Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 15, 1900, p. 6

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a THE NEWMARKET Ji A wound fee Bah AND vobthv to of a over will not forgotten sermon Cached on Sunday last Iter ii largely by vine relative And ft xtiiWtoiw of Our with aona that are walling at It Holt flpont at Mr A This moniker of Mwnic Lodge ojoyed a pleasant timo everting at Mansion where a grand before them Wo aro jpecUrift everybody at ill Concert that wants to hear something worth hearing Ethel Wilson of Now market with her Watson the anniversary of her birthday on Toes- day enjoying good health Wo hope alio wilt enjoy inany more Mre spent Tuesday at Bradford Lota of work for the on Mi of spent over Sunday with Mr A king cm On Monday last J Davis 6t Grown Lands ship ped a car load of fine export cattle from Ms farm in King Township r I Abraham Pphcr the vcM known halfbrother to Mr Joseph of Joy at resi dence Sunday the of accident Mr has been employed as hostler at the Queeos ho tel during the fi6asoD and Friday- last white pa a putting a large cake of Ice in the refrigerator lost bal ance and fell of ice lighting on his stomach which caused such Injuries that be died on Sunday Hie funeral place Tuesday after noon to Dixons and very largely attended The de ceased was years of age and one of the best known men in the neighbor hood BALDWIN BREEZES J One of the two Steamers chartered by North York Society for their Annual Excursion on the of June Big time Special Trains and Brass Bands Lots of room lor everybody Best trip yet See posters for rates 1 Our village wee cast the deepest gloom on Wed fit an nouncement by telegram of the death of Mr Terry at Sawtt Mario sad did it seem for only a few weeks ago he bade us oo-bye- in hopeful for cess new fipher- was an fltotablo young man kind in disposi tion quiet and unpretentious in man ner and most by those who knew him He was a former student of Newmarket School find of Pickering College which enab led him to fill a very responsible posi tion with satisfaction to his em ployer The following from The Pioneer printed at Son reiterates sentiments of their many friends in this locality Humble in Life Grand in Death Wednesday witnessed at the hospi tal the passing of a noble young man the person of Mr Norman fin employee at the Pulp Mills Nine weeks ago the young man arrived at Marie from Sharon near Ont and secured a posi tion under the and one which lie prized very highly Norman secured ward with the family of Mr Young the deputypostmaster at Bay Street which street takes its water from the river shore Three weeks ago a violent attack of set in but the ambitious young fellow fought the dis temper until his reduced strength com pelled his surrender and he left his work and managed to reach the resi dence of Dr Fleming who ordered his prompt removal to the hospital Here he received the test medical attend ance and nursing hut typhoid fever of a type defied medical skill and he sank to sleep on Wednesday at the age of 21 years His father ar rived in town last week and was a constant attendant at his sons bed side in his last days and deliri ous from- fever they enjoyed the deep satisfaction of continued recognition until Heath asserted his reign Mr Terry a comparative stranger found many friends in the Methodist Sunday School and church where his christian character asserted itself in a most unmistakable manner so that pastor teacher and schoolmates recognized in him a true child of God and the certain hope that he is gone lo be an inheritor of the kingdom of Heaven a short devotional exercise in the hospital ward the bereaved father followed the remains of his beloved and only son to the train and accom panied them to the sad home where a soilless mother and an only sister mourn in christian grief over their de parted with joy who has gone to be Christ which is far better From the Sisters jn charge of the hospital as from all others who came In contact with father and son we hear high of their grand christian character and the departure of Mr Terry on his sad journey home ward will be remembered here for the strong comfort he expressed in this separation and the grand Ife of his departed hoy Messrs and Brown are building new barns Mr Ostler remodelling hie The Sharon mill is close for re pane and will not run thro he sum- Gertrude of is spending the week her sis ORCHARD Mr Allan Toole had his hedges clip ped last week by Mr of New market Mrs Case has been visiting in Toronto for a few days The funeral of Bertie of New market formerly of this place was held here on Tuesday last The ser vice was conducted by Mr Scott of Newmarket We glad to sec Mr Geo able to out again after his severe illness Mr has sold his farm to P Kenny and intends moving to this fall Mr and Mrs Samuel Bond of To ronto were vioiting at his mothers- a his week Mr J Sturgeon of Falls is visiting her mother Mrs It of this place Mi Wight friends to Aurora Miss Ay ward is visiting friends in Ohio GROCERS Men of Business Oar tailoring establishment produce SUITS which give to business men in suiting- an still making garment fashionable When you in bands we are never fttfa Out 50c Tea Is receiving considerable praise from our Customers who have- Urn nee Miss Minnie S The Club House Black wu- per pound HOLLAND LANDING Fine