Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 20, 1900, p. 4

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JACKftON Phop lost Advertising Medium York County advert so men cent a per for Oral per II ilu lor each ton bekoimko inch mo yoo 00 a so WW tried with writ ten ltiHniello9 Inserted until forbid and accordingly will changed bo for regular for contract In ifioolNcoby Apodal lor JformB to Kent Article Lout and Pound etc A reading will bo liiacried rco for Any Church or Society ttri fur or foe or collection will ft GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY DIVISION JO 9 5 p t- CD O d IS fc 9 I Cm a a W Cm a a a r 4 w CO en Now J Main Street to on good Farm Last wo to our ft of new game law sub mitted for- consideration of the Legislature Since then Hon Mr Introduced a dated fiBborics bill many of wo of the old law will not fao necessary to give a detail but simply note are made An addition mode to the clause respecting the use of note Hereafter overseers must see to it that wa ters in which persons licensed to take are clearly In said license and placing of note in in the li cense AH nets must have a tag at tached thereto bearing name thereon Hereafter all fieh dealers re quired to keep a record of purchases and to forward ft monthly abstract to department bill also contains provisions looking to a certain amount of protection of certain binds of fiah at for next tbroe years No speckled trout bass or taken or caught in provincial shall be exposed for aalo in or exported from the provirjce before the first day of July No sturgeon be taken or killed by any means with out a license first had and obtained and none between ICth of April and 15th Juno The close season for ppoekled trout is to begin instead of and will end on May I at The mirjimum length of which may be legally caught is raised from 16 to inches fee for a fibinp license granted to aliens ia raised from to Of course in passing through tbo House ome of these figures as to length of allowed to bo date of season or price of license may be changed but the main features of the bill will no doubt be adopted A Senate wltli prospect of a general election in the of the prenent yoar they determined veto the measure in hope that by so doing the party might again reach the treasury A WOMANS BURDEN The of a Woman to Women IJTikjili Tflapcoplflof do apt light Bible and bono to World Fair that Jam d ftp and has How Weak and Do Can Obtain New Health and at a Small Expense Facta Fully Verified by Inves tigation THE ACCURSED A Fatal Gift Spirit Several centuries ago It general ly believed on Easter at the sound of sweet through the sunlit air fair angels with I azure wings descended from heaven American and Canadian will hearing baskets of which on Sabbath day In order to placed In homes faithful da worthy persons J 9W wilt Sometimes however evil one dipped into basket on accursed which could not be irom the proof that of forms the story of an world opening up for Canadian ancient legend of France produce aro being received dally both at lived a village a widow Ottawa and Toronto A few ago a with a dear and beautiful daughter THE SPUING SEASON CASTER SUNDAY THE DAY FOR REJOICING and Speaker Daring weather iTcr carry grips Dr Chaws of in Franco made from lite Agricultural Department Toronto aaking or of any Canadian dealing la dried fruit to It now and of country should an trade bo which is Solicitor Public etc to at Lowest Court nutldlne Ontario p or managed and womptly made llf Money to loan at lowest Of Main St Newmarket St Con voyaocers c doors South or Post Herbert Aurora will or- Newmarket and Court Bare J Robs and Ontario Bank In St ftarrteten Solicitors o IXfliioJag St Toronto Block Money to Loan PAINTING The leading Iloueo Painter and Paper Hanger AS year experience In all branches or since Full line of the latost- designs in Wall Papers 2nd door the Primary Church R Paper Ae Dodo promptly neatly and la lam associated with a Painter and Sign Writer t Mr J Green head of West Newmarket Bolton Painter and House Decorator liaMO Cor Church Street Millards and AUCTIONEERS Licensed Auctioneer for the Co or York ooda sold on reason able Farm attended to A trial solicited KnsiocKCBBlmcoo Street Newmarket NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Allan footing By of the Senate in again defeating the Redistribution Bill a fundamental principle of popular has been violated Under our the party in power is supposed to sent and reflect the will of the elector ate and ostensibly legislation of the Dominion yet by the of a veto power the strange anomaly is presented of an irresponsible body through the action of a ma jority thwarting the purposes of the Administration of the day in its en deavor to the will of the peo ple To say the least this action on the part of the was both unseemly and autocratic and demands such a reform in constitutions as will bring it into harmony with popular opinion The gerrymanders of enacted by a majority was a wrong undertaken for the very purpose of strengthening the po litical party then in power especial ly in Ontario In order to more accomplish this purpose coun ty municipal lines were disregarded and electoral districts formed out of portions of counties in some instances two and three border ing counties were cut and carved in the either to construct safe seats for partizan supporters or to hive the Grits Liberals never ceased to protest against this iniquity and in made the repeal of this gerrymander one of the principal planks in their political platform At the general election which followed the country endorsed the demand for the correction of this great wrong and gave a mandate to