Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Jun 1900, p. 5

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sj ERA FRIDAY J UN 2 Wane Prepared or fry Juno NEWMARKET BRANCH ft la in a General uaQKlng Business th life whpwuu Bin is heart Salvation la to the will but outliving of Gods life Allowed on Deposits it and Si DRAFTS ISSUED would that man should do to you do even so HTML AT ALL WWW and American Drafts bought and mid Farmer Notes Discounted to INSURANCE J flu Agent for pjTft to interest On on Fur jo JOckri Town Over t of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At the BRA Newmarket Private Papers at private If MARRIAGE BUTTON Was Simpson i Main fit and Fancy Goods A EYES of and Violin of m and all String Instruments HAS KINDS OF for all kinds of Nice for dear once for the rich cheap poor poor ones for mean folks and easy please for good people and fa very anxious to to Loan At per cent on farm security io loans effect on Insurance policies by for taking affidavits J Conveyancer and Agent o Agent for the following reliable Insurance to thom Heart of knowledge will judgement True aouaiutauco will lead to interest will load to forgot Third raiccd Mark v He fa risen Ho Heart of the The auffloionoy of Christ word work The fathers faith was by word The daughters was by touch and word v parents was by Centurions Healed Luke MO as a father pitioth his children the thorn that fear Him Heart Lesson viotory of a great in God possible Faith in God mnkes salvation a Great in God servico Fifth and John Ho all well Heart of tho Lesson and euro of may despondency Jesus us buoyant in Doubts referred to Jesus fully solved warning and inviting Matt G Come unto mo all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Heart of Lesson Rest and rest tho Saviour is the rest River the teacher is tho souls master Is burden bearer Seventh Lesson Joans at house Luke Thy faith hath saved Heart of Lesson The sense of sin is tho measure of language Deep cod so en ess of gives intense to keener our peril tho larger our devotion Lesion Parable of Sower Matt 1823 Tho aced Heart of the Lesson seed honest soil Our should bo about heart condition There ho mors than reception of hearers are unsuved Ninth Lesson Parables of the Kingdom Mutt field is the world Heart of the Lesson Goodness and remain until the judgement Watch and pray is duly of waved men v of to be v danger of erroneous teaching is ever present v Tenth Lesson twelve sont forth Matt to It not who speak but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you Heart of God has of good workmen Gods work to do Gods servants should begin all work for him servants must observe Gods plan Eleventh Lesson Death of John Baptist Mark G not drunken with is excess but be rilled with Spirit Heart of the Wesson Loyalty to God may bring suffering Truth although unpopular is to be declared Personal conBcquences of unfaithfulness must be forgotten Suffering was tho of Christs Lesson Feeding Thousand John T us this day our daily bread- Heart of Lesson Church with Christ equals all need cross of is the worlds only remedy The of Jesus is eternal life The Church alone is set apart fivteet of blue m pttt you jour fa would to dexr Sir of that nt me ft rtiijth the and of life I Of MM I id tub mint with jour What I to to Jou a orrew new I I am j mij to right of I of bin what a strength In Ilia that lift tor the yet ia a wealth of lor e am for true Ail hippy just for two in lore and Id light of blue greet you tonight City all We the undersigned do hereby j to refund the money on a twenty- Tendon and e Union Standard Mutual fivo Dr Wills Block Mount Albert NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Elsewhere AJlan- to Loan Mvo per on arm Security by liloyd for Heal Agent Conyeyanocr etc Agent for the following Queen of London and Liverpool CJOzeoJ Montreal Gore Mutual In for the Confederation To ronto roe Old Corner of Halo tod frit Cemetery R fldeeca Mary before her death that the word would be engraved on bur heart so keenly had filie taken the loss of French city Pills if after using threefourths of occupants of a do not relieve I Constipation and Headache Jja so warrant that four bottles will per whole countryside tinii cure the obstinate case Aurora now of of Satisfaction or no and pay when Wills I ills are is at centred in thi used Lehman Druggist Newmarket Out J Y Druggist Scotts Main St Newmarket Ont Two doors North flffaifs in China London Bog- June situation has not improved during Jhe last twenty four hours Admiral marines is not more than three fifths of Tien Tain and and Boxers are destroying the railway in front of force and burning the tridgDfl behind it The excitement at and Tain is increasing and it is rumored that the relief column is of rescue 1 des patch from Hong KorSg says all ground than well ghost story as related to the World i- about as follows Some time prior the year 1886 a resident near Aurora died and was in course interred His followed after but friend of the husband were not willing that the two should occupy the same grave and the was removed to a family plot of hie own family After the interment of wife a stone was placed over earing the conventional epitaph For years grave has been reokonized by the visitors as one of the many only a passing glance bestowed upon it today how ever it is a Mecca for hundreds of visitors The cause for this unusual interest is that a few days ago on back of the stone where a portion of the surface had scaled off Two heads and female distinctly and t those acquainted occupants of ones of the departed couple On Sunday the cemetery was visited by Alto Rolled Otis Corn Meal Potatoes Bait Canned Corn Hera and o ftlUd on notice says