Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 13, 1900, p. 2

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i THE NEWMARKET ERA Roche Co Sale I- Special this Week A Fruits and Starr Our Davison Co Special Graham Workers Atkinson Co Teacher Webb jTvyo Houses To Rent Mrs Wanted Industrial Home By Co Toronto to Way8 TIME North Toronto Newmarket SO am am am 9 U Am am am 180pro pm pm 5 pm pm MS pm Return Fare either way 120 1 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SB A a 4 I a a a S tf fc ft- CD 494 9 OS rf to She Ota op Bur AND WITH be Pointed oil JULY and About nine 5EO Hon assumed at once the leadership of Liberal party in and of the Province Op taking the reins of Government in Ma hands he gave notice of the policy he and his colleagues proposed to adopt in their administration of public affairs It was a policy which meat that a million dollars is to be appropriated to municipalities In securing thin greatest of boons will find a welcome ficbtlons and numerous where the by no- means all they might be The determination of Mr Ross and Ills Cabinet to give the tf New Ontario a very prominent In their program is one wvh the support of alt who have Ontario Interests at heart is especially In teresting to the electors of North York because of the fact that to Hon J Dads of Crown Lands Is largely entrusted the duty of putting lb into force of devising means 10 make it effective Mr Davis has ihiowa work wild energy and has brought to the Unfiling and mctiotis of slllllil of business One of the first tilings to done was to find out just wlmt hind of a region northern Ontario Is and what Its available resources- con sist of Accordingly a vote of was taken at the Inst session of the Legislature for exploration pur poses and ten parties arc now in the field comprising eighty or ninety vcyors land and timber estimators geologists etc who examining the whole of Ontario north of the P and who when they return in November will bring with them the greatest slock of information yet ob tained as to the land minerals and timber of our undeveloped heritage Willi this knowledge at its disposal the Ross Government can intelligently consider what further steps are neces sary and practicable for the utilization of these resources and their incorpora tion into the industrial and social life of the Province Undoubtedly the wants of our newer regions are railways and In making the land grant to the Central Railway Company last session the Legislature acted on the theory that paid to give away an acre in order to bring ten into mar ket and the extraordinary activity of which Marie is now the centre is in no small degree Hie result of the sagacity of the Ross Govern ment and that of Us predecessors in office in dealing with the natural re sources of thai region- To place a hardy and industrious population on our new lands is a task which may profitably engage any administration and under Mr Davis- a plan is being put into operation by which organized and systematic our new ly opened agricultural regions will be brought It is moreover one of the prime of the Government to secure the manufacture in Ontario of all the raw material which is derived from the public domain- the annual crop of taken from Crown Lauds across the to be manufactured in Michigan now as the result of a bold stroke of legislation goes to provide work for Canadian labor and employ ment for Canadian capital The saw mills of the Georgian Bay region are this summer humming as they never hummed before Old ones have been repaired and rebuilt and new ones have been erected Following up this po licy Mr Davis introduced and had a Bill providing that all pulp wood cut on Lands should bo manufactured into pulp or paper be fore leaving the country Two large pulp and paper mills have been put up in New Ontario as a result of the action and three others are under agreement to be built The mining Jaws have been amended to of Rat Portage there is ft working which promises to produce a Tory valuable article The extent of own Province has never been known arid until the ent Commissioner of Crown Lands Hon J Davis came to office no attempt was made lo open up or de velop these vast resources North Yorks Department is a progressive one is conducted on a basis of ad vancement To advance the interests of the people of this province and to particularly assist North York as representative constant aim of Hon J Davis Oar Society Column PERSONAL POINT PLEASANTLY r had regard to the future rather than to the past one which