Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 13, 1900, p. 2

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rT NEWMARKET ft a Wall A Co Now Spring Drug ft Lehman Easter Co Now Wu Starr A Atkinson Careful J Robertson Coin Hinder B Land to Kent Urns Card of MoDougatl Metropolitan By Co Toronto to Each Way8 TIME TABLE Leave North Toronto Leave Newmarket am 9 am pm to pm pm pm pm IS am 15 am pm pm pm pm 30 pm Return Pare way 120 Iw NX UP I OUT BRIGHTER WITH tainted oil FRIDAY 1900 NOTES The of Commons Ottawa fixed upon Monday April for the Mr Flints resolution prohibition by Provinces The will probably develop the temper of while the vote thereon will enable country to ascertain upon which side of prohibition movement now stand Minister of Education slioatd arid to his bill to Amend School Act at end of clause a retiring to words the approval of a majority of the qualified electors on a ballot vote If a person bad been in a carpenter shop or a counter at a given he would not obtain a allowance and why should he expect it after following tho occupation of a school teacher It is Ontario will adjourn for Banter holidays this Jny evening and stand adjourned til Tuesday next week This will afford privilege to moat to Raster Monday Society Column At Conservative Convention South pa Saturday last Mr 1 of Winona was chosen victim for political slaughter at next Domin ion Mr Bain will carry without any trouble Dr Won- taxu appeared at convention with view of arousing aomo sort of vitality aiuontt but climbing up a hi I Notice has been given by Ontario liberies Department to oversoors alt over the Province that they can permit spearioK of during run It appears the Depart ment has been that do a great dual of harm to the spawn of other Huh ana have concluded that by allowing to bo speared will tho and tboroby lesson value of flshcries to Ontario or is at Of this sum the trout tak en was valued at 5747000 at at and at largest was taken from Georgian Bay at the debate on the Redistribution to the lion Mr Boon vt titato presented a few facts and figures emphasize the iniquities re- of the mftbttcr bit bill of Hon Mr was do signed to Ho out that as a result of tho yorry- of a In the Commom represented a conservative member only representee ifiifi after in a liberal represented 403B electors and a To thin inequality in representation Was design of bill carried the Commons twice by Govern ment a has twice been burked by an Tory OarToFonto bullfrog industry is not an out- rowtb of but according to report of Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries is nevertheless an industry rap idly expanding to considerable dimensions a growing demand having sprung up for this delicacy in American market Mr Deputy telle us tbat a consid erable number of people in Ontario have view the establishing of Pre- serves along the Holland will now be in demand and bought at nominal prices will soon have a tangible value A order issued at Ottawa on Sat urday gives the separate allowances by the Government to families of non commissioned officers men on contingent These are payable from the of embarkation in Canada They are Without quarters wrgf ants wife cents a day corporals cents privates cents cents under 10 With quarters ser- wife a day cents 12 cents under cents daughter under IB cent A has reached the Bureau Mines at the Parliament building Toron to of an important discovery of a quality of or of one mile east of in The was fonnd by Mr T Harrison of a prospector and sine tho mine to Mr A A New York Two hundred tons of the ore have already with factory and the deposit is re ported by experts to be almost unlimited Tela is an important artiols of commerce and is used in the manufacture of paper cosmetics and crayons and also as a lubri cant Effort being made to make Inii8tiial unusually attractive Manager Hill in to take in Exposition to enable him to pick up pointers ami novelties As the date of next Horse Show hero approaches widening in terest manifests itself- The show opens on the entries closed yes terday The Metropolitan Moth Church celebrated its last Sabbath- Hew Morgan Wood preach- in the mom tug and Rev Johnston in the evening The beautiful v rather last Sunday induced quite a crowd of people to visit Monro Park Last Sabbath being Palm Sunday all the Catholic churches in city celebrated tho anniversary of triumphal entry into Jeru salem A public square in front of new court house is the latest scheme for another pull on the peoples pock