Boxers control iien end native city officials have been burned at the stake A pinto prevails Chinese Will Countless have found a blessing to the body in Dr Kings New Life Pills which positively cure Con stipation Sick Headache Dizziness Jaundice Malaria Fever arid Ague was found guilty ftnd stomach at Montreal of the murder ma wile Purely vegetable never gripe or weal- Jest April and was sentenced to Only at TJeluhans drug on August Go tlfiilmy go sleep said Slaty In of that tlic of vJioui she bad a not bear lint ho old bear child be put down thai llmig and come Mnry laid her doll on the elbow it a pat on the hach and crept to of the an he table I0 you tee drawing of a speci men Yes sir Dont call me sir Ive told you be fore uncle Now Am I your uncle re lated to you In any way 1 am your guardian You should have learned that In a week Mary looked her black frock for Inspiration failed to And It and whim pered I wont have I bat miss cried botanist angrily but be should have fcjiki ward to he consistent of tears dried In her like wind blown drops of on a The lone fioften- lie fell nltnost as he had knock ed over dullciii You barn wlf reliance he said it njHe You me now an face to face with the linrd facts of existence and you must learn to sow early that your vefit may be full for the I can sew a bent Mary the botanist Well welt Look at tills specimen and tell me what It la I I wish you to know a bit of laburnum then To what family does It belong Mary rubbed left en If with her right shoe buckle fell an Inclination to giggle weakly blushed looked toward the high dusty window and into the little sordid patch of garden beyond and brightened anxiously It belongs to yours she said at least that one there docs Only she added perplexed you havent got no family Tut tut Tula a shock lu De scribe Its Its like rows of little yellow bees Imuiug It Is papilionaceous certainly We can do without the fanciful descrip tion I- notice a tendency in you are you listening a tendency to cheap which Is opposed to that brevity of language Is at once the richness and economy of knowledge Poets who are on the whole a contemptible race find their effeminate Inspiration in what they choose to consider accidents of life- There are no accidents in life The red or yellow of a flower Ha scent Its formation are merely subscriptions to a condition and natural Incidents In a system Give me your attention please I shall ring have that doll removed otherwise To compare a flower with a bee an Inanimate with an animate object la wanton and un necessary Now hear uiv read this laburnum of the genus has Its leaves on long stalks leaflets rather glaucous oval roucronumte The petioles subulate stipules downy The seeds are highly poisonous containing the principle known as and sesslag narcotic acrid properties This description which have written I wish you to now take to the little black table with your dictionary In the tatter you will search tor each word whose significance Is unknown to you and you are perfect In your you will come and construe to mo The botanist turned bis head as be finished and at once bounced to his feet with a positive yelp of rage Mary was her doll who was awake and crying This Is outrageous he You are a bad ungrateful child Ills fury came with a clap It was But to peel be a as well as a botanist was to be ridiculously ex- acting So doll out of IU astonished mothers bauds and In an excess of indignation and body apart the neck and threw the mangled remnants floor How dare you IVJm cried stamping and vibrating his You have been petted and spoiled take yob In band with extreme One moment gaged on her murdered Innocent the next she Hew the botanist tooth and claw pommeled him and lie tried to ward off blows too astounded for Hut at he got Ills arms Irmlv about her to door tbruat ter violently- without and turned key The child screamed and the panels a few desisted suddenly and was going stairs- Is wildcat said the botan ist moving Back with heart ft little f break and form her I have never been A child Irreconcilable with any principle I must mold her inexora bly I to her dead parents but not to telr has been spoiled especially by her mother His thoughts swerved with a jerk They ran to and embraced shall We say a rag of yellow ribbon under lock and key In bis desk over there She Is wonderfully like Lucy he murmured and went on with his work which he found a llttlo savorless Presently came a top- at the a timid one and after an Interval an other The botanist came to himself through on algebraic formula and went and opened It Outside stood Mary and repentant Please she said Im good now Pro glad hear It Please may I have Eunice That barbarous Mich Certainly noli Tor Instant Marys expression teemed to fcrhode a resumption of old business Then scut a piteous fiance In the direction of the dismem bered Idol lylnff where It had fallen and her throat swelled like a widowed birds recalling lovesick the tunefulness of the merry springtime May I do my she said with a courage You can try to make amends but wont have you here am very much displeased Mary pathetically forlorn took book ami paper and retreated At tho door she put up a trembling lip Will you me The botanist expiated bis blush with a burnt ottering of anger Go away he I am displeased I tell you But wben Mary bad departed he felt badly at ease He was conscious of a In bis brain and likened his bend to an oak apple After he went out for a walk and when bo re turned bad vanished and tho bouse seemed cold anil dull Toward evening rain drummed on the windows and after dinner restless dissatisfied be stood looking out into the dreary It was shad owy no light there and the black wet ground shone like eelskln Hut under