Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 13, 1900, p. 4

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Yon may iti Hoods aspaiUa foe diseases Arising front profixoled by confidence itxai do you tfoo iakeahy sub- In foods SarsapaiSta you have the best money can boy cures completely and permanently others fail to do any good Tonic fax en Hoods Sassa pAiKUas A tonic and general of iht ffjtfjtht rijwfiAt drives atoayihai iht nerves brings freshing tfff John Whiffy Among the appropriations to rail way enterprises the other day by parliament was one to and Aurora Railway Company for an extension of lino from its easterly terminus to a point at or neat Lake Ontario not ex ceeding miles Best Advertising Medium York County per lino for I net for unaccompanied with writ- ton instructions until forbid and tUomeriu will bo Changed month if For than the composition bo paid for at foe ftdyortiftcwonta must wodnoSdaya IutaW Heat Articles Found A tie Inserted for any CUuroHorSometwheropoitora will No to rut Main to on good Farm security Solicitor Honey lcnu At low pat Division Court Ontario Convey 3 dpora South of Of T Aurora will also boat and Bays i31BolIoItorsfor J I A Hankers and Ontario Ican p Hone loan Block Main Barrister Block Money to Loan One of the topic of among citizens Is the ra pid development of Imperialism both In the Colonics and in the United Stales The Future of Im perialism is the title of a valuable and wellreasoned article in the July Canadian Magazine by John who Is among the of -Thouo- Mrs Jobii or I I- Hot for of tttmilAr nk Had la q John Holland P i- well known and highly re spected in the community where she resides For some years life was one of misery and having cleverest of from that com- fop Humanity dyspepsia A reporter hearing of her restoration to The dates for the hearing of the health thru the agency of that tlic East and West Elgin remedy Dr Williams Pink Pills election cases have been fixed by Pale People called upon Mrs courts The petition by land to obtain particulars which were Daniel against the return of Andrew as M P for filgin will be tried at St Thomas on Sept dtli West petition which Donald is seeking to the overthrow of Mo- will bo heard at St Thomas on of At a Liberal in Wei- land last week Mr tierman who now represents the constituency in Provincial Assembly- was chos en to contest County Mr Wm the present in the Dominion who is a Conser vative The latter on being again tendered his party nomination time to consider It is conAdenity tliat Wetland will go and Reform next election Nothing like having a Premier with backbone A round robin signed by both Tories and Literals alike hut proportionately more of the former than of the latter was presented to Sir Wilfrid last week asking hint to increase the indemnity to mem bers of parliament from to Sir Wilfrid said Nay largo capital letters and ids colleagues endorsed their leaders action salarygrabbers have now got their answer but the electors ought to know their names cheerfully given as follows About Council met mi July 3rd All four years ago J became very ill I bets present except Councillor was atUckcd with a distressing pain Following bills passed In my stomach accompanied by flashes of heat and cold These attacks were generally preceded by a sleepiness and stupor which required constant exer tion to keep awake I had little or no appetite and food lay as a stone on my stomach As timo passed I was growing worse vomiting of food set in with sudden changes of neat and cold in my feet I was so reduced In strength as to not be able to walk any distance without resting To work I dare attempt I- began to feel that I could not live very long in my present condition I was reduced In weight to 115 pounds Two years ago I began using Dr Williams Pink Pills Before this I had tiled various advertised medicines but without any benefit resulting I was using the se cond box of the pills before I felt any benefit hut from that my recovery was rapid I used in all live boxes of the pills and have never felt tetter In my life than I do at the present