J 3qGoao ji TOR COUGHS COL03 y for ail THROAT AFFECTIONS Bottle DAVIS Killer New man known what ho and how ho It Such endorsements as ho following arc ft sufficient proof of Minn Hone joiit hook unverified our I and Mli bolt lea jour Core our JCBEK1KM Price tip for a llnfmcnt for It has no equal- Art your ilriJgfrhl for SPAVIN CUKR Treatise How or DR J MIX CO PAILS The landing Years In of ftJi aifii with iUY Kl mull cutting Mine difficulty in cutting or you of have fitHIC tow bo I Hear lie return No iv from are Ibo of manhood returns TLoimndsof young and their continually by caw frequently i Unnatural Fait I log Manhood Poor at cation Sunken dark circle Jliiflk Lack of Ambition l etc and I doctors as they oxperienca in then dont allor frill Itvcly you lor a wo for treatment cannot cure CURES GUARANTEED Kennedys Cor Michigan Ave and Shelby St OETHOJT MICH The EMULSION EMULSION of Emulsion by ibt leading The EMULSION ttUTtlloui flesh producer will rift you A it Bottli DAVIS ft CO Limited THE NEWMARKEl FRIDAY APRIL Ik fiHAI COIt- TO in Moth church by largely attended every evening creating ft wide spread Mr Frank Miller the genial pro prietor of House hav ing the interior of htn hotel overhauled from top to bottom artistic touches of th been applied to the sta tion thereby making a decided im provement On Monday Mr with a very fioriou accident which may confine him to tho house for somo time While chopping wood tho axe and cut a in his foot Dr J of Mount was sent for put stitches id wound Miss invited a num ber of her lady friends to a fitting on Tuesday afternoon last and considerable good work was the re sult In evening games were in dulged in and a good time was spent Mr Archie Goodwin is making ex- preparations for brickcladding his residence MOUNT Our fee returned if we fail and of any one sending will Fiomptiy receive our free he of am How to obtain a tent request Patents secured lb rough us advertised for sale at our taiicn out through us receive notice in en and widely circulated journal VJWd by for copy FACC Address VICTOR CO Attorneys Build WASHINGTON Mr Win Swain son of Mr Joseph Swain of this village is ill with inflammation Dr Wesley is making preparations for building a residence Most of tho material is on ground Mr David Bedford had tho mis- fortune to injure his toot severely while helping to saw wood at Mr on Thursday A log slipped from and rolled over his instep- A largely signed petition from the ratepayers of polling and has been recently forwarded to the Hon Win Postmaster- General praying for a noon mail from Newmarket via Sharon It is cer tainly time some steps were taken to secure a better mail service Our town is situated on a line of railway only miles from Toronto and yet it is not until half past seven oclock in the evening that we receive a morning paper or a letter posted in the city the previous evening Miss Bert Graham left for the city on Saturday to take her former situ ation having spent since Christmas at her uncles Mr John Graham BEADFGRa Judge has given a verdict of and coats against the of West in the case of Lead ley whoso horse was drowned through a washout The members of Simeon Lodge learning of the early departure of One of their number to another part of this fair Dominion invited Mr to the Central Hotel on Saturday noon in order that they spend a pleasant hour together around festive board and wish him Godspeed in his new field of labor A number of prominent citizens and were also present to speak a cheering word and show by kind acta their desire to send Brit on his way rejoicing Mr A Wor shipful Master of pre sided and after the bodily wants had been attended to addressee a few wellchosen words to departing brother and at the close presented him in the name of the lodge with a beautiful Masonic Apron This was followed by another presentation from the lacrosse players in the shape of a clock Brit in a very mod est and unassuming manner thanked the donors for their handsome gifts Many speeches followed and none of a more complimentary nature than that made by Brits late employer Mr J The fact that Brit has been engaged by one of our citi zens Mr J J to fill a lu crative position at Marie is a proof of his business ability CASTOR IA A very pretty voiding was at ibo of Mr on Tuesday after noon April when his daughter Mary was united wedlrck to Mr Hall bride was at tended by cousin Mips Loo a aid of and Clara of Mies Leonard of the flower girl Mr Hall seriated the groom The bride was beautifully attired in organdie white silk trimmed with lace and She wore a very pretty bridal vol and orange blossoms and carried a beauti ful bouquet of white rosea and ferns The rat bridesmaid white or- trimmed with chiffon Tin second wore a charming dress of blue trimmed with white The ceremony by the Rev J J Pat teuton A of assisted by Rev A Aurora Miss Emma pretty wedding march while the bride entered the room on the arm of father The ceremony witnessed by many of the friends and relatives of bride who the rccdnont many handsome and After a sumptuous dinner bad been served the newly couple left amid showers of rice