the liberals ac cordingly This the Administration on two occasions has sought to obey but a majority of the Senate holding political sentiments in harmony with the defeated Conservative party un der the specious plea that it would be unconstitutional to redistribute seats for Commons until after the de cennial of have vetoed the action of the peoples representa tives as expressed at the polls Had the Senate claimed and pre sented reasons to- substantiate its con tention that the Redistribution Bill introduced by the member for North York was designed to gie any undue advantage to Liberal party the country might have regarded their action in a somewhat different light This however the Opposition was unable to do and hence the con clusion seems inevitable that befog imbued with the conviction thai to en- dorse of the would both political partita on a more before the electorate From the Mail reading public have put before them almost day of the healing powers of Wil liams Pink It sometimes asked whether these cures arc per manent and in reply to this we would say thai a case which recently came to the of the Mail indicates that results following the use of this medicine are as lasting as are beneficial Some years ago Mrs Robert Webster who well known in passed through a very serious illness in her condition very nearly bordered upon collapse Her blood appeared to have almost tamed to water She was very weak her appetite fickle and suffered from severe headaches Mrs Web- star had the benefit of excellent ical advice but apparently without avail as she seemed steadily growing worse The least exertion would her and finally she was for a to do her and was confined to bod Her husband suggested the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and purchased a few boxes Mrs Webster had not been taking the pills long growing stronger Her disappeared appetite improved new blood appeared to be coursing through her veins and her nerves again became strong and active After pills for a of months she felt as she ever bad done in her life and could do her housework without feeling the fatigue that had formerly made her life so miserable This as already indicated happened some years ago and in the period that has elapsed Mrs Webster the best of health says that if she feels at any time a lit tle run down a few doses of Williams Pink Pills and is soon alright and she thinks there is no medicine to equal them Mr Web ster speaking of his wifes say a Dr Williams Pink Pills did her a thousand dollars worth of good and friends who knew before she began the pills and saw effect upon her say the same thing There are a number of others in this vicinity whohave used this great medicine and so far as the Mail can learn tho results have always been beneficial There are thousands of women throughout the country who suffer as Webster didi who are pate sub to heart palpitation and dizziness who drag along fre quently feeling that life is a burden To all such we would say give Dr Williams Pink Pills a fair trial These pills make rich red blood strengthen the nerves bring the glow of health to pule and sallow cheeks and make the feeble and despondent feel that life is once more worth liv ing The genuine are sold only in boxes the wrapper bearing Che full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People May be had from all dealert or by mail at a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- cannot the of fertile and possibilities of Now Ontario now being In a logical and before Board in Toronto a few Mr the eminent da- the Country in glowing terms Ho spake minutes and was to a note before him the Northern district of our Province in such a manner that who beard him by the way consisted of not only the members of the Board of Trade but also a number of the of Legislature were convinced that the capabilities aod resources of coan- try were complete that the person op there bo told if you do not see what you want ask for It At the earliest opportunity we Intend give Mr In fall in Era In an open o Mr J Whitney lender of iheOoiarlo Opposition Mr Preston challenge htm to make good hie charges and inelnoations connection with ties in West Elgin It the langoatte of the betting fraternity Mr Whitney moat now put up or sbat up Mr Preston before found there me it is that I a line of action and conspired with the returning officer and deputy officers to secure the tfleotion of Mr I ask you to meet mo the commission with your charges evidence must be given under oath If yon will not risk an in before an Impartial tribunal under I ask you to meet mo any publio platform Ontario that may select and there and produce evidence in pretence giving me an opportunity to reply I gam undertake to absolve yon from legal in anything you may named Jeanne who was beloved for her many virtues by both rich poor She used to visit the hovels of the unfortunate and the sick to relieve their troubles and can for their dis tresses for which received their and devotion One morning returning from early mass Jeanne met no old beggar woman who naked for alms Jeanne gave what she had and stranger peered through hood at the pretty young girl flaying Beautiful damsel do not the gift of a poor beggar Take this egg and before this day months young and handsome will ask for you in marriage You will become a great lady On your wadding I command you to break this egg It con tains a nuptial present Not far from this village rose tur rets of an old which bad long remained untenanted but within this year a young- knight arrived at it gates proclaimed himself heir to the estate refurnished Its bare and shabby rooms lard of the chanced one day to see Jeanne and