Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 20, 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL A A rf A Co Co Soo It- Toronto Jobbing College- AY Service Top- Smith Aft your Grip Acres CWebb Card of Thanks- Night School J E Pollock Wanted to Rent Gallagher JJaprobe Lost Co Toronto to 8 Oars Each TIME TA13LB Leave Toronto am am a pm pm 3 pm 8 pm pm pm US pm pm Return Fare either way 120 She LETS Up I HUT AHJ WITH EACH Yb Brats tainted FRIDAY APRIL and Practice In a recent speech of Sir Chariot before tlvo Club of Montreal ho remarked party from which it has never swerved and declare policy what it has from the first viz protection for Canadian industry and protecting labor of Canada is but party strings loosely when the observ ance of these stand in the way of having a dig at opponents as was exemplified by Col one of the LiberalConservative leaders Ontario Discussing the mining bill introduced by the Hon Commissioner of Lands which is framed along Hoes that Sir Charles declared has been from the first the principles of that party took oc casion to My the abolition of royal ties was right hut the attempt to force the minerals to bo manufactured here was wrong this a funny de claration for a leader in Opposition circles was designed to establish and help manufacturers in Canada ye Canada for the Cana dians and now one of its leaders in order to something against the Government condemns a cardinal principle in his own party platform This is the class of men in the On tario House who oppose the Govern ment EDITORIAL la bis in the Commons on Tues day feat Mr fit p clearly showed that the Government bid need in inttaonce towards reducing the price of Canada last A from ihaPttooera Aid waited on the Government this week and asked aid with the view to bavin an to took ttnder tern proposed by the Dominion Govern went It would seem that some people are all the while on the lookout for by may door to the appointment the Government The time come to call tor e bait in this of thing reply to a from Toronto hfnj fori Dominion grant a to be held la the Industrial next year the Premier gave them to that be personal- favored the idea and would bring the matter before colleges He however good reminded them that In certain and in newspaper it given that the Government was extravagant peoWy a to further any good project moat see that the action of the not turned extravagant The Opposition press will please wake a note of the observation Mr Canadian Government Agent has just shipped one hundred and eight settlers and of stock and from Mi a Tale Tell If that wlrror of jours wretched allow a Jaundiced look moth the skin Its v trouble but the K fKfks Only at Oat Society Golutofll Miss was homo near villo for Mr An of Toronto woro homo for Easter spout holidays in oily was In Mite May Brook snoot Raster at homo on Ontario Mr John Friday in the at Dog Mr Jo Toronto spent Good a Mr J spout holidays with bar at Georgetown Miae May spent in city with her alstete Mr and visit ing in city last Friday and Saturday Barrio was the gaeet of In Town on Monday Mr and Toronto pent Easter at his fathers on Queen Mr A- York pent Good Friday Town with ti of has ao invitation to the Pratt of spent bolidkya with her Mre Mr J R is attending tho Teachers Convonilon in the oily week Miss Emma Toronto la vlalllnK this week at Mr Mr Angus Williams has to the to take In a wellknown law office- Mies Wooding her holidays with her Brook Several from Newmarket attended the Ball Landing last Monday night Mr V and cousin Miss from wero hero for Master is spend ing hie holidays at Toronto and Whitby Thompson was At Homo with a number of friends on Wednesday Mr Ed who Is teaching at was home for The three Blisses Rodeo and Miss Hudson Toronto stoat with tela- Ives in Town Mrs Jouathan of Toronto was visiting sister Mies in Town this wees Millard daughter Mrs John Millard homo from Toronto for Good Friday Mr E attended lbs wedding of on day last week Mr ana Mrs of Easter Sunday with their daughter OJ Mr got back from the on of last week good time Clara returned home last week after spending six weeks with in Bradford Miss Smith has returned to the Cedars after an absence of four months at Albert and Mr of Toronto eon of the lata Peter Pearson spent Easter in Town with relatives Master Morgan Kelly youngest so not Mr Morgan Kelly Toronto apant Easter with Mrs Gallagher Mr and Mrs Geo White of Bradford late of Buffalo wore friends in Town last Saturday The Town Clerk was in the on Wednesday on business in connection with the Metropolitan Mrs Morton and children aro Visiting at Emerald Hill the old home steadnorth of Scott Vivian Is spending her Easter holidays with her Clara Brown Millard Ave Me Fred Lloyd son of who is at spend ing Easter holidays In Town Mr Kitchen the new a on Eagle street and will move his to Town shortly Mr of Toronto came- up on Good Friday and attended the funeral of aunt Mrs at Sharon In the- removal of Mr to the Town Band a cornet is generally regretted Mrs Joseph of was among the relatives who attended the fu neral of at Sharon Friday Mr Geo school at and hia wife spent Easter In Town and vi cinity of St Street Toronto ipanding a week with her slater Mrs of Victoria Avenue Town Mia Rosa gave a party to her friends at on night honor of a dollege who epehding Easter holidays with her Mr John Montgomery jr took his two little neloee to the city Good Friday visit relatives where are rwnaioiug for the Easter holidays Mre Low jr and her mother Mid went to the city on to attend Mr John Terrell following day to ot Aurora Mrs to a Mr la homo for Maggie Thompson of of the Landing and Norway public are log holidays with Miss Thompaoo Mrs over