MM JUNE as 1900 n -t- warning that too la torpid or Inactive- Mom serious troubles may follow For prompt euro of all 1 liver troubles SUssmF Palls While they full regular action of bowels do not of pain do not a positive effect flood A Mass iEiiilleir A In Simple and Cora for COLDS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA arid GO ant OF IMITATIONS ONLY THE PERRY Our fee relumed If we loll and invention will utotuptly receive our opinion lice lilt patentability of Faille How to Out How a 1ntetit tent rciueill Pnteula us for us notice without charge In f it Patent on llliisuoicd and widely circulated jouruul by and Investors for iiuplc copy Address VICTOR J EVANS CO Patent pVflnSDyltdlnBr WASHINGTON i This man knows what he and he licl it- iSuch as this following arc a proof of its merits your And on Curb with two of your JmyIq la four ftlz for a for family ft Ask your tot K12KDAllS CURE also on tie Horse free or address DR J PALIS LEHMANS DRUG fecund I holla flEBFOKUKHTQ WOHTIIV TO la the of pastor ahead services last Mothodiet Mr York with of the txamina- in Toronto have published and wo pleased to notice Miss Flora of this he again was second year examinations and obtained ilr A Buckie who has been with Kpowlesheru a left for that on Mr and Mrs will bo greatly missed among a wide of leav ing Hunt Club presented Mr an accompanied with to and belt He has of t Children Cry for C I A LINTON Mrs J Bell and family visited Ska Bells parental borne Lin ton from Saturday until annual picnic is over band praised splendid wort in every particular orchestra was appreciated by largo audience- Mrs Davis snug with good effect Little Miss Watson drew the attention largo crowd by winning srullo and we I rendered recitation while Humph gave a reading of interest which was well delivered Addresses spicy and of interest were delivered by of the of thopionic Reeve White of Albion gave an oration and dwelt speeially matters Then followed Mr Proctor of Bolton formerly of this place and for a sum of years trustee Mr Wilfrid Per ry of Toronto and one of the of Linton Academy was called upon the platform He spoke with the so conspicuous in an Irish man and was listened to with rapt attention the popu lar councillor of King made a capital chairman Close to forty dollars was made at the refreshment booth Everything passed off most and Linton folks may well feel proud of the high of their picnics Children for Mrs A of in oil Miss loft day to a or more with Newmarket friends Mies of Newmarket guest Mrs Angus Smith last- week Mies William Will pulpit of Mothodist Church here on Sunday evening Mrs of Newmarket mother- of Hon Jones of Toron to was week guest of Angus Smith Mrs Irwin was a resident of a number of years ago in iter MOUNT the former tor of this place called on friends last week Mr barn raising was attended last Thursday tiling off without any Rev Boll formerly of occupied pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday The Ladies of the Christian Church Franklin hold a successful social at Mr on Tuesday even- in and blue lawn social will be held under the auspices of the choir of Methodist church on of Mr Rowland en evening June A of Nerve force is the very life of man and every organ of the human body Is dependent upon it Just as soon as the blood gets thin and watery and fails to supply nourishment to the nerves there comes a train of nervous disorders nervous lustration lysis epilepsy insanity and death Dr Chases Nerve Food and revitalizes the nerve cells wasted by overwork and worry It is beyond the worlds greatest re storative Recommended by your family physician Alt Druggists re commend and sell it After lite met A out on the rod here a Bold riira me art the trying to esc on trade We pulled to of the got to bona What yo got there between the Oh much jest ft hunk crow halt I picked up day before yesterday want to look at I Waal by gracious from what can from here I like the of pretty well Dont ye But that Jest up He thought really hud hold of a good one ao he got out of the eloign and felt of the legs While he was that J looked Ida over It aint nee- eaaaiy to give the fol lowed but- the of the tbfng wo f boss turned over to was blamed there was- la the wholo county of The woy you could drive him a special olid we didnt let the hi flint change of After we hud hlfted and had got tip we both got into our height and we set there lookln other Neither to bo to I suspected that I a In between my shafts well A I Hon cat I what Is matter with thin ye might any he waa a high aaya he with a grlo Go ahead and htm up and bear the be blows off steam Hut I havent been In the boss busi ness without what to do for a breather I just flipped out of the slelgb took a piece of wire I happen ed to have in my pocket- and It over the critters nose end drove up the a piece and then turned round come back I wont say- that the boas was easy but he wasnt ma kin enough so that felt very hearty Soys If At want to aee ye Ive ye what can do with mine lets see what ye can show with that high priced I let ye have bated to cluck up wust kind but be lifted the and touched old with the whip No Uiddap along says Hut looked around at him binder of aurpriaod and planted bla feet firmer Then A got interested lie used up his whip and let him have mine told him didnt mean to drive very and shouldnt need it When 1 went over the hill tad got discouraged Hed left the sleigh by the side of the had started for home the But the it hot be tcr d than in that old saying A wife should double her a a jalve his J sorrows Thats expected of aT4feandtbewp- der of- the worjd is that aheconlca closely to expectation rule the time of marriage onward her body is daily drained of strength and her mind daily burdened by cores She lies on the her back