dazzled by her beauty sought mother saying that Sir Robert asked for her hand In marriage The day was arranged for wed- which was celebrated lo the I chapel of castle in the presence of the bridegrooms aristocratic friends When the feast was nud all guests had departed the of the tower tolled out the 12 strokes of midnight The bride and bridegroom went Into their beautiful room Jeanne ink her arm from that of her husband walked over to a carved oaken chest and brought out a casket which she had ordered to be placed there Her husband watched her move- r menu with great curiosity and when she My dear lord I have promised to break egg on my wedding day and told him Its be begged her to wait until morning Jeanne however would not listen to his entreaty and lifted lie egg from fta place ft waft burning hot With a and I reipectfolly to have associated cry ebe let It fall and It with yon Thomas J P P Dr and W M of Toronto Then let the judge and I will cheerfully accept verdict whether I am worthy of the of my fel lowcountrymen or not Mr Preston ex pectB to arrvs middle of April in Canada and he says remain here two or three weeks waiting the acceptance by Mr Whitney of hi enormous tpad leaped out of the broken vomiting flames which set Ore to the curtains and the wicked tongues of Ore spread from wall to wall until the whole en veloped next day there nothing left but a heap of for the entire cas tle burned and ell It Inmates- through gift of that fatal Kas from the of an evil spirit Boston Globe Dallas Texas April News from the Southern and Southwestern Texas sections that more lives have been lost by floods The Colorado is still rising and menacing more country districts is now four feet higher than during the great flood of last year Bastrop is entirely surrounded by water The property damage is enormous Railroad traffic in the southern half of Texas has been abandoned and all to California are dosed because of the washouts A COLD DRIVE a tea- spoonful of PainKiller mixed with a glass of hot water and sugar will tie found a better stimulant than wiilBkey Avoid substitutes there le but one Pain- Killer Perry Davis lie Beat of It Will you have this here woman bo your lawful wedded wife Thata what I lowed I Will you love honor and obey Aint you got that switched groom John said the bride elect dont you reckon the parson knows his have Atlanta Constitution Carte Those Pimples By Using Dr Form of Eczema Helped at Once and Cured by Use Not a skin caused by tetter ringworm salt rheum scald head and other skin diseases that will not vanish as by magic on the appli cation of Dr Ointment One application will give quick comfort and relief and in a few days skin heals up and is as soft as a babys It Will cure piles in from three to nights no matter what or bow standing Sold by E Lehman Bent- ley Wowmarfeet i Another Likely Miss see shes married again Miss LakesideYes this her sev enth and I dont think cares very much for him Miss Breezy Not Miss lakeside No was at the en gravers today when she left her for her new visiting cards only ordered Philadelphia FAVORITE EASTER SALADS What for in Spring flalads that are new and wonderful En their combinations are to be the gas tronomlo fad of this Eastertide Near ly every popular hostess in New York is endeavoring to devise for her Sua- day suppers luncheons and high teas some one dish that will be hailed with acclaim as delicious and original It Is the fruit that Is loi and has most- strongly taken the fancy of epicures Apple salad orange salad and grape fruit salad are the favorites Apple salad is a curious dish Large Answer the question yes said the groom I reckon wIm are care be TO The top of each is cat off and ap ples laslde scraped out with a sharp knife shelU thin as possible set aside The scooped out inside is cut into small pieces mixed with likewise cut up and the whole dressed with mayonnaise Into seton lettuce leaves upon an Individual plate the now put a little dressing being spread over the top and four or peppers added Eachgueat has one of these apples set the same general plan Is fol lowed In the making of orange salad The salad Itself course of a very different mixture but the orange scooped out as Is the apple Its top drat being cut oft What la taken from the orange la cut up flue and to It are add- well chopped hits of end less ralsfne branded A very little lemon juice is poured in as these ingredienta are being to huo rum and are poured over the mixture Just before It Is put Into the orange shell The cut off top la cut into thin slices and these are curled over thy top of the now Mil- up orange with a red cherry set In the center pp fruit of two sons In both cases the grape fruit Is scooped out the only difference being In tbe way the Inside Is In one It Is mixed thoroughly with oil and vinegar and then put back where It came from the other the after It la taken out Is cut as it pieces like the otoliths of so orange la thrown sway nod Is rctnlnid la mixed with and sher ry This with from ibo Ia so exceedingly and will be In vogue fcr luncheons- Selected Given Up to Die Doctors Or Chaws Food and 8iired lha Laija life Dr J NY sUtesi A moat remarkable ha my late and hM folly convinced the woadrfui of Cniso Food over of A for ovist two hy wu earn on careful that her sick ness wis but trouble don to pro scribed four of Dr Chatea Food Pills a day after and at bedtime It la began treatment and aba not had bad Her health ha rapidly gained about fifteen pounds in weight and do not hesitate to state that Dr Chases Nerve Food ha saved her J if and made her wall Signed J Baths Dr Chases Nerve Food the world greatest restorative for pale nervous man wooieD and 50c