was founded on confidence in the and belief have been re in the high destiny which lies before this Province as part of the Canadian Confederation It was an eminently patriotic policy which looked to the purification of que politics the devel opment of our natural resources and the advancement of our country in all the arts of civilization and peace In particular the aim of the Ross Gov ernment was declared to be the open ing up of New Ontario and the bring ing into vital union with the older parts of the Province of that expanse which lies north of the great lakes and south of Albany river and James Bay A session of the Legislature has been held and sufficient time has gone by to enable a partial judgment to be formed as to the bona fides of this ambitious program and the sincerity with which its realization has been fir tight The new Election Act sur passing in stringency any previous leg islation and going beyond anything moved from ore and matt power has been taken to levy taxation on refined products and to remit it on the refin ed metals which it is confidently be lieved will result in the processes of refining being carried on in Ontario The Ross Government is a business Government carrying on the countrys affairs on business principles and business methods It has already achieved substantial success in fact it may well be doubted if any Govern ment has lived up iu promises well or done so much in so short a lime Not the least suc cess has been achieved in the Depart ment of Crown lbs of Hon Mr Davis Ontario While everyone will admit that tie new portions of Ontario In timber in large quantities and pulp which even the leader of the we must not irse sight of the lion could suggest beam substantial fact that these are not the only avail- testimony lo Governments deter- able products aside from the to get rid of the evils of products which must come from bribery and corruption politics there as soon as the country is opened The theory that a Government up There is an abundance of gold should content itself with protecting and copper and considerable silver and and property and leave everything other metals Many mines have else to the initiative of the private opened up and worked a little and has been extremes j stand in their unfinished state w account of and it is now conceded that mate field for governmental activity not sufficient material to pay for is undertaking projects for the working but for the natural greed bo jf welfare loo large too expensive common among miners and no remote in their benefits or re- to find another place where the metal I to fairly within the scope can be more easier got at Mining jvate Agriculture remains can scarcely be said to have is likely remain the chief in- yet of Ontario and anything which There is every advantage for the Quotes the prosperity of the fanner economical working of the mines in the prosperity of the Pro- this district Wood for fuel is Hence in establishing cold ant and water the most important stations in perfecting the means article in connection with the mining j transporting butter cheese fruits operations is so abundant that it lo the old country markets the be utilized nut only for working Government is moving steadily on poses but into producing power line path of encouragement to There are hundreds of square miles luro which marked the of its of country not yet explored and many in office The good of the mines which at present giv- has a warm good dividends have just- been pur- In Mr Ross and the announce- covered by accident Within Alderman Smith is spending a few days in Mrs J and daughters arc visiting in Bradford Mrs Is visiting at Waterloo for a week or two Mrs of Toronto is visiting with Mrs Dr Miss of Toronto was guest of Mrs Bayly on Monday Mr Kd Lehman teacher in Mark- ham is home for the holidays Mrs of Toronto mother of Mr J C is here on a visit Mrs Stephen Webster of Toronto mother of Mrs hush is here on a vis it Mr of Toronto was guest of Mr M Hughes over Sun day Mrs Ceo of was here for Decoration Day cere monies Mrs Ronnie expects to leave next week for the NorthWest visit her sister Mrs of is the guest of her grandmother Mrs J Si Mr Geo of Hamilton Is spending vacation home and at Or chard Beach Mrs McDonald of Toronto mother of Mrs Alderman is here the summer Miss Nettie and a gentle man friend spent over Sunday with friends in Mrs and Mrs Stewart at tended the funeral of Mrs in Toronto on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Alex Millard were in Town on Saturday on