ml TmtfxVav CAPITAL iilABiOTBD nterest Allowed on Deposits it DRAFTS ISSUED At ALL Merlins aid American Drafts and Agent for to Loan interest at Current Bates Ittos insurance Agent isolate THE MEWMARKETJ JUNE iyoo Sunday School forth Sra June low this day our daily bread v I Wwifl fltiie want of needy Therms ftfttiibongtiia to infinite wisdom letYm out Otitic The practical is to Jeans Mm what order 12 The that provide ends There ft of ia helped raeaU I II They Are Unfailing Thermometers 11 11 11 on and Town Property Over Newmarket V MARRIAGE At private If V J pi OF LICENSES I BUTTON Be Main at and Fancy of wii Violiiu Vorso the out If we can help the Creator with God pay large Men Jeaue with distntorbsted of Christ should the worlds She la the spiritual light for all human She the aalt that alone pteventa decay She is the apiritual bread to hungry Reason meet lovo that God gave all understanding all human explanation The God imparts gooa beyond knowledge humble but helpful ministries David the King Elijah quite overlooked of Gods servants aid not see the water that could lahmaol can transform into power The dry atibkMoaes held became a thing of strength The sling Goliath conquered the giant of saves perishing men Verse There are places where testimony would be I where seedsowing would be waste are when era would be la Mi of power purpose God would even unsaved inen God would rob world of the of ignorance God would make confess power THE MORPHINE HABIT Tuner and all HAS ALL Sat ail of tor for poor poor ones Mr mean easy very lo all ROmtfd Wo the do hereby agreo to refund the money on a twenty- five cent of Dr Wills English if of contents of bottle they do relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that will per manently cure the moat obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no when Wills English Pills used Money to Loan At VA per cent on fitstoIsAe farm Ioadh effeotod on Life by Davidson Conveyancer and ttat Agent Agent for following Liverpool Mutual Mount Albert NEWMARKET WORKS to to Actresses a close addicted to the of opium than In our other walk of They generally admin ister to themselves by the of tnvarlnbty or not escribe to the vice to doctors buying It to In prescriptions intended to allay inter- nal Some years ago cleric In a largo- drug store was to a room in one or our most prominent be tels When on door he was to enter Thrown upon the bed in the a baud op semiconscious ness wag woman who was then tbe best known in America wnt cor said to tell job that every I will send to your estab lishment for an ounce Magondies sola lion a well known preparation of containing grains of morphine to each ounce the solution or times more than an ordinary dope I am pro with It In every city I visit and I see no reason why should not be furnished with it here It Is against ald the clerk to provide morphine in any Mich quanti ties unless we arc convinced that the per son applying for ft is to Its use to an extent that would riot make that quantity fatal Ill easily satisfy you tbat score said the actress and thereupon she bared her arms and to speak plainly the calves her legs also bey bad been punctured by the hypodermic netdle to such an extent that in their they resembled nutmeg graters tes timony was conclusive and she daily provided with grains of She died a few years ago almost forgot ten In the profession nature bad Intended she should adorn Truly It like J serpent and stingeth like an adder Philadelphia Times The skin and eyes are twr unfailing thermometers of health If the skin has spots eruptions an unhealthy or a yellow appearance and eyes a glazed look with yellowish Is high time purify and cleanse the blood and regulate the liver and kidneys Celery Compound makes- pure bright blood and relieves the liver and kid of a strain that is brought upon them whenever impure blood is pour ing through their substance It has been fully proved by eminent medical men that Celery Com pound supplies that needed and food that overworked nerves are too feeble to from ordinary food taken into stomach Celery Compound increases the appe tite and puts the digestive organs into shape to pass the food over to the blood in a perfectly prepared condition that the change into nerve brain and substance is easily and fully brought about without waste of nervous energy or wear upon the liver faidneysocatomaeh In word Celery Com pound builds up the wasting and diseased body it gives all the of health that guarantee a long and No reme dy in the wor has ever done such a noble work for suffering trial of one dear read er it will convince that you have found you most need to you well BURRS FIGHT AGAINST TATE y a of Aaron Burr waa years old when he resolved once more to battle with fortune writes PerHna In Home journal Golog quietly into he opened ah office for the practice of law and in fortnight tad earned in fee- But hardly had written to Wa j daughter about came from- South the J that her beautiful been tho idol of the ambitious J was dead But there was in reserve for Burr a heavier blow Toward close of the year made preparations to Visit her father in Now York was engaged oh the