home LOSS bill on of June In Finder kindly leave it at llic and really Teacher Wanted Having lint of rfnd Aurora are of- my for beg to inform my In North York Art and bat the time Mr AH In bis bands will receive bo most nod laM of tiwk that I have supplied thru the above orchard North York thepait have per the prices offered by Hon Wm Any man representing my a certificate of figency and ftrf Imposed on I SMITH Winona June Oat I bale BY TENDER Tenders be received by South half of lot No Win ihriirtconc3lon West of In GTvltlinborf log more or Daw- eon up to the flay of August 1900 Be Ready for Them The holiday have arrived your summer will oon te will be for photo of yourself and family Have them taken at once SMITH BEGS and you can then give thorn a photo they will be proud of wanted School Section Ho Dudes to after vacation txpecivl A WEBB yes Are Workers Terms Cent cash tender and ihe balance on acceptance of within days with out Interest This farm front on and is only from Newmarket is a large brick on the end fratne out- and a good a hard wood be highest or tender not for particulate Apply to for Vendors Built Eight Wear Eight Our work ebons Its It show the wear It is the vieyhit oaRioe4i because we aim to make each piece rta Jit If like style nicety of fineb add wearable material you to leave- your order wjth my Tailor Sight is the only special sense which we use constantly except during sleep Perfect eyes see without effort The imperfect ones are constantly under muscular strain any wonder eye strain Is so hurtful are your eyes Consultation free Satisfaction guaranteed OPTICIAN Co Stofej PR FOR THE HOLIDAYS I farm of Jot about Which and a rtate of cultivation pasture land Op Is a Fine Brick Residence GKd hard modern fnn conveniences of Mrs A ftt rea of to J WOODCOCK Estate v4 Newmarket Notice to Creditors the matter of Late Of the Tosrnablp of York Id the Country of fork Farmer Notice is given are that a I persons bavin into of the Vfra require on or before the to statute Say of We Want Your Trade Photon finistiod in all Latest Styles and at Lowest Prices Finely Cabinets as moat at Crayon Water Colors Portraits Pictures and frames of all kinds made to order C0PYINGENLAMIN6 SPECIALTY to fiend to Lloyd Solicitor for Ad- Of laraof ihelrcIiiimB their the nature the any held by them duly And take notice that after the day of August next the aJd Adminiatrfttix will with of toe deceased entitled ibtre- baying regard to those claims of rfiicb flhafl then have received notice MELISSA Aurora Lloyd Her Newmarket July We Cant Do It do But We Can Better Is Import- to the Ce of your Shirts Collars A luffs our of If our you tell your HA P Prop IN PROVIDING to facilitate your basincas a Long Distance Local Manager of BELL TELEPHONE will be pleased rates FROM 3RD THE Contral Business TORONTO Offers excellent opportunity for Teacher and Senior Students lo a terra In if and Member may enter at any time and spend from two up- wards Special term Write for particulars Regular continued right along Into the Fall Term which op ens On Sept Catalogue free Toronto

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