aching from female trouble and gets up and puis on a Marriage can only be an equal partner ship when the drains and strains of- jried life of the woman can be replaced by the perfect health of the delicate womanly organs No woman need suf fer with inflammation ulceration debili- tplirig drains or female trouble Theres an absolute cure for all these in Doctor Tierces Favorite Prescription It makes life a pleasure does away with morning sickncs and babys advent easy and almost painless I Had been from uterine trouble about years micarriage la that time J would have to Bo through before I give to cblldtco writes Mrs of Co Fa Box When about to up ad- of sua thought r a trial as a lal rewrf bought a Favorite it better four and onehalt girl who is not had a day of scrip and after it felt better bottles gave birth a four old Prescription contains no alcohol whisky or other intoxicant Nothing else is just as good Refuse all substitutes If yoi get Dr Pierced MAN EATING SHARKS STORE FOR ALL Drug Wants They Cure So Well People are Glad to Tell I Oh No grudge on either Is boss dlckrfu up county In aide Ken if The LeadlngSpeclallslsol America In Detroit 250000 and log fceoutioa wbwat times slight cbsrKe difficult ftervous or you- rtriclure No no Buffer- no tt6tentioo by manhood I by ralttdleatBd eo 1 ah 4pped They frequently Fait- lot or at fimartiDg Ben- dark 1 BtOt General or Mo and doctor a they do you j will IV doilarg p for uo for Irtatrotataod I moderate for CURES GUARANTEED cure VMWK The of July to be a red letter day in the history of in Mr Mrs Ellis of New market visiting Mr and -ifiIt- at the home of Mr James Pearson Mr Joseph of the con King is the owner of forty-three- as fine a grade of can be pro duced York County This is this springs yield from ewes none of which birth to triplets A monster under the aus pices of Lloyd town Public School to he hold on June in Jennings tjrove Sports of kiwis will bo order of the day baseball cricket and football Woydtown Juniors vs and also the Elevenths of King In addition to the above there will he a wheelbarrow race sack race racft boot race etc for which suitable prizes will be awarded An excellent program is being provid ed consisting of recitations dialogues swinging and speeches by local clergy and others Tottenham brass band furnished the music at Miss school picnic No King last Mori- day Mr and a young man named Ferry collided on their wheels and were both rendered unconscious Mr is better but it will be a long time before Ferry recovers A Mall Captains Description off Them If Russell or Louis had one their romances described the wrecking or a ship the up setting of life rafts by of ravenous arid the devouring of of the crew they would bare indeed been term ed romancers by the said a for mer captain in the Mall yet this was the unhappy fate of the crew of the British ship wrecked En the China People here and along the eastern sea- coast do not know what shark are as compared with the huge and voracious man eaters tropical waters Whenever a good sized shark is seen oft the New Jersey coast resorts it la made a matter of news in the press and timid people wont bathe in consequence In the warm waters of the tropical Pacific they Courted to enormous size and in the harbors warm around the Pacific Mall steamers in schools like- gigantic min nows It Is actually terrifying- to lean over the rail and watch these bloodthirsty tigers of tho sea glide through the still waters fightiog like demons for scraps of ships refuse thrown cooks In the harbor landlocked a placid of Acapulco on the west Mexican coast are as thick as salmon in the Co lumbia The third engineer and a fireman on one of the vessels I commanded were returning to the steamer one afternoon both a trifle under the Influence of stim ulants In manner they capsized the small boat In which they were row ing sod before my and those of the crew on the deck were sucked down in whirlpool by tho sharks the straw Imi the engineer atone float ing upturned boat to tell the tale of untimely end It Lor- rifyinx lr stopping sight sail- on Pacific vessels one f the terrible of deaths awaits him if hi fnlis when the Is lyinx In the At Liu tic Mm Iltiiiiis of being Eared are good Star A man who won a reputation tor cool daring and almost eccentric fearlessness along miles of the southwestern border died In Texas a ehovt time ago died too In bed like a Christian This man was formerly a ser geant company of Texas rangers One night about six months after left the state service he was sitting in house In a little town In southwest Texas ploying chess with a friend It a warm night and the chessboard was on a close to an open window bad tire white men His queen was In a direct line with the black king but a black knight was between the two pieces It was move Suddenly there was a sharp report out side and a bullet whistled in- through the window hit the black knight and fed itself the wall bad been bending over the and the bullet Was evidently Intended for bis bead But for The People Only for Testimony Freely in Where Dr Pitchers Kidney tablets Are Known i ItMgan and She lb St a I J One half world dont know how the other hull exclaimed a gossiping woman Dont worry about It It isnt your fault that they dont answered neighbor It is to the thrifty in dustrious farmer orchard IB green evidence of having been sprayed promising a good crop Hie fields art well tilled with every for a beautiful harvest the contrary neighbors orchard across the way looks us though fire had passed through it so effectual has the of worm with no of fruit She Not Tell Her She just come up from Mississippi to hire out In Memphis and all of friends at home promised to write to her After new of the city wore off and the ache of began t make Itself felt tit the