for their future home at Howell ftlonnlnlneera There more inter est people in America than these Isolated mountaineers who matte homes after ponenul among the fastnesses of the section of the dark arid bloody ground The waves of civilization which swept westward along the- St Lawrence the Brie canal aud dozen other routes seem to have found at thin point In the Appalachians an Iiimiv- barrier and rolled hack leaving the descendants of the pioneers of a century itT ago of the same iiaStK and traditions dear to the hearts of titers A who knows the whole country as a docs his first picture hook told me that If any person took the trouble go through AcOpy of Shakes- and pick out nil the obsolete words he would find nearly nil of them In common use among these mountain folk In their phraseology we find for help hit for II and other words which far from being cor ruptions are the pure old AngloSaxon Even their ballads are memories of ages gone by and I know of one man who after riding miles through the mountains for the purpose finally pick ed up from hearing the women sing them the full verses of an old Scotch ballad which proved to be Iden tical with those recorded En a diary bearing the date international Magazine ROSAS SONG AN INTEREST IN HER DISTINGUISHED CAREER For Infants and Children Gold Best Gold KU Best Glasses perfect GLOBE OPTICA CO street Toronto London has made contracts Cor cement walks to be laid his coming at from to IH cents per square foot Dry v I Prayer of The people who live In have the strangest ways I sat In a box in one of the theaters one and I could see Into the wings on the prompt side of the stage A comic opera was on and I saw one of the leading women come and take her stand there In the wings waiting for her cue I could see her quite plainly and I watched her with curiosity won dering if she were not cold In the tights and gauze of her scant costume The comedian began the long speech the last word of which was to call her on She bowed lips moved and thrice she made the sign of the cross with a which left no room for doubt that she was actually praying An Instant later she had frisked out on the stage with a laugh and a dance step and a wink that was anything but pious Nobody seeing her could have dreamed that just the moment before she was pray ingpraying for her work praying for strength to succeed as earnestly and with Just as much faith and reverence as If she well as If she were anything In the world but a danc ing girl in a comic opera Washington Post- Mr Jos Vood of Bond Head while returning home from the other evening was upset out of his and had his collar bone brok en Plica toe Mr Councillor Oat wmes for over I the it bleeding radius iML The I to Tit iy the Ikf fitter liilivi lcd tlcl I r Delicate They do not complain of anything in particular They eat enough but keep thin and They appear fairly well ut have no strength You cannot say they are really sick and so you call them delicate Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been giving for a quarter of a cen tury Give them Emulsion of Oil Hypo It has most re markable nourishing power It gives color to the blood It brings strength to the mus cles It adds power to the nerves It means robust health and vigor Even deli cate infants rapidly gain in flesh a small amount three or four times each day ii pit of Her Voice In and anil Over Alt Pain and Sorrow this Is perfect rest ex claimed We aboil be quite alone for four hours Yes four long hours There will be no rehearsals nobody else knows where you arc laughed merrily at the Idea and welt she might At that day ebe bad at one of our large New York churches and bad insisted upon her going home wJth me We were friends in Italy and so sue readily consented But by noon the sky was overcast and gray Down came the snow whitening streets and roofs We hurried home and sat close to the Are for an afternoons enjoyment There was a sharp rap door and a note was thrust read My cm youoomtt tic ffOD you nut Co cent to i to lift will be burled Oh I must go I but you sit by the Are and rest Ill be at home In two hours And so poor An nie has gone Tell me about iU said for am going with you and after bad told the story she threw her heavy cloak wound her long white woolen scarf about her throat drew on her gloves and we set out together In the wild Easier storm The driving storm made as late and we found the hardworking friends sit ting stiffly the walls A minister came brought as a mere matter of formality by the undertaker Icier the storm without colder than the grave were tils words He read a few verses from the Bible warned the bereaved mother against rebellion at the divine decrees made Not for Airfcft a brief prayer and was gone The undertaker looked at the great and me If to say Its time to go Without a word rose and walked to the head of the She scarf op an empty threw Back from her shout- ders where ft fell In long soft black tines from her noble like the you of something drapery of mourning She laid her ton done for one faraway soft fair hand- on the cold forehead was troubled similar to yourself passed It