Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 13, 1900, p. 4

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4 Best Advertising Medium York County osteal ID per lino for per 11 oreaoh subsequent OOHTROt I MO Inches luoboa 0 1 unaccompanied with ion Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly changed For ottcnyrtbiLu mouth the composition must paid for at regular rates for contract for tors Notices Found etc Banna to Rent Articles A will Inserted for where potters sro fur- wuitviVEvinpw or when to tills rule GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY DIVISION CO a s a a a p HO IP I PS flS 3 fe otot ft ho Coming Two or for West Huron writ from Ottawa Clinton Era observations respecting coming ballot which will probably used at Do minion elections Tho Dominion ballot fact that late Government paid a supporter for to use never prov ed a an a many more spoilt ballot turn up in anv contest than under old form If of ballot in continued in elections it is altogether probable the will go buck to old ballot to one but having two on it instead of jxr bzL After Doctors 100 100 John Jones James Smith US fc J Robertson Kotary Public o Sucet SOCoO to on Farm acourlty Barrister Solicitor for of King Honey to UrJ0K- Division Court Building Solicitor Conveyancer to carefully managed and promptly made tar Money to loan at lowest rates Malo Newmarket Iiennox St Conveyancers counterfoils will each same number and will lo laid upon table so that the candidates may nil fico what it Tins will ho dono when tho ballot is banded the voter mavked ballot is returned to the lie will remove other counterfoil and lay it on table to show that numbers cor respond and that ballot itsolf is no other than tho to voter a moment before Tins should an effectual bar against the sub stitution of ballots by parties who have received There would bo no way to trace the ballot when it wont into the box or interfere with it secrecy The cross may placed anywhere within space occupied by ilia name and the probability in that ballots will he printed on security papal that cannot duplicated If this is carried out it will apparently remove most if not alb of the evils arising from present Statistics or- Choppin South of Post flee Newmarket T Herbert Aurora wilt also be at Newmarket on and Court J Rosa Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora Fundi to at DON W Boalthee c Manning Arcade King St West Toronto Homey to Widdlfleld ster Reformer Block W Money to Loan PAINTING Toe leading House Painter and Hanger years experience in all branches or the Full of Of the latest dealgna In Wall Papers the Primary School Street Ac Dodo promptly neatly In order I am ftsaoctated with a Painter and Writer Orders can at Hardware at residence of Mr J head of West Newmarket Bolton Painter a Corner D Street for the Co of on Terms able Street Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Ordering annual of the In of and of Ontario has The table giving to during mid 1S99 all oyer the Province shows a decrease of during last year Toronto goal how ever had an increase of males and females in over 1898 During the year for crimen against the in all Ontario there were poreonn committed leas than previoua year For crimes against property were committed lesa than in 1898 For crimes against public morals and decency were committed in lops than the previoua year For crimes the public order and peace were committed in an increase of over For other miscellaneous causes were sent up 1899 an increase of over So that in up the total we find there were commit ted in and in shewing a small decrease of last year lit the table shewing the commit meats the cities pre sent the bulk of the cases eight up commitments during 1899 wfiile all the rest of the province only had Toronto sent up drunks in and 796 in 1899 an increase of Of the committals for all offence throughout the Province lost year were males and In regard to their social conditions were married and unmar ried With regard to habits are reported temperate and id- temperate and in regard to could read and write while could do neither Total amount expended on goals for maintenance which means rations clothing salaries wages and re fairs for the past year figures up showing a decrease of as compared with the previous year and a decrease of as compared with two ago Toronto pays double sala ries to its goal officials of any other locality Its goaler gets and there is only one other place Hamil ton where is paid all the Test run to Toronto pays a total for turnkeys of matrons and for goal sur geon showing pretty big pay for both doctor The average daily coat of keeping prisoners is givon at a day in Toronto Our County Council should boar this data in mind when making the next settlement He Buffered from Hip Joint and Friends Fear on He Would Be a Permanent In valid- From the St Journal A reporter of St Journal waiting not long ago heard of ono of those remarkable