at Hill and attending tfaadacatioual fa Toronto this week where was to Easter Sunday was quite a gala day among Sabbath children Having the signed Triple and their red white and blue they homeward with a proud auji defiant troiul at least sucEt was the with some members of the Kottloby Methodist and we are it was similar throughout the workers who wore instrumental in bringing about this noble work certainly to be congratulated in earnest endeavor for reform id Quito a number of friends from a distance spent Easter in this part whom we noticed Mr J Fox and wife of Toronto Mr Qilaa Stephens of Niagara Miss Kate Bur ling of North Toronto Mies Etta of Aurora Master William Spink of Toronto and the Misses of Toronto Mr spent Easter with in the of Aurora is friends hero this week Too crack shots of this part bated their nerves on Saturday last when the bachelor took first place crowded very closely by a num ber of others Mr James Nelson is riding a now Garden City wheel this season Messrs Gallagher Rogers and passed thru hereon Wed nesday last on their way to the Leg islative Halle Toronto concerning the Metropolitan Railway bill which ia coming up POINT Mrs ave a Taffy Pull for her many young friends one eve ning last week fun kept up till the small hours of the morning and all report a very jolly time Mr Charlie has gone to where he will remain for some time Robinson who has been away for a few days returned home across but owing to the unsafe con of the ice he had quite a time crossing Miss Gertie has returned home from Mrs Young entertained a few friends at a rag bee on Thursday of last week Mrs Rao is visiting mother at Gum Swamp We are pleased to see the out once more Rumours of wedding bells in the near future Who was the young man who lost rubber coming from the Taffy Pull The annual vestry meeting was held in the Church here on Wednesday morning W are to hear Squire and his wife are both laid up with bad colds It like summer to see wheel ing again I guess Jesse was the first this season It a pity when people attend our service here they cannot behave themselves James Clark deputy returning officer at Hamilton for the vote on the waterworks bylaw seat Co jail for six months for stuffing the ballot box The- tat taction On one of Old Boss trips the Atlantic the steamer mo lag slowly along in a dense fog at oclock In the morning struck on the rocks off the light not being- visible Fortunately nothing more than a scare for the passengers resulted Everybody was soon on neck except who had been having a hilarious time the night before and bad slept all through the trouble One of his friends sent a steward for and at he appeared still a trifle befog ged When tie facts were explained to he Joined fervidly in an Im promptu service which the pas sengers were holding Finally there came a lull in the pro and Old advan tage to propose three cheers and a tiger for the captain This proposi tion caused much astonishment and some one ventured to on what grounds he based the proposed honor to the captain Drawing himself up to full height Old replied Impressively On the Is the only man sailing 0 Atlantic ocean who could have that Infernal a WANTED or to vol for i una with vusUimi ft lopij ifAN MISS Mtss Vary H iCingsloy who baa South Africa where will join hospital service aa nurse le oho most worucn In and an explorer arid scientist ot not Wnd of Woman iJolot describes In hit Black Venua far travels In Africa in many respects with attributed to fictional of the authors daughter of Dr 11- and the of funious Canon Hie with tin love of travel hi adventure in her soul and as a oho took naturally study of botany and zoology finding her lab oratory In Holds and For or another reason she did not for unknown lands visit- Ing strange peoples unlit and that year she made her first to Africa Going to Paul do for primary purpose of studying flora Africa she was soon tempt out of the civilized- zone and push way into regions which had been traversed by Eu ropeans In cut tin her way through Hiss thick cowtiering primeval for ests camping In and setting up her tents now mid then In delight Jul meadows near sweet streams this tenderly reared woman found which was intensified by her discoveries of With these she returned to and they are now prized possessions of the It is said that one journey through unknown Africa forever binds traveller to the desire of return The rule operated perfectly in case of Miss for three years of life in tamo and civilized Europe she began to long for jungle once more In returned to the dark continent this time to visit Old Calabar end he river of Ni ger Coast Protectorate Thence she made a journey into the country elephant and the gorilla making way into parts of Africa in which no other explorer bad set foot Af ter several balrbreatltli from raging floods and from wild the Intrepid traveller to reach her friends of the French Pro testant mission at spent some weeks in rest with these hospitable and Miss ICfngSlCy undertook a cotirageous Journey across the country to on the Rem we Hiere too ahe explored into which she first white person to pene trate The results of these Journeys and Investigations Miss has In corporated lit her two books ftts in West Africa ami West Afri can Studies These may he counted among the most Interesting contribu tions to the literature of African ex ploration Is now only yean Since Miss left Africa and While she returns thither Ihe ca pacity of a nurse it is by no means Certain that her innate love of the Wilds and of advent action has not much to do with her present de termination- Miss it Is Improve her opportunities In Pouth Africa by a study of the remarkable botany of that interesting