Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 15, 1900, p. 4

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J i Vj is the of WU wisdom Blood Is Ufa Impure Hood Is depends or good Mood is dot to food The ft purified si Hoods Antef- Greatest Blood purifies A story but it tells the Ufa or v u Wo a k I eofferea nervous fiddtossof Mood wis impure my siotttxih disordered I could Hoofs cured me entirety Lochwood it lag I Prop Best Advertising Medium York County SO for Ion for Insertion writ- ton until forbid ana AflvcrllAvincntt will bo mouth IE rtcolrcd For composition roust 0 Change for in llioOfllcQ Moon on for lo Kent Articles nod round ow A reading bo inserted free for or WW or when Jo be w for i o to i r Thdfl fifiQOO to Loon on good Farm T Notary to At Division Court Building kett Ontario o doors flout of flco Herbert Aurora will bo at Newmarket on and Court Days VST J How Co and Ontario Bank Aurora Funds p- Money to loan Saitoh Mala Mi Reformer Block Montr to Loan PAINTING flfumc Dodo promptly neatly and p I a and Writer can bo left at Hardware or at Mr J Green bead of West Newmarket Practical Painter and Decorator Corner Street and AUCTIONEERS Licensed for the Co of York aold on Terms reason able Farm Sal attended to A trial solicited Street first door South Of Post to I to and to 8 A Block opposite the Church action Guaranteed will bo at of Porter ford Monday from in Opposition Hy will take In October ruberj of cot yci be on csneidored by the AM kinds of Pumps kept on band for tanks and general work done on short notice All new work warrant- An attempt to poison of belonging to Kington by Paris into salt Children dry for YEARS OF AGONY PROM SCIATICA IN AN AGGRAVATED FORM Ttia fiooth to ftjlopj by Hon bo notified Ex of bis Intention to from at of A of the parly for the to eon aid or id a Ontario ad handle output of iwtoo at tbo Central Irlaon aid toon Da will in no deal any bat bell of the Is and If an as I la factory will be of tbe twine at cost Bee advertisement this paper Many Wot la and tog was Frequent ly to Twice Its Natural It announced Ool Richard If Haley baa been appointed Canadian as to Goo Hie submitted by authorities to Cana dian Haley la GO of ago and on pay Ho got hie In and now of tbo political port to seethe and boil It now to- ported in World that an In Ibat a per- the poaitlonof an drafted the telegram that Mr Birmingham to Sir Charles Tupped true the internal la as dangerous and widespread as when the neat of nit ore turned a cold on poor Dowel I Tub in a recent apeech before the of Hew York took to rotor to motion aomc Do minion representation Imperial Par- liaraeot Wo ore to think Hon Mr the of a majority of the when tie quarters it faM that we in the leb To ray web vein a of Empire I a Canadian to a dozen men no matter what their be to apeak for the people of Can ads Pnill4tihdriioQw4 el ToldrklitWfl tto rawJnuliso deftbi cinplortd terra ltd aa la a p a dim Of dyti had it rixs And fir it tried Woo Whereon thy diking hold tempest a boy in Hie roar wind and and warrior llfo to la n a i Semper lo of the Railway and Co- bill at Ottawa Sir Charles Tapper raised a point which never before puzzled a House of CommonB viz- certain members not vole an they were interested in Company the Telegram bat wears loolmed to the opin ion that statement not quite true During the the passage of R charter or some amendment in old parliament of Upper Lower Canada snob an was rnieed and to of Sir Car tier and Sir Alex Gait on ground of being stockholders This deceased bad the titled prefix of lt Sir to their We forget the rul ing on the question but are inclined to the conviction that they were allowed to vote on ground of being representatives of constituencies In Lion salient Major- of being feoocked by a lion that lacerated his arm His escape the Jaws of death Is only equalled by Br Kings New Discovery for which has from desperate Throut and doatore aaid wife would soon die of writes I of hot medicine completely cored her and saved her life la guaranteed by trial free targe and Michael and another man were working on the Great Nor thern Railway bridge the Ottawa at on Friday and fell feet into was drowned An eddy brought bis companion to shore uninjured From the Journal if Catharines Mr John en gineer at the Ridley St Ca tharines to known by the most of the residents of the city For yearn Mr Benson suffered acute agony from and notwithstanding numer ous forms of treatment found little or no relief until he began use of Dr Pink These pills speedily restored his health they done that of thousands of who Riven them a fair trial To tho reporter who interviewed him Benson said I certainty owe a debt of Dr Williams Pink Pills for they have released me from a form of that had afflicted me almost continuously for twenty years The pain began first In my back then lo my hip and thence down my leg It became so severe thai it seemed as though the very marrow in my tones was being scalded and at times I could scarcely repress crying aloud from he agony I endured J doctored with several physicians even going to Buffalo for treatment by a specialist but in no case did I ever receive more than temporary re lief It may be easily told upon me in other