Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 15, 1900, p. 7

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CHINA HALL moat complete Block i up to date FINE BOOTS ANT SHOES Ike New Shoe The Latest Style Perfect Fitting Should you prefer J King Shoe Wo carry Largest in Town and if wo aro not the Hole Agente The most comfortable Easy fitting for Misses MENS BOYS- AND YOUTHS Box Calf and Vici also Solid cod wearing Everyday Shoos In foots and Shoos we the BEST VALUE and uptodate Style Stylish Evening Wear Special Value in DINNER Sim TOILET SETS TEA SETS GROCERY Department is fully as sorted with the The Leading Grocer A SMITH Telephone 1900 MOUNT Land Plaster Salt SEEDCORN Cob Sweet Improved Early Butler Wisconsin Yellow Longfellow and other varieties Turnip Sugar Beet ana Car rot Seed W J WILLSON Cor Main Huron J Mr Stiver has broken hie leg after being up for six with first break Mr horse was- tied front of way or other off and ran away No damage A patty from bads gay Wednesday Albert wife died Sunday from Consumption and wag buried on Tuesday A good many expect to in tho Concert at Sharon Mr brother was vie htm over As Mr is at Mr Hopkins to preach hero on Sunday SUTTON Mr John M is Agent for at Sutton and is authorised to receive subscriptions collect accounts for all kinds of printing promptly attended to Mr and Mia Kemp of wore visiting with and friends fait Sunday Mr and Mm laflt Saturday at Morton Park I shall not upon tho domain of other further than to say that the all that could crowd largo and a tablo that would torn appe tite of the most fastidious Boating and of tlio day Mr Geo Hawkins has just return ed from a to his hi other Frank of Woodstock who very ill Very of his recovery A number of our young men who have left on Tuesday Morning for Niagara whom they will bo put through their facings It is our hope the canteen regulations will be enforced as is being in London Camp It would bring blessing to men and honour to who have them In charge The 1st Anniversary services of Presbyterian Church in Egypt wore held last Sunday The Rev Mr Brown of morn ing and to crowded congre gations On Monday evening a social was hold la connection with anni versary After an excellent tea for which tho Egypt ladies ate noted was partaken of adjournment was made to the whore a interesting program consisting of and music both vocaj and rendered Those from a distance who took part in the program were Rev Mr Brown and Mr Young of Mr Best successor to Rev of Miss daughter of Dr Wat son The Sutton Orchestra consisting of Mr John Taylor cornet player and the Messrs violinists Sutton choir gave the opening piece Miss at the organ Misses and Milne sane sever al solos with much acceptance The orchestra gave several instrumental selections which wore touch appreci ated Mr Young sang several otic pieces which called forth a partic ularly warm response Patriotism fills the air at present and all are mated with patriotic sentiments Mr McDiarmid acted as chairman Mr Brown and Mr Best did the speaking The social was quite a suc cess and a moat enjoyable time was spent The closed by the audience singing God Save the Queen and the pronouncing- of tho benediction by Mr Best Miss Fountain is home from Toronto for a few weeks visit with Miss Edith Terry of i visiting for a few days with Mrs Excursion to Barrio on Wednesday on Steamer Enterprise to take in the circus One of those most interesting events took place Tuesday after noon in the Egypt Presbyterian church namely the Miss only daughter of Mr Albert to Mr Archibald Mur ray of Aurora church was filled with interested spectators to witness the ceremony which was performed by the Rev Mr Brown of Agincourt The happy couple left morning on a wedding tour OuFToronto fetter Astray lit K Owner Co take- litem JOHN tisvllto PO in The Sunday Convention in the Preabytenan Church Set tlement of West bury on Friday of- last was a splendid success The attendance was very good end the subjects wore admirably- introduced very practical and profitably diaoussed Miss An nie Palmer and of Newmarket were- present and valuable sesiBtance Everybody was pleased with the way Miss the Primary Ciass A William Lang and Robert Jones 2IvS of wore by it A l0 Monro Park visitors on Saturday last Mr To ronto died of apoplexy on Saturday ofgbt Po resided near Oak Judges for many years and in North Toronto for past fifteen years The June of York being held in the Court this week The Wardens took place on Monday evening and his to Niagara Folia the next day machinists strike has been in ever einco latter part of April is to bo settled by the men have re turned to work at Old wages bosses offer eight per cent increase men want Black his guilt on a of perjury in Police Court on Friday and was sent to the Central for months Canadian Socialist or ganization la talking of placing inde pendent candidates in the field bore at tho Dominion elections Hero Is a bit of real taken from a actors being Toronto citi zens A young lady in the law