region es pecially in- transplanted Sorrowful To it a The little town of la miles from- Pie termor situated on the Bushman which Is by a railroad bridge of five spans is the seat of magistracy for County and a place of considerable importance as it trading station county takes the name of which sig- Miles weeping from a melancholy in cident connected with one of the bloodthirsty Zulu raids which occur red during the early of the colony ny the Butch It Is said that there was not a home In at that time that some mem ber of the family had not fallen a victim to the rapacity of the Zulus The climate of the place Is trie best and most Invigorating in and above all it Is free from dust Vuiu- It tic The young who IhimV it hi not for- them to establish a reputation for honesty sobriety ftnd integrity in order to achieve Success in the future are harboring very thoughts no younff man here of average intel ligence whose course and conduct are not observed by the community or who is not measured according to his merits The- worthy young man is known the unworthy and al though ho may sometimes think he not appreciated or his course not commended he will team sooner or later what character and manhood really stand for in case It Is best always to bo upright Indus trious honorable above- re proach It pays more ways one and leads to victory One of the curiosities t the of to he ficetri the print ing room A man sits at a desk ftnd every three seconds a delivers to two complete notes he sits there six hours he receives over and in days over 20000000 log We are prou of oil e t i re co 1 1 ti on of S p r Goods but particularly proud of our Clothing and Wall Paper Stocks In these two departments we can show you probably twice as big a selection as any other storein Newmarket and also quote you prices thatour wouldbe competitors cannot touch All we ask is look carefully through the stock here and elsewhere and make comparisons Big Clothing Bargains We can fit any man or boy for a suit of clothes as well as any tailor and at half the price Mens good Tweed Suits well lined and sewn all sizes from to special 399 Mens fine all wool worsted Serge Suits best farmers satin lining perfect fit ting goods regular price 1000 our special price is Mens extra fine Clay Worsted or Fine Tweed Suits lined with best farmers satin and strictly tailormade special value i Boys Halifax Tweed or blue serge threepiece Suits sizes to Special price 290 Mens strong Tweed Pants Special We want you to see this Clothing Stock No matter how particular you may be we can still suit you and however small your purse our prices will please you Big Wall Paper Bargains Not a store in Newmarket can show you half the collection of New Wall Papers that you will find here and not a store in Canada that can beat our prices Very pretty papers in new patterns with border to match special price per roll Many new patterns with borders to match suitable for Bedrooms or Kitchen per roll Our range of papers at eight and ten cents would be impossible to describe Would like you to see them We have every shade all the newest patterns and both nine and eighteen inch borders to match Look em over We sell Ingrain Papers just six cents per roll less than city or other stores and our range of these is matchless Will be glad to have you pass judgment on the stock Starrs Grocery and Bakery Good Friday and Easter Delicacies You will find Tbia Store Uptodate with Nice Fresh Lettuce Nice Green Onions Nice New Lovely and Luscious Pineapples We have studied the wants our Customers by gathering in all these dainties RJlt We have in Stock boxes Oranges These we bought when the market away down We believe in protecting our Customers The prices range from to Our Grocery Department hi Of You will find here a good assortment of all kinds of as Olives Capers Cheese Shrimp Anchovy Paste Crosse Pickles and Walnuts Grape Nut Wheat Biscuit Canned Pineapples Peaches Pears Plums and Strawberries Jelly We have added this year Turnip and Mangel Seeds different varieties of each a flboafc Outs Since the 1st of February we have made a Big Increase in the Sale of our Bread Our Trade Gaining over And we are Gaining New- Customers Almost Daily thus Showing the Popularity of Our Bread Oar Cakes and Pastry have no We Make The Best Hot Buns Leave Your Order Us and we will deliver them to you early for A farmer named Isaac of was piling lumber at White Lake when a heavy pile of lumber fell upon him crushing his skull and causing instant death Central Telephone STARR At April to Mr Mrs a cod w The Tomb In April widow of the son ftgftd years The took piece on Monday morning residence Qi Wal ton to New market by At his residency Winona the April Esq formerly Sharon son the John I and brother of of aged 85 and At Toronto on the April Henry brother Uzt Jiokaon this Town and father of Mr 8 of Car- berry Mao aged years The Wing AND JiiArH Telephone JHMILLABX The In on the ProeMri residence Toapb Miller to AmolH the Township of Georgia JoHSfltoyrHtriTox At the brides brotherinlaw the iflth of by Bey J A Johnston of Aurora to of A Hilton of Wood bridge Furniture Mam All fluJ Newmarket per a White Tdtprbuiael Goats tail Barley per V per h4iVm i per lb fib ii Wool per lb Ray per ton 9 -tMi-f- f vrpAtr i Turkey drcU 11 rtj a IT r 1 a a a a a a 1 a a a a TO OS OK as J Toronto Markets April Wheat White Wheat per a Wheat a a per re 02 a a per dot Oil a Potatoes per bag a a a Wool per lb IT a pertoD 1 Pore per am a Beef f ore v- a i a pair- a a per bushel fi fio a Timothy jjcrbutiiel a Clover Seed lii Jo a to a to 11 to r ANTED onto tin trior it-i- RUlnry liiolo5eeraadric AXAGEII3y 01 A

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