warm weather Willi an rain in this vicinity good A number are complaining of the worm pest which destroying the crop by eating off tho vines Excursion on the to Free bus to Tilings arc booming at brick yard Mrs and children of Toron to Junction spending a fow days at Daisy Hill Mrs who bos been visiting at Toronto roturned last week Mrs Rowland of Newmarket spent Wednesday hero Mr F returned from Midland on Saturday last Miss Lottie Jones of Newmarket spent Saturday and Sunday at homo Mrs visiting her daughter Mrs at the city are in bettor shape having been repaired J tailor is agent for the Era at this place Quito a number took in the party at Egypt on Monday ove Al though the was quite chilly an enjoyable time is reported On Tuesday last Mr Archie Mur ray one of our popular market buyers was united in Holy wedlock to Mr Delia of Cedardale Tho cere mony was enacted in the Presbyterian church at Egypt by the presiding pastor Mr Murray intends working the farm of Mr Albert father of the in the fall Mr Morton manager of the bicycle livery and repair shop at spent Friday and Satur day of week with our tailo- New photographer in town for the next two weeks Messrs and Weir also wives attended a wedding at Mark ham last Wednesday Wednesday of last week was pro claimed civic holiday in burg as everybody was invited to wedding of Miss Annie Pickering daughter of Pickering of this town to Mr Williamson of broth er of Williamson of Roachs and Miss Hannah Williamson of this place A time is reported Friends and Relatives were there from Newmarket Zephyr Sharon- Adit and numerous other pis Mr Coomer has returned from Owen Bound where he has been working lately Ho has been reen gaged by Cooke and is working in the mill on the bib con of East Messrs A also J wife attended school ionic at Morton Park on Saturday last Tattoo of formerly is visiting her uncle Mr Salvation Army of Newmarket held a meeting in the basement of Methodist Church on Thursday oven last Mr Frank is on a trip to Niagara Mrs Kavanagh is under the doctors but wo hope to see her around again in a days The of this place drove to McMillans Corners on Monday night last and held a union mooting with Mount Pleasant Society In spite of cold weather on Sat urday morning last quite a number from- around hero drove to Morton Pork Two fool ball teams from here played two excellent matches which proved that has not alto gether retired from the sporting field Senior team played a closely con tested match against a team from Churchill but were not given the de cision as they should have had The score being to in favor of Church ill J D McKay of Newmarket the The Junior team played against a team from Keswick and defeated them by a score of three to none Mr Milt Mainprise of Albert refer- the game The Ladies Aid the Presbyterian Church intend holding a Strawberry Festival the last week in Juno Par ticulars next week The Sabbath Schools of this place intend holding a Grand Union School at Lake on Friday June Everybody invited to come and brim heir baskets A coat of fresh paint adds greatly to the appearance of Mr Geo Foggs bouse Dr Graham has purchased the lot his promises and in tends making some improvement to both Iota Mr Lewis is having his chop ping roili painted Mr house adjoining his establish ment remodelled in the near future Hiss Addie Wight is visiting in Aurora Miss Mary is visiting with her aunt Miss Pearson is visiting in Toronto re is on the sick list but is reported better There are a few reserved still to bo had at Wights grocery store for the Sharon Concert Hew Cheese from Newmarket Factory ON SALE EVERY DAY cay Tailor Masonic Concert A Concert under the of No will be field in THE SHARON package Notwithstanding the advance in Brooms we quote Good Value in Brooms at- each i Fruit Notice We announce to the Public that we are using means possible to Seasonable Fruits arrive promptly and in good condition and wo in catering the freshness of Good Faults to our Customers and Bananas Pineapples Special Quotations for Preserving Cabbages large solid heads Prompt Delivery should please DAVISON GO ON Friday June 1900 The have Toronto She has a twMt volte aod Sirocco the udfenco frrMily rope Her full voice Above organ anil choir Hooded ine church with Viardoy ss Edith Spring Of the of Mu sic Hamilton As a violin has no superior la Canada R Baritone Toronto UodoubtoJlybel boxroitcst in his him His voice compass hi trtticl Humorous V Toronto Mr Is too well known to need any further South End Bakery Try Our Homemade Bread It is both wholesome and sweet We please two- thirds of people of Newmarket with our Bread Why not you Choice Fruits of the Season Our Aim How Good is not How Cheap but JACK can be ficn and secured ax any of places ALBERT Leader and Jewellery Store Wights Store Poet Office DOORS AT CONCERT AT A TRAVIS P PEARSON To viom it may It who took who took a quilt upstairs lathe North Hotel will return the and apologize but If not wilt ho to the lull extent of the J- To Rent Scotch Greys FOR wan killed in the Light Cmpany by coming in with Ho too I the crowd ever J aren place line of ho above mount In and half cabinet Call and them 8t For particular apply to A TRUNK Will Bud 60Day TO THE Canadian North- West BINDERTWIKE FOR FARMERS I for AT PARES fiwao River HOoeomln a Jaw Prince Albert Ion SSefSSr