ways and I became almost a physical wreck At times my right Ie would swell to nearly twice its normal size Then the pain and swell ing would shift to my left leg and the agony was something- awful I sup pose that during afflict ed I have hundred of times laid on my back on the floor with my foot and eg elevated on a chair in order to ob tain slight ease froiii the en dured muscles and sinews in my legs looked as though had twist ed and tied knots- The trouble went on in this way until finally no thing hut opiates would deaden the pain A few years ago I read of a cure in a similar case through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and decid ed to try them For some time after I began their use I could not see that they were helping me but I decided that I- would give them a fair trial By the time I had used a half boxes there was a decided improve ment in my case and I continued the use of the pills until I had taken twelve boxes when I felt my cure was complete Several years have since passed and I have had no return of the trouble so that I feel safe ia say ing that the cure has lag that the cure has been permanent I may also add that my wife has used the puis for indigestion head aches and dizziness and has found great benefit from them Words can not express the great benefit Dr Pink Pills have been to me and I hope- similar sufferers will pro fit by my experience Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by go ing to the root of the disease They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system If your dealer does not keep them they will be sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Rev A Miller years of age of Oxford County died on Thursday h result of a accident on the Queens Cent Doctor Some people hare fortunes to repair the inroade of which have had origin In the of beginnings food fermentation and Indigestion a disor dered stomach the gone the dan has felled to core hot Von Pineapple Tablet have pro red la a thousand oases- and a box of of them hare made care costs Just cents Bold by Leh man members of Episcopal Church tendered a reception to their new pastor Rev J Cooper and his wife Opportunity the Cream of Time Now fa your opportunity There le no lime the system fa much la need rnedlcroe Hoods no time when it Is ee to the to be derived from vital- blood tenia tiarsaperilia whole year of up you health Constipation Is cured by Hood the ajutcut right for a Pill Urn of Martin J J of Hillsdale struck ami hoih rendered j Success kearBihhj is thi record of Perry Darts A sure cure for diarrhoea dysentery and all- oowe there la but one Pain- ferry and A gas killed four men In a cos mine near Ohio Friday Nervous and Debilitated Almost a of Protratioti ta by Dr Mrs Toronto states My daughter who white goods rnanUfactory got completely run down by the- confinement and close attention required at work nerves and waa so weak and debilitated that she had to stye up work entirely and almost a of prostration Hearing of Dr Chases Nerve Food began to it and benefitted the very first It proved on ex cellent remedy in restoring her to health end strength After having used four boxes she in now again healthy and happy and her recovery to the use of Dl Co ace Nerve Food a blood builder and nerve Dr Chases Nerve Fond Is of vnlue It the red the nerves and the whole cm healthy and ft box at all flcalersj or Cj Co Toronto A of Wee Elected WH-r-W-MWH-W-M- you happen to depaituitut of cud men tion the of VerUavIn It la safe betting your interlocutor no mat ter who may be will exclaim Well of all the intriguing men I over met waa worst I now that vox bag pronounced old permit- me to have the honor of Intro ducing to you real that compare with the legendary of honest but not poor parents such was his name had from his childhood up one alDKle care to live quietly anti on a year bequeathed to Dim by his pa and ma had a cheery town residence a love of a country In he made a little trip to In summer he fished au tumn be shot In winter there the club Nothing could been pleas- enter Nevertheless perceived that something was lacking in his life He wanted some one to keep his ac counts and overset his How be to get rid of this threatened Idleness and pla cidity made up bis mind to take wife She whom he bad chosen was a of candid brow but full of resolution fact which guided In selection He lind to himself She will have will enough to sec offer all business affairs and shall be eared any trouble In such matters Yon that shone above round as the crown of bis hat bad not yet filled her horn six timer after their when cue flne morning my her husband who haste tied to her iiparjnients In bis hand a of hooks to which he was new lengths of line and gut Wlmt la It my Aitwilee he so good as to to me During the six months of our married life I have been studying your an scrutinizing your for you know well that a man of your age position cannot rust In Inglorious Idleness Why bless me Emmie I thought my time wax occupied For at this very moment 1 was off for the where 1 to get you a mess of for dinner that Aiiudpe be beg of you If you eaO I have been the whole subject thoroughly- In my mind have fount tbe one pursuit lint dear when I say one Id days