Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 20, 1900, p. 5

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J jfc v J i J J BRANCH General Banking Business A interest Allowed on Deposits AT RAFTS ISSUED I AT MEDICAL Dentin Block opposite action iu of Dr If Porter ford every Monday MARRIAGE or MARRIAGE LICENSES Hie Office PriTAte At private If J LICENSES I INBURANGE J Agent for Fire and AaaartMico Hooey to Loan Correal Bated New market Ramsay Fire Agent on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Newmarket Simpson Main and Fancy Tuner of and Mi String a in Prepared for Km by J II April vii Like as a father bis bo Lord them that fear Him THROBS wonderful and did wonderful 2 No relationship in JubUfiea indifference to suffering To do nothing but fa not faith but uofaith Good seed sown someday needed harvest Our neighbors can only us by humility with superlative faith always suoocede True worth Is always associated with self depreciation wo feel unworthy of Christ wo near possessing him God does save through faith and works of others prayers for shew a small faith in PRACTICAL Opportunities for good but never Modern Christianity would have unloaded the at hospital A felt unworthincsa for Christ reveals true fitness Jesus is more apt to at than faith Faiths toward overflows is healing and commendation Christianity has two words and works Wo are saved by faith but judged by works Wo partakers of His life by faith of His by works Jesus said word tho sick Hearing is parent of faith Believing without word is an impossibility Tho Holy Ghost wrote that our faith might be strong Know of God and you will trust in God Gods judgements are based on deeds not creeds challenges our judgment on his doings 38 Jesus that fruit is trustworthy evidence men who did not were cast out of light A true puts us in the way of blessing of sin Is first work of Holy Ghost Prodigal came to himself ho came homo publican justified There ea saves from sin little left him to drown GrbTaiifilbneVenlfl emergencies a sure and generous paymaster answers to fajth always superabundant in the ship gave both a calm sea and safe harbor Faith from perishing and adds eternal life mm city FLOWER The capital THE ORANGE FREE STATE OF it tho in OF Dr Catarrhal Powder The price of Dr Catarrhal Powder has been reduced by the faoturer from sixty cents to fifty corits per bottle This remedy which ha been recommended as other one in existence by members of Parliament and educational men can now be had of any druggist at a bottle It in ten minutes headache and all pain caused by colds or It is delightful to use It cures completely Bold by Lehman tne first thing at dairy conven- Is of conflnement Incident to of dairying Grant ed that- It fa confining what In tbbwofkicVy world of is not TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAT Laxative Quinine All druggists refund money It falls to Groves signature Is on each box at aU hours or inifl WhytheniiniP aire dry Stewart of York was a real prisoner in his own establishment If yon wanted to see him in his office you were called upon to state your business You might pass the first sentry but not the THE EMULSION bene fits most those having Lung troubles tendency to regularly make a wonderful Made by Davis Co want a Meet say a the country call on fl some Blow some quiet some very to flrBtoiaaa Wrm ilw loans effect on IIdsuwidc Davidson J and Ketate Agent tor Wo Oompaolea London Mutual- Mr Block Mount Albert It fa estimated at any given time in Germany alone eons are with consumption and America have It at all times Professor It emphatically a disease of all times all countries and race Votu of Young man snid a noted Illinois congressman In the bouse restaurant at the capUol when you get a chance to be a consul for United States a smoky city one where there are many factory chimneys Do not try for the fashionable capitals Leave them for embassadors Go where air Is murky for there Is lively and many a consignment Is sent to tho United States Tula means fees and fees mean a good income for the In the course of his chat the con gressman general statement consuls who arc making the most money from feea are moat uncomplaining- employees of the government They do not set up claims for a salary Instead of fees he Oh no but tike tho wise boy where the raspberries are thick they let the world forget far as pos sible that they are op earth Let a consular office bo changed from the fee to salary system and It at once becomes alluring to a voracious lot of aspirants Sow one find out per haps that the political support of this particular and then In fluence la used and boob there is a change Otoe of- the most profitable consul ships Is that of Liverpool The salary bring the emolu ments up to MiraTtlmeVt6at amoiinV and a generation ago the Income of the consul at Liverpool wee a year This ha been reduced fees flstuV Air J a Historical of our appellation la lit in the capital of Free which hue been fig uring the South African news of is of the charming chics In the southern end of dark continent To the it la known as City Flower Garden but folks call it The Athena of Africa Boer appellation to his torical legend When trek of occurred a party