Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 15, 1900, p. 2

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FRIDAY JUNE t ijit f t Special Vnlucoitochcs Cheapest Juno Wcddingo Stare Choice Tack Scotch Smith Canadian North Hinder To A- Bicycle for Sale Shop Metropolitan By Co Toronto to TIME TABLE Toronto Newmarket IS J6 ftW SI pm 2 CO pm pm 16 pm IM pm pm SO pm Return Fare either way 120 I HUT GROWS 1ID WirlJ Printed ail at FRIDAY British Columbia Elections general election in British Columbia last week resulted in the overthrow of the Martin Gov ernment by an overwhelming to disorganized on the elope and it la difficult to forecast- the out come of the contest No than six distinct parties are now contending tor the mastery and the result of the poll on Saturday given follows Government Opposition Ontario ft on In Nov Ontario Sundry Alex capabilities of vast area land from flu uninterested standpoint In opening remark be that he did not bis hear ers to think tow a real agent ho did not ft foot of land in that district and had no eat Ihero Ho chairman of the Sudbury District and has travelled over a largo portion of within ono hundred miles of Sudbury- There is no bolter forming in Ontario and the farm from which he purchased his hay last year produced tons of hay ho admitted there was frost every month yet was produced In that country grain that not bo equalled in any part of Ontario In speaking of the mining resources be said that it had boon reported that many mines had been abandoned While this was to a ex tent no minors bad loffc country but had simply moved to a locality access was more easy to the mineral was plenty for everyone up there and homes could bo provided for in Toronto if need be lay is not far distant when will be looking to Nov Ontario for supplies said Mr Johnston This is country tho Boss Gov ernment is opening up those are resources the Government in trying to and this is where are being prepared for great mass of our people who have boon heretofore forced to go to Manitoba The second Exploration party un der Mr left on Monday- fur New Ontario This party a filched to explore a toe Hoc due west from the WBlh mile of the Into district of to the a N- of about miej The will extend for- a number nines on each side of the base line Ken row Mercury intimates that Mr Edward who was nominated by the their for the vacancy in the Legislature for North Renfrew has declined to accept the nomination It now looks as if Mr ihc nominee will be returned by ac clamation Mr Whitney addressed the Conservative convention at time Mr was nominated A Even members of Parliament with more than average ability sometimes make mistakes that cling to them thru years of after life Mr made a break in the Commons re cently in the matter of the loyal ad dress to the Queen The rebuke ad ministered by the Premier and en dorsed by the leader of the Opposition will mar his political reputation for many years to No doubt member for realizes by this time that the declaration of Solomon holds good today as well as in the long long ago that there is a time to weep an time to dunce but the man who confuses the occasion becomes the object of derision or supremo press despatch from Prince Island states that the Provin cial Legislature prorogued on Satur day During the session a stringent prohibitory liquor bill was introduced by the Government and passed into lawthe first really prohibitory en actment in the Dominion It abso lutely prohibits the retail sale except for sacramental scientific or mechanical purposes under strict re strictions Wholesale trade is also The Provincial Premier Hon Mr Prohibited except to physicians and Ross is visiting his constituents week up in Middlesex this party Independent Labor I Total 88 One constituency not yet heard from It from the returns that Opposition proper have ball at their feet By forming a with either the Martin patty or the Conservatives could corn- a working by fi union with the they would also able to control As sembly but could not be regarded as a Government Meanwhile the occupies anything but a comfortable both in respect to newly elected Assembly and as an official of the Federal Administration In the first place his official action in dismissing the Government and calling upon Hon Mr Martin to form a Cab inet is open to criticism A British Columbia paper speaks out strongly on this point and It is utterly impossible for any Liberal newspaper to condone such an act From the days of William Lyon Mackenzie and Liberals un der arms and on the hustings have been fighting against just such assump tions of power as we have witnessed in this Province and it is not pro bable that one newspaper in the Do minion of Canada has printed a word n defence of the action of his Honor Some have that the people of British Columbia might with perfect safety trust the management of their affairs in the bands of Mr Martin but not one of them have seen an proved r of ih manner of his attain ment to power We think we are do ing no injustice to anyone in saying that the present situation has been produced by the inaction of the divided against itself and the unwise action of the LieutenantGov What the outcome will he remains to be seen A change of Government is certain and possibly another gener al election in near future In any event it does seem that the Mar tin and parties as distinct po litical factors in British Columbia are now out of business end yet latest reports say that Mr Martin not al together hopeless in reference to fu ture combinations Thirty employed in the harbor improvements at on strike A from by Dr saw Hon acting Minister of Public Works at Ottawa limy for a subsidy in aid of st of a railway Bract on of It is