mo ment All the disagreeable sensations that accompany dyspepsia have vanish- PAINTING Bone and in P Ok ooof Green head of I enjoy my meals with relish rile increased from to pounds It is now more than a year since I discontinued the use of the pills and as I have not bad the slightest touch of the trouble in that It is a noticeable fact that while time feel safe in saying that my tho member for East York in the cure is permanent I would strongly Commons in the journal of which he advise others suffering from stomach is manager is painting roseate pic- troubles to give Williams Pink lures of coming success in tbevarious Pills a fair trial constituencies of Ontario there is no Williams Pink Pills cure by go- special mention made of the home to the root of the disease They ig It looks as if distance lends renew and build up the blood and enchantment to the view Why not strengthen the nerves thus driving us a forecast of the and ease from the system Avoid of the Grit hive of Uons by insisting that every box you West Ontario Is it because all four purchase is enclosed in -a- wrapper Ridings are hooked for the Govern- bearing the full trade mark Dr supporters Verily it so Hams Pink Pills for Pale People If pears j your dealer does not keep them they I will be sent postpaid at cents a A press despatch from Winnipeg box or six boxes for by ad- dated July states that the business dressing tho Dr- Williams Medicine the Provincial Legislature con cluded and prorogation took place an that afternoon Among the bills which received assent of Jieut Governor Was Express re and Light freight re J K Snider labor Hunter sprinkling streets Registering ByLaw labor P J- Woodcock cedar scantling P J Anderson chanty P J Anderson help at fire Toronto Pottery Co sewer pipe Pay Sheets The Clerk reported that a cheque for had been received from the Pro vincial Treasurer for grant to Public Schools The tender of Hunter to water the streets at per day was ac cepted Four tenders were received for addi tion to WaterWorks building too matter was left with Property Committee with power to act The lowest tender for mason work was from Thos Bacon for and carpenter work at Mitchell Council adjourned from John la Co Brock Out m There is no use talking gtaptrs in the oil detail sale of House Sir WrntLftfts glared Premier the bis to on I be referred federal fe whether vfoif of fte of to apt tOipe the rrn Practical and V Ml AUCTIONEERS Idoenied sold on couioj1b1od reason Farm attended to j A v son Bay Comapny under their deed of surrender of tjie Fruit tSfcoefs in on Respecting the friiil crop fa for a forfruitraerilie that peaches will be a phenomenal crop if the present indications are a criterion This season peaches have to be thinned something very un usual fruit is of an excellent quality Pears will riot be so plenti ful but what there is vill be fine fruit are only are splendid and of an excellent qual ity while plums arei lair We the undersigned do hereby go a after UFiugthreefourihs of do not relieve We al so warrant that four- wll per manently core nioV obstinate case of or no pay when Wills Pills are used Lehman Druggist J Scotts Pharmacy Newmarket in the 111 dominate fivy by A despatch dated Tuesday June gives a illustrating the tremendous odds p r f kA firat doorBoutu of Post to W am to DENTAL A I Post Block opposite Pi St Will be at the office of Dr W IT Potter Brad ford -s- St All kinds of on band for wells work done on short notice Ail now work Town J pro to parliament this session for i-Dy- in the Sun has to say Mr Labor Dill the British line of authorized conciliation and not on tfio New Zealand line of compulsory arbitration Its author has certainly done wisely in taking the ambitious course A policy which has done some good in Great Britain will probably do good here at all events- wilt do no harm Nothing can entirely neutralize tho evils inherent In v an apology expense The electorate should arise in these moneygrabbers to the medicine Provincial fifteen years ago when they wanted The Imperial Idea is the title of a most interesting booklet Just pub lished