of liners upon a little plain north he Orange it was covered with a profusion of wild flowers of the women exclaimed It is a She meant that it was a Kitnleii- Here wo camp the leader And there licV illd camp lhelr are there vet t speaking Afrikan ders not tho legend and wondering utrly at the timiat which in Suite capital have it the Athens of South Africa sksiir the centre of a plain On all sides are hills are the ones which the have been busy fortifying tho beginning of the war The the fori in It was In 1818 when they took of country The fort fa a little Atone structure which would he utterly useless In artillery had not the Boers strengthened it by elaborate earthworks In the adjoining hills they throw up many similar earth works although the defenses of JlloctJifoatcfii have never those of Pretoria or tvere quite formidable the top of one of these hills presets a pretty town is regularly laid out a market aijuare in the centre and the for the most part painted while with red roofs are by ami and shuded willow other trees The no- or a f of architecture is built of brick trimmed with a peculiar ftlttvvlrl Wet titojn Orange Whose cop has been occupied by the British troops and whoso Government must now bo regarded as Huberts evidently regards It as a thing of past was until the present misfor tune of war overtook It an Indepen dent Dutch republic bounded by Capo Colony south and west by Trans vaal on the north by Natal on east and by on the south east area Is square miles population of whom whites of these about per cent- Dutch The capita has a population Tito colony was founded by Boers who trekked from Cape Colony in and aftor 30 and was de clared independent in The events leading to the partici pation by Orange Free Slate in the present war are briefly sketched In Annual for as fol lows On invitation of President Sir Alfred High of South Africa and Krugcr met at on Way to confer on the situation In Transvaal but separated on June without having come to any agreement sympathy of with the Transvaal was made vary apparent both at this time and In negotiations which followed When situation began by is J lose grained white stone in the surrounded row of some ami bout feet thick tin An perfect dome feet the The dous of the main interior Is beautiful ft is finish ed with marble and many of the rooms are decorated The President 1ms an En the and ore also pro vided for a few other old raod- plain brick structure two surmmiiited by a lower It Is surrounded by a large well kepi A view of be obtained Money to Loan At Mve per cent on by for taking Affidavits Heal Conveyancer Marriage Hie Agent tor the following imiranceCorapanlcai J ftleirlct Mutual Lit Association TO lor Corner of Main nil R the undersigned hereby to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr English Pills if after using of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation arid Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently dura moat obstinate case of Constipation or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Out Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Out That the children my not conie school languid and listless IN ORDER That hey may be cheerful happy and contented growing stronger and sturdier day by day ORDER IN Rag Wearing to Inform the i In- moved to on St and that bo Celebrated Iowa Co with to date and that no do In Carpel Cull and ece Bend your la county to Many a man a Ho docs the crowing while his does the work page- infill their own and fiurronnoi to pay yearly WO payable unusual En- lJluuJ SIDES HACK ING COUGH It euro you quickly no matter how bad by thousands of Canadi ans Sold throughout land Manufactured by To have strength for pleasure after the duties of the day are accomplished IN ORDER Not to have the body so tired that the mind cannot be culti vated IN ORDER To have the sensibilities keen the wits sharp perceptions clear and the ability to make affairs run smoothly take Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Systcniattcally and you will be delighted with the result Why Because they will en able you to sleep soundly eat heartily and digest what you do cat thereby keeping mind and body in proper condition box tot MX or Cam WUHaina 1 Co Out OF THE FORTS from the top of the tower The Imihlfng now given over to the various courts and Government which located here with the of the few In The slope ahovo these two build- Ik used the aristocracy of the town the Government us a section and contains very villas big winch is a veritable beehive of in dustry on market days are a number large buildings The town hall an immense structure but of a not very striking appear ance Hero ore located the various municipal offices The building Contains a larKO hull where concerts and ore held v Adjoining the town hall Is a li brary building of pretentious appear It has a line room ami contains about 15000 volumes Among the other handsome buildings in the town the residence of the President a handsome stone which Is said to have cost nearly the Dutch Church has two beautiful spires and Anglican Cathedral having a most interior The town many educational in stitutions The largest of these Grey College which was founded by Sir George at