Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 4, 1900, p. 4

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I 7- Jftrtr 7- cumavht Best Advertising Medium In Yurk County moats cento pur Insertion PACE mo iiudy caned Inches aoi woo w 1 jig with writ ten insert until forbid accordingly Advertisement will ins boon placed in the estimate month Itdcafrod For change each month the composition must contract advertisements bo In Wednesday for Executors to Kent Article Lost and Found etc A reading notice will bo Inserted free for Church or Society where la fifty cents a notice No exception to this Thos Robertson Barrister Solar Street Newmarket to Lo on good farm Barrister Solicitor Notary Public etc Money to Raws Court Ontario Barristers Conveyancers South of Of- floe- Newmarket Aurora will also bo at on Saturdays and Court Co Banker and Ontario Aurora Dunn Wanning A at King St Went Toronto Loan Money to loan Main Barrister Block Honey to Loan Tub leading miner Paper Hanger years In alt branches of the Full of of the latest to thorn 2nd door North of the Primary School Church R it Paper and am also associated with a Car- Sign Writer Orders can be at Store or at of Mr Green head Jueen Street Heart Palpitatibn Very much during to of Now Ontario and to for set tlement 6f country north and west of now Tito progress In direction primarily AM vornrnnntal PL of I- result of such thus far lite been so satisfactory it is the intention of Pro- vlyoial to do moro during present Tho i0 for exploration of taut portion of are north of tho Canadian than be Pacific Rail way It in intended to ln dread and send out ton or eleven exploring par- death and with tie Winning at Quobeo bound- fRK and far template than lb west as Rat Portage party will have flb imp and danger to people For several years Mrs wife of JHA Gravel foreman Ottawa work Joada to will con fa till alter Day bow maoh ibao date Is not easy now So as a lot Itoonoorneci the pre a poweraDtl the It appeal to the till next year Ontario lost no In arrant to kid of th fit at Ottawa and Ball i wmk a Cab loot morning It wag hould be given to Ot tawa apt to the day the ueceajary took coin the to effect io the proposition the leader Joining with in llilii OF MAY tola boundary Each party a certain territory to cover Opera tions will begin early in June and continue until about the middle of October Each party will bo placed in charge of a thoroughly qualified provincial land surveyor and will a geologist and a practical Careful investigations will be of every portion of the territory with to it agri cultural mineral and wealth and of location of all heights of land river Jakes etc A special re port of results of those expedition will Ix submitted to the Legislature next Canada College Hid an effort will bo in the near future to raise an endowment of for Upper Can ada College and that thereafter the institution become independent of the state Province will ln just glad to sec College freed connect as its frionda In deed so far as Ontario at large slate aid to this institution has been felt for some years past like pulling a on an additional High School in Toronto largely for the special benefit of that municipality at the expense of Schools in other parte of Toronto paper Is of and Disease cigar Sty a aufforer but Dr is in the enjoyment of good health Mrs Gravel My general health bad for my appetite poor and I was iired but it the frequent sharp and violent pal- of nay heart mo the 1 tried many and was treated by several doctow but in vain- Finally I be came bo poorly that- 1 was able to do any work and was fre quently confined to my bed At suggestion of one friend I de cided to try Dr Williams Pink Pills After taking a few I began to gain new strength and vigor The pains in my heart were less frequent and and in every way my health was- improving I continued using the pills until I bad eight boxes when I hid completely recover ed my health gained in flesh my appetite is good and am able to do all my household work without feeling the a ful fatigue 1 was before to I am very thankful to Dr William- Pills for they have truly mo from much suffer ering and I hope that others may be induced to try this wonderful modi Williams Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease called build up blood and 1 That Upper Canada is managed strengthen the thus drivi Airafempt was mado oi Saturday to petition the ttobion for E8 ground thai of not ai r elected property floattoDB to bo tht with an other for 11800 If petition good of Ontario LogtBlatDrfi look place on Monday with the Regs In power the dire of junior organ with its and convon- Mr Whitney failed to down the and con- to It will now bo in order for Mr Junior organ to turn attention to that gentleman and to call upon Opposition to nod a A leader unable to tarn down the other tallows at book of Us