Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 20, 1900, p. 3

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S GOING OK A ABOUT St Pauls oh Consort April The Ball Boys of Toronto will the Oako Walk along and patriot la sinning Charon Two and platform were vary prettily last Sunday The not vices were- very appropriate to and wero o Triple Pledge started in Sunday total collpso son which cars on ibo 58ili of next month and wj bo visible Is likely to bo in is of most remark et bio ijhe a of wonderful nineteenth century Almost invariably total solar eclipse heretofore boon visible only from or leas parts f earth To liwo lib in on lines of much travel railways and in heart of a country soicnoe and at their is auspicious event v Farm Produce than usual on the market Hit Saturday and live ly look a drop IS and and to I la sold from to fiOu pair and turkeys from IS to Ho lb Apples sold from pock from to I6u per peck J to lb potatoes to Maple to per gal Imperial from to per gal Fresh suckers were sold from to per dozen according to the size High Entrance School Entrance Examination for will bo bold on and of Juno Candidates write at Newmarket should notify Inspector before May foe Is leaving exam la Identical with that for form of high will begin July 3rd Blank forme of application can bo obtained from the High Reboot Principal or from tho School Iuspeotor Those forms most bo filled up and forwarded with a too of to Inspector next month Cheese Factory At a meeting of the held last all members being present vas decided to open the Factory on day April Mr C was re- appointed and Mr Lewis was to maker in the milk It was also de cided to pay the patrons of factory every two weeks Under conditions it is expected there will be a larger num ber of patrons thia year than over and with low price of butter now many farmers arc anxious to turn milk In to la notion last to dcuth of Mr have Mr- of Mr Hamilton and ho confined to bin bod for The where ha re- apeak of man very highly fioaaMt3icnlng Snaps- Lace reduced to and pair Pillow fihami i at Newmarket Laundry F Another of delightful Parlor Re Was given on Tuesday afternoon by Mr Arthur Oliver ana hit pupils at family reaJdenoo on Queen St attended by an In- were by flat Edna Edna Ethel Will on Qertrnao Pratt of Toronto Anna and Master irook with vocals by A Edna and Mr to the pleasure of the by describing var ious paasigea In instrumental- showing that ho thoroughly with every detail of A In charge to week pnd a Exhibition been In charge of the tialvatlon Army hero for the past six held aorvlcea at the Barracks on A PHIL act ietto Lodge A A an visit from It Wednesday the on wbioh a candidate was an been opened In the Fellow Graft and Master Masons It was afterwards Opened on Itb when pres ent enjoyed a nice spread in tho dining room and listened to tho speeches of various Fast Masters from city among whom were Watson PM of Lodge Jos fit George Lodno P- Lee Toacan Lodge fitoverisoo of Rising Bun Aurora and Coombs of Lodge Count AOP On Monday the Degree Team Lauol King City visited organ isation of Order of In this town and exemplified of the form of initiation The ex exceedingly and tho team great for tbo of their work After Court closed and re mainder of evening and part of morning was spent In songs and raaklog Altogether a vety pleasant time was spent We a ply Shot anil last Tuesday morning bad a nar row escape from being ahot by a bullet from a rifle was doing her work about the bouse on Huron street when sho heard a sharp and going towards the window saw a bullet bole through It On examining wall opposite a ballot was found having a track a boat Inches from where Mrs was stand ing at time All efforts to find out where ahot from were unavailing It la supposed that somebody has shooting at random but It shows that should not bo allowed within Town limits tho offenders are puufahed It may go on tills serious tragedy occurs Day The Minister of Education Hon Mr has a to inspectors inviting their on Empire Day colouration on Wednesday May 23rd It 1b suggested that in each of the classes fart of the forenoon might be occupied by the teacher taking as bis sub ject the British Empire and discussing In a general way Us extent and resources its history and its institutions its litera ture end distinguished statesmen authors government and privileges which British enjoy Also in regard to Canada its system of govern Dominion Pro vincial likewise historical incidents connected with Domin ion development and through it all to cultivate a spirit of Canadian patriotism The afternoon to consist of pa triotic songs and readings by the pupils and addresses by trustees clergymen municipal men and wellknown citizens Parents and others are In vited Debate at High In Eat pupils of High the winter term on Thursday afternoon of last Week by a debate on subject Resolv ed that India a greater acquisition to the British Empire than For beginners exceptionally well Mr Boss and Misses Edith Weeks and Madge Bennett uphold of India while Messrs and and Pearson con tended for the laurels of Canada Tho various of climate extent position population soil etc were bandied In an manner While tho judges