time Gover nor of Capo Colony provides a complete college course and as an educational Institution has a rank are also fit Andrews College the Indies Government In stitute and an academy for girls St Michaels There are also many private schools In the city and an excellent public school system Air Zulus a Cot carry their wounded to Sold by J Chmtbt the hills and expose their wounds to the air having found by- experience that that la the quickest of cur ing them There Is In London some sort pi hospital for the treatment of wounds by ozone founded thla very Zulu THE LITE to look critical Sir Alfred liner a Informing the President that the Brit ish troops were being sent north and that a detachment would be station ed near the Free State borders said that the movement was in no way di rected against the Free Slate and the Imperial Government while hop ing for a friendly settlement with the Transvaal looked to the Free State to preserve strict neutrality and to prevent military Intervention by its citizens- They were prepared In that case to give formal assuran ces that the integrity of the Free State would bo strictly respected un der alt circumstances President fitsya in his reply regretted the fiend- lug of the troops he could not thai the with Transvaal the use of the force as a solution The Free State would do all In Its power to allay excitement but the sending of the troops would not improbably be re- by the burghers as a menace The then met and in address ing them the President charged Mr Greene the British Agent at Pretoria with decoying the Transvaal Govern ment into making the of a live years franchise and plainly fore shadowed intention of the State to assist the Transvaal In case of war After a prolonged secret ses sion It resolved to instruct the Government to still use every means to maintain and insure peace hut In case of failure to the War with the Transvaal Further correspond ence ensued between the President and the High Commissioner the for mer still offering his services to se cure peace but saying also that it had been deemed necessary to call out and arm the Free State burgh ers He asked for assurances that the increase of the British forces In South Africa would not be continued and that troops now on the water should not be landed Sir Alfred replied that no such assur ances could be given but he was pre pared to exchange assurances that no hostile act would be committed dur ing the negotiations Ho also de clared that any reasonable proposal from whatever quarter proceed ing would be favorably consid ered by Her Majestys Government if it offered an Immediate termina tion of the existing tension and prospect of permanent tranquility to Kramer However on the presentation of the Boer ultimatum the President his Intention of making com cause with the Transvaal and the first act of hostility wis com mitted by the Free State which seized a Natal train the frontier while en route to A force of burghers estimated at was at once cent Into to cooperate with the Transvaal forces and full details of the fighting in that district will he found in the ar ticles on the Transvaal and Natal A considerable force of burghers- had to kept on the bor der as the natives there showed dis tinct signs of hostility to the Doers Who -ware- accused of trying to stir them up against the British Other commandos were sent to the western border to help to invest and other towns and a proclamation annexing a of Cape Colony was Issued The division of was also proclaimed to be Free fitate terri tory At first though an invasion of Capo Colony was threatened little was lone hut it was that the Orange had been crossed and North Col James town and other places occupied and their annexation by Free State ion urged to make common cause with the republics of South indapvndeiiicc What Is for Infanta and Children la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is Pleasant Its guarantee Is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething- Troubles cures Constipation Flatulency assimilates Pood regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep is the Childrens Panacea Mothers Friend i on excellent medicine for children have repeatedly told me of Us good their children Da Osgood Cftttorla Is well adapted W that it as superior to pre known to A If THE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER INC COM PAH Just Arrived Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere hi of 1 PAPER cannot live 48 years unless it a reason for existing In that time it will have died or proved its to live This is a strong point The Newmarket Era The hundreds who pay 100 for it do so because it contains what they want and they cannot find it elsewhere This gives you a chance to impress them with your advertisements or iea a no fcich IaU1 pli tioi J out to Sell or Seat on the Town lino of East Qirilllm- bury hair from or Wi market Apply to PATEN PROMPTLY SECURED Writ for our Interesting boot or Help and How you arc Send koch or mod I of your or to whether it is probably Mtcotablo Wo of rejected in patkwt fetcol tit Wion UoWcnrf wntu Law Bowty of M J A 0 Pa13 Exposition was last Saturday Children for

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