Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 4, 1900, p. 5

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ONTARIO CAPITAL RE 9800000 General NEWMARKET BRANCH Easiness A General Banking TRANSACTED nterost Allowed on Deposits at HATES DRAFTS ISSUED I AT and fliorllng and American Draft a promptly attended to rs INSURANCE J R Agent for and Companies Money inter oat at Rate Ramsay on Farm lUaks and Isolated Town Property MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main Sundries imd it it i if of SightSinking and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all String instruments Money to Loan At per cent go flratelaaa farm security on Life Insurance- by Commissioner for taking a davits J Conveyancer Ileal Estate Agent to Aifcnt for following reliable Insurance Companies London and Norwich Union Mutual Hopkins Block Mount Albert NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Allan Sunday Prepared far the Era by and unto mo all labor and- and I you rest THROBS Versa No man has his path 21 did not his saving power on ate depth and deeper retribution Sodom though lost could have been saved Opportunity justly Tori greatest wisdom is not always with man Godlike soul is satisfied with Cods ways took the voit from the of God- Rest from burden God gives Rest of man finds In service 80 An ill fitting is of- heaven Verso The heart should deserved censure There is a pity and penalty reserved for the Judgment day unschooled soulmay bo most receptive is final judge in all was poor as humanity rieh is some distance between and soul to higher one marks the true teacher lifts but never imposes heavy burdens Verse 20 The true Gospel has a chapter of fear Noah was only moved to salvation through fear Hob held to a better life by fear I Kings Fear of perishing horded the prodigal home permanently every life he touches He becomes to each a savor of life or of death Pilate could not escape the consequence of relationship to Christ determines destiny Sweetest rest comes in assurance of wisdom This assurance made the Hebrew youths heroic This made the early church triumphant This made the trial of Jesus a triumph God is a revelation not a discovery What eye ear or heart know God revealB Friendship with Jesus gives usability to know God The Christies life must be Godless Our burdens qualify us to meet The burdened soul must meet tho personal Christ The burdens give nor hinder soul rest Christ cranges restlessness into rest There is a rest and a deeper Thero rest from work in Christs finished work There is rest in work through Christs working Faith wins soul rest service finds refit to the soul SO The rested soul becomes Christs The Masters yoke file and suits the servants Discard every burden that hard to bear In His service the yoke the shoulder the all agree rrr it it I of jp Or void wilh iho A of a la a crowded And it A painted And v tote old for new A or a And Ufa tod the dirks B brave VUr fellow And op Die Ot ffotd or But thtt with ft blazon the for A Turn at Plowing Boy Didnt the Work but Attendant Money to Loan At per Perm Security by David for taking Real Es tate Agent Conveyancer Marriage Also Agent for of and Liverpool England Montreal Mutual In alao for the Confederation Life Association To ronto 0riot Old Office Corner of Main and R We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently euro the case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Druggist Newmarket Ont J Druggist Scotts Main St Newmarket Oar ToFo Wholesale St PROVISION STORE Two North Store Supply Twice a Week of Park Coe Bacon Lard o The and Mildest Cured Me ate on Market today A trial will con vince Also Floor Rolled Oats Corn Meal Batter Potatoes fialt Tomatoes Feet Bologna Sam and Tongas Hooey Soap o Orders filled on ike notice TERM From April merges into the Summer Term From July 3rd in Central Business College TORONTO Hot a Brine Yon say pursued the chairman of the leylslatlvft Investigating commit tee that he resorted to no bribery whatever during the campaign far aa you know Yes air replied the witness ibat is what I said Did he not circulate several boxes of clears Tea sir but them cigars wasnt bribes Heres one of em can in the land dells The best for and bruises The best remedy cramps and colic Avoid but Perry Davis and A strong reliable school with equipment including sixty class typewriting machines are no vacations and members are admitted nt any time Write for particulars SHAW Principal OLD J or sale ihe A wonderful reserve fund for the hu man appetite to be found In the veg etable diet of the Klamath Indiana A novel variety of food forming a menu unknown to the civilised offered In pulp of the great yellow water My which converted into a food In the weed as which bears a black seed that Is ground rip for loaves and cakes and In the ar rowhead which In the fall develops a starchy white tuber at end of the roots TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Laxative Tablets all the money If it falls to cure Groves signature la on each box I never was glad for impedi ment la my speech but once said the man from Dearborn who was in to tile town When was thotr asked me much I would for while lIl was to tell him doirnra he offered me a In municipal circles tho allabsorb ing is Who will bo the fifth member of the Board of Control The Act just passed by for one additional member to be chosen at once After this the Mayor is deprived a double vote on Board In of the terrible eon- flag ration at Ottawa and Hull last week the did not put in an appearance at the Show last week It was successful however and the attendance large John H Justice of Ontario died at his resi dence St on Friday morning last aged years Ho on the bench from to in one Court or another first position being Puisne Judge of the Court of Common Pleas He way