euros that have made Dr Williams Pink Pills famous as life a vera tho world over is that of ley sou of Mr Mia- who had suffered from hip joint disease and abscesses and who bad been tinder care of four doctors without beneficial results Mr Mis gave imttioulare of case as follows In the spring of my eon who was then in his thirteenth began to complain of an aching his hips and later ray attention was directed to a peculiar in gait the trouble gradually rew upon him I took to a in who exam ined and that trouble arose from a weakness of nerves of the hip treated ley for weeks during time a largo abscess formed on his leg and be was obliged to got about on ho continued to I resolved 10 try another doctor who diagnosed the ease as hip joint disease He treated Perley for six months The tad slightly improved at first but later was taken worse again He would sleep was continual ly in distress ho could neither ait nor recline with ease and was weak faint and confused During tbiatimo had broken and jws charging in three places but would not heal A third doctor advised a surgical operation which he objected to and a fourth medical man then took in hand confined to bed and giving medicine ho ordered a mechan ical appliance to was attaobed a lCpound weight to be in a position by a so as to constantly draw on the limb This treatment con waned weeks causing much pain but nothing in the way of was noticed The abscess waa and thrice a day for months and frequently deapite the aid of it was necessary for me to carry in ray arms from the house to the vehicle when taking him out in October of I decided other treatments having failed to try Dr Williams Pink Pills I told the doc tor of decision and he said that Dr Williams Pink Pills would likely be of benefit After using four boxes I could see some improve After continued the use of the pita for several with constat improvement and new vigor and after taking about 18 the nicely healed the enriches dispense with and he was able to work and could walk for miles attribute the good health which my son today to Wmiams Pink Pills ft mar r The Journal for April aitropg noil llluktrat A number of photo supplied by for A paper OTakeaipuefB will tlje next Now that old Tory thwarted the and diutpotatod the conmry by killing a Mr bill for the fttobad time the Government appeal to country or and ate lor power to the Senate Tidings Ok the same in tow vlelt a town or village munfoipallty and a flr alarm in order to the of the fire department so we are now told Celery Makes Sick PeopleWeil fa The Great of All Troubles Brought on by Careless Living DAINTY EASTER CONCEITS Convey The Weal remembrance la la harmony with Influences of the day and a multitude of gifts appropriate In every way for the the aeaaon and tbe Individual From the card the cub torn of exchanging at Beaton grown almost as widespread as Christmas giving The Easter displays In shops in connection bright floweri aprlog new goods and other temptations la the way of shoppers are made as much of In a way the fashions in the The and of Canada in are full of people who in a thoroughly nervous conditlonbrought on by lesa and living irritability and despondency help to make the cup of more tho to complete conduct an in army of men and tho force Ontario the The to Jost militia In or now election time Crown given to all reported for bribery In late provincial election trials there During Friday Wm against no less than fourteen persons end trial la fixed for the at Vorilv way of the Iraoefcreeeora fa proving more serious appear to Toe Toronto Daily tar having installed a fust with of an hoar bae been enlarged and greatly It is now regarded the leading afternoon paper In Ontario A great fea ture of The Star la Sam Hooters beet- by the way to he aeen in any in Canada Mr political are enjoyed by both aides on account of the they introduce The a Ik reply to Mr Daft In the Legislator last week the Provincial said binder twine was Central and it that tone would be available for of the year The price be and advertised on June I Already by to send their Every bo afforded to them direct All had to do to qnantily and it would be shipped receipt of he money A by Dr- Core The and spitting which catarrh through In the tog to throat of tbodroppiD marked of tbli distressing In the early the discharge te slight but It becomes so thick and that effort Is required to from the throat It Is ancoaroglng for the catarrh to know that bo relieved of this tress permanently cured of catarrh Dr Chase Catarrh Cure J tor It clears the choked heats the ulcers and quietly conquer thoroughly artistic last just a bit shabby now The dainty elegance of what is to be had this spring In anticipation of the Mr fay ahoivs the hold the festival has Ottawa was tb in imiof of catarrh for was so bad that doctors gave me up Tin- par A careful SSTS I I J about it I no pen enough to do Dr Pink m IwlieW jay son hoifeless invalid but for this Dr Williams