by Messrs Colin McArthur the wallpaper manufacturers of Montreal for presentation to their customers as a tribute to the spirit of the most Uifiqud event ifli of nations viz the response of the Colonies to the Mother the that he migh gather If liked to show toe Britons the Universe over are -still- tiearfi the -evldeoces-of- and the- finished product does credit not only to the brilliant conception of the author who we understand not only planned the pictures but also composed the strong and forceful of the few brief chapters that place the interesting facts before us in most attractive form but also to the enterprise of the Arm who at the factory system of svindinc small expense have produced such between great ludia men and their employ- price is paid for in crease of production on whole must add greatly- the genu al well being- But something may be to- temper the and to give cool reflection a chance against animosity side A BAD CASE OP ASTHMA Mrs George says I feci it ray duty to recommend Dr Chases Syrup of Lin- seed and turpentine as 1 had the S art sduvenir for distribution to the wAltaper trade They are to be complimented also of the emi nently patriotic character of this bro chure for no one with British blood in his veins or who has enjoyed the privi leges of our Canadian freedom under British supremacy can read it without feeling stirred afresh devo tion to Queen and country There ate four colored plates lithographed In ten colors and they arc beautiful specimens of lithographic ftit tiey prove conclusively Canadians need no longer go outside their Own and Germans under Sey mour had to contend officers pay high tribute to the splendid work- in the continuous fighting tense heat of the climate The Am erican patrol June was almost cut by Boxers but succeeded in driving of killing or wounding many Tiie following day the enemy made a desperate attempt to rush the head quarters train at Boxers advanced with fanatical cour age to within a few hundred yards of the locomotives in the face of a Tine rifle and Maxim fire tut Were repulsed with the loss of about killed and hundreds wounded The Imperial troops seem to have flrst the when te international were moving to rep an The supposed Boxers discovered to a force- of- men mostly i After two hours severe fighting the Chinese bolted leavirfg four or live A from Shanghai says Emperor June by taking under com pulsion of Prince The also took poison but is still alive One only regret about the publication is that the edition is limited It is ii HLzial ok on Short Car Jr ma very bad could get nothing to do any good A friend of minis per- mo to this remedy he and for the lad tried it fiid it proved lrfl S I tried it it cured roe I a D bands of all wellknown to I am a well ftitefc woman througli the use of rem- keep it in afo the Tv 3ealf from aiunli- time and would not bo without St i P HuuUaji i A MANIA TOR OPERATIONS Most are anxious to try the operation piles A Jess expensive and less risky Method Is useoPr that has to fail to cure piles no matter of what forjn or of however longatantUng Dont operation can be home by the The best it fa their Fran an of Kings ton had by a carload of ballast A man supposed to bo of Toronto jumped from Railroad was drowned 0 I ft 1 Ottawa feortsipUcr Toronto of Crown Lands King- J K County Treasurer Toronto The Robert Co St Toronto Archden Co Hamilton Toronto ewers The Eaton Co- Toronto Toronto Forsyth House Newmarket Flanagan- Dominion Hotel Newmarket 1 t nil I mi iff f r 9 if it John Central Hotel Newmarket rtaHtViui itrri The Burrow Stewart Milne Co Limited Hamilton Ellas Rogers Co Coal Merchants T Peter Ryan Registrar Toronto Rice Lewis Co Wholesale Toronto John Co Wholesale Dry Goods Toronto Irving Q Toronto H E Irwin Clerk of the Peace To Fred Toronto I J Could P Northrop Lyman Co Wholesale Druggists Toronto Walter Smith- Repository Toronto Co- York St Toronto itrr Metropolitan Railway Co Toronto Clyde Hotel Toronto The Co Limited Front St East Toronto J Front St West Toronto Co Wellington St West Toronto 500 Th6mas English Chop House King St West