knighted in 1897 Mrs returned last week from Hot Springs- Arkansas and with Miss left this week for Italy They will spend the summer on the Continent Sheriff gave a dinner patty honor of the of York County Covers were mid for sixteen The decorations were and pink being the color scheme There were present Judge senior judge Judges Morgan and junior judges Hon Mr Justice Moss Sir Thomas Taylor exChief Justice of Manitoba iff County Attorney Irwin Clerk of the Peace Mr MoKinnon Curry City Crown Attorney Mr- J Treasurer Of York Mr A Sutherland Deputy Sheriff of York Mr J Severn Deputy Sheriff of Toronto and Mr J -A- Clerk and High of York f The strike is practic ally ended A special cable despatch to the Telegram announces that there is not the slightest probability- of His Highness the Prince of Wales visiting America in Joseph Wellington street west died suddenly Sunday morning while attending worship in Bethany chapel University It is to sing fir at hymn in the service sitting down dead was seated beside Ms wife who noticed nothing wrong Those oc cupying in the rear however him fall back and spoke to Mis Medical help was summoned but life was extinct Heart disease was the cause of demise per in Jo THE EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL may be taken with most beneficial results those who are run down or Buf fering from after effects of la grippe Made by Davis Co Ltd By McQaffy i m M you really wont to try your hand at the was Uncle remark after breakfast was over like to see If could said boy even if get of it night v- All right was reply But you cant carry the gun with you The would Why what would be to shoot J Aunt Fanny Oh by the barrel Tom Ill my Aid the hoy and get enough for a hy night So a pocketful of buckshot Ida rubber lie was ready for fray The farm was of It was rolling country and fenced In by tin old fashioned wire fences The dark loam nod easily worked There was sand enough so that plow would scour fairly well and there were no The boy bad watched hie uncle plow the day before and did not very hard work So with a light plow and the old team he In with considerable confidence The were crossed over his shoulder and un der and the novelty of the Job appealed to He grasped the handle started the team with an assuring OH Ills Instructions were to hold the plowshare too deep In tin Roll or he would lie hoisted Into the by the combination of the noil the leverage of the eniibfl surface for the drat yards be gingerly along al most on top of the Then he remembered that this was not plowing he up the handles and dug Into the bowels of the eaith It was a pull and a strong pull a pull all together aa he It afterward and It ended by Mb being over the tops of tbe plow handles deposited In the dirt The plow had been turned upside down In furrow and bad been off by the lines The mute beamed on him pityingly and his back felt as If part of it had been pull ed out and thrown away Then he rec ollected not digging too deep he braced himself and took hold of the plow bandies again A long stretch of comparatively level ground bis and nil went well for some time It was a vast and awful dis tance across tbe field for the first fur row and his uncle mere speck at other end When be got to tbe end of the furrow he found wire fence and beyond was a ex panse of rolling prairie stretching down to the timber Hoe of the river Outside of the fence Were aev- furrows which bis ancle bad ex plained were to beep the prairie firea from coming and burning the fence He turned the mules and started on the plowing loose loam broke under his hare feet and the fur row crumbled down and arched ahead of the plow lite back of an bog Tbere a steam light almost Impalpable that rose up from the cloven bide of the old brown earth Far In west a bank of white clouds lay furled In the blue skies He held the plow more steadily now and when the began to sink too deep he eased It up without jerking the point free from the furrow The turning point was reached again and again be baited From the line of cottonwoods that flanked one side of the field came down of black birds clacking and gossiping In their quest for grubs bugs and angleworms in size and Importance were the gorgeous purple or crow blackbirds They were the autocrats of the blackbird tribe and most Important busy when engaged on foraging expeditions as these They were followed by the more sober cow blackbirds In great numbers as the team drew away and the furrows Hue out the scorn a of the expedition In close to the plow The hoy had already got beau shooter easy reach and the birds lined along furrow he stopped the mules nearest blackbird was a big pur ple The boy drew the rubbers back a bullet flew as the rubber bands snapped and the blackbird doubled up In the furrow with ft bullet In bis breast Putting In another bullet the boy took at next bird which bad not noticed the almost noiseless effect of be shot Fair nod true- the second bullet went to Its mark and a second blackbird dropped to the snot Going the boy pick ed up the two birds and thereat scat- along the furrow Putting the lines across aridunder he started a couple of inquisitive log about arid winged one of them with A long chase over the drying arrows of the previous days plowing secured bird Going back be bad several more shots at the blackbirds which seemed to bolder hungrier as day- advanced- He seldom missed them and Inone Instance killed two at one shot the bullet striking one bird a blow on the neck and winging a second bird plowing grew and more tedious as the day lengthened out and the boy was never hungrier in bis life He bad brought dinner along with a bottle of to wash it down and he could tell pretty well from sua when noontime came Prom lino of furrows be could see his uncle toll ing across and back never stopping for thing