Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 13, 1900, p. 5

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r J ONTARIO BANK- CAPITA head NEWMARKET BRANCH A BuslhVsi nterost Allowed iueb DRAFTS ISSUED At it Draft and Farmer Not Collection 10 Manager J A sent tor Hd to at Current Agent on Farm and Isolated Property f ft y If of LICENSES AtthoKRAOQlQONovfmarkct 13- Vapors at residence if J LIOENflEB iiV MISOBLIiANEOaa A Fancy Goods of tS8btKr Woo isA i The International Sunday Softool Prepared for the Era by paitli Golden Then alio and Him saying Lord help mo July Mark Verso Jesus tilled very borders of Ills labor field for cliHdrcn calls out concern A makes her wonderfully bold Jesus puis mercy where wo shall long for It There is food for comfort voir la Indifference Jesus loves and rewards great faith Parental faith can prevail for children Vceecs life of Jesus Christ is very luminous There arc troubles that paralyze us well nigh Trials no exclusive boundary lines There are first claimant to our bounty The real child fc for even the dog Buffering God pays largo premiums on great faith There arc faith heroes even hi humble life HUOUKUTIOKB Verses Holiness rebukes sin but attract the sinful Sinless is the greatest soul magnet The Cross Gods protest against sin draws the sinner Jesus Gods well beloved is the friend of sinners Voice is knowledge of Christ that locks appropriation of end of His work is not to save but to indwell Bread water light symbolize Him as indwelling An acquaintance with Him bid not save Judas Verses There are inner meanings to ordinary words Dog explained womans position nationality character Little Dogs belonged to the household and had rights She graduated thru discouragement into grace Verso The crumbs from Christs table are better than loaves elsewhere The sinner can claim mosey because he has no merit The lost one can expect help because he is without strength The Word of God encourages an audacity of faith Verse 29 God tests true faith not to break hut to strengthen it The logic that love and anguish wrung out Christ commended The argument of love and worship will finally prevail Verse The overflowing reward of faith to her sinfulness had gone out of her child own life was restored to purity The great faith has an everlasting record in the Word I i York ED J- DO of Pianos and all String forth Mob cheap oat for the poor poor for moan and lor Graham Photographer J A Allan Co and Hardware Merchants jbbbb The David Hogg Co Toronto World Printing Co Toronto The Evening Telegram Printing Co Toronto The Evening News Printing Co Toronto ft Howard Wholesale Cigars and Liquors Toronto The Methodist Book and Publishing House Toronto J A Simmers Seed Toronto General Merchant Newmarket Barber Newmarket Lumbers Tea Merchant Toronto Toronto Saturday Night Toronto Lithographing Co- Irving Umbrella Co Toronto Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Blacksmith Newmarket A Harnessmaker H Knowles Grocer Newmarket iiiittri iMifn I ItlfHI ill 111 250 200 rpo- jpleaodta Koaoj to flralolPJ security effected on Wfo Insurance CQifljflJiJlonerVortakinK J Conveyancer a ileal estate Agent o Agent following reliable London iTorfb Colon SCciildaW Mutual Hopkins Block Albert NEWMARKET gates of Fairs Canadas Great Exposition Industrial Fair Toronto Aug to Sept Central Canada Exhibition Ottawa Sept to The Great Northwestern Exhibition Goodrich Sept WORTH YORK COUNTY FAIR SEPT West Riding Exhibition Sept 26 North Exhibition Brock Fall Fair turn Huntsviile Sundertand mi ki Canadas Greatest County Fair Industrial Exhibition King Fall Fair Fair West Durham West Sept Sept Oct Oct Oct Oct Sept Bradford Oct IK Call Alias At ytvo per rftdU by ttcnid nloyd Also Agent for tnd Liverpool England CiUxena filec- for tho Co oration -To- Old Corner of Main ad ii fletxfs an I Retail The number of emigranta sailing for Canada from Briiiat porta a iu- June Were and of with Gen force wan for the fimftime on Jul in fttanerton quickest and they lost and one officer harmful way to prayer Boer fpjjrffo ipWiMtt rode to filty yards of effect nee revolver July today a return of Africa losses exoluaiva of sick and- officers and men died of wounds 70 noncommissioned and prison Two North Furniture Main Hi h A Supply a of Bacon Lard Afl The bosk and Oared Meats -on- the today A trial will Rolled Meal Pickles Bait Canned Corn Pes Tomatoes Bologna and Tongue Honey Soap o filled on shortest notice arid men- In home officers and officers and men At Philadelphia a colored boy a ipto stack of fire- Works owned by a street vendor An Explosion in which children including the colored boy were killed V Quo Juno Edward a lineman Hull cor poration while working at a tiro alarm