Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 11, 1900, p. 5

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I J President General NEWMARKET A General Banking Easiness TRANSACTED Allowed on DRAFTS At and Drafts bough Corf attended to r oai V Agent for and Wo to interest at Cxi fl ft and Isolated on Farm Wake Town Property Shop Newmarket MARRIAGE Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES Papers lauued at private If v a MARRIAGE LICENSES Simpson and Goods A touHe f of Plan and all String At per cent on flwolaaa farm and mate Agent o London and Globe Union Standard Mutual T THE NEWMAN RET ERAv FRIDAY WAV TT3 ftTYT T JT Sunday School for M Era by May13 saved tiioo go in and oar h Sou may return any jr 38 maytlad right God JA beautiful a baneful reasoning word often hearts throb the the debtor ro up to payment pardoned will the love lAfHftAaarketho well act of homage the service to the 50- Right gives peace PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS wider than Righteous character conilemua and unholy Even human goodness may not account for Gods conduct 1043 Jesus shews Simon the phavisoe the sinner Deep of sin producer deep Christ shelters the loving shrinking soul Christ is for worship hot for worldly gain Humanity has followed Christ for fisliMJ Ananias cloaked Roligious is not less pinful than Verso love has its own particular language Mary told jntjm odor of the spikenard Bethany shewed in hospitality Ms in adoring worship Verse can see and read well cloaked head To attempt deception before God is wild folly The eyes of God are- slumbering and microacopy Psalm 7 hide from Him Verse 4448 Christ rescues redeems the penitent Ho boy at the mount Matt ft He saved from her enemies the women in the Tempi John He delivered the lunatic in the graveyard Verse nearness to Jesus does hot save Judas went from the presenco of Christ to ruin Pilate saw and condemned Jesus The crucified thief reviled Christ and was Verse Jesus the very He calls forth God pives faith the believer The Holy it enables us to confess then reward the confessor God encourages us to trust and then compensates our That was a tins report you bad of the explosion tbe fat ma Pi not know tbpre was ah and climbed flights of stairs to the editors flee report- 1 must say And fairly you know that It was iip stand the loss but for ma you wouldnt If you are J Jones we did am Jacobus Jones You even spell out my middle name Youd think that my wife and ulfed girl were the thing the way- you wrote It girl burned and was badly saving Ale a fliicccsafnl study of life quarter of Paris which brought to writer both popularity and profit la alto arid biographer of The author If red for two year in St Petersburg corresponding for London press and taking part lo some thrilling bat the most of writers experi ences happened in Chicago after the novel bad been brought oat by a pub lisher of that city The been so success that publisher to the author a dinner to which a doxen of the lending men of letters in the take city were Invited The You to the the blue haze hand In hey Did yon notice how slowly I in here you tear me Pro sore as a felon the crown of my head to the what I am But theres not a word about tuatX you in the No Wish I had been When I heard the report I knew some on must be hurt fell down stairs I ran five blocks for a doctor When I got home I so exhausted that I had to retire and ibis morning to roll out of bed on a chair to get up It wasnt my fault that the doctor was out or that an ambulance was at the house when I got back You can Bay that showed great presence of mind am got out and humped myself or stop my paper day Detroit Free Press Albert NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS- DESIGNS V J Monuments and Head Stones Call Before jcV Allan an At ttvo per cent Flretelaflfl farm David Commissioner for Bo ttle Also A BOOK FOK EYERY WOMAN AND GIRL THOUSANDS WRITING FOR THE ILLUSTRATED Dye Rug Book Quo May Fire broke out here at about oclock this evening in the large pulp and saw mills of tho Lauientide Pulp Mills Company and in a short time the immense structures were a total wreck involving a loss of about The water supply was not to of any avail Tliey Kent There Is says a traveler a stock- which they have at Queens town Ireland It Is there the steamers pick up the malls which can leave IO don hours later than the boats do Liverpool and overtake them there Frequently however delays occur and then the passengers Kill time by going ashore and the native Is always In watt to sell them and other things such as bog oak Jewelry canes etc which are supposedly Indigenous to and characteristic of Ireland Some of the are wonder ful and awful to look upon and have no possible place hi real life their object being to take In unwary transatlantic traveler One saw there bad a bend fully six Inches in diam eter projecting knobs and roots thickly covering it It was so heavy that in It was an effort and to car ry It any distance without using a dray a physical impossibility It was a murderous