Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 15, 1900, p. 1

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I I v The Urn gives more home news every two York and the Leading County Pap NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER m to to to to all Is oonk Newmarket Out Friday June FA No paper sent outside of florin York un1e83 paid in advance annum- I if in advance is always gained by using Buy your PAINT TO fur the The The war is nearly over thank the I old Such is the hope that a imitates world A here there or flash of sword Or some deathdealing missile deft ly hurled ambush covert by the To slay the envoys on their missions bent Perhaps some deeds of vengeance occur To prove the records of the past exploits Of those who talk of freedom yet prefer That others should be slaves for delight No liberty for those from Britains shores Or any nation but the native Boers imagine Englishmen were bind them as they as they A NEWMARKET I June Weddings BAKERY noted Wedding Cakes your order early and filled to your satisfaction JACK SO UTE END DA TRY OUR he S I ife ASSURANCE GO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for STANDARD investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 Assure now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT Inspector J A Agent New Spring Goods and collection of woolens season Cannot be Surpassed for extensive variety attrac tive designs anil general com The latest styles shades of ex- value and wearing Fancy VeBtinga and Fancy Trouserings are included and examine and make your selection from lot In the bury marked on rump and with formation or their where- will be thankfully received vJlJoPO J A twoyearold child of Mr Thomas of Odessa swallow ed a bean and was choked to death ST Infants and Children DM they fools That they could did their slaves Could handle them handle tools The subjects of our Queen who rules the waves The brave sons of a race who fear no foes And strong to those who dare oppose Submit- to their exorbitant demands Pay tribute to uphold a race of floors I Give up their language at their base commands Who on all modern progress close their doors Worse than the heathen with their canting ways As proved by Livingston of bygone days O simple wily and conceited Did you conceive that Britons could slaves And did you think that Africa was yours That all too far was England oer the waves That fear of you was running in their veins Lest you hind also with your chains And proud is Canada to share a part In the fierce contest for his broth ers rights To free the Natives from the slavish matt The worthy purpose of the sanguine fights That righteousness that land might inundate And lasting peace from warlike scenes create Surely the god of war is satisfied With such a sacrifice of brave ones slain 1 Who nobly fought and just as nobly died Their faces lo the foe right to maintain Their bodies sleeping a foreign sod Away from home their spirits safe with God Britain let the natives feel the charm Of broken shackles neer to be re newed Protect them from the vices bring ing harm Teach them the right the wrong must be eschewed I Let Livingstons successors freely go To ten them Christ died His Jove to show P Grant Richmond Hill June The violete drink of their deeper hue And her lips as she trips The sweet Maydew to sip Warble forth a glad lay the old and new Like a dream of heaven to earth she And Legion I say is her lovers name With her hands on the bands Of her swiftsteed stands And smilingly says I must file me Oh can she bo flitting we loved so welt Our vorship and reverence we neer could We thronged for a song honeyed and long But a shower of white petals about us felt As swiftly she rose from a mossy dell And alas that vc heard not her sweet farewell Lottie Oar Toronto fetter A Solid Gold Best Gold Fill Glasses We perfect street Toronto It All it Four horses in of at were killed by lightning on Thursday night CURE AlJC PftYEUT l oar M- Afr 111 fc to I oil a aha frw All driers- and Bio wet Fever Co- Toronto How more than lovely the fair young Spring Oh sweet the fancies her flowerbells ring Ah heart will depart From my bosom start If I longer gaze on the sweet young thing Her glory a flowery crown Her brow never it wore a frown The rose well it knows In her fair cheek it glows And instils there its in lilies drowned Oh beautiful vision of youth and joy Of golden moments without alloy I Willing slave all I crave Oh how madly we rave Who have fallen captive to smiles so coy I Her eyes are like of velvet blue Government analyst Dr Ellis has analyzed some brandy chocolates manufactured in this city and reports ihat fifty of them would tea- spoonful of proof spirits this bars them from Bah as being a vio lation of the License Act Dr Warden of the Central Prison is reported quite HI The Toronto Struct Railway Go is now turning the tables on the city The Co has issued a writ claiming damages to cara etc on Re count of some- of the being flooded duriog big winter thaw Only a short time ago a young lad in this shot his and was found guilty of manslaughter During week another lad also of parents was found guilty of forgery by false rep resentations and a gramo phone own homo and celling it He got a year in the Central to be followed by three years in the peni tentiary The home life of such boys must ho a mistake There ie neglect somewhere An excursion of some twenty ladies and gentlemen belonging to the West ern Canada Press Association visited city last week Coroner jury in the case of Sydney street railway em ployee who died as a result being thrown from bis car at the corner of avenue and street returned a of accidental death Commencing with Monday last the Express pm train has leaving one hour earlier viz at one oclock This change was made necessary in order to meet the Im perial Limited at North Bay Tho train will hereafter run daily Sunday The Star has this comment in re gard to the old Court House Dr in answer to an enquiry from