tins morning touched a live wire of two thousand voltage He was filled instantly As there was no ladder near tho corpse was ponded for time until the fire brigade and removed the body the wires leaves a widow and a family of children yjaca wherever they are found Or a cheaper way liny small oiler use gasoline It will injure the trees for- it docs not penetrate the bark Just try it your- self July and Mel- ljirne Stanley aged 10 and of of Quthrioj killed by lightning shortly this morning lightning striiok the barn roof and Irookedi out the sash in the stable beneath From the ftpfition in the were looking oat of the iri4owa Leslie was killed and Melbourne lived but a short time is something moat growers neglect ye it is a of all sorts of fruit It makes a bettor crop for the year enough to pay for work oyer for future Apples and grapes are fruits which need to be thinned The ought to done as early as possible hut may bo done any time before fruit is ripe Borne persons thin fruit with a hand rake drawn the while others thin carefully by hand it pays to do it can you afford not to do it J subject of to country At before ssicn tbnhe Elec tion Bill provisions of the next general election bo held All classes of whatever their gluteal proclivities are agreed in the necessity of protecting ballot box in every way possible from the ingen ious that are elaborated from tlmb to time for the purpose of un duly influencing an election and now in past the Liberal party not by loud protestations of purity but by practical concrete legislation is pre pared to enact whatever legislation can 1k as necessary to accom plish this most essential main object of new bill is to the election law applicable to the franchise act with such prevent frauds at elections is no provision for example which will provent the sub stitution of It is proposed to attack a counter foil marks with the number returning officer other counterfoil on the table before him the voter has marked his ballot and it to the returning latter will ace if oh the voters counter- foil corresponds the on tho counterfoil in hie possession If it does is proof that ballot is the identical one that ho gave to the voter and ho will forthwith deposit it in ballet hex Then it is provide that when ballots taken out of the is to bo done in the pres ence of the scrutineers and others who entitled to bo in polling Ixk th and right to examine them in giv en to those present is also pro posed hereafter to print ballots at the with the excep tion of the candidates names The object of thin is to secure a uniform ballot the country The names of thi candidates print ed on the in each locality an lection is held It is fur ther that each returning of ficer must reside in the constituency in vhieii is and that thq right of on active duty to franchise shall not by their absence in These two provisions are on the lines of re cent Ontario legislation TUB VANISHING more and yet has the time of Parliament for there other word for with a and purposeless upon the romances for at this the extrqme end of a particularly ted rous session when even ultrapatriotic Oppositionists are so anxious toet homo that urge the Government to loathe House sit on Dominion Day the do not hesitate to consume a whole days sitting with a rehash of a number of last years charges of in the Yukon which were at thattime minutely and very definitely disposed of There positively nothing new in the accusations which were drawn up by Sir- Tapper but pre sented to the House in bis absence by his colleague Mr Bell from the It is ah thingi which has boon very generally coin- upontliat time Sir ties brought charges Government ho has been compelled to leave on British Columbia and has not had the pluck to stay and face the men whom he so recklessly maligns SQUARE Olt PAIR This is not in accordance with the generally accepted principles of Brit ish fair play but it it self compared to latest move of the Tories in connection for when Hon Mr Sutherland the acting Jlin- the Interior proposed to meet the Jast year identical the present by submitting the sworn affidavits the men implicated Opposition led by sought by every use and abuse of technicalities of the rules of order to prevent these menhaying any word at all to say on their The House resented so a pro- with the result that the Minis ter completely demolished the charges a exonerated the officials and the Department In may not be without profit to give space to a couple of the sentences which occurred in Mr Sutherlands Opening remarks when he replied to the list charges I am not sur prised even we know record of the lion senior member for Sir and what he did said in tills House session that has been TO THIS HOUSE and the