Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 13, 1900, p. 7

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a I CHINA HA most complete stock FINK AND SHOES The New Shoe NEWMARKET ERA- FRIDAY APRIL goo Local QOtHO TOWN Style Pkrfwt FlTTltfU Should you Ho King Shoe Wo cany the Largest Stock in Town od have done so own if wo aro hot The moat comfortable Easy fitting for Misses MENS BOYS AND YOUTHS Box Calf and Kid also Solid good wearing Everyday Shoes In Boots and Shoes we ibe BEST VALUE and uptodate in Style of singing will soon bo hero very reach for a seed end by its help plan for a flower garden around homo Many our people would to eco toko a littlo cot Jn decoration of Trees vines and flowora do not coot muoh and vaat Lot 1000 boo a step forward In this Hon from Ft Major of the mounted police will give his thrilling lecture in Town Hall on April Mr fa one of tlo who in the JauiaBonaRaldandla a typical cavalryman loot and Mb the largest hallo with interested lis- while bo tolls of that wonderful raid and at aboot Walt and hear him and watch for bills P O Enumeration Last week was called Count Week among Poet Office and at very pro- compared with corresponding period last year There were posted 2815 cards single newspapers and pliotos parcels Class manor registered letters postage ton percent- over latt year notwithstanding tho reduction in loiter rate from to The following report for March of Class names Inorder of Annie Herbert Lillian Edith Marsh Morton Stewart Elgin Wright Mabel Garnet Collins Wesley Madcr Sherman Brook Marina Herbert Flossie Verne ion Taylor Edgar Willie West Davison Charlie Nellie Marsh Vora Nora Fannie Bhcta Maud Walker Agnes Roaaell Thomson Robbie Jr Clarence Thompson Harry Ernest Walter Stork Edna Alien Cody Jones Edna Cane Basil heller Larry Arthur Stewart Stella Snider Ada Wright Amanda Rubber Balls A to clear out soft rabber Co etch at A Stylish for Evening Wear Special Value in DINNER SETS TOILET SETS TEA SETS OUR GROCERY Department is folly as sorted with the Best The Leading Grocer mm S3 Who to lecture on Boor War in Newmarket next Tuesday night first of a series of Monthly to bo held at Royal Hotel is to take place next Wednesday afternoon As a list has been collected should draw a Monthly Saloa ere a many places smaller than and there is no reason why should not be here Lots of have a few articles that arc absolutely no use and affords an opportun ity to turn them into money pf lends The pastors last Sabbath was Gods presence with His people based on chop and verses Id evening on the words Wherefore rather breth ren give to and election euro for if ye do these things ye shall never full Attendance at the last wbb larger than for time a mark ed improvement punctuality Sunday Easter Sunday introduced a ByLaw to appoint Township Road Overseen Bound Fence and Sheep Valuators regularly Payment ordered to toy material got in of sea Council to meet on Sat urday May at pm in Sharon Ontario A section of party areas has during present week been making unscrupulous attempts to discredit the Ontario Government in connection with the agreement which the Govern ment has made with the Spanish River Pulp Company A couple of weeks ago this agreement was explained in thy columns of this paper but that it may stilt borne in mind is ma be well to to the subject again In field of No Province has as much for tho laboring has the of Ontario It would bo difficult at time with limited to point out nil that the Liberal party in Ontario has succeeded in lo make easier lot of the working within Ontario Suffice it to bay that the Government has earned the grati tude of tho laboring and has their confidence almost to a man On Wednesday Mr Preston a liberal member introduced a reso lution suggeatin that Government should discourse practice of sub- lotting contracts and that tho Govern ment loo should pay to men in its em ploy the standard rate of wages To this members of tho Government very hearty concurrence and some of the members of the Opposi tion agreed But Mr Whitney saw in tho debate that by judicious slight party advantage might be gained Ho thought ho would go the Government one better and ha introduced amendment As a matter of fact original resolution could not bo well improved upon and amendment of Mr Whitneys meant nothing at- all That this is true may bo seen by comparing two resolutions Mr Prestons resolution in part reads deems it the duty of Government to take immediate steps to give effect thereto Mr Whitneys amendment reads as follows Tho opinion of House should he embodied in an act this Legislature It thus seen that not one bit stronger than the resolution The other division took place a short debate on an amendment in by a member of Opposition when the House to go into supply It suggested that money on Col Roads should be handed over to officials who would have spending of