ets Mayor has soot a very undignified protest to the Government for not changing the date set by Judge for the execution of Williams because it falls on Good Friday This will be tho first time thieves and murderers wore executed on Friday according to old story book A committee of waited on the Government this week and to have the compulsory clause of children vaccination a permissive one- Toronto honored this year by having Lieut Col appoint commandant of the team which satis for England on June Major McKay of the battalion Montreal has been selected as adju tant The case against George Ellis of Whitchurch of receiving shoes shirts ties braces tobacco tea socks and so on stolen from Robert Hill of was sent over till the May sittings McNeil is charged in conjunction with Ellin Also Turand and Bell for bigamy By bis opposition to the Bill granting concession to the Spanish Palp Co Mr the leader of the Opposition placed himself In a position where he could be fairly charged with impeding the development of this Province order to fceenre capital The pulp lands of New Ontario are worthless are established for the manufacture of this article The only way the of Ontario can be made valuable to the poo- pis is by converting the raw into finished articles which this Co proposes to do Mr Whitney appears to forget that every thousand persons employed in suoh an Industry as to be established on Spanish provides work for two or three in old Ontario J relating to this agreement should be supported by the en tire House flis desire and of the Government to aid in the development of the Province should be greater ban bis desire to catch a few votes on the question- It Whitney cannot defeat the Government by oilier means ho is- not likely to do so by placing obstacle in the way in lb eudVivor vision the resourced of New Ontario yotMta PLEASANTLY Mr J of Toronto spout over Sunday at lhel5oicry Miss Ollvo of Toronto bet Sunday Mrs gave a thimble party last sitter of A is visiting in Miss Hannah of Toronto was of over Sunday Mayor Cane and Ir At Home with last Friday night Mr and Mrs Oliver At Homo with on Mrs Cody fiun School Wednesday Mr and of Kenwfctc with Mr and Mrs J Bailiff aud Mrs At Home on Tuesday evening with friends Mousra Jobi J l the political meeting at Bradford last Friday of College Whitby home on Wednesday to spend holidays Mr Herbert Wilson of Barrio is ex pected homo over Sunday also Mr Arthur Wilson of Toronto Harford who wont to Halifax for duty baa written homo that he has Borne Idea of going to India Mr of Sim who was guest of Mr Kelly fa town last week gave Baa a fraternal Mr J and family of Good wood wore hero yesterday attending the of the formers daughter Mrs Mr Phillips was in Town on Wednesday for the first time for about two months potting over another attack of Messrs J of Toronto and A of woro in Town this week attending the funeral of tholr sister Mrs Mrs Leonard of spent a week with her sister Mrs- Dennis and on Tuesday to visit daughter Mrs Br Irwin Weston Mr A Coombs accept ed an to last Friday night and an addrie the League of that piece Mr Jos of write Wo could not think of doing without thoEBA Times are a little quirt just now but hope they will soon bo better Messrs Joseph and Walter of also Mr George of Graven- hurst and hie aister Mrs of the samo place are here to attend the funeral of mother in Sharon celebrated her birthday last Saturday evening by a fami ly gathering at the Bowery is the child was on married on and had children Mr McMillan writes from Leal North Dakota There are a lot of Canadian people settled this part and all seam to be quite satisfied with their prospect We have wintered well in fact it had tbo most pleasant win ter we ever We havent had of meeting a blizzard yet The weather has bean unusually warm for a few daya and should It continue will surely have bran new mosquitoes for Easter Farmers are very busy now with their seeding The coldest weather we had all winter was below zero I might al so add that we enjoy the Baldwin by the Owl We are always pleased to notice New market boys taking prominent In public affairs By a copy of a paper from Ohio Mr Byron Oliver has been winning encomiums of praise in the most Hue a company of from the Musical University In which he is Profes sor He made a weeks tour among the surrounding towns giving a concert at place were attended with magnificent The local papers are full of praise to the aggregation One of themeaya Prof Oliver a most ex cellent and cultured