Pink Pills by go ing to the root of the disease They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves- thus driving disease from the system If dealer does not keep them the will be iwnt paid at cents a box or six boxes for by the Dr Co Brock Oat occur to you when you are neglecting the work you are being paid to do that it is but one of the ways of stealing You will hear people publicly boasting of killing boss is out It is dishonest you might in Ms packet andabatraot the com as to beat htm out of work he is paying you to do It now looks as if the Senate will so Code as to give two Magistrates where prisoners to deal with cases of hp to the value instead of a a at present If this clause should become law we the members for North York and West to to It that provision be made for payment of magistrates discharg ing the duties they will relievo the and the consequent saved to the tax payer by the iHseeuioi At present all for over aiO most be to higher courts women should know that new health on blood regulated nerves sound sleep and perfect digestion These happy conditions come only by use of Celery Com pound if any thus far failed to got rid of diseases impure blood Kid ney and liver troubles end dyspepsia it is because they not used Compound past testimony clergymen lawyers physicians merchants and people of responsible who have been made welt by Celery Compound should induce every ailing man and women to carry homo a bot tle of natures lifegiver so that they may test it for their own satisfaction Do not allow any dealer to you a substitute Insist upon getting the kind that makes sick people well An debate is already on prayer book says that is the Sunday following the first full moon after March and that if the full moon is a Sunday then Easter is the Sunday following It happens this year that he moon first at- its full after oclock on Sunday morning April 15th con sequently it is contended that Easter can not be the loth but the of April However the full moon re ferred to in the prayer book is not the actual full moon but a fictitious and statutory full moon sometimes called the ecclesiastical full moon Some fictitious moon is necessary otherwise Easter might have to be kept on dif ferent Sundays in different parts of the world a flowir It represents si the sooth tit natures reawakening because tier most choice gift to earth He- hold the Illy Its glory The odorous and waxy white blossom has grown to be typical of the day and It la queen of Easter fragrance and charm If you know anything at all about If you do you are Just as sure to love them It amounts to apost- course In a floral education to atop at a florists window or walk through the shop All the bulbous plants are now In the height of their beauty The lilies nod their handsome heads in a most pat ronizing way over tulips jonquils azaleas narcissuses and the fragile lily of valley bushes gorgeous la their coloring are valued as all yellow blossoms are In the spring for decorative purposes The blooming marguerites and sug gest the of the churches where bo many of them will be used Easter Sunday The violets and the are sweeter than ever and no less attract Ive No more delightful Easter gift can be Imagined than a pot of grow ing lilies the earth around them ChaiVi Catarrh Cure brought about change I no longer have any and am The out my throat three times for Dr Chares Catarrh Cure cents a blower free at all dealers or Bates Co Toronto jj to the terms of a resolution presented to the British House of Com- looking to representation in the Imperial Parliament Hon Cham berlain Secretary very pertinent ly observed far the colonies have not made any definite suggestion with re spect to represents and would bo more fatal than a premature of details I do not think the time has to suggest to the colonies the form which Imperial Unity should take It absned that self- governing colonies like Canada would saoririoe independence- for the Bake vote in the flons of Com mons Everybody la Except who use Dr Chases Syrup or Linseed Turpentine It loosens tightness En the cheat stops the cough at- love the Inflammation heals the and promptly cures all sorts of coughs and colds bronchitis croup asthma and aore throat It Is found In of- She homes of this country cents a bottle Family site CO cents April The Prince and Princess of Wales started for Copenhagen this morning for the purpose of attending the celebration of King Christians birthday which occurs April When leaving the railway station at Brussels he shot at but not hurt The wouldbe assassin was arrested on the spot and the crowd cheered the Prince the train movud out MINIM mm will relieve any other Put up only In yard rolls sUows you to cut the any Every family ahould have one ready for emer gency a of Central Business TORONTO regular teochra pwrli Splendid no more for a coarse In a small echoot No vacations Work right through July and Write for Catalogae PRINCIPAL BO YEARS EXPERIENCE