schooner Patriot for sic Jan and her nod the lovely woman radiant with the expects Ion of meeting her father th in the next five or six The Pa triot sailed from Charleston out Into the ocean In Christmas week and not a vestige of her was ever again Been la surmised bat nothing Is known as to her fate that she foun dered off the coast of Day after day and long after all bad been abandoned there might be seen on the Battery at York- the lonely and unhappy father peering far down the bay as If be were scan ning the sea for a sail Of agony Aaron Burr gave tin world but little view He bad schooled himself Id the habit of never exhibiting bis emotions but In one of his letters he declared that be felt as If be bad been severed from the human race What is 1 I is for Infants and Children is a for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Morphine nor other substance It is Plsant Its is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays cures and Wnd Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency iho Food regulates the Stomach anil Dowels of Infants and giving healthy and is the Panacea The t teceltcDt for have old me of Its good effect upon their chlldieo Da CastorJA Is well atopled to children that I recommend It as to any pre to we A THE FACS1MILE SIGNATURE OF VIOLIN MUSIC J Broughton Druggist Pharmacy Main St Newmarket DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Allan Money to Loan At per cent on by David ixloydp A Kent of Marriage for the following Queen or London SS Mutual fa lor the Wfo To ronto Old He glairy Office Comer Of Main Lot pen Dead June Pour men were killed and nine seriously injured this afternoon by an electric bolt old boat Commodore Barney was being repaired and was resting on a cradle with bars of rail road- iron laid across the heavy timbers for ballast About forty men were at work when about oclock a heavy rain drove them to shelter Some went under a boat lying on the iron rails and caulking the vessels bottom There was a heavy peal of thunder about oclock followed by a flash of lightning and succeeded by cries from under the boat Four negroes were sitting upright on the ails with hammers ready to strike but all were dead Scattered about them were the forms of nine all terribly shocked and some cut and gashed Some ad traces of the electricity on various parts of their bodies and all complained of internal pains will recover The bolt struck the smokestack of the boat and passed thru the the paddle boxes and wheels and and thence to the iron rails THE STONE Bow Gad flU Churn Warren Won rasa toy of Gen Sir Charles Warren the officer who advised the taking famous ago thedls- of the stone the In- of whicli a most valuable conirfbuQon to Biblical his tory It la the story- of Meaha a of Moan who years before Others have claimed the honor of discovery and may be that did and the but It Warren who was pit i and Varied Wild The violin used recently with In results in experiments with nil sorts of living creatures First It was played before a tarantula She paid no attention whatever to It But a nest of became Intensely excited and wiggled frantically A cobra showed remarkable suscep tibility She was sleeping soundly when toe experimenters approached her but the first tone awakened her and she raised her bead As the mu sic swelled she continued to rise till she was standing straight as a pillar supported only by tier Every change In tempo and pitch bad effect The pizzicato made puff her body swift waltz rnusle caused to erect her ugly bond to Ha fullest size sad a sudden dissonance made wind and twist body as if Bhe were real She polar bear tried to dance to the sounds of the Instrument At least he swayed his ody rhythmically made a rumbling sound which portray ed deep measure The and the lions moved their paws and the the music It happened that a string snap- with Its peculiar sharp smack just as the player fcad begun to per form before the cage of a hyena That poor animal at once hunched Its back op drew lis tall between its legs and crouched trembling In the farthest corner of the cage The elepbant and the ostrich were by soft tones and appeared to suffer true distress from loud and sharp notes New York Press APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER r tit- New Victoria BINDER Drive Whet Made Boxes Roller Roller for Elevator Wholesale Gt Retail PROVISION STORE Two Wesley a farmer living on the second concession sHnto while assisting to move a bam on John Top- pins farm was struck with falling timbers receiving injuries which re suited in his death a few hours after wards Supply a Week of Park a Thd Oared Meats on Marked today A vrlU feioor Boiled Oats Corn fifofcli Sutter Cheo Potatoes Pickles Salt Canned Corn Peas Tomatoes Pickled Bologna Ham Tongue Honey o Orders on the Uls Alone Editor P of alt doctors and failed to his pain from Than cured aim tot Injuries or Eruptions- a OOJ Soiorff rhmant jrofgltt f Miss married men ktiTtlBM Aunt their clubs Tyeei of Tyre were ftueh In purple to this day Wisdom la knowledge sound and good conduct together la and keeping and Good Golf Is 09 good be bo large a part of the game Is eti quette