CO a I I June trip to be on or ore return trip to be complete on or before Going trip to bo completed on or Ticket and i all Information rroui Grand Trunk Agent J Hinder Twine from the Prison the season or will bo sold to Farmers op Clubs for own use from one pale to any number required at the log per Extra standard In bales of lbs each Farmer of lbs l Cash must order bo re ceived before twine shipped freight in all must be pa by ana orders will be accepted for full bale only la case Where a farmer order a greater quantity than la required for order mast bo signed by the person Joining by each gps rant quality If any in order and the amount required bye wellaathePoat I of each applicant he Office ever lb prove use on being returned mousy will returned held only In Farmer which using it liberal a to The Warden Prison will re prompt JAMES Parliament Building Toronto Mr and Mrs Johnnie Taylor possess the ability to pass many an hour of pleasure They are both capital vocal ist their voices blending most har moniously Jr has just invested in a Geo is on top and vice versa Geo is gaining a lot valuable experience Mr Kenneth Cameron has been doing the sheep washing here this year lit tle Morton having got so old that a good vigorous sheep would sometimes reverse the order affairs One- of the most conspicuous person ages on our market of late is our good friend Aaron while hat from away below Sharon more especially so When he comes in on the home stretch after a hot run for some pro duce Then hes the observed of all observers Spooking around at night Such was the topic of a lecture not un merited read to parents by tJte Era some time I notice with sorrow that some of our girls arc gadding about unaccompanied by escort at late hours Those are not the bind that make- model wives and mothers is not a very pleasant reflection have dad taJke you by the ear you to a gay youth remarking there take her and keep her but for rea sons unmentionable it sometimes has to be and are usually the victims Mothers watch the girls Hows the teacher doing says lo a Sum Swamp matron Very well Ive never heard a complaint says she Thats a good record for Gum Swampers were always prone to com plain- Many years ago Miss Emma Hill was teacher there and she so loving so generous to the children of the poor she was universally beloved that her memory is revered by her old pupils She was an angel on earth party of frog fishers spent sever- days unsuccessfully plying their vo cation oh Emerald Lake Nelson has had a here for many years and very profitably it is said and his displeasure was great when he saw the poachers 1 hear something about clubs in connection with the Nelson proposes to emigrate to Holland River for some sport The arrest of Donald Chapman late of Baldwin for arson was not unex pected here It is rumored that Oscar Thompson Las peached on him The whole community sympathize with bis wife and family who were very favor ably thought of here- Jr fiddling Charlie and bis cousin from Michigan are here on a visit Our good friends Mr and Mrs Rob inson Long of Mount Albert were vis iting their daughter Mrs Milter here last week Richard Young Uncle and fam ily spent Saturday at his sisters Mrs Ben J Richard is one of those unbelievers in Sunday visiting not remembering the old adage The better the day the better the deed However Richard i a man worthy of esteem The Crown Attorney and Boyd came up on Saturday eve to pro secute further enquiry into the doings of Boyd has dis played considerable ability in his in vestigations Now if It were John Savage well I have a high of Johnnies ability has a horse in its twenty- ninth year yet notwithstanding its age when Will pulls up on the lines it trots off free as a colt and a pretty good stagger We congratulate Mr Morton of Morton Park on the success of the school picnic Neil keeps a model re sort and deserves success financially and otherwise The start on the down grade with many youths is due to trashy novels The case of young Arthur Toronto is an example Parents would be wise to destroy perni cious literature their children get hold of Some day theyll curse the day they ever read a novel as I have They give one false Ideas of life Read that which is true Truth Is stronger than fiction A rather queer accident Millers cow One of her leats was cut on slick as a button John can give no account how it happened un less it were an Irish spook The Owl Farmers ATTENTION I I BUY YOUR Turnip Seed AT general Servant Apply at to Prospect Arc Tut eiiwp Enquiry at LEHMANS DM FOR SALE BY TENDER Pare Ko brick containing Twelve the Vincent Decoy with cow od ious all of hlcb rein line MdeaideueeeiComprtMd of and eligibly No Flouring Mill situated In Town of sown a the Beaver Hills propcrt ill modern machinery J- Frame attached aiding to mill door most convenient and beat situated id Ontario Parcel No 3Soutbbalr or lot No- 12 2nd con- of King Survey Pared No acres more or Newmarket Cemetery Parcel No Main St adjoin and south of Mr Murray of feet IBS feet up July or tender not accepteo For apply to 34 Newmarket Executors Fine BrickResidence FOR SALS Arc being Jo tbi woet Newmarket jo atoreachurcbeaand Town light fur and to bum S itable and abeo Apply to J Lot fox Acres let being vw iuvuw If Con Toronto

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