the Mayor b to the unsanitary con dition of the old Court replies that the only complaint he knows of was one made May this year by County Crown Attorney In answer to that complaint be had Court House inspected and found that the trouble largely from an old 9inch drain This defeot was appar ently remedied on May and the court room thoroughly cleaned up and disinfected The Toronto battalion of the Boys Brigade will go into camp at on June The sessional statutes for the recent session of the Legislature will be issued about June 20 County Constable Boyd arrived in the Thursday night from Sud bury with Donald Chapman who was arrested a few days ago dp a charge of Chapman is atlegedtohaye been implicated in the burning of the belonging to his brother Out Ottawa June It is unfortunate that the Opposition show so little inclination to public hut on the continue to a determination to obstruct with all kinds of purposeless debates on side issues charitably disposed on however are inclined 10 there some indulgence under he tor fact that a general election in the neat future they are in a bad way On the hand is a Government which has prospered in every thing which taken up The the country is almost double what it was four years work never more plentiful capital never so ready to invest new industries springing up on every hand the tide of immigra tion growing in ever increasing ratio tho position of Canada in the empire such as it never was before and such would have been laughed at as ab surd and impossible if suggested half a ago and a largo percentage of all this grand national progress is duo to the policy and progressive legislation of the Laurier Government On the other hand Opposition finds itself WITHOUT A its predictions of disaster satisfied its criticisms of the Governments policy both in imperial and domestic matters discredited every charge brought against the Liberal party to foundation in facta and every investigation undertaken at their request proving a boomerang which like Balaam of old blessed the hosts it was called upon to curse A RECORD OP In the introduction to his report Dr observes that Dur ing thirteon years that have pass ed since these farms were established great changes for better have taken place in farm life po sition of the farmer in the com munity has been improved and his work now carried on with greater intelligence and with more financial success In most instances the home has been mode more attract rive the family surrounded with greater com forts and much of the drudgery form associated witfi the farmers call ing has been lifted from his by the introduction of methods of co operation by improvements in machin ery and by the dissemination of valu able experience gained in reference to all branches of farm work in this country He has received bene fit from the work of others has ac quired a wider knowledge of the prin ciples which underlie successful farm ing and has thus been able to bring more skill bear on the in winch he has been engaged farmer now seldom coarse grains from his farm but converts these by The Jurors wish to commend contributions from Geo Montreal Rev Fletcher Hall- fax Flock London Wat Jung Unit ed States Consul who returned hero yesterday from the Transvaal by special had hours inter view in close conference with Presi dent Kruger at It is stated that Mr was be bearer of friendly despatches from the United States Government urging Mr to treat for peace June A despatch from Pretoria says that moved worth of gold be fore the town was evacuated It is stated Botha himself consented to the surrender of the town Seven guns were taken from town last evening Gordons mounted men captured a maxim in a wagon while New South Wales men and the West Australians up the rails three miles to the north of here A procession of British troop marched steadily into from two oclock until in the afternoon Before leaving here States Attorney MORE MORE MOSEY An excellent illustration of the sub stantia growth of Canadas commerce was afforded when the estimates of Customs Department were under con sideration It has been found neces sary to ask for larger grants for expenses in each in order to keep puce with the growing of the department In Halifax five extra waiters are in quired at Sydney the customs duties which were only last year have grown to for the first six months of the present year in New Brunswick an increased staff has become necessary the port of Montr having a like experience an additional officer is required in the Port Arthur district and another at Hat Portage more hands have be come necessary too at Toronto the City of Brandon which had formerly Ijeenao of Winnipeg has been created into a port and the adjacent included in the new port of Brandon new appraisers have had to le appointed at Winnipeg and various other points in Manitoba and so on all along the line So obviously neces sary were these increases that Oppo sitionists not only allowed them to go through without criticism but admit ted the necessity of the increase It is safe betting however that the coun try will be told before long of the awful extravagance and reckless ex penditure which exists in the Customs Department in common with other branches of the service and the in creased expenditures will be quoted as evidence thereof EXPERIMENTAL FARMS The annual report of the Experi- Farms has been brought down by the Minister of Agriculture and as is always the case it proves to be one of the most interesting and important of all the departmental papers laid be fore Parliament The report from Prof Saunders the general director Dr the and botanist Mr the also from the the chemist and the superintendents of the experimental farms at Brandon Man Indian Head and Agassiz BC These reports contain the results of many important and conducted experiments in ag riculture horticulture and arboricul ture the outcome of practical work in the fields barns dairy and poultry buildings and plantations at the various