Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 13, 1900, p. 8

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I S FRIDAY APRIL I I III KITH filler mm A In Safe and Quick Cur a for GOLDS and OF BOY THE OtfrlUIM DAVI5 I I around Hie rtrtMtHtl ft Guess Mi suits Till know what did and how ho lild a following of Merita UArst ikif mm rM ujfKil mi lv fourKt Ivor JCBKftlKJf Vice for An JMmvnt for Your for KPNOAtL SPAVIN also book J Si 4 flt44ftl fir I at TO Bradford linn to Fund to Cross Society and India Fund- losa in connection with burning j of Trinity Church last week at for only Moat of lie contents were removed including the and fount and ucceJed in the Hun- day School building near by and also Church which had been iftiutrd in the tower by flying burn origin of fire was a in the Vestry form or lb6 of i ho titaitnoDt at K Of tc i disease men fc WE CURE SYPHILIS Poison terror fcl of readily to our ruin yoorycteiD tongue Hid joints or fciomuch JtfKUKwucnl etc- you Inyo the of MUM W nana the Jttr wso we flficcpL for iinJ our the palni wmx CURES GUARANTEED wMdteaBcd men bate their vigor vitality capped tc the the if fuse And to a normal Hon are nod one a man I aiQOTKiocn Every it no euroall hence our oodM Ho what ails you We bank juaraoteo loaccom- what CURED Wo treat uio KM STRICT Fit KB If call for BLANK for IJtKATMKKT MOUNT ALBERT Misses Mary Me- have Toronto Mies will enter the General to the of nursing- Mr Richard Rowan has purchased the and lot on Main street known the property from Mrs- Walter Wilson of New lalica of iory Mount Albert were entertained a fivo oclock missionary tea Mr at tbe on Monday In occasion was a profit able nun as well as on missionary work were read several of the Indies A iiuniher of our people at tended a social held at the home of Mr Bingham of Vivian Wednesday of week Saturday evening a of friends gathered at home of Mr A who is about to leave this locality with his family and reside A pleasant time was enjoyed Ringing and game After tea tho friends gathered in the parlor and Rev Bowles the pas tor a short address saying how much they would bo missed in our church and social circle After which Mrs was presented a beautiful silver cake basket and an address HILL The laeroHRoehib organised with every Trustees of Methodist Church have for an acetylene plant to be totalled in ho without delay SUTTON Ma Jomm is for the Era at and authorized to We collect boo etc for all kinds promptly Following ia address in with presentation was crowded out last week To Ms Mas We loaders ttii of whole Band to you our on of your Intention re- from us for what for at in iho to our well a a older It our inm that yon in our shall fruit Wo and what a you have beOn in our in church- We that of all ood we further hope that if this should bo Jafit that we hero wo may meet In thtrounliy up there no tire lamit of our for you and aw an expression of our of your ii in with We hope every iim you look at this Jump it your sojourn On Island it on link- at loat in of events which wo call life Wo shall over pray ueiaint and no thereto may you as well as your oliildreu all your valr- to Binned belief of Island Keck Reports OK MARCH Sr Helen Jr Martha firi8fdr- Lee Mor ton Br 2nd Oldbam 2nd J Party Cole Part Percy Cole -ii- JJABK NO th Class Geo Flanagan Edward Jr Cunningham Myrtle Grant 2nd Nellie Flanagan Floyd 2nd 2nd Flossie Johnston Jay A Mr Teacher t- About pew Things ia During the Inst months there have been a great many destructive fires Ontario have in many vase not only destroyed very and but also the entire crop and stock of farmer At soma of those fires that a number of valuable horses have been humeri In this il of improvement when farm building he latent and most are Iwing erected all over the country in it not that provisions are not made by which animals can be got out of a burn ing building with rapidity Fire are a common thing on all our public and on many private building hut in stables where vury valu able animals are kept there only one of exit and that at a vsry inconvenient It is lime that should take this into consideration when building their stables and make thorn convenient in case of fire Do you of THIS SUMMER Mothers advice worth more than the advice of any other woman to the daughter who by of health and comfort Theresa no need therefore to write to a woman who a stranger There may however be need a advice lo supplement the ad vice of the mother In such a case the offer of free consultation by letter made by Dr Pierce opens the way to health and at the same time avoids the pleasant questionings the repulsive nations and offensive local treatments which less experienced physicians often insist on Any sick or ailing woman is invited to write to Pierce Buffalo in the strict est privacy Each letter is held as a sacred confidence and its answer is sent in a plain envelope