party press Is not man for certain polite and ypntimant praotlce very notions It lea Instanoe that the Speakers chair in Parliament after shall bis personal property and deeply has it Inireased itself on nil political parties that qotto as in- tnentbera of the House anticipate to Indemnity for The chair by the late Speaker Edgar accordingly forwarded hie family at To- ronton short time Ol course this a new for Mr Bain It elaborate and carped piece of furniture and it takes three fiuiea to give its So much or an- It has Become the Popular Remedy in Every Home Bolton Practical Painter and Comer Street Millards Lane and AUCTIONEERS IJcensed Auctloaecr for the Co of York Term reason able Farm attended to A trial solicited Street MEDICAL to flrat door South or Poet toaandStoSpnj DENTAL in interests of political evident to every one The principal time to do work his chief attention is given to politics Wonder if this is actually true The same paper goes on to say Where will you find an educa tional who will approve of a school that has under one roof infants of ten der years and young men of or There is a preparatory class of in fants in under the charge of a governess This had to be in order to make a great dhow of attendance Deduct the number of pupils in the infant class from the average attendance of boarders and the result is anything but inspiring No wonder the Board does not want independent expert inspection A Ma and Reg Maker of DIAMOND DYES She mould not use Wake fl I Post Office Block opposite the Church Satisfaction Guaranteed p Dentist be at of Dr Porter Brad ford Monday G Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Office Office residence St sat Bit op i The best and most successful makers of homemade carpets mats and floor ruga use Diamond Dyes to color their rags yams and warps Every home dyer knows well the Diamond Dyes give the fastest and brightest colors and are the simplest to use Wis Field St To- says During the last ton I have made many mats and rugs from wool and rags and coarse yarns The dyeing of the rags and yarns I have always done with Diamond Dyes as they give the rich- eat and strongest colors I am fully convinced bat the Diamond Dyes arc safest and cheapest for all who make carpets mate and rugs- I would not use any other kind of Marr Phillips pleaded guilty be fore Judge Snider at Hamilton to the charge of attempted at the poll on the waterworks bylaw on March He was sentenced to one month in jail In the Jam of Lion gallant Major of by a lion that lacerated his arm Big thrilling escape from the of death la only equalled by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption which has saved from desperate Throat and Lung troubles Alt doctors wife would booh of Consumption writes of Elgin Tcnn but your wonderful medicine completely cured and saved SatUf action is by Lehman who gives trial lKtttc- free and J frm the system Avoid imi tations instating that every you purcba is in a wrapper bearing tin- full trade mark Or Will iams Pink Pills for People If dealer does riot them they will be postpaid at SO cents a box or six boxes for by ad dressing the Williams Medicine Co Supplies Ottawa April The Minister of Militia has a from Lord stating that the War Office would be glad to receive from Canada stores of winter for the Canadian troops South Africa Ao- contract have bee let for pieces of under clothing As soon as completed these will be sent to South Africa via South ampton The Bed Cross societies are asked not to duplicate these supplies In the month of May find thous ands of tired rundown weary and halfsick men and women who are not in a condition to cope with the work and duties of everyday life Some suffer from sleeplessness ner vous ailments neuralgia rheumatism dyspepsia liver and kidney troubles others owing to an impure and pois oned condition of the blood are suffer ing from unsightly eruptions and Sain diseases Celery Compound is the on ly true and trusted medicine for the present season It purifies and en- the blood feeds and braces the nerves builds up the weakened body corrects digestion gives mental vigor bright eyes clear skin and sweet sleep Physicians are daily Celery Compound in Canada and hundreds of druggists strongly recommend it to their customers Try the effects of a couple of bottles of Celery Compound if you would build up physically and mental ly for the coming summer Celery Compound is the worlds lead ing and curing it mikes sick people well Make m A Mistake If you haw- pale or 8alIoW Complexion Cold Hands and Feet Loss of Ap petite Dyspepsia Of Energy of Troubles When you do not use Dr Wards Blood add Nerve Pills to- counter act these conditions Why Be cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the human system The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves All food is acted on by the stomach pre pared