experimental farms also scientific investigations in tho chemi callaboratory and tho gained from a careful study of the life histories and habits of injurious in sects and the methods by which weeds are propagated and spread together with the most economical measures for their destruction which Thompson arrested about a month ago pleaded at the May Sessions and got three years In Kingston Penitentiary eon is awaiting trial Clay Gladstone avenue an employee of the Manu facturing Company formerly of market was the left hand in a press- one evening last week His hand was badly lacerated- neces sitating the amputation of middle finger His injuries were attended to at Si Michaels Hospital He may lose a couple of other Sogers as re- Bull of the feeding into concentrated animal pro- Smuts forced the National Bank to give up its valuable gold which was carried away staff officer of the Guards brigade visited the Presidency today A Dutch clergyman who him informed the officer that Mr resided there and asked the officer to step up on the porch Mrs Kruger attired in a bjack dress and wearing a white cap came out of the to meet the officer She was perfectly collected and ex changed courtesies with the officer who explained to iter that a soldier guard would replace the burgher guard the Presidency The latter then placed their pistols and ammuni tion on the pavement near white lions and retired The War Office has received following despatch from Yellow Boom Farm June On June Gen with the Brigade and the South Af rican Light Horse seized Van Hill The enemy made some resist- and a deal of snipping oc curred Our casualties were about killed and wounded During the day we got two and two pound naval guns on the Van and two 5inch guns en the southeastern spur of Under cover of their fire Gen yard today assaulted all the spurs of the Berg between Bothas Pass and The attack which was planned by and carried out with im mense dash by the troops for whom no mountains were too steep outflank ed the enemy who were forced to re tire from their very strong position I think we did not have any cas ualties and I I have obtained a position from which can render Nek untenable Advices from Cape Town say the opinion prevails there- that the Boer supplies of ammunition and food will not suffice to enable them to prolong the in the dis trict for more that eight weeks Cape Town also anticipates that the Boers will be seriously by the Kaffirs London June The Boers have torn up of Roberta vit al line of railway between American Siding and It is a bold laid and vexatious but does not dis quiet the military authorities as yet for they expect Gen KellyKenny to- drive off the marauders and to reopen the line ducts and thus restores them to the soil in the manure thus supplies for future crops much plant food in a readily available form The large and constantly increasing demands made by the farmers throughout this coun try for the annual reports and other publications issued the experi mental farma is a gratifying evidence of the desire for information this class of the community also of the high esteem in which these records of the work of the farmers are held FROM AX Valuable testimony to the excellent work of the branch of the Department of is to hand from an unusual and unexpected The Winnipeg correspondent of the Toronto World wira his thus Mr a prominent politician of Toledo Ohio returned from a trip ihiough North ern Alberta and parts of He represents a number of fami lies Speaking of his trip he said 1 Alberta will be of the gar den spots of the world I was highly satisfied and my will he very favorable I have already the infor mation that 101 families will move to Alberta at an early date and part ner since I left has written me that families were getting ready to come to Western Canada Altogether between and people from Kentucky Ohio and neighboring States will come to your country Gait JO Early in the season the Company offered a prize of a cabin passage to Paris for the best word based on experience set ting forth the and points of superiority of the detach able tires over those of other make Several hundred contributions were received from all parts of Canada dissimilar many ways but un animous in praising the of the tires The company named the following jurors to determine the winners of the contest Messrs Keeley To ronto barrister Alfred Wood of The Evening Telegram Toronto and J Western manager of the Tire Company These jurors have gone carefully through all the cootributions submit ted and from a number commended have selected as nest that of Mr of Gait a member of the Gait Daily Reporter While some of the contributions were amusing and clever they lacked applicability Among others were many rhymes and short romances But the jurors decided that neither rhyme nor romance nor yet mere cleverness could be of competitive value against the force of experience Personal experience and opinion based on experience as stated in the conditions of the contest were the de termining factors in selecting com mended contributions and from these the winner was chosen Among the best contributions were some which perhaps showed more lit erary ability than that of Mr but the jurors felt that expressed much Dunlop sense in a nutshell and made their award accordingly The of A Holmes of Man was burned with bushels of wheat The Nor thern elevator and tho P sta- were also destroyed My bo said the good preach er as he laid his hand upon the young I cannot tell you sorry I am to see you smoking a Dont know yon pre forming a habit that is likely to lead you to destruction And it too bad too bad And it is surprising me that your parents permit this way I must go and reason with them upon the subject There must- be neglect or ignorance back of him somewhere when a boy goes wrong What sold you Nobody didnt sell it to- me replied the boy Your kid give it me out of the second boxful of hem tbat hed opened today 1

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