looking weapon and a blow from It on the head would have done for any living thing even a darky from Georgia asked In my surprise what on earth do yon use this for That be rejoined Arrah thats what we pay the with Ive got It yet New York Trib une i there appeared a young wo man attired In owning dress We are expecting sir said the Mr Alexander Mae- Arthur the novelist So I understood returned the un expected guest am Alexander Mac- Arthur You gasped the publisher Yes Didnt you know I am Lil lian at your service- I have been writing over the name of Alexander ever since left my home In Dublin It was work of a minute to rearrange matters and the dinner was a great success Saturday Evening Post of London Liverpool Montreal tor the Life To Old Office Corner of recta PROVISION Two North Store Mat and Rug making in the home is now commanding the attention of thousands of women and girls of Can ada The new illustrated Diamond Dye Rug Book showing the latest designs and giving full information as to how the patterns can be procured will be sent free to anyone interested in the fascinating of making hooked mats and rugs Send your address Wells Richardson Co Mountain Street Montreal The British of Commons adopted a vote of tor completion of the Uganda railway Little Von Pineapple Tablet would hi doses tint the pure medicinal from and tablet are PparedVir an palatable form a the fruit Itself remedy aearcbes out the weak in and In a box cents Sold by itM fire in bakery at Oshawa did damage to bakery and- sur rounding buildings estimated at CANADIANS can vouch the efficacy that cough remedy It- cures a cola very quickly of all druggists Manufactured- by the proprietors of Perry Davis THE EMPHATIC STATEMENT that The Menthol Piaster iff doing a great deal to alleylate neuralgia and rheumatism is based upon facts The L Plaster never falls to soothe and quickly cure Manufactured by the Davis Lawrence Co Ltd Mr Michael died at Lindsay from injuries received in the mill where he was employed TO A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure Groves signature Is on each box The Dominion Companys at VirrJf was destroyed by fire with bushels of wheat Newmarket He Fooled All doctors tola Hamilton of West after suffering months from Rectal Fistula would unless a costly operation was performed but he cured himself with Arnica- toe best In the world Sorest Pile careen fl box Sold by child of killed Its mother was driving down a hill and in trying to keep her babe from slipping dropped one line and the lioises ran away AdiicalTe Walt until have off the postage stamp on this envelope spoiled In the addressing said a man It is not necessary to do that Is commonly supposed a lawyer You may take your scissors and cut out the adhesive not the Impressed stamp and stick it fast to your new en velope with mucilage notwithstanding tlie adhering piece of the old envelope It does not look nice and may be come detached In the mall but If the stamp- Is a genuine unused adhesive stamp ft is not questioned The gov ernment It sells an adhesive cent stamp undertakes for sucb consid eration to transport and deliver to des tination tbe letter to which It la The fact that a piece an en velope to which It was formerly at tached hut not used or deposited- for mailing does not relieve the govern ment to execute Its part of the- eon- tract when the letter Is deposited for mailing the stamp being otherwise perfect An Impressed stamp however cut from an envelope Is defective and In valid for postage purposes It Is toniBblng how many of are used some people apparently being unable or too Ignorant to discriminate between adhesive and Impressed stamps Washington Star Choir Korean Catholic and churches have tin credit of providing finest most elaborate music but the in New York heard In the Jewish Is chiefly sung however best singers of the Christian churches who thrift liy double up nod draw two salaries a good arrangement for both temples and churches albeit the churches pay double and sometimes treble tbe salaries paid by tbe temples The salaries of soloists In the larger American cities range from taw to latter sum being paid In a single Instance All engagements date from May which Is moving time for church singers as well as bouse mov ers Their church salaries form the of the soloists incomes but tinny fees are famed as a result of church work Weddings and funerals yield a number and private re at the home eoUitnlumeiHs of ml Minna ire church mem tiers me weighted with the golden fruit There are whole orchards of concerts and oratorios for capable of shaking the trees Success RANDOM SHOTS As the old Fashioned Flint Lock Musket is to the Pres ent perfected Rapid Fir ing Rifle so compares other Kidney Reme- dies with Dr Pit chers Backache Kidney Tab lets 1 Rapid A Fresh Supply a Week Coe Fsmou Hams The beet Market today A trial will con vince Floor Oats Corn Eggs Potatoes Halt Canned Cora tomatoes Pigs Feet Tongue Honey Soap o filled on notice At Kleinburg last Sunday and Nobletbn the Spirit of Ma oh What Is it If