Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 11, 1900, p. 3

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T what a or no oh in a about Christian At a meeting to bo of floparaiioa from Church it WW to qgIoo at Volunteer Col resolved teal week notified or camp for The will atari drilling now or two nights week Token to Toronto Mr ft Wilson who was from bloodpoisoning was taken to iho at Toronto last advice of local ho bo for and when last beard from ho was now antiolpatad For In year a laat Not landing largo quantities of butter and eggs offered go and the wore for all that- was brought forward Batter wont up to and eggs firm at and sold at lb Dont Forget It The of oto to Mr to As tw of from top to bottom afford an Ivy to got you want at half the Mr V the ho never anything or that might offend no matter how small bid Graduated tJifio formerly of bister of Mr A of town baa graduated lately from The of Montreal General Hospital with honors tho fortunate possessor of a Gold Medal awarded by that Homo few mouths ago aha also cat the Con sidering too chid Hospital ia one pi and ID many Coming States g8t training there Miss is indeed to bo congratulated Cross Society weeks we made mistake as to the value of parcel sent away The ladies 9025 or and tho rest was not in cluded in value mentioned The sold worth of Cross worth In making the returns Dr Hon Hod Society in head of Canadian Toronto writes as fol lows ifou are to congratulated for the good work done in Newmarket I wish wo bad as good worker in very town This very encouraging to the ladies are now getting another bate of clothing ready Serenade Concert by Band last Saturday night drew it big crowd fcTd chilly sidewalk Were with The woo Band will be to the Town this 1 Do You Know fi We are selling regular fliO for are no bettor at that price A Ghango Time has been alight obango In Metropolitan oar left OP ftt pm for Newmarket now at oclock And trip at instead of pm mcvCrffoomaofiQte Dont forget the end painters outfit etc at of Mr Oreo mo row School meeting on evening last Pretty Manning reported a on the roll of Nonresident feee Also that the drill woe introduced and thai Kelly supplied tor Ironside one and a half April A list of maps and also given The following aoaountfl were pwsed Rose making aeats grounds David cords wood 9M0 Cane Sons David Lloyd minute book 91 Mr appointed to position of representative of Board as examiner for tie entrance to School at Newmarket fiohool Board by appointing to the like at Aurora The prinolpal to out bis made in his report as to Empire Day The Chairman of the and Re pair Committee reported that they had caused two seats and one long one against the north fence to be made and had them two coats of paint of planting on the grounds and trimming trees was left with Furniture and Repairs Committee with power to Mr Pretty was given bis expenses in at tending the Ontario Educational Associa tion at Toronto Cut Rosea For the Baud at Starrs Anniversary The organization of the League in Newmarket will commemorated next Sunday ana Sermons morning and evening by of To o excellent entertainment will be the on Monday evening of choruses solos instru mental and readings The entertainer of the evening will bo Miss Cooke of Cluoago first elocution ists the day Her press notices are most excellent The says Tie largest crowd ever seen in Queen Church garnered aimply a jam During the whole Miss Cooke held her audi ence spell bound She is certainly a moat cultured and gifted elocauonist Mies cf Richmond Hill a vocal ist of considerable merit is expected to as sist local talent are for the Missionary work of the League Large congregations are annotated both Sunday and Monday The young people are to be congratulated their efforts to secure such excellent talent and we hope the pro ceeds will their anticipations The quarterly services last Sunday were largely attended The Love Feast was characterized by promptnesa in testifying to the power of and the prospect of the Oyer partook of the Eacrament The eermona by the pastor were excellent especially the one in based on the of St Paul have fought a wbloh had a good military and patriotic ring and was well illustrated by past and present events In warfare large choir at the evening service vrae greatly by Mies York who sang a lovely I have re deemed thee which was greatly appelat ed by the congregation York shows her college training to advantage Sunday League Ann morning and evening by Young of Toronto assistant editor of Guardian In the will contribute a suitable selection and Hits of Hill will render a solo The young people are anticipating a Urge attendance Pewholders will go early Three new members were added to the on Postal The annual report of the Postmaster- General for the year ending June woe received last week It contains much information and statistics regarding his department The postal note system increasing The of letter postage from three to two cents per ounce has been accompanied by soon a marked and continuous increase in tbe number transmitted mails as to warrant assertion thai loss of revenue in consequent of