office of I K surprised employer by leaving him without moments warning No one know why not own father or mother nor whore she had but it has since been ascertained that took the train for and was married on May to Mr A St Germain a wealthy widower of of Toronto Husband wife now on way to Paris Tho young lady was Miss Wheeler The bridegroom is none other than gentleman who the public have led through the papers was to furnish the automobile ears to run between Newmarket and Point this summer and now he is off on a honeymoon jaunt to Paris The groom must be in neighborhood of are The widow of the late Milton Cross of Sutton West has for administration of his estate also for guardianship of two infant child ren estate represents equity in Lots and con valued at also in hie jewelry and in cash little ones in the Childrens Hospital College St removed on Tuesday last to the Lakeside Home on the Island inmates of this Hospital are removed there every sum mer the number thus transferred this year about for granted by the County Council to Private Jackson was returned by Col Otter as be had been killed at the battle of before it arrived The grants t Pri vates Wallace Little Graham ton and Haines had been handed to them of was close beside Jackson when he was shot Toronto lost one of Us wealthiest and most philanthropic citizens last night by the death of Mr Samuel Al corn at his residence 148 street west War London Jnne Lieutenant- Gen eral tiir Frederick Walker in command of the communi cation In South Africa reports that in the diflaeier to the British troops on June at Roodeval where the Boers cut Lord Roberts ana of the fourth of Der byshire regiment lost Two officers and 15 mon were killed and officers and men were wounded many of them severely Roberts has wired Cape Town that prior to frednesdav he liberated officers and of the rank and The Boers consequently only took off The War Office the following despatch from Gen Buller IK June We forced Almonds Nek to day It is not marked on the map but is the last defile to Charleston Flats The enemy were considerable force with several guns in position brunt of the fighting fell upon the second who carried the position at the point of the bayonet and third cavalry brigade who were heavily at tacked on our right from very broken round mountain hope our casualties are lees than considering the extreme length of the position is much less I expected The whole was di rected whose dispositions were good The artillery tenth brigade and third cavalry bri gade did the most of the work London June After a weeks silence Lord Roberts has been heard from his line of communications been practically restored by means of a complete victory gained by Gen erals and- Kitchener over Gen Wit at the River June The Boer camp Was captured and the burghers were scattered in all di rections The following despatch has been re ceived at the War Office from Lord Roberts June In yesterdays engagement- had one killed arid eighteen wounded Among the latter Lieut of the Battalion of Yeomanry On June the mifl- JiJos3kiJled 104 wounded all of- yeomanry the Boers and retaken by London June special to the Associated Press from under date of June The situation is growing steadily more alarming The missionary com pounds were all abandoned yesterday evening American arid Kngllso missionaries are gathered the Am erican Methodist mission- surrounded by native pupils whom It was Im possible to send to their homes They are wailing with a few revolvers and guarded by ten American marines for reinforcements to take them to coast A missionary who- has returned from the to the cast says the populace are asserting that they must have a new Kmperor June hundred and sixtythree British landed last evening An additional twenty British hive been sent to Fang Shan This morning a special left Tien Tain for Yang bring Gen Well to consult with ilie Viceroy The telegraphic communication with is in terrupted The Russian warships and Komi I on ace at Bar and the Russian loriedo boats and are in the River Want of transports prevents the Russians from landing troops The Russians arc very active here today It is ru mored that Gen Fung Fall Willi many thousand troops Is at Feng The latest news from Ting is that the Boxers strong attacking the Catholic con vent there The situation is critical and the officials are evidently inactive The United States warships Nashville and are expected at BARBIE A young of Grant fell in the channel at mill af ter the storm on Thursday He was earned era log by the swift cur rent would have drowned had it not for timely arrival Tom a young Toronto lid who jumped in rescued Grant the late Clark of June In Thursdays storm lightning struck the of Mr Thornton Che barn and content burned in cluding a team of horses other stock bushels of grain and other scuff Insurance IK OF iUV Keswick Public School- Sen Nor man Morton Gibson Tom Old ham Ill Class Gladstone Lee Morton Sen Oldham Lloyd Isaac J Part Dorothy Ernes Percy Cole No Whitchurch