that the Liberals of North will hold a convention at on the inst Evolution in the history of has struck Niagara Falls Hereafter visitors will be free from the vexa tious annoyance while in the public parks on both sides of the river from the ubiquitous solicitations to engage a cab Politicians arc on the move look ing to a probable general election this fall It is announced that Sir Charles upper and Mr J P Whitney M P P will deliver addresses at the Odes sa Catholic in County tomorrow and also that Sir Wilfrid Lauder will speak at on Dominion Day An despatch says that Friday last a striking portrait of- Sir Wilfrid hung up in the corridors of the parliament buildings the gift of the Liberal members of Houses of Parliament It is a pleasing painting and presents the in characteristic pose with left hand on his hip Sir Wilfrid fully predates this token of personal and political regard The P announces that a re duction in the firstclass fare between North Bay and Port Arthur has been made from four cents per mile to three cents The latter rate also in force both east and west of this sec tion The Globe says it is gen erally understood that this reduction is the result of the efforts made the Ontario Government to secure a favorable rate for settlers in New On tario The prohibition bill for Manitoba as outlined by Premier is to come into force on June 1st It prohibits the sale of liquors of all kinds by retailers and provides a fine of and not exceeding for the first offence and months im prisonment without the option of a fine for the second offence Manufac turers and wholesalers will not be per mitted to sell in the province but otherwise they will not be Interfered with The claim of Mr Birmingham ex- Conservative organizer which amounts to about still remains unsettled but there is a deathlike silence in the party organs in respect thereto A Hamilton paper stated recently that the trouble had been patched up and that Birmingham would receive the amount of his claim before the 1st of July but up to Saturday last he had given the statement a contradic tion admitted that he had a friend at Ottawa who was looking after bis interests On Friday last Mr Justice Robert son on the application of Mrs hotelkeeper in the Township of County quashed the local option bylaw recently adopted by the Township on the of ir regularity of procedure The ques tion now arises Why cant the law makers so amend the local option sta tute as to provide that the the people fairly at the shall not be set aside on the ground of mere technical informalities At pre sent a mere irregularity in certain pro ceedings before a magistrate Involv ing even the liberty of the subject cannot invalidate the decision and not have the same principle obtain local option Legislation With a face toward right and a j loophole the simply a delusion druggists and where liquor is sold for consumption outside the Province The sessions was one of the stormiest in the history of the Legis lature The wellknown proprietary medicine firm of the J CO Lowell Mass has recently opened an office the Telephone Building Montreal in order to give closer- attention to their Canadian business It is not generally known that they already have a large laboratory in Montreal having manufactured there for several years The intention is to make the business thoroly Canadian and- to strengthen their facilities so as to keep pace with a constant growing demand The J Co are not only one of the largest manufacturing concerns of their kind in the world but they are among the largest advertisers spending a million dollars every year in Newspaper advertising On Saturday last Mr Samuel Ba ker of who was convicted of illegal practices in the South On tario election case and fined and paid made application to the court to have a portion of it remitted The act of last session is copied from the English statute and provides that a witness who answers truly all ques tions in an election trial shall be en titled to a certificate indemnifying him from prosecution for any offence committed by him in relation to such election Mr now asks for such certificate or practically that some portion of his fine be remitted Crown Attorney Far well stated that he was Instructed not to oppose the application Judgement was reserved Mr- Carl Lloyd- is home this week Mr Willis of Toronto was home over Sunday Mr Currcy was visiting in on Tuesday Miss Kva Lush la back from city till after the holidays and Mra- Win Gould visited their son In Barrio over Sunday Miss of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with Miss Fox Dr Lurtdy got hack from the city yesterday after a course of dental study- Mr John Moore of spent over Sunday With Mr Mr J Webb left Wednesday on a two weeks trip viBitlng friends in Michigan Mr Lehman Chris tian Conference at on Wednesday Miss May Gray returned home from Brentford on Wednesday for her sum mer vacation Mr Manning of spent Tuesday night with his sisterinlaw Mrs Mr Bolton and wife of Toronto were visiting relatives and friends in Town over Sunday A Hewitt f Toronto was the guest of Miss L Brown Gotham Street over Sunday Mr Bolton Hewitts baby wan christened at his residence Monday by Hey Dr T and wife of West- field arc visiting at Captain Allans Strathallan Mr John Elliott and wife of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Coombs rMiss Dunn entertained company at the residence of her sister Mrs Dr Scott on Tuesday evening Mr P Vales of Parry Sound a former Newmarket boy is calling on friends in Town this week Mrs Knowlcs Victoria Ave gave a pretty lawn party to a lot of little girls last Saturday afternoon Mr- Ed Cane has been very poorly and expects to go to their camp at the Lake for a couple of weeks