Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 11, 1900, p. 1

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y Era gives morehomenews every week than any two papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCEE AND Korh ta No Single Copies Contu Each J Newmarket Ont Friday May No Sermon Tills Aif it If to lime I for Che walls your of wall ja r often owl with unit It 1ruslt cure will von It have never complaint from a llmt bought mo out ton ihnnk I have come In look at AUbiuUiie fit bulk PAINTS OILS GLASS ETO A Try our Coal Oils NEWMARKET read Trade Ha increased twelve in the ninth Why not Us call on you We now cull on over one hundred and sixty families in Newmarket also carry a variety of including Tart Shells Angle Cake Spice Cream Puffs Snow Drops Scotch Short Fried Cakes Fruit Cake also Buna Cakes and Tea Wine and Tea Cakes each day JACK Opposite Ifoiixe Standard ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY Popularity AeeurnulatedFunds about EMULSION CONSUMPTION and All or BLOOD OP DEBILITY the benefits of IhllUlleli molt manifest By aid of The Emulsion I hive a hacking cough hid troubled me for over a and consider- la and per DAVIS Is CO Limited Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR Assure now and secure a share of the profits GEO MHUNT Inspector J A Agent New Spring Goods have collection of tar coming Cannot be Surpassed for extensive variety attrac tive designs and general com pleteness The latest styles of fashionable shades of ex ceptionable value and durability Fancy and Fancy are included and examine and make your selection Mclaughlin Oar Toronto tetter County appealing against of Mr Justice Street which compels the County to help pay for furnishing now court house City expected to York rate payers for their its council allowed a free hand to the architect A very fashionable audience is ex- to foregather this Thursday evening at Hall to hear Nor- dica sing The Parks committee of has at last decided to pay Mr an account of for feed ing and caring for the High Park elk for five month the city wok them bands of Queens Own GovernorGenerals Body Guard Highlanders and Grenadiers be sides and Woodmen of the World will furnish the music for Parks concerts during the summer A convict at the Central Prison named Win has been pardon ed by the Minister of Justice Ottawa A garrison parade of all the Toronto battalion will take here on the Ih of May with a march past on the University of Toronto campus De tails arc now being arranged At a fire in a shed on Mission ave last Friday morning the four yearold son of Turner was burned to death fatality was not known till the firemen proceeded to clean up after the Haines wore extinguished supposition that the lad enter ed the shed to play and in some way had started the fire himself An evening paper gives currency to the rumor that the Toronto Railway Co has become interested in Num ber Aqueduct scheme The first visit of the Papal Delegate to Canada to this city was celebrated last week by a grand reception by the clergy and laity of this dioces Among the clergy from a distance was Dean Har ris of St Catharines easels are rife in this city but not epidemic Strawberries and cream are now on the bills of fare at the restaurants The Citys Legal Department has issued a writ against the Consumers Gas Company The charge is that the Co has misapplied its funds which should have been directed to re duce the price to consumers There are other counts in the case Mr Justice Street has upheld the early closing bylaw as legal The Retail Grocers Association has decid ed to appeal against this decision Mrs Robinson arrested for shop lifting at Simpsons was sent to the Mercer for six months Terms per annum if paid in advance EXPOSITION a can he secured The use of electric and cascades will Tho dignified and stately beauty of and varying design The lower of the great Electric Tower which will these is an loggia form the conspicuous centerpiece of rich in ornamentation and having the the PanAmerican Exposition at surfaces brilliantly colored Pa- scenes of fantastic beauty Buffalo year will command the vmliotiettes at the corners terminate rapt admiration of every visitor The in light fantastic cupolas second I genius the architect has been taxed stage or lantern of the tower crown Wealth to preserve lines and elements of is in the form of a high circular colon- Save beauty a work of such tall entirely open so as to allow the hut the problem has been well effect of the sky to be seen between mastered j the columns A spiral staircase with- mi no in colonnade leads to the last staKe j jtj The height of the tower is 543 feet Cure the Cord and of the tower the cupola over whose dome is poised the supreme j Him Whole Again- Dreadful Deed through May A terrible affair occured here last night or early this morning and from present appear ances will turn out to be a case of murder- brought on by a family quar rel John sen been Jiv ing in his wife and family for many years He is an old British soldier and unless when lie is in his cups which occurs frequently he is a hardworking man One of their sons William and his father were in their home on Hickory street last night and were as far as can be learned the of liquor There was certainly a dilute between them which ended in a fierce fight The mother as is supposed got be tween them was struct hy one of them and today lies dead Nothing is clear as To all there were no other witness- on the scene The two men are in the lockup and blame one another for the deed Reports VAXES IN OF MERIT FOB ilAFXH SCHOOL Etta Charles Saw- don Joe Morrison Edgai Walker Jr Ill Evelyn Far Parr Arthur If Nellie Wesley Eugene Lillian Jr Black Cbas Ausman Sr Lulu Rose Bella Emma Smith Vera Morrison Ruth Haines Frank Aub- Simpson Sarah tiiwdon Milton r I Sydnty Simp- 1 AUifc Black Gordon Ezra orison Jr I Si Willie in combi nation with the spark- Back Hoy Simpson ing fountains Deadly Kidney Disease had him in its Clutch South American Kidney Teacher The ratepayers of on Monday passed a bylaw loan Mr Small proprietor of the organ comp any of ten without interest There are men who had rather stand the street corner and allow their wires to hustle bread and than to render any assistance A young man a son of one of by working Almost a Physical Collapse But Com Restored Ameri can Nervine Mrs Geo of Victoria street Toronto was gradual ly breaking down under an attack of extreme nervous prostration Her ap petite had left her she