a brown figure In the brown stretches of earth He made his mind that plowing was desperately monotonous work and to plow a straight furrow was something came from long practice He bad a stoke- stuck up for his benefit at each end of the field but bis plow either gabbled or the niules frightfully for before noontime came he necessary to lift the plow up and gash down cer tain Inlets and estuaries of land which had not been cut of tbe per versity of the furrows By the time sun had swung into line for about he bad come to tie conclusion that all a boy needed to plow well with was a pair of Iron lege and a knowl edge of bow to draw a furrow straight He unhitched team with some and gave them a of on the bottom of the sack Then he got out hi own dinner of bread and but ter meat and pickles and fell St like a famished coyote- He very tired The dirt bad got into his finger nails crept Into his curly brown hair grimed his neck filled ears and em bittered his boyish soul curiosity thoroughly satisfied He bad be come satiated with the exercise be wanted to hunt However remembered tbat It would be cowardly to give up until night So he started in to bitch up the mules again after taking a decent rest Fortunately he could do this without having to summon his uncle and he himself on being hitch and unhitch a team The plow again was driven loam and once more burden of banging on to a pair of slippery plow bandies with a couple of energetic mules striding along in front was begun The black birds and allured by the feast of pale grubs and salmon tinted fish worms came again to the furrows but the boy only took a shot now and then He was doggedly sullenly silently plugging along in the furrow with the sand gritting between his He wouldnt offer to plow again for Uncle Tom Uncle Tom knew what he was talking about when be said it was hard work and dirty work until you got used to it Well he didnt want to get used to It was all What was that story about eels getting being skinned back you old yellow crate you At sundown and not until he taw Uncle Tom turn for the house did the boy give over But he bad seen the error of bis way Plowing wasnt what it was cracked up to be were loo many sand burs and roots and furrows and dirt and wrench es and backaches It There was too much work about it when you a man who was used to It you could believe tbat be might strap him self to a plow and go to sleep on the job But for a new beginner at the business it like Jordan a hard road to travel Uncle Tom smiled at the grimy figure of his nephew as he met htm at the house Howd you like the plowing he Inquired quizzically The boy took nine blackbirds and three from bis pockets and holding them up said I like part of It Uncle Tom and all the rest l didnt like worth a cent Chicago Record Overtime Eight laws are Ignored by those tire- little workers Dr Kings Pitta Million are always at work night j J da Wing Indigestion mioto the furrow again Aaln Constipation Headache and all fitom- birds drew up- and again no got two Liver Bowel troubles pica- shots at them getting one bird ana safe Only at another When he got to drua store of the he found Way Coat Unbuttoned The thermometer stood at 10 degrees above zero He bad on an overcoat undercoat and a vest other garments cut no ice here Although wind blew a Greenland gale bis overcoat and undercoat were both unbuttoned flapped like the sajla of a schooner wing and wing Why did he not button on this piercing day Because he the Man With a Badge By leaving coats unbuttoned Peo ple could see that on vest was dis played his vested right to wear a Badge and who ever saw a man with such authority when off duty who didnt display at least the dm of bis Badge No one because power Is aweet to us all from the President to the Peasant Washington Star Proper Every person old or young or well ought to have a daily bath Im mediately after arising fa the morning Ib the best time A quart of water and bowl there ought to bo two is all that Is necessary The water need not be cold or hot from to degrees is preferable The ybuog and the very vigorous can safely Indulge In much colder water the bath be taken rapidly occu pying from two to five minutes Sim ply wet the entire person with dry this with one towel then rub the surface briskly with a dry coarse towel Then rapidly then else until there la a full free action tn aud warmth there Is need for the use of soap locally and where there is a dully bath there Is little peed for it let that be used before at j 11 WiiSFF CTFWhT r 1 Duces he of I si An is neither r Mineral Not Narcotic THAT Tti SIGNATURE OF Remedy Sour Stotn6xriDiajThoca and Loss of Sleep at IS ON THE WRAPPER OF BOTTIiE OF OMtwlfc totttsi It ii balk to tharj It godand tfill tint get rifcm THE LEADING ROUS I Spring Stock of DRY GOODS Just Arrived Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing PAPER cannot live years unless it has a reason for existing In that time it will have died or proved its right to live This is a strong point with The Newmarket Era The hundreds who pay 100 for it do 0 because it contains what they want and they cannot find elsewhere This gives you a chance to impress them with your advertisements PATENTS I PROMPTLY SECURED books r8 Help and How you arc or lot your Improvement end vc will ten Tom our opinion as to it probably patentable Wo of flppllcatlona rejected In other Highest SOLICITORS CM A BfN School of ficttneefc Urn Work Alloc hew DAY SCHOOL Public School Work for Children EVENING CLASSES to for boys and yoiing mm I the time to improve your J Huron tt tilt When hire a wheel from the Bicycle Livery look at the tires If they are Tires then you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi gree in its every part Tires on all good wheels Tiro lJVs L

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