rests on the sense humor It is as- easy to cheat la golf as Id eoli- but whereas some worthy men End in cheating In solitaire hut the truly vicious cheat at golf end ore speedily shown door of good society In no other game do good man- enter so much the game Base ball a largely made up of the rooting whose la unholy glee over a van quished foe and which frequently Into a positive attempt to winning foe Boxing a rode chivalry of Ha own and all of rougher athletic spirit of fair play and give and take quite admirable- In their but not of the realm of good manners In golf one may only applaud no opponents and any exhibition of temper white sometimes excused Is really not ex cusable Man may Invent a harder test of self control than golf to Its Impish mo incuts but he Is not likely to until the world advanced an eon or two nearer perfection New York Commercial Ad- of the Word The word Sabbath Is a Hebrew term for a period as well as quality- of time and means rest In Bible It is used only this meaning Periods of one year or of seven years were thus ojidrar was by the Hebrews as a- weekly Babbatb in addition o this day others were pointed which the obligation to ceass from labor as binding as the weekly the day- which was dedicate- to Am Worship of observe as their Sabbath not flan- Home Companion Aria toe The population of China la estimated at and of Iboeo some are direct of Confucius who llv COO years before Christ They gonfirolona removed from the founder of the Confucian religion constitute tho aristocracy f v40faftHtt STOSE Captain Warren of the Engineer Corps who discovered that Ufa stone had any value other than an ordinary carved tablet of which there are scores in the Par East As early Rev Mr a missionary who was travelling the land of flab white searching a the ruins of the an cient city of Dillon ran upon a large thick block of on one sldo of which was an Inscription in Semitic characters He mentioned it as a matter that he worthy of fur investigation but no especial at tention was paid to St A little lat er Captain who was then conducting a series of explore in Palestine came upon it imme diately took steps to tho stone of the Turks who are in control I A Decided Opposition On one occasion- the Chicago Inter Ocean when Booker Wash ington was In Chicago be stopped for a day in one of the hotels He was pointed out to William old waiter Who bad been In the hotel for a long time William was delighted to get a glimpse of the great man of bis race and was sever tired of telling about It after that One of the regular board ers Is a stanch friend of William and a libera Upper William said the boarder next morning putting on a serious face met Mr- Washington yesterday and asked what he thought of tip ping He Is opposed to It The boarder stood with his hand his change pocket Wil liams face fell and settled Into despair tag gloom Well boss the waiter said shak ing his bead emphatically if dat poslshun of Washington opposed to The Clipper and Cot ALL Roller and Ball Bearings Serrated Ledger desired New Knife the land Followed It was a little county girl who after rushing through OYcnfnK prayer so rapidly that the words scarcely Intelligible while yet kneeling looked up and softly soldi r Slaranjfti couldnt help wing roj prayer fist for I to blccougb Cod you know what Is ald on toy Sunday school card about without lng and bo didnt want to j-ewlfrtonJohrnil- Took So Chance Samuel who edited The New England Almanac at the very begin ning of the eighteenth century was a good example of n prophet who Intends to make no mistakes Perhaps says he predicting the weather from Jan to the It will be very cold weather If ft by the fireside or on the sunny side of a fence at noon in April he hazards Perhaps wet weather if It rains Now fait weather If the sua shines Windy or calm Aad in July he ventures a small ad vertisement for the town of real- deuce If now do to Cambridge do Ask oar Agent to show yon Patented Bell Bearing Clip only when specially ordered We also manufacture the best and most complete line of and Seeding on Earth Spring Tooth Cultivators fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments if Spring and Spike Tooth Grain Drills all kinds florse Rakes friction aod dump etc If yon need ftuything in oaf line send for Catalogue sent will Sod it wry to to so THE Co Out I THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON ftl In Klog Arthur was moved be Bobbed is dfraii Say not to the court JestW Say rather he Is enjoying a good knights Press- Mr was George by Allan of upettiiif of hit The Voice In llitadei speaking living at high altitudes have weaker and more pitched voices than those living in regions where the la more plentiful Thua in this coun try Indiana living on the plateaus between the ranges of the Andes at an elevation of from to MiOQO feet met have voices like the women and women tike the children and their singing Is a monotone What did your father say he saw yon In bail Ins i Was he very AnnOb no wasnt mad bit it only so ha told ma I Spring Stock of DRY GOODS Just Arrived Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere- V I i Mm till cash r l I I v