for absorption into the system Dr Fabrive tit to a and dif fuse a whole human frame Veu-tMl- yburtalf when you and eW pit box flraboxMfor ill draft Bold by J It Newmarket ft by law to give a bonus of to a beet fac tory nf wn difated by a The Toronto has been turn and welt aa reader are woacUrfDjc bow will Tbia pbaae in the an of gome oxpoaure and it to eay that will be by a of And what appears remark about the conning a that Local House been in three months and the Opposition hag about coming which will bo a few however the coming revelations will like the one about the pnblij eto which and the Opposition hi not dared to repeat during closed charms are but too The of her lakes and mountain scenery the of her rivers and tor- and the of her summer are all well illustrated and described in the Tourist by the Canadian The colored cover fa quite typical the which brighten page a com- view wbaVCanadianaare at to too lightly The of a In the Hookies and indicates graphically the there delight eye mind of the traveller Thaii then in British Gol- umbla iu the famoaa lalaod of the Georgian Bay Archipelago Niagara the St Lawrence the Ottawa the St John River and the and of Edward Island with district Choked film Insidious Deep Relentless Bound to Under the Br Catarrhal Powder TreatmentRelief in Ten Min nies Mr Benjamin Wonoh Mo- Gee street Toronto t troubled with that insidious disease- for many years It became very deep- seated and was rapidly growing worse discharges from my nostrils and dropping in my throat almost choking me at timea- I tried a socalled catarrh cures with out any relief but after using a bottles of Dr dor was and I believe permanently cured from this loathsome diseaea Sola by loya Newmarket Gossip is conducted on the lines When it reaches you break it CROUPS AND all qutekly cured by It lessons cough almost Instantly and cures read ily the most obstinate cold by of ferry out fast THOUSAND STALWARTS The new colony will consist of about persons from Indiana Michigan Pennsylvania Kentucky and from several part of Ohio The part of Alberta chosen by the delegate is Buffalo Lake district situated about miles northwest of Calvary the capital of Alberta and east of Red Deer The colony receive free from the Government in all acres of fine wheat and stockraising land Another despatch from Port Arthur says Twelve immigrants re senting families have fast arrived hero from Illinois with five cars of settler effects and stock worth The hare taken up land in Slate River Valley and are going extensively into mixed farming Detroit we learn that Mr Canadian Government agent in city shipped in one batch last week settlers and ten car of stock and effects from TIME IT WAS CHECKED There can scarcely be two opinions as to tbe necessity of further legisla tive action for the purpose of better regulating and the of and combines more par ticularly in the influence they appear to be able to exert with the railways Take for example one concern which been very much daring the past couple of years namely the Standard Oil Company octopus monopoly has recently appropriated the respectable little Sum of for dividends and the Toronto Globe remarks that it is an interesting question as to where the money comes from It proceeds to partly answer its own calling attention to the price of Canadian petroleum products iuthe following terms In the production at was gallons of burning oil worth or an average of per gallon- The output of benzine and in was gal lons valued at an average 981 cents per gallop the present price being cents per gal The total of gallons of para- fine oils was or an average of cents per which price has advanced to per gal The gas and fuel oil output was gallon valued of 245101 an ageof cents- per gal the present selling price per gal The gallons of lubricating oils and tar were valued at an average of per There may be a discrepancy between the official the returns of values and the selling prices in but and dividends are Are Ton of Statl3tlea that per of and women suffer torture of Itching jitlcft proves Dr A yet failed to curt aort all at these men worn a could oao their at by It of hare cured by treatment lie Id the tame way dun Ottawa April lD00 The of parliamentary in these letter days re duced fine art and Tory members of the or Commons ore show ing themselves past masters therein The good old of putting up members to against time rep resentatives like the Mr for instance who with phe nomenal physicial staying power can occupy five or six hours in reading extracts in prose and poetry from all and every now considered clumsy and out of date or possibly we are so near a general election it is thought unwise to make it too appa rent to the country that a deliberate attempt is using to hamper the progress of public business but a no less of ttvu means has been hit up on and is worked for all there