Wil son Emily Starr Mildred Willis Charles Jr Lena Simp son Johnston Howard Willis Sadie Thomas Albert Law- son Frank crowded out June Alexander his wife and two children aged and of were murdered last night The crime was committed by John Morrison the hired man His motive is unknown The captured but had shot himself through the chest Ho may recover Mr was a farmer on a considerable and- well to He also conducted a store in and was the postmaster there He was about years of age and came originally from Oat as also did his wife whose maiden name was Sarah Toronto June a OCT OS J fll2W a a SCO a EC a a KESWICK Mrs Is slowly recover from and wo glad to see Mr- Ernes out af ter hi iokne8e It beginning to seem- like so now campers are around Mrs Draper Mra Jew ell of Parry Sound now visiting relatives and friend around Keswick Mrs J and Mrs A VYillODgbby re friends In Lit tle Britain Mrs David and family are visiting at Mr John The Gospel meeting will bo held as usual on Monday evening June program will con sist of readings recitations and mu sic by the Choir also an address by Mr I Gilpin of The Band of Hope will meet on Sat urday afternoon at oclock Am County The June meeting opened on Mon day afternoon i the absence of Clerk to illness Co Engin eer took the minutes Inspector presented his report dealing with the schools of South York The report was in the nature of a sharp criticism of the pre sent system- The inspector found that owing to the small salaries paid con stant changes were made in the teach ing staff resulting in the engagement of inferior teachers and in slow pro gross on the part of the scholars In evening the members and their wives and lady friends were the guests at a dinner given at the Lucas House by Warden K Hon J Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands Mr J Hill P P several local Alderman members of the School Board and and a number of the county officials were also present- It was the first time in the history of Council that ladies had received an invitation to this function Their pre sence certainly added interest to the proceedings and the members voted the Wardens Innovation a success Warden himself felt that the task of presiding over the sessions of the Council would be responsibility enough for him and he therefore relegated to Evans the duty of CnaJr- at the festive gathering Short addresses delivered by Hon J Davis City Solicitor Caswell Mr J Hill Livingstone and and a few songs and readings the program On Tuesday the Warden took the members and their ladies on a trip to Niagara Falls Second Day The York Council met Wed nesdaymorning and afternoon War- den occupied the chair Councillor gave notice of motion to move the Council into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the separation of the county from the city for judicial purposes He also gave notice of motion to abolish the courts of General Sessions and Oyer and Ter miner and to institute a criminal court to be presided over by a Judge appointed for the purpose- In the afternoon the County Treas urer presented his report The esti mated expenditure for the year was which would necessitate a levy of mills- Home would need would also be necessary to borrow to meet expenses until the levy is made The special committee on the new court house reported it had not been able to corse to any agreement with the city in regard to the ap portionment of the cost of the admin istration of justice and advised the appointment of an arbitrator They also reported that nothing had accomplished relating to the accom modation of county officials in the new court house- There was no pos sibility of coming to terms and they recommended that the matter be drop ped A bylaw was passed arranging for the appointment of county auditors in November instead of at the beginning of the yeatt The report of the county commissioners was presented and adopted The clerk was instructed to the Metropolitan Railway Company that Mr John Fisher had been ap pointed a director of the company THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE AND I Agents or fflassey Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO A We Are The Dress Goods Trade T 05 Wheat per OCT Goose per per bushel Peas per Eye per bushel per lb iff Potatoes per OS per OH Newmarket HOUSECLEANING SNAP We want to help everybody do their HouseCleaning and have Greatly Prices in that line for Days Only Lace per pair extra large Pillow Shams and per pair Woollen Blankets Curtains washed at home will be and stretched for extra pair We employ only the most skilled workmen and use only purest of soaps and no machinery whatever therefore corn- era need have no fear of the most delicate articles being damaged EMBURY Prop Just let us know and we will call for and deliver all work MONT a a a a a a a Ha per tori For per Cblcfcct per ISO itA i iau Ladies Fine Shoes Mens Fine Shoes Mens Tweed Suite Mens Fine Eats This is the to Buy Goods Cheap t v J

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