Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 4, 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY MAY T advertisements Wall Co Wall Paper Prices One Free Todd ttcm Co Dress Goods Tor Jobbing House A yreci Seed StttfiM Cameras Smith Land Piaster for Sale Residence for House for Halo Servant Wanted editor of- QUanrr v him to owners of dogs in luit locality I your dog barks at blame If ho gets poisoned serves right Tired people to do than Jlc awake liatbnlog to our bay moon Oar SoGiety POINTS Co Toronto to TIME North Toronto Newmarket am 1 1130 pm 0 pm Worn pm pm Return Fare cither way Thk output of this la touch more- important than known to the average From the annual of the Ontario bureau of Mines wo team that output last was that number of cm engaged was companies incorporated during the year la a source of satisfaction to that Commit loo of Common at Ottawa baa decided that Hallway th old tariff On coal oil from Buffalo and American points action abolishes nation in favor of the Standard Oil Com pany and Will result in coal oil to consumers Miss Lottie spent over Sunday visiting friends la Toronto Miss was At Homo to a a few friends on Tuesday r Miss Howard was At Homo lo a few on- evening Yak April via April 0Tbe first death in the Canadian occurred of Ottawa bad Wb bores to river in order that animal drink The auddenly threw jbimatidho into a deep- hole Wfll of Ottawa and adoren jumped Into him Mr and were eduction week Mr Lake Doyle and family Pino West Australian brought him to surface Lieut Morrison throw a rope to the pair who were then polka m a t ffort Dr Stewart hh 4 Sergeant Whiltoo SSlBT I animation had however so injured S S ST w in and ho spent with bit rather and for a of tenea of provis ions and forage are the She UP I HUT AND WITH FRIDAY MAY Assessment Commission a It will be a of much feotion to Premier Rosa and bis col- in Ontario Cabinet to note of the press cling his recent 0 the nioation of the to a commission of fivo to seven capable men with municipal experience to inquire into report upon the whole subject of municipal assessment Every yea the revision of Assessment Act a of amend moots have made thereto until the law ha become and in some re spects anomalous During the ses sion just closed several bills were in troduced proposing further changes and in these before a com of the House it that to allow the same to become law in volved additional amendments in or der to make other harmonize It was while considering this feature situation that the Premier made suggestion that the various bills before the Legislature to amend the Act now pending be allow ed to stand and that the Government would refer the entire revision of the whole assessment code to a royal com mission to report next session In view of fact that the has to deal with all the varied forms of property assessment and of the important interests involved we think the House acted wisely in ac cepting suggestion so that when the report comes back from an Un biassed commission the House deal with the whole question not from a party standpoint but as an independent issue similar to the action taken when the drainage act was mads the law of the Province Municipal men too will be pleased to have whole assessment law thus consoli dated and its anomalies which now create doubts in great measure re moved The for North York Hon J Davit lias our thanks foe cop lee of lho Amendments and bills bo- tore legislature after passing third reading kindly forwarded to this In order to municipal and who a lively interest in matters so of amendments tin ado session wo shall endeavor to furnish a brief synopsis there- next The for May a patriotic num A One afcetoh Queon with two portraits Visit to Ireland with four for pa triotic sermon Comfort for England India to Famine illustrated The Problem of Race and Population in by James A of Agriculture aro articles of special interest Prof Chant writes on Marconis 1 Telegraph with and diagrams The war in its political oltflious and missionary aspects is treated with numerous and Canadian Canadian The Is sicadi in and popularity Mr to Tottenham on a business trip last and was by Mrs Cans Miss Belfry of Toronto came hero on to attend ihe funeral of her undo John Rev J of and Mr Johnston gave Editor a call on Tues day on way to Orchard for day Mr Frank Poster of Now York and Mr Foster Barrio In town this week attending ihe funeral of tbojr mother Mr Kennedy has purchased a march These hardships aro begin to tell We loft nineteen men In hospital at Carnarvon and another hospital been established here Hopkins of Battery accidentally discharged revolver bullet taking effect in wound is not lias taken a staff at Capo Town and Major Howe now com the Canadian Times correspondent at king in a despatch dated April 10 says that thirteen native women who tousorial parlor to ilia city anfl Waion to leave town by A careful inventory of Our Wall Paper Stock reveals the fact that we have fully Two Thousand Rolls more than we should have at this season of the year It is not our policy to hold on to these goods and to effect a speedy clearance we have marked them as foiiows was proband on Monday in usual form by Lieut Governor Mow after jiving his various winch have bee by the during sfssio guard Sir Oliver on the no was from 18th landers the result of lit session is important any vear decade speech from Throne adopted for flOurcii of Ontario the miniig ti of Province establish of cold storage stations amend ments to election law for preventing and for Proviocisl corporations under the supervision of the Legislature and private bills to the number of 143 passed House the There rpjolofog in municipal circles and corresponding of the mercury in the county thermo meter at the judgment of Mr Justice fitreet in the cass of Toronto vs County of York respecting liability of York to assist in court rooms and