gentleman and has every reason to be proud of his which gave every evidence of fine and training and won for him aud bis department in University the support of the Presbyterian people in city who were truly proud of their University horses on trip was made in days from Halifax boating nil former Two Canadians at Bloom- with mild of fever To Editor of Permit me to reply to an enquiry In your the bet addressed to the of York County regard to letting of for of bread for tho My only for so doing is Inalniiated charge of unfairness Is aimed at besides authority re tooiont mean of the Mr or my self or the Inspect or filr or Keeper Mr Kava nagli With regard to time of I was not aware any injustice could bo by one after other provided they were tit seal ed envelopes and opened at asms time It has never the custom to refueo a tender because It happened to bo a In fact the tenders usually with samples on the day Commis sioners meet Such was tho this year samples of grocerlos and dry goods with priced sent to Homo on day of our meeting In to does not that any in- formation was received tbe figures tender although think ho intended it to bo understood For bis and for those Interested in fair ness I may that no information was given from Home to any one In re- ferenoo to the I opened them and we awarded the to the one who would supply bread at lowest figure I know either of the men consequently I have no preference I only know tbat tbe bread supplied is of excellent quality J AaAaAfeArVAatsAiAiiti I J ilia A department at Pittsburg was burned entailing a logs of Doctors Consolation Told Mr He was a Dying Man but American Nervine Cured When Hope was Abandon ed Mr J Hill a well known man in suffered for years from liver trouble dyspepsia and nervous weakness He saya he tried neatly every remedy in the mark et which claimed to moot his case without success He was told by a physician that he was a dying man He began taking South American Nor vine and found almost immediate re lief from its use Ho continued using it and today says ho would stake bis life on great remedy as a cure for all like- to Bold by Lehman Bent leys Newmarket Wat Bloeralontein April The Canadians returned on Friday from the second demonstration eastward They started on Wednesday on an hours notice and marched to Farm twelve miles to south east On Thursday the whole division advanced on a strong position but trace of enemy and accordingly returned The War Office purposes to laud at Cape Town before the end of May horses which will bo there in sailing from New Or leans j Buenos and Australian ports correspondents send dia ries of the doings there showing that Boers have tried by abandoning their trenches to lure the besieged out into a mined Fortunately the British engineers discovered mine and out wire communication and pounds of and war gelatine Horse reached Cape Town on Tuesday well but Samuel Hooey a Grand Trunk was crushed and mortally injured between the cars at Sole Register Saturday April Mr will have an important sale of Farm Stock Implements eto- on lot con Gwillltribory near Newmar ket Cheese Factory Terms six months credit on sums over ex cept for fat cattle or per cent off for ce Bale sharp April A of farm Btook implements to will take place at the Royal Hotel Yard at one Terms a on over W Mew Felt Hats We are showing a bigger range of Spring Hats than ever before and would you to see them These few prices are a I index to the stock- Mens Fur Felt Stiff Hats the very latest shape in Black Brown and Fawn sold usually at our price 2 00 Mens New Shape Fedora Soft Hats a good quality at Mens Fine Fur Felt Soft Fedora in New Shades at 1 50 Our Special Soft FeltHatsis big value at the price 00 A for Easter The best dressed man in this vicinity can find a suit here to please and the price not much more than hall what you would pay a tailor Good All Wool Tweed Suits price Very Dressy Tweed Suits at Mens Fine Black Serge Suits a great bargain at 00 Six splendid patterns in 1000 Suits the best goods for the money we have ever seen New Black Goods Black cant Leading Furniture AMD Undertaking House Embalming a J MILLARD Tomb At Orillia on April Edgar J eldest son of the late J aged 23 end Interred at Newmarket Cemetery last Friday AS Aurora April Mrs aged At the residence law Mr the Hamilton aged Town on the inet wife Mr Louie Huron Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Thursday afternoon Id Town on Friday April infant daughter of Mr and Mrs of At Belle April 2nd to Mr