the money In the langnage of the man of war Mr Davis soon put the entire force oat of action on this question In a brief speech ho showed the absurdity of such a proposition He that in many places where Colonization Road money was spent was no municipal organization It a principle of good Government that the I THE LEADS NO Goods wilt be mkeopiog with day the land whore at present no authority which authorized the spend Reading Circle met Monday evening at residence of Mr- Hall Fair was taken with meeting at Mr Jacob Doyles on person the Government grant to the River Pulp Com- pany a district on thov might cut pulp wood In return com pany agreed to spend a certain amount j of money and to employ a certain Missionary Committee provided a number of men the exact figures need not bo repeated because they stated a days ago quite sufficient to assist very greatly in in augurating a system of de velopment in district of the Span- very interesting program for the on Tuesday evening the topic being Christ our Model Christian The pastor gave a very interesting River Telephone SAVE MONEY I buying your Suits at Tailor Shop I A full stock Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS and ffll The robins have come back again Cheap railway fares for Easter April give visions of This started off with a large of enow on band It waa well wat ered by nature but contrary toother wat ered stock it vanished The rate for local notices of enter- is cents per line In the event of printing being ordered one notice is given free Debate in High School yesterday afternoon Town Co an oil meets next Monday night Regular meeting of at the residence or Mrs Cane next Tuesday afternoon Big crowd at Mr Partridges sale last Saturday The thankoffering and in with the Womans Mis Society of the Methodist Church yesterday afternoon at the resi dence of Air Manning What are you going to do today It will soon be time to begin slashing and getting ready to have the riptearing The that bloom In the spring are now da vs The enow has almost entirely disappear ed The son gets op before most people are awake Skipping ropes and are now the The roads are Retting better Spring warmth and are wel come Farmers report fall wheat looking fairly well Lay your plans now for beautifying your lawn ad garden premises The snow has gone off so gradually that the floods expected failed to material ize The farmers winter vacation a thing of past Schools closed yesterday for Easter Open again on April A stranger at practice on Tuesday night made lots of for boys New telephone directory distributed Town this week Our Niagara Falls has been making a grail roar the pas People having coal to spare cn have them removed free charge by com ma with the of the Society Mr Keith The- Society will be glad to obtain them A subscription was up by Bailiff in Town this to Mr who was burnt oat which was liberally responded to are out again around Town- last8anday morning on the our Lord describing It as tho greatest travesty of justice tho world ever knew The world Is innocence today shall crucify Christ or self wore some of hie principal In the evening the pastor continued his interesting series upon the parable of the prodigal son tracing the young man from the far country back to his fathers house There were certain features of this agreement that must not he lost sight of A reserve for cutting pulpwood was set aside and no criticism is heard about that Opposition as voiced by certain sections of press say that in addition to this a vane district of has been set aside for this company The Spanish River Pulp Co out not Some of the points emphasized were Sin a stick of this timber outside of the re- brings men to extremities no salvation without reconciliation confession of sin es sential to salvation a real welcome by the serve without the consent of the Gov ernment they cannot dispose of stick of that to any other father to the prodigal Daring the service they cannot sublet the con- a was by Mr J Mo- tract all of its Out must go to this Kay wbiob was enjoyed by those present Next evening at the Sun day Softool Will n beautiful Easter program to which public are invited Toe Choir Is for Easter Services Bast Council- Sharon April of Council held this day All members present Min utes of last meeting read and confirm ed as as also minutes of special meet ing of March 19th Communications received from and Good Roads Co The Reeve introduced a ByLaw to detach the east half of lot con 7 from US8 No EG and Whit church and to add the same to ByLaw regularly passed Clause of ByLaw 1142 relating to Snow was repealed The following changes in ByLaw re Road Divisions were enacted viz That No 1 of Con be added to 2 Con That Con extend from Holland River to north side of lot con That A Con extend from north side lot 16 to north side of lot con That Con 2 extend from north side of lot to the north