Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 15, 1900, p. 8

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tr v i if J tTT your is out order fiick Headache liuirt- bum or Constipation ilotso On retiring and tomorrow your orgaoii will bo regulated and you will bo bright active and ready lor any kind work has been tub of others It will bo HOODS- aro cold nil 2d ct4 around the AtWAa THROB KJKO OP Oft OR THAT WILL HOT RE LIEVE LOOK OUT IMITATION AMD mures the PERRY DAVIS SOW Our fee returned if we fall Any of will receive our of Mine How to Obtain Patent sent Patent waited through us ftdvcrtlKd for ml eat our expense taken out through 1 An illustrated widely Journal consulted by end Investor a end lor sample copy FREE VICTOR f CO Attorney Building Washington AMD WORTH BRADFORD Tho forma opening of now tennis court took Wednesday afternoon A number of chiefly Indies present to watch the opening and enjoy tea by of club now court wall situated and will bo ft very fine when it in got into shape hero aro two double courts with of outside room to prevent ball going over the fence result of play as follows Stewart Bur- Thompson beat Doubles Stewart and Miss heat and Miss Thompson and and Miss and Miss Children cry for rORIA CAS This man knows what lie and it as following arc arc proof Of merits Oft your two of jour KfOdHf Price for Ah a for family it no equal for SPAVIN CURB Hotted or address ta b palls vt KK3rKKKiC DISEASED MEN MO CURING PAY K will lively cure any of or of in the treatment of WE CURE SYPHILIS Blood tU terror of mankind to our of Mercury If joints hair or falliug out blotches you tbofocoodary of this Blood Wo and we for treatment and cannot cure By oar ulcrd hair skin marriage la and GUARANTEED and loco vigor and vitality tapped by early later oxcee4r Ho matter our And restore all parti to a Hon and nod a man anioce won caw vldually no our bonder- No toattor what you WMult confidentially n nUh bank bonds to guarantee to CURED cor EMISSIONS UNNATURAL KI0NBY and I BOOKS to write for IKNNDYS KERGAN Cor- Michigan Ave and Shelby St DETROIT MICH A occurred at nil evening not on fe Aurora Railway riding out if town on man named was coming in on the down ftraio collision both were rendered unconscious Mr is bettor but Mi Ferry is badly hurt it will time before be recovers Street of place bad a rutin way accident nt Tottenham Thurs day last His horse took fright it a train and threw him out the waggon over him lie wan very badly bruised about breast A quiet wedding took place at Win Thompsons on Monday Juno when Mr tt At teredo and Miss A Thompson were united in marriage by Hand The bride received many as well pres ents The church members did not forget that she was once and presented her with a well filled I mis Eddie is home from the Buf falo Dental College Tie has yet an other year to put in did not get a lowing well but got plenty of water and will erect a windmill to do the pumping Children for School Rapptffca Iff OP MERIT PUBLIC SCHOOL Etta fiawdon Br Morrison Edgar Walker Jr litEdna Trent Arthur Maud Br Wesley Lillian Eugene Roy Vernon Jr Black Bella Lulu ilose Emma Vera Hatha Morley ttath Bert Sarah Laura Jr Edna I Sydney Simpson Int I lohnnie Alloyne Gordon Do Vernon Jr Ezra Morrison Trent Adolabo fiawdon Willie Black ley Roy Simpson Teacher fl fl NO J Geneva Harry Alice Arnold Crittenden Merle Miller Herman jr 3rd 2nd Sadie Bttrrowa Helen Ada Taylor Sri 2nd Nettie Miller May mall wood No Elmer Vera Edith INo Kay Kay Charlie No Johnnie Harvey Bruce Davidson WHEN A i Did a rtytbs4 bit Ab irjln by qnltUito v IL hud fa fcffrwa in In trylrt froibhH lb in of An ft pit Mi to to vooij treat Mm niter in thing know up in off in ttin forgot ho Lees lh Ufa jcit An like not jroH poor lilt toe life wit hut he Into a etone An they bin here He old fee in But If only fa An It a of to go lttle An a word of contort mm led ill toe lure aint no may to whtn to come turn to trip en Hub tot yore In light in fctow An an etruggllo through til time it think got world nut In grip very time find ytr to Up An ft mighty to hive torse feller atop I know coin fart ye an try to help ye when yeve yer toe etirfiuck Tribune NIGHT BELLS LEHMANS DRUG STORE FOR ALL Drug- Wants Sale lit half price- Enquires The Rev Mr the new in cumbent of Trinity Church was tend ered a reception by congregation the Sunday school room on Mon day evening One of the finest demonstrations ever given in part of the county is promised for July next by local lodge of Sons of England The drawing card this will be the Highlanders Band The annual garden party of the con gregation of Johns Church Oak will be held at the grounds of Mrs George Newberry on the even ing of June A patriotic service was held on Sun day evening at the Methodist No Company Regiment ac companied veterans paraded to one Police Magistrate Ellis County Crown Attorney and Steno grapher a Court of En- on Friday to take evidence for extradition proceedings on the re cent bank robbery The enquiry was private but it was learned that about witnesses were examined The photos of the prisoners now held in Chicago were positively identified by nearly all the witnesses and it would seem that men after operating at had taken a freight over the Northern to King City and had spent the day in that vicinity and had en tered Aurora in the evening The en quiry was continued in Toronto At the York Co Endeavor Conven tion here last week the following core were for the coming year Rev Rev A McGitlivary Newmarket Lehman New market Com of Management Rev Dewey Miss Miss Winch Mr Ferguson WHERE ARE THE SKEPTICS In spite of all the evidence pub lished in the daily press and even in spite