is in it Day after day advantage is taken of the technical privilege of moving adjournment of the House for tile purpose of startiug a debate on some utterly unimportant matter for which there is not a shadow of ex cuse to claim urgency The House has been m ses sion not less than sixty days and on at least half these ihe Opposition have consumed a large part of the after noon session and more than once the night session as well in these purpose less and quite inexcusable discussions One afternoon was taken up with dis cussing newspaper rumors of trouble over the selection of recipients for commissions in the Imperial Army another by an attack upon the Min ister of Public Works for alleged made by him in Europe but of which there was no possible means available of obtaining or refutation- a third in a squabble over the delay in the work of the printing bureau in getting out parliamentary documents and so on through every variety of conceivable subjects some of which might have been worth a simple interrogation occupying say five minutes not worth noticing at all and none in any sense meriting the time and attention given to them by Opposition members who for reason apparently sufficient in their estimation are determined to do everything in their power to delay the progress of public SCHOOLS An interesting echo of the old Man itoba school controversy now happily almost forgotten was heard in tbe House on Monday when Mr the Conservative member for Mont calm Que called attention to a meet ing between the Winnipeg public school board and a deputation of Roman Catholic citizens to discuss a proposition from the latter for the taking of the Catholic schools of Winnipeg by the public school board Having read a lengthy report of the proceedings on that occasion Mr inquired whether the Prime Minister considered that full justice had been done the Catholics in Manitoba by settling the school ques tion Considerable surprise was felt by the members of House that such a question should be asked the circumstances for the report taken from a Conservative paper gave every indication of the most complete confidence and satisfaction of the representative Catholic gentlemen of the deputation in the justice of the law Sir Wilfrids reply was brief and to the point and even mem bers were constrained to admit that it was most obviously borne out by the facts as set forth in the report The Prime Minister is more than ever of the opinion that the Manitoba school question has been settled in a manner to do to the Catholics of that Province the fullest and most com plete justice that was possible under existing circumstances especially as it appears that the Roman Catholics are willing to take advantage of the new law and only ask to have it- liberally administered by the provincial author ities a demand in which all good will heartily concur FOR JOBS BOLL The splendid Work of the Dominion Agricultural Department in making Canadian products known in the Old Country and improving the facilities the Canadian producer is en abled to reach the British market have been ably and intelligent ly supplemented by the Ontario Legis lature and now an effort is to be made to develop a demand for Canadian grapes in England- This is a line of agriculture in which Hon Mr has considerable faith Last year a small balance of another vote in the estimates was expended this way with encouraging results ripen at a season which will not con flict with the European article have of tons of the best to dispose of and as Canadian goods have a ear England now it is felt that the experiment is worth trying effort will doubt less be made to secure arrange ments with leading English firms a feature to which Hon Mr promises to give his personal This dreadful destroyer of young and young women has Its a neglected cold andean always bo prevent by Dr Chases Syrup of an Turpentine which promptly and positively cures cold croup and asthma a bouts at all dealer Bates A Toronto id Tired eyes w cause sick- Because the eyes tire easily some folks say they are not well In most such cases there is eyestrain Neglected eyestrain is sure to produce sickness Be wise Have your eyes examined Know their exact condition from an expert Consultation free Atkifisoh GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Jewelry NEWMARKET GALLERY ill For the Summer In tbe family am to close my a few and take charge of farming operation My retain present and resume operation practicable 1 be pleaded to all my old and many new of opening be OTGraham TO RENT The Coatee Homestead orchard good house and out buildings Immediate possession given to tenant Apply to WEBB and Trotot Manna JDcetona Ac a it a ascription in Mr tiSLSKWJboO u lent four bank robbers jail Que and got at mo American r Town Carting All kliid uidon r A

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