staff of the were arriving at a Barrister and Rev A were present made a few appropriate remarks Then came the de cision in favor of affirma tive and met with general approval The Triple Pled signing of the Pledge Roil in the various Schools of North York was an innovation bet Sabbath but it cor dially received and good results will un doubtedly follow difficulty was experienced of reach ing all the In Methodist at Newmarket it was presented in classes out of the and received sig natures there being only two or three re- Friends School did not get half through The of the in King that and girls signed the roll and they only got over about half At In signed and at Christian in North signed work ontinoed the next and following until everyone has an pledge far we have heard only on s in North to accept the ma terial aent ootfor the South from South Africa engaged by Royal Templars to on of April and 1st of May wap of Mounted Police in the that rode with Dr Jameson into the Transvaal and it is said that he relates tbrlllintt experiences in the cold and dia mond fields of Africa He will bring with him a collection of curiosities and is everywhere drawing immense crowds Rev Jos pastor of Broadway Tab ernacle Toronto and formerly of New market writes Major delighted people both Sunday and nights Other personal letters and press notices show that Major fiohoof is the most lecturer in Canada on the Boer War at the present time of London In Toronto fcthe pur chasing for u6 of Brit ish in Africa This is time lliat the have pur- of in Major that it was to sit mounts for the calvary will be whipped direct to Cape Town from Montreal are purchase horses and southern States Australia and Veterinary Major Phillips who Major Dent hew en in Cyprus Italy and pur- chawing mutes for the The Metropolitan Railway bill was length in the Railway of the Legislature on Wed nesday The point was the right of the company to make a con nection with Canadian Rail way at North Toronto and run a freight lino up Yonge street and down to tho St Lawrence Market The discussion was long and thorough and ended in its being referred a subcommittee for further investi gation Fire broke out in the coal and wood Rogers Company on Wednesday evening and it was about half an hour before the flames could bo extinguished In that time about 1500 damage was done loss being fully covered by insurance The of the four big shops of city John and Sons Poison Works Bertram Engine Works and John and Son who strike The number of those on strike is aS r I E T Corsets per pair 25c Prints warranted fast color Ladies Heavy knitted Cotton Hose Crash Towelling Flannelette Dark and Light Fancy Double Fold Dress Goods w A You never fail with Baking Powder Large Purchase of Ladies Blouses Newest and Cheapest in trade Lace Curtains to per pair Extra Special Value in Cretonnes Art Sateens Art Muslins Spot Muslins and all Household Draperies i j Again to the The Grand Trunk ever to the pos sibilities of increasing the tourist travel to are to the fore in issuing handsome Tourist literature received copy by department and which a very Handsome piece of voik and an The title of the pamphlet is Lakes and if deals principally with that pan of Canada in of Peterborough north of Lake Ontario and which embodies the ohalo of reaching from to known as the Trent Valley Route Judg ing from the which aye from photographs and hi halftone the a one and there Is doubt that with energy which by the Trunk manage this will a very popu lar one with the Tourist flahlog la without equal and weighty roaakinong of from to are a daily while baas are and each hunting party can depend upon Retting the full limit allowed by the law Copies the may be had from any of Grand Railway or on application to Mr General Passenger and Tioket or IJitt Iaseenger Toronto Arch Chapter No received an from the Grand principal the Grand Chapter of Canada Most ExCompanion members of the Grand Council on afternoon of Good Friday Jones Grand the brought a large number of to Newmarket who fill the aavanding two can to the Mark Maatera degree who were received to that of Moat ana exalted to the degree of Holy Accompanying the Grand Z and Grand Superintendent were Ben Allen Pauls No Thompson Grand Grand Chapter of Canada lit P Lee Doric Chapter J A Lake Antiquity Chapter born Antiquity Chapter and P King Hot Chapter and Compe and Cooper Geo jr P and of Oriant Chapter T of Ac cident Chapter J Stephen 3 Thompson and of St Andrew and Chapter on the and were not favorably with accommodation They re turned to the city in the evening arid hoped for improvement in line before their next Trout flahing season a week from Tuesday trolley well patronized during holidays Dust is flying on Main street Soon be time for iho to move again Spring work now commencing in earn eat Newmarket people had a regular bun- feed last Friday morning bakers filled over two dozen boos Mr was last Saturday Only five weeks till the Queens birthday The are merry with the voices of theae and tho small boy la awaiting arrival of the organgrinder to make hie happiness com plete The York Rangers will go info camp at Niagara in lull strength next June Tbe various companies will