of the testimony of your best friends you may stilt be skeptical re garding the unusual virtues of Ceases Ointment Nothing short of an actual trial will prove to you be yond the possibility of doubt Dr Ointment is an absolute cure for piles A single box will be suffi cient to make you as enthusiastic as your neighbor in praising Dr Ointment for It Is certain to cure you a 1 Class Wla Starr Winnie Spalding Walter Drown Harry Beatrice Minnie Allan Case Pickering Jr Lucy Cage Delia Leslie Hannah Wright Welti Stevens Walter Leh man Edith Picketing 2nd Edna Delia Lobnian Lewis Dews- bury Penrose Jr 2nd Lehman Lor- John Bertie Nellie Penrose let Eunice tittlejohn Clara Mil ler Jess Rosa Fred Penrose 2nd Tablet Gordon Herb Spalding Gladys Penrose Moss 1st Tablet Fred Reynolds Gordon John Rose Muriel Van Luven May Teacher Too June Michael a farmer at Milts struck for water and now he has more than he can control Welldrivers drove thru feet of clay and feet of quick sand A heavy rush of water followed flowing out all round the pipe Sand was washed out in alarming propor tions and an unsuccessful effort was made to shut oft the water by driving in piles But tho water soon broke out again and in a few days a block crust feet diameter was slowly sinking undermining one corner of the house The stream a foot wide and eight inches deep was running at an gait to a neigh boring creek At present an effort is made to surround the flow by driving down a very large pipe into the clay and thus get the water under control Kind Help to Ho Invoked Their Aid Of night bells of one sort and another there will be found in cities many There is for Instance the drug atom night bell which is old and familiar largo cities there are nowadays more drug stores than formerly that keep open all night hut the drug night bell Ib still on Institution Inside the window fa a light so placed that Ha illumination serves at once to give a glow to some highly colored jar of water time honored emblem of the apothecary and make that serve a sign to show to those who are peeking It when they shall have come- near the location of bell Is the undertakers night boll eld and familiar and to he found numbers light so placed as to reveal It plainly A peculiarly modern night bell Is plumbers night bell for whose coming Into existence there are two reasons one the multiplication in cities for the equipment of dwellings In accordance with modern Ideas of comfort of pipes plumbing of nil sorts for steam heat water and gas and the multiplication of emergencies out of the use them the other be ing the modern way of not putting things oft till tomorrow of following always a beaten track In doing things but of being ready If celled upon for work at any time day or The night bell that probably Is to be found In most limited number then only In great maritime cities the night bell of the wrecking com pany in this big town there is perhaps hut one such night bell but there Is at least one which may be found placed in the wall outside of a wrecking companys oil ice In a water side street with a painted sign on the wall beside It In the usual familiar words Night bell a place where one can go to get help for vessels In distress by night as well as by day- New York Sun In the good Old a care for tils health was marked by the completeness of the armor In which he lock ed himself up It was very hcftlthy In those days of jovial barons to be outside of the case of knlgtlpod It was fttcet steal every hour of the day In our times a man needs to be armed rather than out The gentle germ is like love in that he laughs at lock smiths You cant lock him out but you can make it o mighty uncomfortable for him that be glad to get out and seek tome other lodging The greatest protection against disease is a healthy condition of the fitomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition Health is the true armor against the germ The health of the stomach and allied organs is assured to those who use Dr Pierce Golden Medical Discovery It purifies the blood strengthens the stomach nourishes the nerves and gives new life to the lungs There is no alcohol or other intoxicant contained in Golden Medical Discov ery mud Med ical tod villi of aPclleCaA year ago this have had no trouble with MrWT Thompson of Broadwater Co Mod WordAfantotellbvrtbriDVfullQrafor the teller I hod to much it wcraw lhat th could do to no good got down in weight to jxmada not to work at all nearly and can do a work on fatm Dr Pellets cure biliousness Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write on LIMITED NEWMARKET And get prices of Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows urn Artistic in Inside Woodwork Surprising Reports In for lbs PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co UK IT ED NEWMARKET I J Come in for Dr Pitchers Back ache Kidney Tablets Cures are made of ills they are not adver tised for V jm The people around in Whitchurch were much on Wednesday when it became known that David Ambrose fourth son of Richard had passed away Deceased had met with an apparently slight accident about a week or so previously While drawing he slipped off the waggon and his came in with the hub one of the wheels but he did not fee much injured by mishap and worked as usual for a couple of days afterwards On Friday last however back commenced to so stiff that he was unable to stoop and medi cal attends was at secured but he then beyond the reach of medical skill as spinal disease had de veloped CONSUMPTION never because the if Then why SCOTTS rimply lunji nd rial them for auwthW Ko For a Throne Napoleon is quoted to Century as to Dr OMcara at St Holloa I was Id England now