Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 11, 1900, p. 6

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J IF THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY t T JTJ11JJ around Hie Rut THAT flKUHIft TO Quite changeable lately on fall wheat unless it comes warm Mrs Luck find Mr of Toronto vittitlnff at Mr Jaa and Mr ft Nailer wore calling on fiends on Sunday UUUiAYKN ItnMma 6HIV wo to of winter now minds and also hired won want a Utile mora At wo sorry to say that very low No hopes am hie recovery- meeting oh Monday night was not as auoccaaial a was Hoy did not put in an appearance owing to By last Baldwin we notice that Mr Draper in to go Up to the ho does hot intend to go ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Lloyd apont a days this week with friends in wishing to purchase any would -do- voll to boo Harris of spent with Mrs Big demonstration here on in Park Spoils of all kinds Everybody welcome PARK anniversary of of Morton Park Summer will take place on iho Queens Birthday May 24th There will bo a celebration of games and spbrUs for which valuable cash offered In addition to the usual program of there will be a Football Tournament for a cash of which will doubt bo ex ceedingly interesting As is no charge of admission to grounds the crowd over assembled at Park anticipated Every ac commodation and convenience for pic nic parties provided together with re freshments Every loyal citizen should a holiday in honor of and a jolly time at Morton Park ZEPHYR 3 tailor ie agent for the at this place Mr new office and bi cycle livory is nearly completed Geo our undertaker and fur niture putting the finishing touches on with paint and brush Our down to work again Mr staff did work at Mr and Ed Kays working south They orders for a full summers work Our popular barber has enlarged his atop and put in a now lino of furni ture Therefore the price has raised to and cents respectively for shaving and haircutting are rumors of opposition Mr Quantz was hurriedly to last week owing to the illness of his father at that place Tie took a paralytic stroke and was Very low Regular services aro now held in the Methodist Church on Sunday evenings instead of prayermeeting officiates Ho was call- jug on members and friends in this locality on Friday Geo our popular chant is having a drain put in from his cellar to the pond Oq Wednesday of last week Mr Alex had the to oof his foot severely He was chop ping down a tree when the axe slipped and cut his toe nearly severing it Mr Frank of Cali fornia is with hip mother Mrs J Johnston Mr disposed of valu- able horse on Lundy- and Hall in tend removing part of their bees Sebright for the Mr W of accom panied by of Sunday at Mr Penroses Mr OqlvUle aeoretary Young Mens Aaaoeiation Toronto will speak here next Sunday evening AURORA from Mr Draper Morton apent a few leys in Toronto last Miss Annie Davidson has roturned homo from Training School whoro she has boon in attendance for past three months Wo pleased to her again in our midst Mr Holmes of Toronto is homo on a visit Mm of Mount Forest arrived hero Tuesday owing to critical condition of her father Mr 8 Winch We are to Bend milk to our now creamery before Wo certainly Una now industry- is looking forward to Queens birthday as a public holiday should bring to every British subject Tho success of our soldier in South Africa endeavoring to maintain the liberty and freedom of the British Empire and the active part taken by our Queen in the present conflict should make us mon zealous for our Queen and Our Empire writ against Mr Winch for to which inference has boon made through press was very without after in vestigation It appears Mr Winch is not personally acquainted with Miss but serving on jury in Toronto ho happened to repeat some thing said in idle talk which did not originate with him as he ifovcr sua- it would go further Mr Winch thought to the mat ter when such a small sum as and an apology could do so Most people will think so too SUTTON Mr John is Agent for the and is authorised to subficriptious collect uutf etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attended to The Royal Templars of intend holding an on Empire May in the Mechanics Hail Dr Coulter deputy J has disposed of a residence hero to Mr J for The total assessment of town year is an increase of over last year Magistrate Love after hearing evidence against Albert Kovill for theft of a gold watch from Mr of King Township for trial A junior lacrosse club has been organized with these Pres ident Ross vicepresident Lloyd treasurer captain The was moved to tho now building on Saturday It is the prettiest wo soon outside of a oily finished in natural wood airy spacious and a fair amount of the It is on cast aide of the tracks on main line and there is a new long switch of nearly half a mile besides shorter It contrast greatly with the which has not even a waiting room Passengers Mm every day on the street corner oven on the coldest days winter Tho Temple of Fame on Friday evening was a grand success both financially and as a play Top9y completely thf equilibrium of the house Nearly all were for the first time before the foot lights but like professionals The Library dears nearly Mr Dewey preached a sermon on Sunday evening to the Rev Mr will not occupy church residence for some months owing to some necessary repairs MOUNT ALBERT is stilt the chief of conversation Boyd was sent up to thy and It is confidently expected that the guilty parties Will be brought to justice In it- will probably be found thai the pilly one but a scapegoat uthers who have J not the nerve for such a deed All unite in sympathising with Mr Chapman who a good neighbor and minds hie ownbusiness Hfe loss is consider ably beyond a thousand The severest on the human wretch who so doliborately and cruelly caused the sufferings of bo manyhelpless dumb beasts Mr Draper lost of his team suddenly on Saturday He also