tenderly over the wasted del- you wonder if that statement is true face looked down at the dead and you probably cannot find out girl a moment removed some Easter When you read about Dr Pitchers lilies I hod brought from the Kidney Tablets you read box to the thin fingers and with vkini mined eyes sang the glorious melody wiH ftSVSto WSel the only medicine Her rose fell In all Its rich- and power and beauty and pity introduced looked above the dingy room and Among the many In the tired faces of men and women the who speak of Dr Pitchers Backache hard bonds and the struggling hearts Kidney Tablets success is Mrs Jacob She threw back her head and sang till Ave who says the choirs of paradise must have wwe to listen to the Easter music of that Backache and Kidney trouble due to She passed her bands caressingly My eyes bothered me a over the girls soft dark hair and sang deal and was very the on and on pain in the back was severe I tried to many things with no relief and final The mothers face grew rapt and got a bottle of Dr Pitchers Back- white Suddenly she threw my band ache Kidney Tablets from J on and knelt at feet close to druggist and must say the wooden trestles She locked her they worked AM pain flngera together tears and sobs break- soreness of the eyes and dizziness is Do you think of i If you do write THIS SUMMER Si LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And got Vaneefed Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows nd Artistic Effects I in Inside Woodwork or tut right hero ia the is at Tour Boor Largest Factory in Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct and Repair all kinds I The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co newmarket Disc Harrow The only that feature Is valuabfeoo harder u UK J a with and asa sowing if desired reversible ordered The lightest draft best working ana operated cultivator manufactur ed under the within the wheel See the Llft- and Drills Our reliable Drills are to and favorably known that lor them Bel There are now ever use farmers of iiir country t log forth She prayed aloud that God would bless tho for An nie I led her hack to her seat as the last grand of voice rose triumphant over all earthly pain and sorrow- gone and kidneys in good order I can conscientiously recommend them to any sufferer as a reliable and a Price cents per bottle A FREE thought that no queen ever went to SAMPLE of Dr Pitchers Backache her grave with greater ceremony than Kidney Tablets mailed to every young daughter of poverty and cant If you doubt the testimony of toll committed to the of the an- for That night thousands listened to Pa- a sample tree matchless voice Applause rose to Co to and own face was Toronto Out swept with emotion I Joined in the enthusiasm but above the gilt- Wo invite the closest Inspection of Farm Implements and machinery which are manafactaring for the coming season In to the above we call special attention to New Victoria Binder No- Oxford also one patent and Tooth and friction and Damp Bakes will amply repay a I intending purchasers to see lines before placing their elsewhere Send for our New 1900 Catalogue Co Out and the shimmering of jewels and dress and the heavy odors of Easter flowers the of smiling faces and the murmur of voices above the elect the roof and the roar of the storm outside could hear voice up to heaven Take oh take her to thy care New York Mall and Express i A rush basket the handles tied with Dresden ribbon has a tiny duckling peeping out from the nest on top of the covers These little chicks duck- j lings once walked the earth though they did cot tarry long on if and are not the manufactured imitations of In fantile grace the fowl Hue which so largely answer the demand at this season Nothing aiore can be Imagined than two of these little balls of yellow snuggled up In a nest The knowledge too that under It Is a satin box full of candy helps to make It more convincing All these things are Imitated and most successfully In candy and Ices so that the whole out hen nest chicks and allcan be eaten One of the prettiest desserts to order for Easter dinner or luncheon would be a broken sugar egg decorated with sugar butterflies and filled with either Ice cream chicks or Ice cream eggs just you please audio as differ colors a you like or a best of spun sugar Oiled with Ice cream eggs upon which a sugar hen alts or some of the eggs broken end a chick ready to out and a sugar rooster by to give sweet encourage ment Little novelties In the way of torbct a broken egg mounted on wheel a and drawn by rooster silver on leaf or little ALWAYS KEEP OH IS HO MIND OP PAIS OR 3HE Oft THAT WILL HOT RE EVE LOOK OUT FOB IMITATIONS SUB STITUTES THE THE PERRYDAVf8eOH CO YEARS EXPERIENCE Taaoc DcsioNa lDyoneendng aa mi certain oar opa5ori Codtiiiddc- lltadbookoa axentry fori ecu ri eg pawn ft Co wit boat In Space and Time by Shannon pile Cabinet manufactured by IHaitnted fin Satin New York Hits to our aid The Specialty Mfg Co Factory Newmarket and Hay St Toronto Notre Dame Montreal P Q JW Alt it MM to me In own tad Willi to a weekly- V fc it you viio lb J t