their way home from Mrs Sutherland of Prospect Ave daughter of Mr and children are visiting in Bradford Mr J Cane and family left yesterday for to spend sev er weeks on iboir luije Rev Father Morris is in St Ca tharines this week attending the priests Retreat in the Monastery Mr Sam Jones harnessmaker who has been in Toronto for a length time was in Town last Friday Miss Harrison of Richmond Hill returned home this week after spending a week with her sister at Mr Starrs Mrs Powell of San Francisco wife of Lieut Powell of U is visiting at Mr Smiths Mr editor of the Au rora Banner gave us a call last Friday and greatly admired the changes in the Era office Mr youngest son of Mr A J is home on a visit His family has been here for a month or two Mr Hughes is visiting his mother at for a day or two and expects to leave on Monday for Fergus to spend a week Mrs T Watsons mother is here from and she expects to with the Watson families at Farth est Lake Simcoe Mr Pegg of the lf World staff Toronto was in Town an Sat urday He came up to sec his father who is feeling very poorly Miss Kate was calling on friends in Town on Wednes day She had just return from the burial of her mother at Black Rock near Buffalo Mrs James Pollock has been in town for some time visiting her son Mr J Pollock who Is at pre sent confined to his room under the doctors care Rev J E was in Town yesterday on his way to for a day or two He supplying in the city for the holidays and goes to col lege again for another year Mr Campbell manager of the Canada Paper Co Toronto gave Era a friendly call on Monday while visiting at Postmaster on his way to for the holi days The Misses Robertson who have been attending College at St Catha rines have been visiting at London Chatham and since the holi days commenced and are expected home week Miss Ross has returned with high College honors hav ing come out head of the Bishop College in the exams Miss Ross was a pupil of Aha Baylys pri vate school Mr had his head bandaged several days last week ac count of a sting from an insect while in the garden The doctor had to lance over the eye three times before he got much relief Mr Principal of I he MuUl School left on Monday to read High School papers at the in Toronto and vtica compiled he will spend the f holidays Alderman Robertson Helen Robertson and Ire visiting Mrs Robertsons sister at Mr of the on his holidays In company with Miss Etta Miss- Greenwood and others he is camping on island pear for two weeks and Mrs Wright Fogg- of Intend starting on a trip to Winnipeg Brandon and other places in the North West on Friday of this week They will visit children and grandchildren in these parts and expect lo be gone a couple of months We wish them much enjoyment in their vacation tour A very pleasant and happy reunion took place at the residence of Mr Cody Church Street on of July when his seven daughters Afrs Robert Rush of Marie Airs Blake Hill of Airs James Grant of Airs late of North and now of Newmarket Mrs of To ronto Airs Starr of Cody of Toronto Normal with eleven of his grandchildren and I wo sonsinlaw spent the day with him They had not all met together before for ten years few CLEARING IVJ Our Annual Sale of Summer Goods begins To- Day Every line of Summer Goods must be sold at once and to attain this made Big Price Cuts all around object ROTES It is satisfactory lo note that the Postmaster General has Introduced a in Parliament to reduce the post age on newspapers in the Province or Territories of publication from to J of a cent per pound The- Globes Ottawa correspon dent states that it is reported on re liable authority thai the proclamation putting into force the law providing for the election of two members to the Yukon Territorial Council will be issued at an early date Word comes from Ottawa that the Militia Department has been advised by cable that eleven invalided Cana dian soldiers sailed from Liverpool for home on the Allan liner Parisian last Friday The cable unfortunately did not give the names s we have Saturday Morning Remnants comprising short ends of Dress Goods Muslins Gin Shirtings Etc all at Half Price Flan- Print and Muslin Blouses that were Fine Percales and White Muslin Blouses that were Fancy Muslin Blouses with white yoke that were Ladies Plain Linen Skirts that were Ladies Trimmed Linen Skirts that were 50 at I at at 55 60 at 45 at On Saturday last the appointment of Hon John Douglas Armour to be Chief of the Court of Appeal with the title of Chief Justice of On tario and of the Hon conbridgo