and a son In on the George in his year on the father of Mr In hie year At Aurora on the in6t Mary Ann of Mr P Woo tea this town aged years At the residence of her daughter Sharon on the of April widow of William aged 80 and months gar Funeral from the residence at one oclock on Friday April 13th at Cemetery April 12 lied OP a White per buahcl a 0 Goose Wheat per a Barley per bushel i a Oats per bushel a Peas per a Oct per bushel Oil a a A OH a Butter roll per lb a lfl Potatoes per bag a Us SCO a a Id ff a OS a CO w licet hind ore a a per pair a per pair a lb Soul per a Seed per a 1 3S Clover per bushel a We have more than doubled our Dress Goods trade this season You afford to miss seeing the stock Fine Black All Wool Cashmere in wide Heavy Skirting Serge 40 ins wide f Handsome Blister Goods regular 1 our price Black Figured Gold Medal Goods every yard warranted special 40 inch Lustres plain or figured at Shoes for Easter Ladies Low Shoes self or bright tip special o Ladies Button Kid Boots 00 Kings special Button or Lace Boots a bargain at See the King quality the new leader the best shoe in Canada at the price Mens Fine Dongola Kid Lace Boots Mens best Box Calf Lace Boots no L JD boot at 3 as good our price Dont forget our Wall Paper Stock It is the most com plete You will find every kind of Paper here from nice patterns at 3c per roll up to fine American Paper at per roll and a tremendous range of patterns and then you know our prices are much lower than you would expect to pay MADDOCK tarrs Grocery and Good Friday and Easter Delicacies You will find Store Uptodate with Nice Lettuce Nice Green Onions Nice Fresh Radishes New and Luscious Pineapples We have studied the wants of our Customers by gathering in all these dainties We have in Stock Oranges These we bought when the raarket was away down We believe in protecting our Customers The prices from to doz Our Grocery Department Vie fire Proud Of You will find here a good assortment of all kinds of- delicacies such as Shrimp Anchovy Paste Crosse Black wells Pickles and Picked Walnuts Grape Nut Wheat Biscuit Canned Pineapples Peaches Pears and Strawberries Cranberry Jelly etc have added this year Turnip and Mangel Seeds different of each a About Oaf Since the 1st of February we have made a Big Increase in the of our Bread Our Town Trade Gaining over And we are Gaining Now Customers Almost Daily thus Showing the Popularity of Our Bread Our Cakes and Pastry have no equal The Best Hot Suns Leave Your Order With Us and we will deliver them to you early for breakfast Central Telephone- STARR LICENSE OFTHB North Riding of York r f Is hereby given That the Annual Meeting of the of CouiGiteiGa- ejsof the above will be held at the Inspectors Office In village April Slot at the hour of for the purpose of applications and for the year AH deposit be fa tbe hands of the Inspector on or before tbe above date A Inspectors Office rthaxon April 3rd 1900 The have for In the above District for the yew CQinmencing May Tavern J Harris John Sutton J Robert Trent Francis Agnes Jan TavernPatrick Youog Tavern John Rosamond J A McDonald Wine Kaake Tavern Rcer Win- Crittenden SUTTON WEST Tavern Sturtrldrf- Eharpe Wine six months McDonald HOLLAND Miller J iriln Tavern Margaret Pvane John Han Flanagan Jos Doyle new tenant but previously licensed fibop Frank Stewart Tavern Richard Wei Geo Lemon A bylaw to guarantee the de bentures of George Furniture Company to the extent of was carried at Stratford of Brentwood was shot and mortally wounded by her daughter who picked up a revolver from the kitchen and playfully pointed it at her mother The Woodcock In Albert on day March to Mr and J Woodcock a daughter fit a Main at nor Komakot Markets Flour per barrel W Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per a TO Buckwheat a Old Barley per bushel i All Orders receive Careful and Prompt A tteotlon Shorts per too I Oats per bushel Bmhel Butter roll per lb Potatoes per Apples per SiO Wool per lb- Ray per ton SCO K Beef per Qceepor lb Chickens per per pair to Turkeys lb Rrnnpito CO IT OiS a a a a a a a a WOO a a Shop Any petitions against granting of appllc filed with tho Li cense to applicant or premises he filed with tho four days the day for Board All per sons concerned will govern Privacy for the Telephone THE BELL TELEPHONE CO otters for wile at Sound Proof Cabinets and be lift Suggests Licensee for current year Shop Applications or The Lcil full 111 to ive A

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