snob re- duotlou will soon bo post age on newspapers for the first six months amounted to will be double in the next six new post offices were opened during the year making a total of in the Dominion The following local statistics will be read with interest MOSEY ORDER ssSSS Qeorglna Button Sabbath fiohool vontlon bo held In Church no and 6th From ool Is every to believe that this will boa great convention All of Commit should on- to make it a profitable At the meeting of of HA in Toronto on Monday the of the somewhat This ef fects Newmarket team as the York DM riot Is now composed of following teams Stars of Catharines Elm of Toronto of Toronto Newmarket Toronto Junction and young Toronto which wore a first in this distrlot are now grouped with and Tbo district committee meet on May to arrange The Talagooe practice Monday day and Friday evenings of week Indian Famine Fund following for the India Famine Fond have been received by A Davidson Newmarket to May Previously acknowledged Bhrobmouot Pine School Vellore Vaoghan School jr No Holt fiogartwwn Sunday School 00 School School 2 Holland Landing School 3 Total ri 2 OT DO Zfk s rfa CD a a a Hi Baldwin Island 2500 Morton Park IB oak Pine White Row 31 17 COCO CO 00 16 OX r Mr Mercer student in charge of the at will Sabbath aud Mr Mac communion fleryidfis at and Mr Mercer Is doing excellent work on the field aud is said to be a flne preaoher No doubt good congregations will greet him morning and evening Sale the The regular monthly sale by Auctioneer Duncan will be held in the Royal Hotel yaid on the in at Household other will be offered 1 Called Home death of Charlie Hughes last Sunday eight was a startling surprise to many friends of the well to the public generally Charlie was an young man about years of second eon of Mr Hughes fancy goods of Newmarket He naturally quiet and unassuming but quite a reader for hie age a logical thinker and fond of debates on historical questions He was also somewhat an artist with and brash About eleven months ago while engaged with the in learning the telegraph he was seized with a violept hemorrhage of the lunge which threw him upon a bed With careful attention he rallied but for months in of hopes for the better quite apparent that be was gradually fad ing away On evening of last week he took suddenly worse and rapidly grew weaker till the spirit gently took its flight surrounded by loved ones Daring revival services in about three years united with the a attendant at church and as well interested in League work The text he selected for and roll last Monday evening was very appropriate Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death thou art with me rod and thy staff they comfort The affection of his associates was strongly marked by of sym pathy silently told by exquisite floral to adorn casket from bis class mates in the and from League Mr and Mrs Cane and Mrs Berlin wreath from employees of Mrs Fer gus Mr J Fergus Mrs Mrs and a bou quet Miss Cora Hughes Toronto con- vsyed the affection for deceased and sym pathy for those called to mourn The service at tho residence on Wednesday afternoon was conducted by Rev and was very largely attended The following relatives were present Mr V Hughes brother of de ceased from Toronto Mrs broth Hughes from Mr Geo Hughes brother of Mr from Toronto Mr E of Berlin Mr JVM Watt of Fergus of Mrs Hughes Mrs Geo Allan of Toronto Mrs Stephens Mrs Evans and son arrived too late for funeral were interred at Cemetery the pallbearers be ing Geo Smith Edgar Jackson Cone Roy St fJohoolo fli had en At Homo on evening in the Rectory aHendanco was lare and a very pleasant enjoyed The two persouB from flBtlouffs Saturday last will appear before to answer for Police Court Decision in the liquor whioh has been pending for a couple of weeks before and Pearson will probably be brought a on Monday It Wont Do An old woman wbo gave her name as Mrs Davidson came op on the trolley on Tuesday night expecting to get admission the Industrial but haying no papers of committal she was damped into Newmarket sbe obtained cor- lodgings and bad to be shipped to the oily Our town authorities must atop this pauper trana- iusfnees andlf it necessary in order to pnnlsb the ex- of this from to another let it be obtained Pointer ThoERiisread by nearly every family In North York though many readers are not coucert presenta tion teameeting football baseball or other Is reported besides deaths marriages births and services- Every you make in your business is noted and when you improve your prem ises read about it In Br Lodge meetings announced and election of officers as well as Council and School Board items If you do not feel like put ting an advertisement in the paper you can sorely afford to subscribe for it and pay sabeorlption in advance are helped in ways and get benefit from paper A dollar is a small and besides the Era contains more interesting reading matter than any other paper printed in North York Every village and town is represented and every happening of any account is novo J The stores advertise in this paper and weekly lists of bargains may be these