bearing no printing upon it Do not be misled advertisements offering medical advice which are published by those who not being phy sicians are not qualified to give such ad vice Any or doctor who lias a legal and professional right to the title will publicly- claim that title Those offer medical advice and invite to write to a woman do not claim bat the woman is a doctor The l medi cal advice of an unprofessional woman just as dangerous as the medical advice of an unprofessional man fn more than thirty years Dr Pierce and his staff of nearly a score of medical special ists have successfully treated over half a million women You can write without fear as without fee to Dr It V Pierce Buffalo N PREVALENT DANOEROU you do write I en Kennedy Kergan Mlclilgao Ave- DETROIT MICH IS GUARANTEE I Our fee returned if we fait Any one sending sketch and acwrintioi of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free can mine the patentability of same How to a Patent wrnt upon request Patents advertised for sile at out us receive charge in The jUuiiraicd and by and fiend for sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J EVAN8 CO Patent Attorneys Building WASHINGTON t Solid Gold Best Gold Kill fiyrsOoldFUl Befit Glasses ftatfafacUoa LOBE OPTICAL CO- street Toronto EMULSION nil llNO or jrOS Or APPETITE ore- loot I manifest jf of I hid troubled Be tor over Iuto gained fat VXHCHAM CB and per Bottla DAVIS CO TO bo ecnro4 by oar aid the RECOflO KESWICK The Tent of Maccabees initiat ed candidates on Thursday night of last week and others arc to follow During the initiation some four young men who wore worse of liquor in windows and ereated a gen eral disturbance On some of the members going out to ask these young men to leave they were met by purses and oaths Borne others then went out from the meeting to fori them to leave which resulted in one of the members having his shoulder dislocat ed which required two doctors to put it in As this is not the first time such an occurrence has taken place the Lodge decided to make an example of it and laid an information for disturbing meeting The case came up on Monday night Oyster Supper on Friday connection with the Maccabees was a great success It was held in the Lodge about being present The usual toasts and Hinging wliilcd away the time very quickly Splendid speeches were given by Dr Law Mr Ira Morton and others Children Cry for The Lacrosse Club was organized on Wednesday night for the coming season Mr Frank Minns took possession of Mr Ji confectionery store on Monday Mr Sanders has purchased the lot on Main street just west of the Fire He intends erecting there on immediately a fine twostorey brick block to be occupied by tho Standard Bank At the last quarterly meeting of tho District held with die Church at the Rev Hairier received and ac cepted unanimous call to remainas pastor another year making ton of continued labor with three churches and These churches have been greatly blessed under his labors many souls been converted and added to church The financial stand ing of these churches was never better having met all claims they are free rem and are enjoying a large degree of spiritual prosperity PUBLIC SCHOOL Stephenson Charles Si Morrison Curtis Edgar Walker Annie Curtis III- Lena Evelyn Arthur Arthur Williams Nellie Wesley Roy Vernon Eugene Lillian George Fetcrman Charles Black If Bella Vera Mor rison Emma Smith Lulu Rose Jr Ft Ruth Haines Frank Laura Simpson Sarah Saw don Bert Leonard Curtis Sr Frank Milton Peter- man Sydney Simpson I Eddie Edith Emeron Black I Gordon Vernon DALE The following are the results of the value of taoh being marks Geography Mary York Bailey Amos York Archie Urquhart Composition 3rd and class es- Mary York Bailey Bailey Amos York Urquhart 2nd Leila Phoenix 71 Wesley Port 2nd Earnest Greenwood Fannie Greenwood A Fleshy WANTKIRKVIULPRUA In thin county to I In and pay rayflble Kifrrinrifi CASTOR A For Infants and Children r Did you ever see one Did you ever hear of one Con sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of flesh If you are light in even if your cough is only a slight one you should certainly take Softs of cod oil oilh hypo phospfdits No remedy is prevent ive to Just the your thrpat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh you should begin to take It And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption Upless you are far advanced with disease Scotts Emul sion will hold every in ducement to you for a permit cure iAH fe4 The of Northern Ontario which tho Ontario Government de veloping is a field open for settlement which presents a combination of advan tages which aro be found in no other localities It i the beat field now open for with a capital One of the advantages is cheap fuel and as the country is rich with minerals and very closely connected with outside world by rail and