box at J dealers or A Chase The of the Bailer Wot Easter Is unique among the worlds festival periods In having Its origin claimed by triituy Bullous and races English name of tho de rived from that of the Teutonic God dess of Spring whose name sfcmlilvd Arisen a mythical luy ho was worshiped before Chris tianity was thought of The Druids who to hove been only religious sect In be fore the conquest held a spring lienor of the vernal of the vegetable world and religious rites were part of the sir observance were general the Asiatic races the Greeks and Romans as wett as Teutonic tribes of Europe in times The Jewish Feast of Passover for about a thousand years been celebrated In the early spring and the early Christians moat of whom were of the Hebrew race continued to brate It Id token of the saving of their race from the tenth great plague which Immediately preceded the exodus It was easy therefore for the early Christians when they became organ ized and began to celebrate certain an niversaries of special meaning to them to have Easter and Its adopted by all The first name by which church designated the day was Paaka or a word the root of which la found in both Hebrew Greek and signify ing a sacrifice and some derivative of this word Is still used In all European countries- The word Easter Is pe culiar to English speaking nations only and that the Christian was combined early days with earlier ceremonies of heathen God dess of Spring For some time those believers In Je sus who were Hebrews and loyal to their race celebrated the anniver sary of the resurrection and of the Passover on the same day find ing In the Incidents some significances which seemed related to one another but the more precise of Christian faith and the stricter adherents of older religion disagreed as to dates when these chanced to be different often they are both are determined by phases of the moon after vernal equinox The differences became so great and earnest that not until fourth century of era did the church which by that time had be come a compact organization settle upon the present method of determin ing the date- Like all other holy days Easter soon became a holiday According to the dictionary the have the same meaning yet according to the people their Is very different In some countries the people about a heap of flowers at Easter others they distribute colored eggs and have great tag fights In which the owner of the hardest egg wins and the other egg is eaten by the victor So a man or boy with a very hard egg laable to ac cumulate the basis of an Easter Mon day headache In some parts of England it Is the proper and necessary thing for women to play ball on Easter Sunday In other parts of the island a man has the right to lift three times from the ground any woman whom he may meet aod the woman must pay six pence or a kiss for the attention Bo the local find themselves In great luck but on Easter Monday the women have the right to retaliate In like manner In Ireland and elsewhere some good people believe that the sun dances on Easter morn and those who stare long enough at glowing ball find their eyes nervous enough to see anything of which they may bo thinking In Russia many men and women greet whoever they may meet on Eas ter morning with a kiss and tho an nouncement Lord Is risen A distinguished American civil engineer was thus greeted a few years ago by an Innocent and sweet faced chamber maid at a hotel at St Petersburg and no explanations would pacify the gen tlemans wire One of the significant and celebrations of the day Is that of the Moravian Christiana of whom there are many in the United States At Bethlehem Pa- and other towns where Moravians abound some musicians with brass Instru ments goat earliest dawn to the roof of the church and play music signify ing the calling forth of the dead The people Immediately flock to church and begin the service of the day most of It being musical At a given signal the entire congregation rise and pro- ceded by the ministers and trumpeters leave the church and march to the cemetery Moravian cemeteries all the gravestones are alike small flat arid Terpentine as a core for sort throat and throat irritation Dr Chase Syrup of Unseed and To has by far the tale of any remedy cough and It l its home J Standby of Canadian a largo bottle at all dealer THE NEW elt The and Richest Belts on the Market In Gold Silver Black Grey and Steel all at very low prices Call and see Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Jewelry Store NEWMARKET PHOTOS Finished In all the the Latest Styles of the Apt NEWLT FINISHED CABINETS AND moat Also ENLARGED PORTRAITS finished in Crayon AirBrush India Ink and Water AT LOWEST PRICES Graham Jones Old Stand NEWMARKET CO Book on Nervous Disease laid upon the graves for Bay the simple literal people in the grave all men are equal The procedure the service Is eo timed that the rejoicing Its expression just as the rises New Journal A BOON TO HORSEMEN Spavin Liniment remove ail soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from Spavin Curbs itiK Butt ftiVlcii Tilt- Jilt ft viri Isold by V AH in On macadam roads on country roads roads and bad roads Detachable are safest and easiest to ride If you meet with amis- hap a puncture ten miles from home these The only tools Ox Wholesale Retail PROVISION Two doors North Furniture Store Main A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Perk Famous llama Lard do The rxsl and Cored Meats on tbe Market A trial will con vince Also Rolled Oats Corn Meal Baiter Salt Ginned Coru Pes Ham Honey Soap o Orders filtc on shortest notice over Ib3 l r I- i

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