had a large number of aheep A bright in spiring it always Rood wall happy were with bright caret mil symptom up the ion cared by flwi Sold by all j rz AT Miss Atkinson of Toronto ho has been spending some weeks at Mr Alfred Shaws returned to her homo last week The Mammoth closing up business June Great bargains We hope the enterprising manager Mr Johnston will see his way clear to remain in Sutton although the Mammoth close as wo do not like to lose such good citizens as ho and his family have proved Mr Kemp and two little daugh ters of spent week in Miss Latimer who spent a couple from tho foot The wounded member of vry pleasant weeks with friends in healing nicely now Miss Minnie is at 2ephyr assisting Mr tailor Miss Maggie Watson went to Tor onto on Monday last to- commence work in a private house- The will lose the asaiafc- of a valuable member as Watson was President of the society We wish her success in her new situa tion Messrs gpules and the Township Council were here on Saturday last log where to put the weigh scales No satisfactory decision was arrived Dr Graham who was on the sick list last week is able to be around and- seeding seems to be the order of fas day It has come to the time again when cheep cattle and pigs are pasturing on be roads A petition should bo pre sented to the Council asking them to bylaw prohibiting these ani mals from running at large within the village Miss Daisy of fa visiting with Miss Daisy MoCaus land Operations have commenced on the new hotel building and work is being pushed rapidly on at the present time The boys are amusing themselves playing baseball at nights now but a subscription list Is for a new football Our sidewalks are badly in need of repair Some person will be injuring themselves by the holes and numerous loose planks If they are not repaired Toronto has returned home Mr Allan Anderson started Satur day moraine for Rat Portage where he has secured a situation We understand that Mr George Crocker who left here a few weeks ago is working for Mr Tom who is in the hardware business in Yorkton Rev Young of Toronto ad dressed the in the Methodist Church on Sunday after noon His address was particularly for the young and was both profitable and interesting He also spoke at Egypt in the morning and took evening service in Sutton La grippe is still with us and has stricken down our Mr Cross In his case pneumonia has set in and ho is very ill His mother has come from her homo at to help to take care of him There was a maple molasses and hot cake social at the Methodist Par sonage on Monday evening Fair at tendance and a time reported Rev A P Brace has gone to attend the district meeting this week The mot this week at the residenco of Mrs John on Tuesday Bros shipped a car load of stock on Wednesday morning Dr Smith dentist was here on Wednesday of this week Is pressed with work every time he cornea Mrs Hands of New York is visit ing at her mothers Mrs Richard who has been an invalid for some time House cleaning the order of tbo day hep with the women and the men taken to gardening when not beating carpets ic Ever sinco firo in Township whereby the barns of Chapman and Egypt school house were burnt suspicion has been directed to a couple of parties and this in arrest of Archie and Oscar Thompson on Tuesday by County Constables J A Boyd and Steeper The liminary hearing took place in Mount Albert the same evening before A of Toronto and of this place Many witnesses were examined after the prisoners pleaded guilty but it appears bad made a statement to the Crown Attorney that he both buildings on fire was committed for trial and was taken to Toronto by Constable Boyd and Thompson was remanded until next Tuesday He is out on bail in the meantime Tho Crown was repre sented by of Toronto and the prisoners were represented by Mr Knox of firm in Toronto Mr Frank Woodcock and Mr left this week Tor the Mr Will left Monday to take a place in a bakery in A quite successful Kindergarten Concert was held in the Town Hall by the of the Public School under the direction of Miss Long of Toronto on Friday evening last Many choruses and Motion were given and several solos and duetts by some of the talented child ren Proceeds about A similar concert will be given by the Holt school next week Miss Wesley was with her brother on Sunday Mr Geo is having his barn moved and fitted up in the latest style The general opinion of the people of this place that there is going to be another bride settle in our midst The bride proves to be mother of our worthy Mr Wilson who has come to keep house for him We welcome Mrs Wilson and mother in our midst We are sorry to announce the illness of our young doctor James Forest Quarterly service was held at the Methodist on Sunday Fair attendance Mr Fred Jack and family formerly of this plane were here over Sunday renewing old acquaintances Oar town Is well lined with travellers The great wonder of our village is how the photographer liked pic ture of our pupils and also- and lambs killed and worried by dogs on Friday If people who will per sist in- keeping useless curs would feed them as well as they do them solves no each stories to You cant blame the half starved dogs John Anderson of Michigan a for mer is over on with hit daughters Mrs Geo Munro and Mrs Draper This- cold frosty Slay will blight fruit prospects No plums thats a sure case Fall wheat all about hero ia looking magnificently It pays to be good if only to win the esteem and respect of your The late Geo Rose in a letter to me said I can see now where I made many mistakes but my consolation is that I did the best know how Thats all thats required of us to do tho best wo know how Women would make good de tectives I fear They are too apt to jump at conclusions A good rule Think as you like but keep your tongue- in silence It comes high to say what you think sometimes especially when youre thinking of private characters Our patrons are mourning that