you had married somebody else pa would ha bad red hair or black Indianapolis Journal A man who baa never teamed to write his own name not so likely to get trouble In this world as the one who has learned to write another Nerves Bring in Limbs A Here Is a story with a moral A countryman bad Just returned from a Journey to Paris One of his cronies asked what opinion be had formed of the Parisians Delightful people he replied hut frivolous changeable and altogether Incapable of forming an attachment of any duration How long were you there asked his friend Three days Chicago News Tf Children Cry for CASTOR I A Dont fool with a wasp because happens to look weary and tired flad him flllHtfht in end Chicago New- A rsraove3 son or and from horses Blood Curbs Splints Sweeney flttflos and Swollen Throat Coughs The una of one make you Warranted most Bold by that Romans done early till at nightman on day and year after year with no recreation and of for It same round otm train Tooomtt f body restoratiya there no gteaitf known to into Food to lbs foundation and build op but surely until the whole is and a thing Nerve is put up In pill lotto and if taken to direction a wilt positively arid permanently out die serious nervous disorders of women and a box all dealers or Edjuan- fret at Fear Spirit Evil spirits are held in great dread by the Chinese who believe them to bear special III will to the son of the family and to delight in playing unkind tricks upon him To prevent this the eldest son In one family was Sixth Little Bister the childs parents evidently being under the press Ion that spirits could be do as to the sex of little one the How dp you do this morning said the duck meeting hen- of your replied hen doctor Quack squawked dock Thats what cackled Kaeh day In the year the of slot machines In New York city chase pounds of chocolate with which to AH the machines tho conrdiTie days It from to to The old flint lock ofteneti missed fire and when it did discharge would recoil with such effect the user would often would often bo knocked over and this will apply to the use of or dinary medicines They are prepared without considera tion for the other organs and while relief is obtained for the kidneys the stomach suffer When Pitcher worked out the formula for Ma Backache and Kidney Tablets the action of each ingredient used separately was carefully watched ana as one ingredient after another was added the action in combination was a study which resulted in the per fectly balanced medicine Dr Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets the only preparation that baa been able to establish itself by depending on local endorsement by people you know Watch the columns of this paper and you read scores of statements like the following from Mrs Jacob Chap Prospect Aye Newmarket who says I suffered for some two years from a backache and kidney trouble due to overstrain My eyes bothered me a good deal and very dizzy the pain in the back was very I tried many things with no relief and finally got a bottle of Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets from J druggist and must pay worked admirably All pain soreness of the eyes and dizziness is gone and the kidneys in good order I conscientiously recommend them to any sufferer as reliable and sure If have the symptom of kidney or bladder you can test this great medicine free Ar rangementshave made whereby every reader of this paper can obtain a trial Back ache Kidney Tablets absolutely free by enclosing two cent stamp for post age to Pitcher Co Toron to When giving men tion tins paper If you are convinced Tab lets are what you waul you can ob tain regular for cents per bottle If not at drug gists mailed free of postage on receipt of i i I I in food and Notblogte 1 SO food to Ihfo purify blood nd tonic Purely yercUble aaaanole It A foai Ub box iiVv J the return la no derived from od in powder form Box titter or wTFder hundred Bold by or C4lpt of THE at Paul at tv vv 1j rf 9 A- St THE LEADING SHARON A pring Stock of GOODS Just Arrived A Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere rf- i l 4 A The Favorite ioxou Harrow OUTTHROW The only Harrow that baa adjustable This feature Is in- VRV4b1e on hard or uneven ground N SSrCb Cultivator with grata and I reversible cutters lightest draft working and most operate cultivator Tbetetb work the axle and the wheel line See the New Spring Lift Drills and Our Drills are welt and known for loeraaelTOs are over use the farmers of country Wo the closest inspection of Farm machinery which we manofactoring for the coming season In addition lo ihe above call special to oor Hew Victoria Binder and Ho- Oxford Frontcat Mower oar Spring end and and It will ftmply all to before placing their orders elsewhere Send for our i900 Catalogue- TUBE Co Out West Sunday School will hold a Con- Church Scotch on Friday Juno cures Sorts or cut fitrilila Taken cere diarrhoea and d3vnttr- ffubtJtiitelp Is but one iSc Wc hoot EVENING CLASSES to for lnrVo t

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