Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 4, 1900, p. 3

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l J Weeks toed Mm WHAT ABOUT opened on supply of Only flvo cheese bat another week many more patrons In slow on On Monday Mossrfl Works Granite Monu ment J on of Mr- memory of THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MAY Vi of in Official On Monday Anderson and Medical Officer Dr Webb visited the Dairy of Mr Watson and pleased sanitary moots of milk and bo being Inspect wock Ob You Wo arc for are no bettor wheels at any vltlj asslstanoo about Toronto towarda the prize of for fall and local merchants and business men bore also scoured edition to tbo turn from ebc Blood Poison Mr A Wilsons father lias in a vary critical condition at his Park Ave he of blood poison About a month go while in poor health at Port Perry Mr Wilson a base when hie hand out a fln and blood in has gone up Me arm and be is suffering a treat deal doctor doofl not give of Badly Friday a boy Ed was very badly hart at Dairy Ho bad been patting down for the cattle and in reaching to abut door he fell a distance of eight or ten feet and from the injuries received it la supposed that he fell a cows bora He was brought to Newmarket where the injuries wore properly attended to and ho able to be removed to hie home in Hill a of ago Hughes dualling off month expected be a recordbreaker to T floh and game limit tbo tea for trout flahing from the tut May to Here- after alt trout six length mast bo thrown into The num ber of flih In bo to thirty or ro filtion Band of Hope Hand ot Hope Friday afternoon by Palmer and Cane with appointed aaat Harold treasurer will bo a meeting Friday afternoon in Hall at Today go to ibo wood to gather flowerato give to people around town Red fiooiety The a of goods to Afri ca week at case were dor pillows pillow cases ally powder Further oontribuUouB at trout bo gladly the in tends another caa may toft with Mtea Forsyth See Blouses Skirts Table Covers Curtain and a great varieLy of and Child- Hats in week Trout y On memVrg the Pino Trout Preserve lird gt home over SI weigh fig fay Wewu A rates wont Into effect 61 May erenow jo alter which an extra la for every the la hold Change Mr O J baa iho property on Ave south of from the Gain to thoroughly repair premises atartfog at the foundation Carpenters are at wotK this week repair ing Mr stable and oodahcd Borne the has been removed and what left a very appearanoe Mr May add Mr work Wilson Bros on St havo palled down the old and a flagpole In and Mangel flurtzel us a call Good attendance last Sunday both morning and evening In the pastor an excellent on the who attended in a body about sixty strong nearly half of whom from Aurora Lodge During the sang- two beautiful anthems the pastor- will pulpits with Rev Mr of Port who will preach and solicit in behalf of Homo of Death Mr John Crone taken with a paralytic stroke from the effects which ha gradual partly conscious during his ill- He died on Sunday and the remains were brought here by train on evening accompanied by Crone and all the family except Mr Walt Crone who away on a business trip to the Pacific Coast The body was taken to the borne of Mr J a relative of deceased- The funeral took place on Tuesday morn to Newmarket Cemetery attended by and friends Mr Beth Crone left for New York the evening- The other members of the family Crone two daughters and Lincoln and Albert Crone left for Buffalo yester day morning The late John Crone for a a very prominent con tractor and engaged principally in moving buildings in this of country It about IS yeara alnoe he left here Cana das national game is to a most successful New- The practice was held on Monday and judging from the number of players who were Out the team thia year should be exceptionally strong The citizens and those the town connected with the club are showing a very warm in tercet by contributing to the funds This week the received liberal donationa from the Hon J Davis of Toronto Mr Herbert Lennox exPree A of and Mr I J Gould of all of whom are pa trons of the The committee met last week They decided to enter a team In the Inter mediate of C A and are grouped in the York district with Young Torontos Richmond Hill Shamrocks of Toronto Junction and Stars of St Catharines The colore are to be black and gar net to those of the Hockey Club Arrangements were made with the Base ball Club to hold a Celebration here on May and it hoped the wilt turn out in force and show their apprecia tion of the summer Two matches will be played Particulars later There is frothing too Good In mixed Paints Robertsons Ready Mixed the best Yon get it at Hardware High School Board The meeting of the Board took place on Wednesday afternoon Mr in the The Secretary read a communication from Mies resigning her position as acieuce teacher to take effect on of Jane On motion the resignation was and the noted to ad for a new teacher The chairman of the Management Com reported that the of the was being done by two of the pupils summer holidays The chairman of the Grounds Committee reported that considerable work had been done and the balance would be finished after seeding