J H Howland Sous Wholesale Hardware Toronto Smith Co Supplies Geo J Wholesale Liquors and Cigars Toronto Christie Brown Co Wholesale and Confectionery To TO J fe John Brewer H P Co Importers and Wholesale Grocers Toronto Conger Coal Co Toronto Clemes Bros Wholesale Fruits c Toronto Kloepfer Dealer Carriage and Blacksmiths Supplies Roche Co Departmental Newmarket Lehman Insurance Agent Newmarket John Newmarket SOI A Greer Carriage Manufacturer London Ontario Bank Ross Manager Newmarket H Lennox Barrister Aurora A Evans Royal Hotel Newmarket A General Store Steele Limited Wholesale Seed Merchants Toronto Importers of Millinery Goods and Manufacturers of Mantles Lloyd Barrister Newmarket Toronto Jobbing House Sutherland Prop C Merchant Tailor Newmarket Hy Queens Hotel Bradford J Burke Aerated Waters Newmarket Davison Co Grocers Newmarket h A Toronto Riddan Cafe King and Church Toronto Mrs A The Co Limited Hamilton Dukes Hotel Toronto Jos Surrogate Barrister Toronto Geo Keith Wholesale Seed Merchant Toronto r 200 John A County Clerk Toronto County Councillor Richmond Hill Crone Wilson Hoase York St Toronto Phil House St Toronto Purse Bros Headquarters Saloon King St East Toronto Co Manufacturers of Biscuits and Confectionery JUynUUII PP Hr Canada Veiling Co Robt Watson Co Confectioners Toronto J Druggist Newmarket R A Smith Grocer Newmarket 300 Iff tiff fl n itwl Ft 200 fortune Veterinary Surgeon Newmarket 2 Merchant Tailor Newmarket 200 Atkinson Jeweller Newmarket Dr Webb Newmarket tundyv Dentist Newmarket County Councillor Newmarket T County Allan Marble Works Newmarket J Harris St Georges Hotel Aurora 200 100 L Express and Cartage Newmarket A Boh and Dry Goods Frank Grocer Newmarket Dr J H Wesiey Newmarket Howard Newmarket J Robertson Barrister Newmarket Coal unci Seed Merchant Newmarket Liveryman Dr Scott Newmarket W Barrister Newmarket Fred Jack Baker Newmarket Dr Richardson Dentist StaUard Hill Butchers Newmarket L Luke Eagle Hotel Newmarket Wellington Hotel Aurora ElLBraund Stove and Hardware Merchant RiciiardWelts Queers Hotel Aurora Geo Lemon Royal Hotel Aurora- A Postmaster Newmarket Anderson Chief Police- Newmarket iBIacksmith Newmarket Barber The Greening Seed Merchants Toronto I A 4 J ifrii If Tit 1 Office Specialty Co Newmarket W E Lehman Druggist Newmarket Perkins Wrh Sons Harris Co Toronto Twine Toronto Toronto Co Co Boot and Shoe Manufacturers Toronto JHiMtlfard Furniture arid Undertaking Newmarket- Furniture A Stove and Merchant Newmarket Trios MereSlth Stanley Co i Flags of All Nations Toronto The Brown Bros Stationers Toronto- Lyman Bros- A to Army Navy Clothing Co Toronto Andrew Wilson Wholesale Tobacconists Toronto Co Kent Toronto Limited Jiie John Limited Manufacturing- Stoves Furnaces Toronto Jackson Era Printing Newmarket- McKay Express Printingoffice Newmarket Toronto Co Limited Toronto IfluO no OHO 500 500 500 500 Starr Stationer and Grocer Newmarket Smith Bros Photographers Newmarket Co Gait Pure Gold Manufacturing Co Limited Toronto Toronto Globe Printing Co Blue Ribbon Tea Co Mail Empire Printing Co Toronto John Photographer I ItlKMI I in WtaU builder Nerve mm Ottawa vmiv toiiS I became nervous find wjV and greatly my It compiuhcd in others I obtain a and directed Improve immediately atA Nerve Fxd it In it flrj weak nervous or til Dr Food the wmW Wood builder and W cents a at all or Bates ana Co Toronto 3110 J dOO si frf Tired eyes Because tire easily not well to produce Be vhe your eyes examined rCiowJhdr exact from an expert Consultation ixtt OPTICIAN store i FOR urns m mt m NOW OPEN All orders will receive care ful and Work finished in all the Latest Styles at the very lowest prices -t- It Mtr4 rf I id no The wheel fitted Tires gives trouble to the dealer after its is reason why dealers favor wheels They know ibat Tires are the out ward sign of inward worth in the building of a bicycle Mill 80Day Excursions TO TUB mm AT River Jaw CO Albert bo irttora to or before July lxtbteutu tripto or before Sept Tickets and all Information events ILtllway A Toronto-

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