suffered from insomnia Here are her own words as she wrote them I took doctors but received no benefit I commenced using South American Nervine and three bottles worked a marvellous change in me My appe tite came back I Bleep soundly and my general health is as perfect as ever it was It is a pleasure to recommend so worthy a remedy Sold by E Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket above the broad basin in which it stands is between the EIctlid lhus Court of the entire Exposition whiclus wealthiest two years May oldest on the north side of the Mall It toh er yex contracted kidney disease by taking a in all Canada died looks the Agricultural cold plunge in the lake when the body upon Building at the cast and the Elec tricity Building on the west The Tower proper is Hanked on the east west by long curved colonnades which sweep to the southward and feet in height terminate hi airy forming a j entrBnce semicircular space feet across 0rnamente from the tS tins space and a high niche fiff will Clover Timothy and all kinds of Field Seeds After winning a womans hand a man sometimes finds himself under her thumb Children Cry for Four Italians while charging a hole with dynamite on tion Rainy River Railway blown to atoms Hungarian and Ontario Fam ily and Pastry Flour 23 5c W J WILLSON Huron OR A WCHASES A CURE ho farts by tali the clears alt In Ihrojl and Ciirea Ail or A l Co Well in Dublin London Eno April Reports from Dublin of considerable uneasiness in the circles with which Nolan Walsh and the three men ar rested in Canada in connection with the blowing up of the Wetland canal near on the evening of April are alleged to be connected and the authorities anticipate some departures from the city It is said that John Nolan had pre viously been arrested for complicity in the Exchange court explosion near Dublin castle Nolan Walsh Rowan and sailed for Philadelphia in November and it ie now suggested has been by his com rades It is further alleged that if Nolan and the others are light will bo thrown on several noted crimes The building laborers of London are out on strike in the main body of the Tower are cascades while all about the basin are leaping jets and countless playful figures each with its spurt of water combining to make a brilliant water scene At the center of the niche is a tall geyser fountain whose waters find their way from the high basin within the niche over successive ledges and among a multitude of vases to the level of pool The main body of the tower is feet square From the surface of the water to the top of the colonnades is feet This portion of the struc ture is enriched by a system of decora tive rusticated bands which give an aspect of great solidity to the base The shaft of the Tower treated with great simplicity The center of each side is paneled with fantastically per forated work through which is in distinctly the massive frame work of the tower This feature is calculated to produce a remarkable ef fect when from within as it is the intention to do The main shaft of the tower terminates an was overheated could From the water to the feet of the but could not cure tbe malady figure of Electricity is a vertical tanceof feet- The figure is travelled in hope of help and a cure he returned to his home apparently with but a short time to live but the I printed testimony of the cure of a on north side Elevators will acquaintance attracted carry passengers to the various floors to South American Kidney Cure He procured it and persisted in Us which will be devoted to different pur poses of the Exposition such as re ception rooms offices restaurants be lvederes and amusement halls A large restaurant at a height of feet will give the diner a broad and beautiful view of the Exposition and the surrounding landscape From the cupola- the eye can sweep the whole Niagara Frontier and look far into Canada beyond the majestic river that separates that the States Sculpture plays an important part in the decoration of the tower Two magnificent memorial groups of statu ary flank each of the four sides of the base Above the water niche in the southern face of the tower is a mag nificent escutcheon representing the arms and seal of the United States In the spandrels of the arch above the niche are sculptures- high relief The pavilions and are also rich ly decorated with sculptures and other architectural device The entire ex terior of the tower will be studded ate entablature and composed of with myriads of electric lights so three stories of diminishing proportions range that a great variety of effects in use and although it was a stubborn case today he is well and healthy Sold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket A fresh outbreak of reproaches from the Ameer of Afghanistan against the British Government tends to revive the suspicion that Russian intrigues are in progrcss Barbie Ont May Yesterday afternoon Mr Charles a farmer living on concession a few miles from here went to feed his horses at noon His little daughter not three years old started out with him but stopped on the way to play with the dog in the orchard was found in a few minutes in a dying condition having been fatally kicked by horse It is supposed that she had approached too close to the horse the faithful dog seeing the child in danger had seized the horse by the heels causing the animal to kick and strike the little girl on back of the head She died in about an hoor yesterday at Angus County in the person of Mrs Robert Arm strong She was nearly years old and had been for over sixty years a resident of and Town ships having come to Canada with her parents from County Ireland in She had over descendants children grandchildren and great grandchilnen She said herself that there was a slight mistake about her age and that she years old A Card We the undersigned hereby agree to refund the money twenty five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using three of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles per manently cure the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Wilmot Lehman Druggist Newmarket J B Druggist Scotts Main Newmarket Miss Gould Assistant Treasurer of the Montreal branch of the Red Cross Society has handed over to society of money collected by her chain letter The rising of peasants in tho vicinity of Bulgaria is as suming alarming proportions peasants have succeeded in disarming some troops and have used rifle

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