Mrs Geo Rose has returned Orillia where she had a very pkutani visit with former Newmarket people A christening was performed by Rev McCulloch at the home of Mr Andrew St on Tuesday even ing Mr Will and Gallagher of Toronto spent yesterday In Town with their mother Mrs Gallagher Pros pect Aye Father of and Fa ther of were guests of Father Morris on Wednesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Emerson Woodruff of London are visiting with her sister Mrs John Central Hotel for a few days Mr Roy Andrews of Toronto who is spending two weeks holidays with his parents in Aurora was in Town on Monday calling- on some friends Mrs Bradford of Toronto and her son William are visiting at Mr Montgomerys Will is fifct- a- A A The Busiest The Store orth of Toronto Store for Reliable in Canada Your money back if not satisfied A A A A fTZ New Blouses Muslins SPECIAL ink Drops i Home grown strawberries are in They promise a big crop Town Council next Monday night Farmers Excursion next Wed Next Thursday is the longest day Half of is nearly gone Peonies are a great show now Miss Smiths sale tomorrow Special Army meetings Sat Sun Sale Raqisfceit June Smith will have an ftitracliva of Carpets etc at The Cedar at a Terms Town to be sold at the A portable boiler employed at the Adams waggon works at Oat blow up but fortunately no one was injured Flour per a a a a per Wheat per iB OK Apples per Wool per lb Hay per ton CO per lb per Ducks a per lb to a CO SUors per tor- a a a a a a m a a a 12 8 CO a ting over a heavy of sickness Mr V Hughes and bis cousin Miss wheeled up from To ronto on Saturday evening and re mained here till Monday morning The Talagoos have lost a good man they were counting on Mr Jack Kelly the boss goal keeper has sign ed with lacrosse team for the season Miss Annie Campbell daughter of the late Campbell tinsmith of Newmarket was married in Toronto on Monday to Mr McDairmid a city druggist Mr A Wilsons father is not improving much at the hospital The doctors propose to amputate his fing er this week on account of being blood poisoned Mr T Bailey of Prairie will please accept the of the editor for a copy of a well il lustrated pamphlet describing tils growing Manitoba town Rev A attended a Presbyterian Rally at on Thursday of last week aid reports yiat it was a grand success He missed the train for Bradford on Fri day which accounted for his nonap pearance at the West S Convention The Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada have ordered that the students of the Law school Who are serving witb the Canadian Con tingents in South Africa are to be al lowed the time of their course covered by the period of the service In ques tion and are- to be excused their at tendance on lectures and allowed the examinations which they would written upon- if at home re moves Mr Of of bis second year exam- A 4 j- The Cradle At Ohio to and Mm of GOO to Mr ami Mrs Mar Ml Lily vatOailimby on hi of Mrs Ladles Fine Print detachable col lars nice patterns Ladies Fine Muslin Blouses with Fancy White Yoke at New Fancy American Muslins the very newest thing for Summer Dresses cents our special New Spot Muslins from c to New Victoria Lawns from to Ladies Linen Skirts Fine Bleached Table Cloths size and reg price 2 while this lot lasts each CLOTHING Boots and Shoes Ladies Kid Low Shoes special J Kings Fine Kid Low Shoes r r Mens Fine Box Calf Lace Boots Mens Lace very special it f Jl Ft Some Special Snaps this week in Boys and Girls Shoes Here is where we have no on There are wouldbe competitors but such goods as we show and such startling values take the wind out of their sails and make wonder we do it Tomorrow we twentyfive Mens good solid wellmade Tweed Suits at Better Come Early Boys American Cotton Suits sizes 20 to Mens Strong Tweed Pants per pair 75c Our Mens Suits at would be a bar gain a tailor shop at i We always buy Farmers Produce and Pay Top Market Prices jThe Newmarket Book News Depot AUTO JUNE WEDDINGS are in order and suitable gifts are being shown as below Sets Dishes Dishes Tea Dinner Toilet Sets LEMONADE SETS Plain and Fancy Glass band decorated and etched in gold Four Tumblers Pitcher and Server Souvenirs of the War jy Boxes floral designs tinted and finished in gold Each with photo- graph of a British Genera Just the tuning for presents Stone Butter Jars and Churns and gallon ekes best enamelled ware and up more expensive than clay goods Undertaking House a Specially J Strawberries r r Bakery Department We expect week will be the big week In Strawberries The season is going to be short this year Give us your orders for preserving Look out for next Wednesday Pineapples are nearly done Should you want some for preserving buy this week Nice Large Ripe Bananas dozen I Our Bakery is busy mart increasing very day If yon are not a customer of ours you should be Wo will only be too happy to supply you with our Famous We make a Specialty of Wedding Cakes Central telephone I United is to build James and warships who in ibnjr possession from in cost as soon as builders are pro- to worth or diamonds pared to undertake the great pro- were at Falls gramme which calls fur ships The At the the brides John 6ih con King be Gib by he Rev Dr Mr of Toronto to Hits Anna Tuesday a Presbyterian cbprcb fitnz Rev A Brown of of Aur ora w Delia ifay only of Mr Alfred Defoe of At the bride on the of by Re Mr Win to alt Newmarket The Tomb In East on of Jane wire of Allen end la on the June daughter of of aged IB and Interred at Orchard day At Ohio June 3rd Gordon Infant sod Mr and Mr aged AH will receive and Prompt on of smuggHng the Into United iftWi la taken at Belle Bland raiuea a iov miles fit I men j a

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