a man rise to power and boo or is lillt Heaven be praised never have gone In for politics and heaven helping me I never will ln three weeks there will be an elec tron Id tills department will that la to say you will come forward a candidate l dearest you ha not thought- Ve3 have thought It oyer In its every aspect Indeed I have pre pared your address to cue electors The douce you have Dont Swearing of fends the scrupulous voters Do you think It Is for a woman to spend all her lifetime shut up In this poky old bole absolutely unknown The provinces dp not make reputa tions but they elect What would I not give to hear people say as r passed You see that pretty little woman in brown Shes the wife of our representative Emmie you are only Jesting This then Is the address you are to Issue to the electors and read as follows Feltol a when bt- all patriotic feci it ray defin of on the field tittle for the of heloyed Whit you mast dftrfreii order to lib art order There were nearly three columns of this The next morning there began for the unhappy a life the hor rors of which It would be difficult to retrace He the friend of repose the enemy of emotion For instance one daymodamo said Amedee I have drawn up a list of the leading residents of each parish in the constituency We will call on the most prominent Jon will write to the oth ers Seventeen hundred letters I never could You can easily hire secretaries In half an we will set on this in dispensable Journey For 16 the only man one to meet on the roads the steamboats cars was the unhappy the spile of himself In the pelting rain In sun ho his wifo drew up the for diyo Journey every ho tewo to be evidence fedi nlafe ia incurable disease drinking prosperity with electors dally Emmie be at tost gasped like about to faint I feel that my strength tomorrow she said relentlessly you will canvass the Mb Hat And on all sides nothing was beard bat exclamaUoDB of What an ambi tious chap that Who any one like she said next day your address has not been circulated widely enough I extra lea struck off and distributed But dear printing comes expensive This morning only have paid bill of sixteen thous You must also manage to have your name mentioned in connection with generous deeds I have ordered six or gans for as many churches In as many close parishes cs and Are engines for villages that are unprotected from ravages of the destroying element and where there Is a large floating vote Imagine how gratified the poor people will be But I cannot make ducks and drakes mean church organs and parish Ore engines of my fortune And do you count it for nothing then the glory of being a statesman once in politics you are sore of getting money back a hundred- fold What a dertt of a fellow that IbI world In awestruck amazement and admiration Hell every franc he has before hell let himself be beaten a One pleasant morning It was just a week before election madams aroused at who was still sleeping soundly not having Indeed returned from an exhausting journey to back districts until a m Amedee she cried rouse yourself The honor of our name has been vilely under foot and trodden la toe dust and you must avenge It And she banded the unhappy man a news paper In which be read following It it about time to hate done with tat of the who round our and a let low of the fort aceU but seek In to He IdWrty We all know word with Behind It be prepare act for property religion Thti Vetditln detler In and haunter low nothing more ear a who of IncendUrr But this Is not all his wife and banded him another Journal in which be read E 1 a n Council met is Court Of Revision at on Monday May was assessed as owner of part of lob con one dog struck off assessment of several manhood fran chise voters were roll after which Court adjourned and Council took up general business The Auditors report of Township accounts was presented and tho same adopted and the Clerk ordered to get 100 copies printed In pamphlet form for distribution Road No was divided and a new formed with Sherwood as overseer That portion of from Moores corner to the bridge was transferred back to No jo Alfred Shaw was appointed over seer in in Jlacc of Rid del Accounts and sheep claims paid as follows Hart Collectors roll 107 A Mossington repairs to bridge J filling washout Scott Sinclair filling washout 5tb con Draper sheep claim John Yates Inspector shore bridge attending Court of Revision Kay expending grant The following grants were made highways Councillors Evans and Moore were appointed commissioners to oversee the expenditure all grants east of the sideline between lots and and Councillors Snooks and all west of said sideline A Bylaw confirming an agreement with Township of Scott re mainten ance of was passed Council adjourned to meet at on Aug A SUMMER TONIC form Makes sick folks well keeps well folks from sick Let be torn Our voter will not let themselvH be Imposed upon a gutter a double and a perfect to array on be aid of order It Li under a gulf that the friend tttuelly do their hellish work odloui whom we will not further pollute our ha hired to plicate atluetloa by hi viiIijc- the rile la their might and field tain Idiot Next morning received a thrust in the left arm from the Legitimist editor