general at the to Inquire forget mall She still bad her moss grown clou of 6wn folks and devious ways so she marched up to the general delivery window and demanded Any letter here for What is your name asked lb clerk none of yo business my name Indignantly and without further parley she left the post- office angrily muttering to herself 1 aint to toll that white man what my name to know business tis Man whut my name is The cau tious old body didnt hear from homo that day Memphis way he said Check Bye log Post v A hint a funny dream last night said Mrs Wattles the other morning to liege lord I dreamed I was dead and bad made my way to heaven Yea you neednt laugh I Thats exactly where I went At the gate i wan met by St Peter who examined my record and then told me to come get for a new pair of wings They were all out of their old stock be said and their rtady to wear order hadnt been tilled promptly- But before you come in he said you must step into this little room In the gate and on the blackboard there you must make a for every lie you bare told Unlets you can do that you cant come in was just starting forward when you came oat of the door dear IT said Mr with a what must I do to get stuck expression on face What was coming out for To get morechalk dear said Mrs with just the faintest twinkle In her eye Have soother coffee Plain Dealer Mrs Jacob Prospect Ave Newmarket says I for some two years from a backache and kidney trouble due to over strain My eyes bothered me a good deal and I was very dizzy the pain in the hack was very severe I tried many things with no relief and finally yjt a bottle of Dr Pitchers Backache Kidney Tali- lets from J It Y Brighton drug gist must say they ivorhii inirably pain soreness of and dizziness is awl ile are in good order I can conscien tiously recommend them to any as reliable and sure Mrs Willis Prospect Ave New market says Backache and kidney trouble have sufiered from for some years not to the extent of laying me up still a lot of bother- As it did not- respond to ordinary treatment I got a bottle of Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets J K tpns drug store and am happy to say acted finely the trouble had is gone and what is more I have given them to others With like results in every instance I use them early and break up the attacks I have re commended them freely and shall con tinue do so like them better than any other kidney remedy and shall always keep them on hand If you have the slightest symptom of kidney or bladder trouble you can test this great medicine free Ar rangements have been made whereby every reader of this paper can obtain a trial package of Dr Pitchers Back ache Kidney Tablets absolutely free by enclosing two cent stamp for postage to The Pitcher Tablet Co Toronto Ont- When giving address mention this paper If you are convinced Pitchers Tab- Jets are what you want you can pur chase regular size- for cents per tie If not obtainable at druggists mailed free of postage on receipt of price ammer a are noted for hanging on They weaken your throat and lungs and lead to serious trouble Dont trifle with them Take Emulsion at once It soothes heals Oil iw fmTimmUi- The fine leaved variety of fern like maidenhair- and others Is not to be sprin kled on the leaves says a florist House plants of larger foliage however like the rubber plant and palms need careful nd- comparatively spohglngahd sprinkling with water A further sug gestion the care of house plants con tributed by a woman rial her large assortment If I find that a plant Seems weak 111 she gays I give it a doea of castor oil some morning instead of usual repeating it perhaps after an interval of a week or ten days if the Improvement dors not seem sufficiently marked The was to by a florist a time ago and I have tried It repeatedly wiib excellent New York Kveulng Post -Vi7- To Rent situate I Main For apply to A Lot for Sale id cure C a si A Mi if I Crowing Cordiality f place some evening and try of inf cigars Thanks but dont smoke Well come op on Thursday and have a of wine with wo Thanks I drink Then and me every evening Life csd di Iil1i you the foots are all appear and Acres King being 3rd Con 013 For to COWAN AVE Toronto- v S fc 1 J Do you thitik of If you do write THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And of Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows all Artistic in Inside Woodwork Factory in Canada for the WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT AUTOMATIC Pleases Teacher Pupils Trustees Teachers Desks Chairs Recitation Seats Makers of HIGH Office Furflita Co Limited Factory Newmarket Bay St Toronto Notre Dame Montreal P Q I revel in my freedom Compare it with the first you saw from my So writes a from who spent a term with us last sum mer We can develop good business writers because we have two of beat penmen in country on our We are quit as stronghanded in every other Department Enter any time No vacations Special summer term from July Our circulars explain write for them Central Business College TORONTO SHAW Principal BO YEARS EXPERIENCE TfUDt MA nd J opinion It iAifre0Wt MM- Without Marin A A Fine FOB Ave being nrt6oburchtfianl Town Hall to table ftlioifood wood- Apply to J 1 Cures That Tired Feeling the hiouly RepUaa by The Long Distance It a loUattnous wiswfef you have to PROMPTLY Write Tor our book lave mod How you arc us a or of and we freour It cot wccenfalW by folly whipped m tad ly work nod ror procured IbrouRb Marion of wftffi MARION MARION Atlantic School Work Public alio EVENING CLASSES From to for FOR SALE in firstclass con dition Can be working At office ny lifternoo bargain but will cell for at Now is to Improve your Iterms moderate j VolA ESS to that bo lias low Co LooJels liaprovunfuifl to dale ft in do a tt