the laburnum In the far corner was a broad splotch of whiteness Suddenly his breath caught like a kink In a running lie stood a moment then stole to the bell God God be muttered as he rang It In scared fashion What Is that he said to tbe serv ant who appeared The girl looked and gave a cry Its Miss Mary she said and ran Into the rain pursued by the botanist They found child soaked sitting In nightdress and very drowsy Take her yon whispered the bot anist I am not even worthy to be a first principle The girl carried child swiftly In to the sitting room Light the gas she said impatient ly end was meekly obeyed Then In a moment the botanist rush ed at tbe child slapped and shook her and seemed to go mad Let her be yon devil cried the girl struggling to defend her charge but the botanist took no notice of her for Mary opened eyes What have you eaten he shrieked and Mary murmured A yellow bees egg Then the botanist seemed to go stark crazy Get mustard smelling salts cold water he yelled Tickle her throat Keep her awake Fetch the battery I Battery yourself snapped the girl defiantly You fool shes eaten poison la burnum Shell die That was only an expression of opin ion for five hours later the botanist was talking to Mary quite humbly and wistfully as she lay In bed And what made you do It it was I came back from burying Eunice guardian and there was nobody left and then remem bered the paper that and that you you wouldnt- Call it yellow bees Mary or golden rain and call me uncle Mary And you shall have another doll tomorrow half as big as yourself efflorescent and serrated like a Dresden shep herdess and The botanist bent a moment and left the room hurriedly Hes made my face wet thought Mary Hut Eunice well she was a rickety child after all poor flear And In the darkness of bis study the was murmuring Lucy Lucy Pall Mall Magazine prm SHARON took Just J Extra good Values in and Call and See Purchasing Elsewhere If FT Ft a Roller Seven b for Elevator and Improvements Clipper t Mowers ALL SIZE With and tUieo desired the Patented Knife Grip when ordered We also manufacture the best and most complete line of Cultivate and Seeding Implements on Earth comprising Spring Tooth Cultivators fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments if Sprang and Spike Tooth Disc Drills all bind Rakes friction and dump etc etc If you Catalogue ttnl will it very much to your to do eo TUB 0XuV Co Mi The Era till Jan for cash A PAIR OF BLUE YARN SOCKS The Word Tip The word Is old In the at of slang a gift or loan me your or tip us flipper give me your hand lip me a hog give me a tip him a wink or a are all of common parlance have been bo at any rate an earlier date than when fipme of them as well as some others were ly Grose lii hie Classical Dictionary of the Vul gar Tongue Dr Johnson gives To give a low cant term Dry- den A tip meant a draft or we should now say a drink recorded by Grose This may very probably have come from another source In the century Swift wrote I 111 jitg Mb talch till a Notcj end Queries Part ond a Clever Flayed In an Election Judge Emory bad a wonderful gift of repartee said a former resident of Georgia and In bis early campaign- Ing he frequently Impressed that fact upon hie on the stump Years ago when be was Tunning one fall against Colonel Blount for the two candidates made a tour of the dis trict and engaged a aeries of joint de bates As the goes they drew an Immense crowd handed south Georgia farmers at a certain country and Blount noting their ragged faces and homely attire attempted to score a point against bis opponent by de picting aim as a haughty aristocrat might suppose that he was a plain everyday kind of a man from way he looks now be Bald but yon ought to see him be gets to Wash ington Hes a regular dude and Hone of you honest hardworking farm era was to happen to meet on Pennsylvania hed no more think of to you than hed thick of Jumping over the moon While Blount was haranguing crowd In that chanced to notice that he bad on a pair of white Bocks and when it came bis own turn to he began somewhat like tbla My friends am greatly surprised thatMr Blount should have audacity to refer to me an aristocrat especially In view of a tie incident which occurred only yesterday Id town of We were standing In conversation on the street corner arranging for very trip when a good old country woman ap proached and endeavored to sell us some socks They were old plain honest blue yarnBockB gentlemen the kind our mothers to knit and when she drew out a pair from bas ket our friend Colonel gave them one contemptuous glance- turned up his nose and walked away I dont know of course Liu would wager that he has on a pair of fine city made white socks at very moment As for me whom he terms in aristocrat 1 bought the homely professed to scorn and here be up liouscre exhibiting a couple of blue woolen tops I have era on I now Colonel lets fie your to say Blount collapsed returned an overwhelming for- New Orleaus Farmers ATTENTION BUY YOUR Turnip Seed LEHMANS DRUG BINDER Tf FOR FARMERS Binder from the Central for bo cold to op Farmers Clubs for own In any quantity from 000 bale to required prlcoaperlb Extra tJtandard in bales of Farmers Special In lbs Ho Cash accompany or be re ceive before twine and will bo accepted for lull bales only In ewes where a farmer orders a grlvt quantity than is for his own use tooBt bo anedbx the persons Joining in order and amount required by ft well address Of twine well lb of serviceable and any faulty in use on returned money will be returned standard Is held pott In email farmers is in liberal supply Warden Central Toronto win receive prompt Toronto Juno J

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