country by placing such a document in your bands it is history repeating itself only worse Hon Alex Mackenzie and his Government wore attacked by all kinds of slander and policy the present Opposition appears to be an hey ere not able to criticize success fully the administration of the meat against of of and officials of with- out regard to what is right and fair It is my humble opinion Sir I3paker that there Is not a member sitting oh opposite sldo of the House who that there is one word of truth in this document or just reason why any action should do taken upon it It is put forwad for one purpose only that in because gentlemen opposite are unable to find any just or fair policy with which go to tho country they adopted this un fair improper and immoral policy of throwing unfounded slanders against members of Government In this disgraceful document not only directing their slanders against party and tho Liberal Government hut discrediting this and old Dominion of Canada There seems to no no limit to the length to which these gentlemen are willing to go in discrediting- and de stroying the country if they can only it appear that there is cause for censure upon Government ANOTIIBH BUBBLE BURSTS In same connection the follow ing special despatch to Toronto Globe from Dawson City is worth quoting which says Commission on investiga tion closed Nothing was elicited involving tho Gold Commissioner in crooked work He comes out ftpotleis Judge pronounced severe stric tures on the persons making such charges Tho complainant G flsd the country to arrest for criminal libel The olficial report received by the corroborating and ampli fies tho Glees despatch It that the charges wore based evidence and when in vestigated the witnesses either failed to appear or came forward to offer more rumors from prejudiced or and not facts within knowledge all This is just tho repetition of the tomfoolery that has going on for a couple of years past and Sir and his supporters seem the country to take iu A to by Not but Volunteer or Dr Chaaea Ointment absolute euro for every form of Mr Jackson th Spool Cpmvjy St Monte Que ut my to you can give tor It dona good f i waa- troubled yeara with that cruet- and Dr Ointment I can a ay I rid of It It ti ttteaflUrto from Ointment to ponlyeIy case ot bleeding or protruding piles It 7et been known to fail and cer tainly will not fall in- your cue yean Dr Olnt- as the only ab- aid guaranteed cure- for and Itching skin 60 cents box at all or Edman8on Toronto Syrup of United and Jfurpehtlne by far of any remedy for throat and a bottle The old way of things is not necessarily the way The World his very fast during fifty years and new and lie methods are in vogue for doing fordoing almost everything We have a proper respect for things but have little patience with the man that his way the way 7ZieJQettar Part or valor la and the better part of the treatment of pxeTeotloD Dilate ln of the blood toe blood People who take It at aa they arekept It Is makes the glvlDj AH cents hit are cured by along on a private roa the other day pioked up a piece of newspaper and it had the following lines which are very good Cor the folks It to me jest be bound As if this her so dull I care to stay around while I aint in any man I within t speaking distance when womans smile Can brighten up a place A man forlts the shadders while sees the sunshine in er face The poeticaUVm clinging vines And we men are mighty oaks But the strength I I I p Is for Infante and Children for Castor Paregoric Drop and Soothing Syrups It neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic It lis Pleasant Its guarantee thirty years us by Millions of Mothers rtcxtroys and allays cures and Colic Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates Food regulates the Stomach and of infants giving healthy and natural sleep Castorla in Childrens Panacea Mothers it o for children- Mothers have repeatedly told of good effect upon their children r Ctatorla Is so well adapted to children that as superior to any pre to A THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF Appears on every wrapper hiw J Stock of Just Arriireol Extra good Values in Prints Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere V v ALL m Boiler Ball ledger to yon Patented Ball Clip Supplied only ordered frjsAy We the complete of fieecjlng on Earth Tooth fitted with and sowing if and Spike Tooth kinds Roken friction end ratchet dump I yoa need Catalogue earth in them folks will tiud It raacb to w THE Co Out It he but tit tot cram a ror wounU Avoid Out one latU tte W- Borne wives idea a husbands recreation is to allow to water the for the Era and get all the 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