offices of the new court house result is that the Will bo taxed a largo sum for an appropriation over its Council has not even a voice In determin ing a proposition preposterous the face of it and not in accordance with the un derstanding of any of the old councillors who were parties to the first agreement with Toronto County solicitor Is very disappointed at this decision and we now understand will be taken to carry the case to a higher tribunal in the hope of securing justice If this is not obtained the sooner the County taketj steps for separation the bet Mr Kennedy has charge of shop hem now Mrs Dawson and son of Toronto were here on Tuesday having earns up to attend funeral of Mrs Harrison of aft Albert Mr Marshall eon of Mr J who has boon here since Christmas holidays left for Albany last week to accept a situation Last Saturdays had a very good picture of of Newmarket with the Canadian Contingent in South Africa Mr of the Toronto Police Force in town two or last week on a visit to Me mother who Is feel- poorly Mi J of Albert who year was here Wednesday mending the funeral of bis brother late John Crone Mm Millard has returned from where she was attending trie of bar brother tho late who died after a short illness Mr Elsworth Bolton grandson of Bi arrived town on on bid return to he Klondike where he baa already spent three ears morning received a lengthy and excellent description of the fire Ottawa from Mr A formerly of this Town and sorry that- want of space will permit use Among those who passed recent Exams at Victoria University Toronto American Papers that sold at American Papers that sold at American Papers that sold at Best Canadian Gilt Papers sold at Best Canadian Gilt Papers sold at Handsome Gilt Papers that sold at Handsome Gilt Papers that sold at reduced reduced to roc 1 reduced reduced reduced reduced to to to to IOC moonlight wore by the Boers- Col communi cated with Commandant on the subject but the only reply he re ceived was that nothing be done as all the party with the exception of twowho were wounded were killed Replying to a question on the sub ject the to the Treasury- Mr said the cost the war up to March Ottawa May Following an extract from a report of Lieut Col Otter commanding the flrat Can adian contingent received at the Mi litia Department this morning under date of March During the march which began on the of February and ended on the 18th I cannot speak too highly of the conduct generally of of- end men the Canadian Region Taken altogether the march was a very trying one without tents of clothing for many days engaged more or with the enemy for twothirds of the time up on half rations subjected to a very hot sun cold nights and several se vere rainstorms The endurance courage and good spirit of the batta lion was most fully tried and it is with pleasure I have to its hav ing proved itself fully equal to the The battalion is now resting in reduced You never will have a chance to buy High Grade Walt Papers As a matter of fact the Best Patterns will go First so come as soon after reading this announcement as possible Carpet Lace Curtain Bargains Handsome Lace Curtains J yds long inches wide price Bobinette Curtains with deep frill special price Nottingham Lace Curtains 50 and Handsome Union Carpets 40 and Pure All Wool Carpets well worth our price Boot and Shoe Bargains Mens Extra Strong Plough Boots at- Mens Heavy Grain TwoBuckle Boots at Mens Fine Dongola Kid Lace Boots at 35 Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes at 75 Special Line Fine Kid Shoes reg 150 at Kings Fine Shoes from 150 to 00 Boys Extra Strong Lace Boots special at Girls Strong Button or Lace Boots at We carry the Biggest Range of Kings Shoes in Newmarket and sell them at CutPrices E we notice the a I A Belfry conjunction with other parts of the of Newmarket and T Webster of formerly the it Mrs came hero on Thursday of on account of forts in the way of food serious Illness of her mother Mrs Chant- isr Erysipelas is trouble bat the old lady army and though in bivouac is again on full rations to which I have been enabled with the funds at my to procure a few extra Newmarket Book Oar Toronto better Death of a Child May Word has just been a horrible fatality in about lo miles from here On Wednesday last while and Johnnie Martin children of Mr con were playing in the the- little girl in some way that cannot be accounted for got a prong of a pitch fork run in her head just lxW the left The steel pen etrated the brain to the base of the skull paralyzing the left Bide The accident occurred early in the afternoon and Urn little boy was with his mother for tome time without mentioning the fate of Jus stater At tea time little girl was missed and upon searching for her the poor mother found her child insensible but lying with the fork firmly fixed in her head Medical aid could do nothing for her and after lingering tilt Sunday the victim died without having regained consciousness The little brother could give no satis factory explanation of tragedy All he could say was that he did not to do it The draft of men for the under command left on on At the action of the County Council the sum of was voted to Privates Jackson Wallace Graham Brimstin and Haines of the Canadian contingent who enlisted from York County The money was sent to the men thru Col Otter and yesterday a letter was received by Clerk thanking Council for the grants The sent to Private Jackson was returned as ho was killed before it arrived The money will he kept till the Juno ses sion of the Council when in all proba bility it will be handed aver to rela tives of deceased A respectablelooking woman about twentylive of ago was arrested in the Robert Simpson Monday afternoon charged with shoplifting She had with her when taken in chargo a silk skirt valued at a pair of gloves some corset covers and dross shields April The P land dopartment