The following resolution was carried ooanimoualy and the to forward a copy to Mrs Rose Moved by Jackson seconded by C that the member of the New- market High Board having beard with deep regret of the death of Mr Geo Hose who for the last years has been an honored and valued member of this Board They desire to to the widow and family this mark of their sympathy in of who for so many years has not merely as a member of the High Bchool Board but active member of the teaching been connected with and done so for the cause of education in the Town of Newmarket and vicinity and they desire to place on record in the of the Board the very great loaa they have sustained in Mr death The Hoard then adjourned the of July Coming As the Ontario Government decided to give no bounty year for the tore of beet sugar the promoter who had intended visiting Newmarket has written Mr that his visit will be postponed for fume time he would like to the aoll and conditions in part of the country teste for the of beets both as to qualities and tonnage and he hopes that different plots in different boo of one eighth of an son each will be tested this year by farmers and others so as to the adaptability of the soil for an industry The proposition of the Govt to distribute free will meet with favor and we hop the seed for North be shipped as soon as possible We presume that the seed will be distributed through the North York Farmers Institute Yesterday morning the Editor of the Era and had telephone conversation with Hon J and completed the following arrangements Meeting be held in the Council Chamber Newmarket on Wed nesday afternoon of next week at to farmers particularly ere invited- Hon Mr Davis will be present and Free Seed will be to all give the flngar Beets a teat Printed to preparing the soil etc will also Prof Shuttle- worth of College is also- expected to be present and fully ex plain anything not uuderetood It ex pected that the North York Agricultural Society will also farther the project by offering handsome for Sugar attha next Fall Fair it is vary important that the farmers take hold this they the Beet Sugar Factory in largely depend upon their- willlngneaa to provide the necessary and also to prove that the aoil adapted to growing Work was commenced on Wednesday at improvements in the Bit office A atone foundation will bo put and the rear portion will bo ex cavated for a fur- The old at the rear will be torn down An improved Engine the first Of kind in part of the country wilt be put in the office uptodate TypeSetting Ma chine installed ah expenditure about Subscribers in arrears will greatly oblige by paying up promptly Drooling at the High School Over twenty pupils of the High ww writing Art Examine la drawing on Friday and The course of five papery Some of the wrote on all of them and a certificate In them entitles the hold er lo become a on the subject The examination is conducted annually by the Examination Department but this la first lime that pupils from school have in them Mr Principal of the Model School presided Telephone Changes The line men were here thia week and made several alterations The residences that were formerly connected at Canes have now separate lines from the Central and are numbered follows 1 J Canes residence 8 Canes Mrs Canes residence Canes it phone Father Morris has discontinued hie phone and Mr A has had one put in at residence No r Canes Factory On account of the great Ottawa destroyed some of the largest wood- Messrs Cane have already received orders for car loads will be rushed through quickly possible The new engine has arrived at the and will be put in place next week This an addition to the p engine in the main Every depart ment is with work Mr A Thompson was in on Tuesday fixing an engine for the firm in loading sawIoga from the water to the cars Mr is carrying a black eye as result a with Mr on Monday Mr Brillinger hurriedly came out of a door and not Mr ran into him On Tuesday morning Mr S Phillips ac cidentally gave hie right leg a bad gash with a knife and shortly after he stepped on a nail which penetrated foot and made an ugly wound in heel On Wednesday Mr Fred had one or two- fingers badly jammed getting them caught in the cogs of a A meeting of took pi Monday evonlug when were added to Libra decided not till Aagast Mr Walter Wilton with character is Removing the at the and replacing them with a fine now acale with a capacity tone I You Putting in a Furnace for next winter we are in a position to save you from to Have only Furnaces left at the old do not delay Write or Op A Newmarket Settled out of The of ye Winch of North in which an action for for slander about to be pushed in Newmarket on Monday on pay with and an apology by Mr Winch It safe to what you may hear dotrl mental to a pre pared to prove It by substantial evidence fee moved The tondera for moving build on Fair Grounds were opened on Wednes day and that of Mr Wood ruff of Albert was accepted The work will bo proceeded with as the timber for new sills be procured Board hope to work com pleted early in Juno The trees will bo re moved at once bo as to aavo them from of Fabrics has been Equalled in Newmarket WHITE Hair