and day after ward one to match right arm from the Radical editor At last the day of election arriv ed- bad conducted bis can vass with unsparing energy com plicated disorders bad given him a corpselike appearance be had spent threequarters of his fortune ha car ried both of bis arms in But- at night the prefect made official declaration Elected votes a It a week later when he entered the chamber of deputies wife radiant and rejoicing in one of the galleries He bad chosen a aeat in the centerorder In liberty It were He arrived In middle of a debate Precisely at that Instant a vote had been taken and as he reached the cen ter of the hall he heard the president declaring that Inasmuch as It was lit- honeycombed with fraudulent practices the assembly thereby inval idated the election of fainted has brought an ac tion for separation and the manage ment of her own estate The bill al leges that the aforesaid Is hopelessly possessed with the mania of political ambition And the public say of wife Poor little woman It la a wonder she didnt bring her action sooner That con founded Idiot must have spent of her fortune with sense- leas Ideas of ambittoa7Tran8lated From the French For Argonaut Batter Here Is a description of rjrocesa but ter This butter Is made from old rancid and useless dairy butter chased from country store keepers the states farther west and Bhlpped In old barrels tobacco palls shoe bores etc which appetising mess la put through a process of boiling and reno vating Jo remove the odors and through other treatments which have brought It tinder ban of the pure food laws of several states after which it Is worked over In sweet but termilk which gives It temporarily a fairly clean flavor See that this stuff la not worked off on you by your cor The green woods axe fnU of it Now Press Justifiable I shall have to crown that tooth the dentist Indicating the partic ular molar Yes the victim Its a king more than any of the others Whereupon the mentally de cided to make the bill about Ohio Stats Journal a Native TABLETS Knout for farfLOfc Bold box Of pete A reentered tarmu boilaearte ao Two belonging Mr Thoow Hill killed a par late on Wednesday night This will probably have effect in checking the ranch- don YotigcfStreet winch presents such danger to those using the trolley Working Overtime Eight boor are Ignored by tire less little workers Dr Hew life KIIb Millions are always at work night and day coring Biliousness Constipation Sick Headache and all Stom ach and Bowel troubles plea- wot safe sure Only at Lehmans drug irt fljesy In of no Avail til lb Mr Patrick J Quo atatca was tfouVe4 with Kidney and years and been bad that could not t nights on account pains the back but rfould walk floor all night and suffered I tried all aorta of medlclnea got no relief until I began Dp KidneyLiver a new man of me and the old seem to be driven out of my Dr KidneyLiver nils an enormous sale and owe their to fact that they he relied upon to euro all menu of the kidneys liver and They purely vwtabla prompt and la action and euro pin a a box at all amsr0P and Co Tired eyes cause sick ness Because the tire easily some folks say they are not well most such cases there is eyestrain Neglected eyestrain is sure to produce Be wise Have your eyes examined Know their exact condition from an expert Consultation free Atklnsoh GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Jewelry Storej NEWMARKET In order to have a fir and- Garden Party you should provide fipcoiaJ attraction which rrnfcreteamu8tftnDt and For purpose can equal of FIBEWOHKS Prices of ait in flae collections Rockets colored Pearl Bengal lot teries Torpedoes and mate up a A order before July a regular of about pieces for only In to fine Illuminated a novel and new rota basket when feet In mid air Now Is to that you are British to the Core Orders for the above named collection be received one week previous to occasion with the No charge for display do For further particulars BOX Girls if dont want to be freckle a red No sun that can freckles if it through a This is a and medical fact Remember- that you cannot possibly be happy or successful unless you sleep soundly eat heartily and digest what you eat Remember that if your nervous needs toning you will be miser able yourself and make those you come in contact with Remember that in Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills you have a remedy that has never yet ailed to cure any disease caused by im poverished blood such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion Nervous Prostration Weakness Loss of Appetite Dyspepsia Stomach Disorders Head ache Depression Spirits lack of Energy and Dark Circles under the Eyes Pain in the Back Kidney and liver Disorders and Catarrh licit tec to five All druiijUta or William Toronto JCCTTCMittt l Musi FOR I ART OPEN Ail receive care attention and Work finished in tbe Latest Styles at the very lowest prices Graham I lTflflOftSHtiMMrftaWW When you hire a wheel from the Bicycle Livery look at the tires If they are Tires then you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi gree in its every part Tires on all good wheels Thaanly tool lire rf-ia-5a-

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