water it is highly that it should bo opened up for cultivation With a delightful climate and the fer tility of soil which it there is every opportunity for indubious settlers The water is of and abundance and many thousand summer visitors find it bene ficial for their rheumatics and other troubles To develop this country and bring it within reach of people of this Province is one of the objects of Ross Government and one which is receiving appreciation from- all It is a truism in both city and coun ty that there ia too much post torn praise at modern funerals People kiss their dead who never stoop to kiss their Hover over open caskets with hysteric sobs but fail to give a cheerful word or smile to loved ones who are fighting the stern battles of life fail to praise the men who ren der cheerful and efficient service for public weal during their lifetime but lavishly adorn their biers with floral wreaths when lifes conflict is ended It would bo more to re member that tho dead cant smell th flowers but the living can These observations were pointed out at a funeral by a divine who seemed to have a true estimation of life rays provision stores in Montreal were damaged by fire to the extent of about Harry Little a on the Central Ontario Railway killed Tuesday at Trenton by being crushed between the cars and platform lacrosse boys of severe blow in the removal of Hall to Toronto and John to Swan River Man They have both been on the executive for a number of years and were both enthusiastic followers of the game Mr George Fry of Lynn Valley lost his life in a firo that destroyed Ms dwelling Conductor Shoemaker whose home is Toronto was crushed to death yesterday while coupling cars at Paris Seeding commenced last Friday throughout Michael the 6yearold son of A- was fatally under the wheels- of a wagon at Lon don Mr George of White who injured foot a few months ago now finds that it is out of joint She has gone to tho hospital to remedied Thousands Have it And Don Know It How the Great Medical Triumph of This Gets at the bottom of ItKidney Trouble- There exists much in regard to unhealthy Kidneys and what foil from faulty kidney action Their work is to strain or filter out impurities in the blood- They to work day and night and sometimes when at high pressure it takes very little to threw them out of gear a alight cold a exertion a chill may their action from to Blood Poisoners and creators of disease To this condition you must get the bottom of it You can on ly correct kidney poisoned blood thru proper acting kidneys No use at tempting with purgatives and bowel cleaners because your blood does not run thru your bowels No use attempting it with upset- kidney medicines which while acting upon the upset the di gestive or other organs You want the perfectly balanced Pitchers Kidney Tablets so mild they are adapted to delicate women and children yet so powerful they cure the worst cases of Kidney trouble and its evidence of their value you are not referred to some far away it is at door Printer Newmarket says I wish to that the bottle of Dr Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets I procured at the drug store of J gave me a com plete relief from a pursistent backache brought on from standing and work over the machine in the office The single bottle was all I required This speaks for iteelf as regards rapid ity and surety of action Price cents per bottle A free sample of Dr Pitchers Back ache Kidney Tablets mailed to any ad- If you doubt the testimony of your neighbors you can prove for yourself- get a sample absolutely free Bend stamp to Pitcher Tablet Co Toronto LIMITED NEWMARKET And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for man a tare el PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We Repair all oh sloii notice The Wm Cane Sons Co tU NEWMARKET The Universal Favorite Disc The only Disc ilia prefigure Bprinfs valuable liiiivtn N to Cultivator with it wllh reversible ordered The lightest drift beat easily The teeth work directly uiirjer the rj the See the New Spring Lift THE Drills SS Our reliable Drills and favorably known for There arc ml ever WiWlnuearDOnrhefrtrmers of- country We J Farm and machinery are or the coming 2 fttention to New Victoria and No- Oxford Clipper Frontcut Mower our patent Spike Tooth and and Ratchet Damp Rake It will amply all to before placing their Send for our Co Out S betotifd EOnt tornsljMei MA end aid When a man tired of being dunned ought to consider that the other in just as is no OB A CHASES rt to ifca diuui Improved itcfif Dr- A V Shannon pile Cabinet manufactured by The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Factory Newmarket 122 and Bay St Toronto Notre Dame Montreal P Q mm DAISY UcoftnrsntJruUic W w rr Ulia you are not a subscriber to Em for a trial blip of 3 months

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