R Ve the do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Pills if after using fchreefourtbs of contents of do not relieve Constipation and Headache We warrant that four bottles will per manently cure the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Out J Y Druggist Oat Scotts Main St Normarket Out Toronto Star Jim Crow lamp of the leader of the in the following fashion la the whole history of Canada there is no flop on to Jhat which Charles Tapper bos in an die regard for has aald the present opened he has on his original policy that Can doee for he and all oyer the oouotryjjnissjipporters bays denied ha over a Either by denied it his own yet up ha rises In and repeats it all as if present smbo of Iatbere auy other country in jibe world in which a political leader ooold an eh a arid expect to top follow A BOON TO HORSEMEN ftumpa rBldod 4P Stifles Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat The use of one buy make you Warranted the oyer known Sold by Iiehman Canadian Gov ernment Immigration Agent has des patched ninety settlers and six car loads of stock and effects from Michi gan to Canada CHILDREN GO SLEIGH ING They return covered with enovr a of In hot water vIll pre vent 111 effects tboroa but one WO UNCERTAINTY about It cures your Quickly affections give way to it 25c of all druggists the proprietors of Per ry Health is a loan at call A fib is a lie painted in water col ors Wit without sease is like a razor without a handle Time is xnonsy and many people paythelr debts with it Benevolence is the cream on milk of human kindness TO CURE A TOW IN DAT Laxative Bromo All refund money If It dure RW Groves signature Is on each box Thb Found It as soon think of doing without without advertising John Nothing except the mint can make money without adver tising Gladstone When you pay rent for business houses than for you are pur suing a false policy If can do business let it be A mans home paper is worth more to him than any other because it him more facts and local besides always working for the best interests of the home community The skilled your condi tion by a glance at tongue if It Is and you have a bitter taete la your mouth In be your liver Is ana and prescribes Ma of Dr KidneyLiver iliejr cere stomach troubles find nil Iver pill a flQ5 a It COXCEITS den awny bunches of violets A pretty Jar filled with cut lilies ts an other or a box of violets a bunch of rosea or rosea mingled with white What could be sweeter and more suggestive of the feast Tbe flowers but thought inspired the sending does not nor tnat site sense of enjoyment which comes to the receiver flowers the regulation Easter Is most likely to take the shape of candy books cards and all the pretty trifles have grown so fashionable In late years The long fast from candy which the feminine world Is supposed to been keep ing all both in the Interests of piety and health makes It naturally a most welcome When It comes hidden awdy In the and artistic which are sup posed to be especially suggestive of the season then the gift is really a Joy If forever at least for a good long time ThreeHfourtbs of all the novel ties are either chicken or egg shape this suggestion somewhere lb their make op- As en Easter emblem the egg is far abend of anything else Why IV Is BO may be partly explained by the fact that the Lenten fast of the early church did not permit the use of eggs any more than meat At any rate the egg the field and nothing disturbs It There are eggs cf j silver china glass and every other material as well Some the china and slaver ones are superbly tfehiifed l pat to many uses as a box Many of the large one have music boxes bidden silver eggs adorned with a wishbone or with faf Cupids astride of them are other forms Some of the newest are made of straw lace braid bo trimmed dp the satin bag lining and the ribbon rosettes that If It was not for the little chick perched In one corner the whole affair might be taken for a new spring A pretty doll dressed In a gown and a much bonnet on her yel low curls ass tic led under her vo luminous petticoats a receptacle for candy When ft right down to conceits you have ndnilre tin from them ted otttwypi iut ire for Mttnn4 Co In tba in iiiUabM weekly of UT si Sold New A young son of Mr was at on Friday- A party have gone from Northwest to California give a reason going tliat they want a warmer climate and say the whole lot will get in the course of two or yens ABOUT Nerve ever introduced in has so many words of torn sufferers all over try as these thoroughly effective pills they positively cure all eases brought on by as heart trouble dyspepsia etc Because they induce sound healthy sleep and restore VIM VIGOUR and VITALITY to the body ALSO Because their use enables the system to successfully resist attacks of colds and the inseparable vix lung and kidney troubles a of especial at this of year Sola J a J

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