to be Chief Justice of the Queens Bench was officially gazetted The Hon Mr left Toronto for Winnipeg the beginning of this week to attend the first Canadian Con I ion now in session in the Prairie City On his way the Hon Minister of Agriculture will vis it and inspect the farm at in Northern Ontario He may possibly go to Brandon before returning We join the Opposition press in ex pressing regret at the death by drowning of the Hon A who was Secretary of State Minister of Militia and Minister of Justice in the and Administra tions As an executive official of the Governments in which he held port folios he was generally regarded as a hardworking Minister The action of the Government re specting the entertainment of visitors at prisons and public institutions is timely as the privilege was growing into an abuse in some instances If these officials want to entertain let them do so at their own expense and not draw upon the Provincial chest Hereafter these officials will be charged per head for all whom they entertain Recent improvements in the rapid delivery of city mails introduced by the Hon P is ahead of anything ever dreamed of by and his predecessors whose time was so taken up with looking after the boodle from contracts they had no time to introduce reforms and so the Post Office Department like the Intercolonial each year grew deeper in debt under the glorious P and the NonProgressive Tory Government The Minister of the Interior at Ot tawa Hon Clifford has just issued from his department two splen did works One is a Descriptive las of Western Canada with colored maps and uptodate information j thb other is a Canadian Atlas for use in Schools These works give a more comprehensive idea of Canada in a small space than anything we have ever seen Mr of Immigration has our thanks for a copy of each Every school teacher should procure a copy Handsome Black Figured Goods regular Black Blister Goods the very newest Black and Colored all wool Serge Black Lustre plain or figured ARM OUT Mens Mens Mens Mens Suits f 5 Suits Suits 1500 Suits Boys Suits at Reduced Prices So 00 a look Many lines at Reduced Prices for this Big Sale and will be worth your while having I to w The Id Town on of Jaly Hoghea son LiTTnK In on the tail Mr Mm tittle a On firiarday June the wife Mr Billiard a eon On Sunday Joly lit of Mr Con Kinn of eon St on July to and Anthony eon In on the inaC to Mrs Gould ft Another just in for Saturday The arrived in perfect condition and they are your for little money Oranges Bananas Cfluskmelons SPECIAL NOTION Is directed to Raspberries tor coming berries reach us daily from Mr farm and are therefor guaranteed in perfect condition Leave your orders now fieca Beets Beans and Potatoes Jersey IceCream every Sugar by the barrel for preserving Crown Brand Fruit Jar Pints Quarts and Half Gallons Canada baa sen awarded tM forestry Grand Prize for game and agricultural at It is the appointed enquire into in tne West Elgin election have reported and report is in the hands of Hon 1 Gibson At- will not be returns It public until Hon VtVVVVV V VV V a s J t The Irony of Life by Sionkiewiez Baldoon by Roy Hooker Joan of Sword Hand by Crockett Dor othy Martow by A Wo receive a copy of the latest as they are published so you may book for them Special Book 100 Selected The paper print are both good From the following titles you cap judge of the good literary quality of these books Dickens Doyle Crockett The Mrs Alexander Jules Verne au thor of David Published price on Chances in and China Crystal Glass Berry Dishes six Nappies Crystal Glass Water Jugs quart sire Decorated Cream Pitchers and Spoon Holders China only Sets Dishes Dishes Tea and Toilet Sets Fancy Tea Sets pieces Fancy Pitchers Bread J Cake Plates Assorted Bread and Butter Fancy Dishes Fancy Cruus Fancy Decorated and Peppers Fancy Cheese Dishes Ruby te All these are new goods and just the thing I R Bar fie en July Rev Reiner by V Morgan las to of Cole of by Rev A Brown Mr J Wei- burn to Cole ill of At of tbe brides Aurora by Rev Dewey Frank eon of Mr Newmar ket to Mies Thorpe of At Landing on Joly Gray brother of Mr Gray this years largely attend ed On July at his lata Bonn Ave- Daniel father of Dr of Town VT Interred in the family plot in on June daughter of Mr Robe Ridel aged and month At of his the Ednewood Iowa on Edward Randall in hU was father of Mr of and brother of the John of Main All will receive- for a gift Centra Telephone- I AND 7 i a j I3 fc r A

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