col- 3 LAY 1 of Dross Fabrics has never boon Equalled in Newmarket before GOODS Fancy Hair Stripe Muslin Lace Stripe Muslin Check Muslin Tucked Pique Fine and Heavy Lawns and India and Swiss Muslin fill in variety HOUSE Rubber Blinds complete 35c at SI S3 and Repp Cretonne very heavy for curtains or draping Damask for Muslins from upward Art worth for Si kali no fast color and soft finish You never fail with Baking Powder COTTON GOODS Crumbs English Dutch Mercerized Sateens Mercerized Foulards Skirtings Metallic Blouse Italian Bon nie Flannel Cloth Scotch Zephyrs in Colors and Black and White Cotton Bunting In all Colors at yc per yard INDIES Print Blouses Gingham Blouses New Stock Collar Lawn Insertion white Collar and Cuffs 1 fhal The York County Departmental Store 21 Departments THE CHEAP STORE The grading In front of Mrs Fosters residence St Is a big improve ment While playing football on the High Sohool grounds last Friday a lad named Sherman sprained his ankle Mayor Canes private- at Canes Factory has been fitted with a band- some Cabinet and Desk made by the Office Specialty Co Regular meeting of the TV C at the residence of Mrs next Tuesday afternoon The schools are getting ready for Em pire day Queens birthday a week from next Thursday Mr W is having ter raced ground west of his residence very neatly sodded and his barn Mr J Wilson is painting at the real deuce occupied by Mr The weather is not yet in alignment First it feels hat not took like spring then it looks enough but doesnt feel right There lb excellent promise of an of all varieties of fruit particular ly apples year provided law do not damage thebloesoms The people around Mill are collecting flour potatoes and food supplies sufferers pie now in order Grated horseradish has had quite a sale town lately It is the rainfall of May which deter mines the yield of the bay crop the long evenings approach the Fire Brigade should tarn oat and practice lay ing and coupling boss It ie reported in a city paper are to build a new depot at Newmarket but local officials have no in formation about it The balloon down town illuminated by electricity is an attractive reminder of the Concert tonight Mrs Chant or St is patting a new roof her Mr Starr has added a new enter prise to bis grocery department by the construction of a hot bouse and will be able to cater to his customer without de pending on Toronto gardeners for early let tuce radishes The sample of left at this office was very fine About 20 OddFellows went to Aurora last Souday evening to join the therein attending at the Metho dist Church Rev Dewey gave an ex sermon In the spring the birds singing As they build their cummer home Blades of grass and buds are springing Oer mead the cattle In spring your blood Is freighted With the germs that disease are Signals warning you of In the spring that tired feeling Makes you every shirk Makes you like begging stealing Rather than in work But theres known that will Man and will find Hoods Juet exactly what you need Childrens Positively we never before had such a nice stock all opened up fresh and new with in the last ten days Childrens Tarns and Sailors In a big variety of styles and shapes in velvet leather cloth linen straw e c Babys SunBonnets and Hats In linen gingham muslin silk c plain and fancy worked in lace and silk Be sure and visit this section oi the Millinery Department Ladies Wear We have made a specialty of this We invite you to walk through whenever you are in the store You will always find something new added to stock This week its the newest things in Blouses and Wash Skirts Here are the goods you will find there Dress Skirts Under Skirts White Wear of all kinds Corsets all the popular makes in Cromptons C T D A from pair to 175 Jackets Capes Costumes Blouses Wash Skirts Wrappers Waterproofs Parasols c c Mens and Boys Clothing We still have left some of the stock we told you about a month ago its go ing fast though if we have what you want the coming to see will you several days wages you come what have paid had better Wall Papers Special 800 rolls wall and ceiling paper- were to per roll clearing week at and 5c per roll The only reason for making this big cut we are sold out of the exact match in borderings ant in the case of ceiling we havent the exact match in wall paper We have however lots of bordering c that will go nicely with these papers in fact we guarantee to give you a combination if such be your needs in wall ceiling and border that will loMc just as handsome as an exact matched combination Ingrain Carpet Ends 1 yard square in heavy unions and all wool just the thing for mats and rugs reg prices to Your Choice each Tea Snaps japan Tea sold by us at This week 4 lbs for japan Tea sold by us at This week per pound Ceylon Tea sold by us at This week per pound 50c Ceylon Tea sold by us at 40c This week per pound American Cereal Wholesome Nutritious and Delicious will not make you nervous In lb tins regular this Sizes Do you wear shirts in either of above sizes We have too This week you have jour choice at off regular prices f t

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