has done a largo amount of business during April and the sales have been heaviest for some past P sales proper for this mouth amount to 10679 being the sum received for acres Manitoba aid lands realized for acres Disking a total of acres sold for aii nvcrngn of an was better the beginning of the week Mr Kitchen of Newmarket was jo town a couple of days this week packing up household effects Ho removed family to their new homo yesterday Mr Kitchen is with new position Among those who have received hon ors at University at Kingston On Saturday last wo notice the name of Drools of Port Hope High School form erly of who can now write the let after his name lato the Bachelor Arts J of Tonga St hav ing tried In vain to find a house to rent Newmarket has been obliged to to Aurora This It bnt a stogie instaooe where the progress of Newmarket la re of Many others have recent Mrs pupils concert held the Hope house on Thursday evening of last week was a decided the steady downpour of rain Mies a High student and Miss recitations brought down the House Mrs Moore is to bo success of her concert and it la to be hoped that the same will repeated at an early date An interesting deaorlpUon of the Ot tawa conflagration has boon received from the pen of Mr formerly of Newmarket but as we bad considerable matter in type before It arrived we not got the space to spare to give soother though thankful for his Jo in The friends of fam ily will bo pleased to know that the factory to which bis father is engaged escape the devouring element The On 2nd May to Mr and Mrs Frank a eon Weeks In town on April to Rev and Mrs Weeks a daughter In on April I2ih to Mr and Mrs Play tee v daughter In town on April to Mr and Mrs a daughter la Aurora on Friday 20th the of Mr Alfred of a son Cottino At on the 2nd May to Mr and Mrs a daughter the of on May 2nd to Mr and Mrs a daughter Leading AND House Wilton April The vil lage of a few miles west of Milton was about wiped out by fir this afternoon fire at 1 pm in one of the dwellings and owing to the wind and no firo per ton protection tho flames soon spread to the other buildings some five or six in all being burned By strenuous of- per pair foils on part of resident iucka per pair store which is only one per to was J wr ton Einbalmlne Telephone J Krkotfl May WOO Flour per barrel White Wheat per Bod Goose per bushel Barley per Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Byepei dO v Ji Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per per lb- 01 Beef per 6 coo WALL PAPERS The best assortment of patterns to from for little money anywhere from per rell upward with Ceiling and or Borders to Gilt glimmer wall papers complete combinations of wall border and ceiling for rooms and light medium and dark colors floral and figure patterns heavy quality special per roll Extra SpeoiAl Embossed Gilt Wall Papers complete combinations suitable for drawing rooms or parlors Extra Special per roll Oil 1A CO Drab Blue Yellow Shades at the old price per yard A PAW of Wall Papers good patterns and closets with borders if you wish them All these at remnant price Also a variety of Odd Borders that will match moat any pa pers in in 6 in in or wide at very small cost reason why you can not get suited in Wall Papers here The Latest Arrivals for Summer are Waggons and Carte with solid Iron wheels Baby Carriers Doll Cabs Croquet Sets Hammocks Rakes Hoes and Spades Foot Balls Base Balls and Clubs Lacrosse Sticks see window Skip ping Ropes and and many other lines of email is in full blast with New and more to come yet While the house is now pictures on the walls complete the ap pearance of every room WALL MOULDING la much better than driving tho wall full of unsightly nails Have it put up while papering We can show you samples and give you an estimate Central Telephone STARR Picture Framing eeds Fresh Met Seeds pro Man April P freight trains cauio smash to gether running at full speed in a rocky country at Spanish River Cote was kilted The operator fell asleep hence acci dent The damage to 11 care will be at least AT LEHMANS vote in Essex on local option bylaw which has in forco there for a majority of in favor of tho HOLLAND LANDING The T freight sheds here narrowly escaped being consumed fire at noon last Saturday After do- about damage to the roof the fire was got under control The fite I is supposed to have been caused by a passing locomotive The Tomb Bono Al York Mills on Thursday April Edgar Harvey Bond son of the Bond in his year Tha remains were to New market last by special Metro politan car together with the and Interment took place in Cemetery Deceased had been sick for a length of time with A on Saturday April in bis year Town on May 1st Elizabeth of Mr Fusivr in The funeral took place yesterday to Cemetery the ser vice being condaeted by Rev Mr ler- Deceased bad very poo I lor a jaaz or more and death was not unexpected Woodcock At the residence hie daugh ter Mrs in Toronto formerly of the Royal Hotel Kewmar- feet bis year Funeral in Newmarket yesterday arrival of train Gaoxe on April Crone formerly of Newmarket The look place day forenoon from the residence of ilr J Prospect Ave to Newmarket Cemetery In Town April Wife of Flanagan in her year The took place on Toesdsv Johns Church Johns Mrs had been confined lo her moat of the lime for the past During all that time nothing that medical skill do spared to restore her health and her Intense Buffering The being held high the service was largely attended- Miss Ding a solo entitled The Dying Chris tian The father oca daughter and two soot are felt to mourn their May Wednesday Philip who lives eight miles from who in tile employ of Sir Johnson took a loaded gun off a shelf The trigger caught in tho woodwork and the gun exploded on- the aide of hi temple and on Sunday hit a Main All El atetfKX T 1XK

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