and tbe French was to offer me the turone egolu I would not accept of ft because If I to do so I would be Obliged to turn I would be obliged to out oil the beads of thousands to myself It whlcb would not be pleasing to Oceans of blood must bo shod to keep me No no t have made of noise already In the world perhaps more than any other man will perhaps top I old and only want retirement What could I do Id France Alone to set myself against oil the powers of Europe Madness Vegetable Ivory In forests of the Pacific elope Id Ecuador abounds the species of palm which bears nuts known as vegetable Ivory The nuts are ex ceedingly lmi4 and while Germany takes twothirds of the product and the rest goes to the United States France and England Tbe harvest Id season and great rafts loaded with nuts are sent swollen rivers Those engaged industry are Indians and mixed races The impeded nuts bring the native about GO coins for pound Rot Toll Tendon Among the many materials for sew log up wounds the sutures that can be from tall of the rat By proper manipulation a bundle of Ave or six tendons per toll can be obtained and can be used as they are being easily threaded A May How on earth did you come to accept him I Fay Oh be looked so cheap when heproposed couldnt help taking him Philadelphia Press Market gardeners around Paris culti vate the dandelion on a very large scale sell It for good prices In merVet Irish stow dish never seen In Ire- toad A mass of strange of ten reported aB relieved by Dr Pit chers Backache Kidney Tablets sym ptoms that are generally common to other diseases than those of the kid ney and bladder This however is not at all surpris ing when we consider the fact the kidneys the urinary tract and the bowels great waste of system and the perfect working of these organs the elimination of all sorts of material that retained and reabsorbed would cause trouble in all directions It is due then to this rid dance of the system by kidneys and bowels of waste and dangerous substance liquid and solid that re- is by so many instances from symptoms they are not advertised to cure Joseph Henry Robinson general help in Lath and Pail factory Pros pect Avenue Newmarket says For about two years I have suffered from a terrific backache and kidney trouble due to heavy lifting my work I had been laid up a week at a time frequently and had to be mov ed in bed so badly wag I off My limbs used to go to sleep due to im perfect circulation I tried everything I could hear of and spent lots money with no result I was told of Dr Pitchers Backache kidney tablets and got a bottle at J tons drug store The result was cer tainly wonderful I took but one bottle and have never had a twinge I work steadily and easily the circulation is all right and tbe old pain in the back and limbs gone I certainty can recommend them most heartily to anyone as a splendid medi cine in every If the of kidney or bladder trouble you can test this great medicine Ar rangements have been made whereby reader of this paper can obtain a trial package of Pitchers Back ache Kidney Tablets absolutely frte by enclosing two cent stamp or postage to Pitcher Tablet Go- Toronto When giving address mention this paper It you are convinced Pitchers Tab- Jets are what you want you can pur chase regular size for cents per bottle obtainable at druggists mailed free of postage on receipt of price William Sims of Ont was standing beside a derrick that was being taken down when a heavy beam feet long fell striking him upon the side of the head inflict fatal injuries SUMMER COLDS No cold is so hard to cure as the summer cold It bangs on in spite of all ordinary treatments and frequent ly develops into consumption- It mat ters not what means have failed you can rely absolutely on Dr Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine to ptojnptly and thoroughly cure every kind of cough and cold It is univer sally used in the best families all over tills continent- 25 cents a bottle Family size cents IDEAL AUTOMATIC Pleases Teachers Pupils Trustees Teachers Desks Chairs Recitation Seals Makers of Office Furniture The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Factory Newmarket Notre Dame St Montreal Q Bay Toronto See My I revel in my freedom Compare it with tbe you saw from my pen So writes a teacher from who spent a term with last sum mer Wo can develop good business writers because we have two of the best penmen in the country on our staft We are quite as in every other Department Enter any time No vacations Special summer terra from July 8rd Our circulars explain write for them Central Business College TORONTO H SHAW Principal Cures That Tired Feeling the Business has anxiously Waiting Replies by op Telegraph use The Long Distance It is for an answer you dont to YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Without titeu iBrouflb Mann Ox latbs American caption of JoumAi toOettj Sold New York VV SECURED for our Help and you arc Scad us a rough itch or model your end free our opinion as whether ii is We fully offices and prompt worlc aod quickly Kcure as Highest procured through Ma rion without over newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion Patent basinets Manufac turers ana MARION MARION Patent Exports and New York DAY SCHOOL Public School Work for FOE sal horsepower in firstclass con dition Can he seen working at Era office any Thursday afternoon Tb a bargain at but will fiel for less Enquire at this office CLASSES From to pm for boy and your education moderate J POLLOCK Huron to inform the tbt be has to nod he Co all to date and be i to- do But Work Seed your in- 13 r 1

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