town line con That Dive and coo be joined to form and that Div form erly be known as That Divs and be united to form Con and a Con bo joined to form and that formerly be number ed Div Con and Con be united in one and numbered and that the Statute Labor of J and as also that of Money he performed in said No Con That the east half of lot be added to Con one mill That may bo enlarged that would be satisfactory for them there would be an in capital spent and an increase in the number of men required giving added stimulus to the of the district The Spanish River Pulp has no monopoly of the district If it is found that there is in any district more than is required to keep the- mil in operation the Government may lease a district of it to some person else The Spanish Company Can out no timber hut pulpwood The Government has made no con cessions regarding dues The dues have just been doubled If it is that is becoming too valuable the dues may be again doubled or trebled or raised to any amount required The company must pay the same duos as any other company is subjected to The agreement h an admirable one and the results from it will probably the same as the pulp Company When tbe Marie Company was form ed the town unknown and in it there was no progress at all oday it known throughout the world and it is forging ahead more rapidly than any other town in the Dominion of Canada So much for the agreement with the Spanish River Pulp Company There is in it which should cause anything but satisfaction but lest anyone should he led astray the essential points should be borne in mind Ail who have made a study of the question join In commending and congratulating Mr Davis on the very satisfactory agreement which he has secured The week in the House has been a fairly active one from the stand point of party warfare it was rather an inactive one There were two divi sions and no tlhate of a very prolong ed nature The Opposition which is always out after party capital tried to sieiue some party advantage out of a con question which heretofore has not entered very considerably into the of money ex penditure of it If this were not he case how could there beany Govern ment responsibility The accounts in connection with the expenditure of Colonization Road money were com plete and borough The testimony of the people on the spot was that this money had been expended wisely by the Government and with very good results Despite smallattempts at obstruc tion by the Opposition Govern ment managed to get through an amount of business during tbe week But acts and not words are what counts with the labor men On the day previous to the debate just referred to it was announced that the Govern ment baa decided to establish a labor bureau for the purpose of benefitting the labor men If the members of the Opposition were so very kindly dispos ed towards the why has not a member introduced a bill incor porating the principles set out in Sir Prestons resolution On no occasion has a member of Opposition placed on the order paper any bill or resolu tion favoring the labor men or in dealing with the labor question at all Balance Crowded Out was Howes block at Ottawa burned Darlington Township has carried the local option bylaw a brie April A few days ago Sites Cameron pricked her lip with a pin Blond in and in a few hours she was dead hi the funeral on Friday afternoon tbe hoarse npset by one wheel break ing through the ice The horses ran for a short distance badly damaging the hearse hut not injuring coffin undertakers leg was badly injured In the confusion a man riding on horseback was thrown and his arm broken The nurse who had charge of Miss is now reported to be suffering from bloodpoison a JUST wo AH the best makes in the following lines IN CASES AND SETS PEN AND KNIVES ALL KINDS AND SIZES Pine lice TABLE KNIVES AND We handle Special Line of warrant to be See our CRUMB TRAYS AND BOARDS AND KNlVlvS THE CELEBRATED SWEEPER We are filing lor livedo Co Toronto line Fur Goats and Highest Prices Paid for Raw Furs J A W ALLAH GO Do we do the Black Dress Goods Trade A We have the Largest Range of Goods in Town TORONTO JOBBING HOU Bed Wheat Wanted Bushels White Wheat Wanted Bushels Oats Wanted 20000 Bushels REMEMBER WE DO CHOPPING EVERY DAY DENNE OMERY is and for BUSINE And if Good Goods and Prices will bring it we will have a big hare of it usual You can buy Good Boots and Ladies or from us Cheaper then you can elsewhere You can buy a Good Spring Overcoat from us Cheaper elsewhere I You carl buy a Good Spring Suit from us Cheaper than elsewhere I You can buy Prettier Shirts and NeckTie from us than elsewhere You can buy a New Hat from us Cheaper than elsewhere We are the Sole Agents for Newmarket for THE BERLIN These Rubbers the best in Canada As in All Oilier Lines We Handle Nothing But the Best I fa At

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