com mence drill early next month under carpets are a long way ahead of straw Any quantity in ft pound lota at the office for The annual meeting of the License Com missioners will be held at Sharon next Saturday for the purpose of granting licenses for the year commencing May let Schools reopen next Monday Fine week for the boys to clean op the When men have bargains they tell the public In the Em Study the Good Friday was generally observed at a holiday The are croaking again Easter Monday is always a bank holiday which s6me people forget Hot too early to sow lettuce and peas nor to plant onions The garden rake and lawnmower will soon be In use again The spring days are We and Old Sols are Retting stronger but it is still too chilly to go without an overcoat in the evening you want to catch a cold is said that two boys were intoxicated in one of our public on Good Fri day and that the License Inspector is on the track Another batch of nearly tons of newspaper was delivered at Km office on Monday Main street getting Its annual scraps The Era Job is just completing new Price of doors sash blinds etc for Canes It is well got up and handsomely illustrated Every builder should ask one The in connection with Pauls church are drilling for a shortly A high wind and a bill board put a hole thru a pane of glass In front of the Era office on Wednesday afternoon Everybody about Town be applications were made for taking care of the High thunder of the- season Wednesday evening The grass Is getting quite green again Next Monday is St day Down with the storm doors and with Ihe Wort April Dal- casualties since ho has been besieged have twenty killed and one hundred wounded The Boor losses are reported to have been considerably heavier After the night attack on April 11 the dead wore left on the field where they still lie Violent storms of rain have some what interfered with the march but it is hoped the men will soon be able make their presence decidedly felt The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE 2i Departments li Touun Regular meeting last Monday Present Mayor and Councillors Smith Hughes and Following bills passed Can Gen Co electric supplies Franklin Bros waste for WW freight on electric A Brunton repairs fur flag Express on lamps etc Inspection of scales work at it cleaning sprink- Services after Gray fire work at breaking stone 6 John shovelling coal Maries cedar 10 00 stationery SO Belt Telephone re electric light cleaning crossing shovelling to lot i freight and duty on coal Si coal J Bowerraan carting coal 4 Pay sheet No R from Hunter offering for rent of barn referred to the Property Com Communication of Packard and Buynton re balance on coal referred to the Clerk to reply The Property Committee verbally reported the flats are not yet leased The opinion of the Council was favorable to cleaning up Main at once even if the Metropolitan track is afterward extended Council adjourned We will consider it a favor to have you inspect our Stocks and get prices on House Furnishing Goods such as these No trouble to show you the goods and we wont feel in the least hurt if you dont buy GO 95 0 In Wool Union Hemps and Tapestry Japanese Matting in Qualities to per yard Oilcloths and Linoleums Floor Mats and Rugs Lace and Net Curtains Art Mus lins Scrims Cretonns Table Covers and Curtains Curtain Poles and BHnds Furni ture Coverings Wall Papers Table Linens Quilts Sheetings c c and In the Basement such as Carpet Sweepers Tubs Wringers Boilers and aij the little and big Articles in Granite Tin Wire Wood Crockery and Glassware Goos Get Prices before buying elsewhere our MENS Struct It It was a grand thing Jot this tbat each an enterprising druggist secured the agency for Dr Kings Discovery for the wonderful remedy has atartled the world by its cores The furor of enthusiasm It has boomed his husloefis the de mand for It Immense He gives free tell bottle to Batterers positively a In Colds Bronchitis and all and Dong trouble Atrial proves it merit Price Were to Were to Were to Were to Now 500 The following militia general or der was issued at Ottawa week A white of light material may be worn by the officers noncom missioned officers and tarn of corps of active militia using white ser vice helmet as a headdress No special pattern or color is to be adopt ed without firflt submitting a sample to headquarters for approval The will not be worn unless adopt ed Mens Boys Shoe Bargains Mens Fine Lace Boots black and colored Dongola and Box Calf marked and Special Boys Fine Tan Lace Boots Coin and Nar row toes sizes 3 5 regular price Special Stationery Department Note Paper Quire Envelopes for Package HB Lead Pencils doz re each HB Lead Pencils the 5c kind special doz Embroidered Colored Shelf Paper 5 and 9c per bundle Novels Popular Authors 5 and each Now Now Medicine Department Hoods Sarsaparilla AyersSarsaparilla Burdock Blood Bitters Paine Celery Compound Celery Bitters Mother Seigels Syrup and Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets Blands Iron Pills for Yerba Buena Rheumatiside 8c Celery King Lanes Family Medicine Diamond Tea Garfield Tea Karls Clover Root

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