Sutton Cheese factory will not be run ning this year says Dust something awful in Newmarket Some here last week High winds Temperance people say Why do Corns grant a license to the house at Point It is that if they did not do so the pro prietor of the Park would refuse the public the use of the park as a place of entertainment So one of the Coras toll me Mr Welly Morton makes a hust ling agent He Bella right under A other agents A case for the Humane Society oc curred here recently A man bought a cow planted now Coron ers inquest says she died from too liberal use of a club Charles tirylls though in year still is able to do a little paint ing He is doing an artistic job on Taylors new bouse in Gum Swamp The Kingof Gum Swamp is kick ing he has no crown Discovered The of the Swamp Shes what would call a fair brunette When she waves her wand stamps her imperious little foot and demands Be still boys her adoring subjects simmer down At a meeting of ratepayers to see about the division of this into two it was decided that it should re main as at present and rebuild on old site A new will likely be ready by the last of Aug In the meantime the younguns are free Itis the bellowing of the in tbe recent fire was enough to melt heart of the most hardened head of live stock was ore mated Thos Glover has given his res idence a thorough overhauling and disinfection to try and clean out the germs of consumption the cause of suoh disaster in his family It is rumored that one of the sus pected firebugs has skipped out The Mount Pleasant lade especial ly Robin are an extraordinary pleas ant lot of youngsters and well they may be Theyre after our girls Theyre very frequent visitors A new dwelling to be erected at Pleasant shortly said to be a cage for a pretty birdie from Mt Albert As an illustration general amiability of Canadians Rev Minor me that in the course of seven years ministry he has travelled on an average miles annually and has never had f spend twenty five cents for The bottom seems to have fallen out of our market Its Building trade promises to be brisk about here Yates has many orders of bill stuff The wish old ft full line of FARM MACHINERY Applicant will bo liberal dealt with- New mark- In THE GROG House to Let In village of Button pleasantly on Main St containing la condition bard and water and carriage Good en by month or for a terra of years For particulars apply to John wick or to AH kinds of Garden Seeds sold in bulk Oar Package Seeds are Standard Goods Batch Set Onions Potato Onions Top Onions Large Red Onion Seed Clover grown by iabje Large Yellow Prizetaker Onion Seed Turnip Seed Mangold Fodder Corn Flower Seeds sold in bulk EARLY PEAS EARLY CORN Choice Cucumber Pickles quart I Street DAVISON ft GO North York License District la hereby given that application for transferor Tavern License granted to Hannah Flanagan to Flanagan A J HUGHES Inspector STRAYED id You m lot mile south of April 1Mb FOUR YEARLING two ewes and wo Slit car of one tarn and a small piece cut off car of tbeotbers giving Infor mation recovery suitably GORDON ONE just completed sampling your vicinity with two of the tbat Scientific Medical men have yet formulated They are These wonderful preparations have been tried by hundreds of worlds beat Physicians and have never affect a safe and Permanent cure WANTED will be prepared to purchase HEAVY and CARRIAGE HORSES from lObfl bo Bound In Good Con dition and from old Will he at tho following placet Hotel May Deacon Hotel am ftt Monday May Head at pm Tuesday May Paler Hill Wed May Central Hotel Bradford Friday May A Montreal NOTICE is prepared for womans- specific ailments and can be taken ut most confidence- Its KWneCnra I never failed to cure worst cases of J Kidney and Troubles no matter of how lone J standing Give trial it a J fJerjumaftket goods are eold only boxes at can be procured from all reliable Druggies or mail from a The Todd Remedy Company Limited Buffalo Toronto Is hereby riven to thereby that a ByLaw to part of Street In Town of lying of Pine Street according to registered plan will be considered by Municipal Councilor Town of New market at the Council Chamber Newmarket on Jute AD at All persona affected by proposed bylaw are to be present at aald date and place or by Counsel or So licitor to make any objections may to said street DAVID Town Clerk House and lot on Main of residence of Sato For particulars a to if The sawmill at by fire She Joss will be about Piotok May Mr Archi bald Harrisons barn about two miles from this place was streets by light ning about oclock this morning and totally destroyed along with contents No Insurance PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music primary here Id after BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Stents or Marks Ao bookonPatit Smith Bros PHOTOGRAPHERS Have in stock a complete line of cameras from Up Call and see them Amateurs supplier furnished Quick and Superior Fine Brick Residence FOE SALE Situated on Millard Ave being iq most desirable part of Post stores churches and Town Hail Water connections electric fur nace cistern and everything to comfortable also food and wood- abed Apply to J or Newmarket CHICAGO ST western STATES AND THE PACIFIC COAST rate and all Hallway i A Ak flE HAS ALL OF VIM all kinds of people tot people dear tor the cheap one for the poor poor ones for cocao folks easy All kind of Teaming andon DAVID Cor for good people and la very anxious to them all THIS WEEKS SPECIAL AT LEHMANS TOILETSOAPS Solid Gold 2 Beat Gold Till fi yn Geld Fill Bert We perfect OPTICAL CO 3 Toronto Men of Business i Our tailoring establishment produces BUSINESS which to business No difficulty in suiting an individual and still making the fashionable When you place yourself in our hands we take care thai ou never disappointed Land Plaster for sale old irawBPAPaas per A i A- i a lb Huron St Storehouse i A-

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