Stripe Muslin Lace Check Tucked Pique Fine and Heavy Lawns and India Linen and all in variety HOUSE FURNISHINGS Rubber Blinds complete at 125 150 S3 and 350 Repp Cretonne very heavy for curtains Damask inches wide 65c for Art Muslins from upward Art worth for 15 Cretonnes fast color and soft finish COTTOT1 GOODS Crumbs English Prints Heavy Dutch Prints Mercerized Sateens Mercerised Foulards Me tallic Skirtings Metallic Blouse Italian Cloth Scotch Zephyrs in Colors and Black and White Cotton Bunting In all Colors at per yard Blouses Gingham New Stock Collar Lawn Blouses Insertion white Collar and Cuff Si BRUNT You never fail with Baking Powder STORE Quite a A week ego Mr Snider driver for Mr Geo was on hie trip to when be arrived- there be noticed wrong with one of hie Ho called but In ball an hour the horse woe dead Indigos lioa wsb the valued at and is quite lor Mr Mr Sni der at once telephoned Mr who sent oat another to bis Gospel The fialvatlon Army the meeting Sunday There wee a fairly good attendance Mr Holmes copied the chair were given Major Geo William Har ris and Stevens Bead in were given Mr Com Con well and Lieut Mo Leo nan fioloa were given by Mr Oliver Lieut and Gladys program next Sunday The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE Departments A IF IN Of any of the following goods we respectfully invite you to inspect our stocks before buying Cooked Jellied Tenderloin Jellied Jellied Hook and Cooked Ham The Annual of Officers were pre- last Monday showing the League to be in excellent condition The Secre tary reported members and as and the Treasurer reported a about on band having just paid toward their Missionary Rev in Japan The will its eary on Sunday and Monday May Wth Special and on Monday Chuxoh a be given Miae from Chicago has been engaged for the evening The following testimonials from antl are of tier abilities as an entertainer withstand log rainy afternoon and evening wa were compelled to In over hundred chairs to seat the large audience assembled o hear Miss To say that we were does sjt press ptLt opinion we were more than sat- delighted with whole- arid are a return were the highest moral tone edifying elevating She more our most sanguine Eferyonewas delighted and cap mm her Further particulars Bond The Band Boys say that their Concert this year will eclipse all former efforts As Is the only Annual Concert held in the town and the public have so liberally them in the they now feel in going to greater expense for talent and this year our readers will the opportunity of listening to a of 2os and that Toronto citizens pay and for Indeed- were It not for the Of the they would no- have been able to a firie array perform ers Mies Flanagan Soloist of the Church of the Redeemer Toronto young bids fair become the leading so prano of Canada just returned from a trip thru Quebeo Mew Nova Scotia and the Eastern States and everywhere met with unbounded and flattering press The Montreal iWftcrof April Flana gan deservedly and repeatedly encored for her singing Her voice Is of a beautiful being exceptionally rich and with a good compars with snob a charming a manner this young lady bids fair to succeed the Canadian prima donna Soprano To say that Miss Nellie James the Con tralto is of- St MfohaeTe Ca thedral Choir is a guarantee of her ability to any lover of good and you will not fail to be pleased at the depth and quality of tone possessed by her In to solos Miss James will sing in with Miss the two voices blending beautifully together Miss Marietta La pell the Elocu tionist graduate of Philadelphia College of Oratory and has delighted audiences from the Atlantic to the Maa La- Dell Is at present in New York fulfilling an engagement and comes direot from that City for the Baud She is considered by competent oritics to be to Mrs SoottSiddone WJ A Baritone he has never appeared la Newmarket is not a stranger to our musical citizens This gentleman is the foremost Baritone before the Canadian Harry MBenoeU the Is the funniest in the business if you are suffering from bines two applications of Bennett is a positive cure Mr Ben nett in addition to coral singing renders patriotic songs In a manner sure to please- Miss Hall to the and reader a solo and we would advise out- readers to procure room will be it a Worn p flan of American and English Prints and Ginghams HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS ixed- Paints Ground in Pure Linseed Oil There is none better than the Brands we sell pint quart galt35gaL Crockery and Snaps This Week 44Piece China Tea Sets in Blue and White Gold and White- and Maple Leaf Patterns prices 5 50 to 750 your choice Colored Granite Tea Sets assorted in Brown and Blue regular price 3 and 350 your choice this week 44piece White Granite Tea Sets this week 4piece White Granite Toilet Sets this week only Glass Fruit Bowls regular this week and Medicines Saltpetre Iclb Senna oz Salts Epsom Sulphur Copperas Fuller s Earth Camphor a 3db lb lb Diamond Dyes package Moth Camphor Balls lb Logwood Extract Greenbanks Lye tin Linseed Meal 4c Kendalls Spavin Cure Maud S Condition Powder NEWMARKET J iyl I i ivii

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