Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 13, 1900, p. 1

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a- The gives more home new every week than any nher papers in North York combine and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper J NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER XL No Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday April J Tutus per annum I 100 if paid in advance nets Easter All Over The World harder age la all UAH Willi of Said by HARDWARE PAINTS OILS GLASS ETC wanted I have out them with long stains though it took all the buds too Wont they do Mercy no child Wo dont want anything but white flowers some answered impatiently young girl gave a swift glance around church then up into the sympathetic faces about her With a of disappointment and woundefl pride turn d and fling ing the flowers upon the pavement at the foot of the steps ran quickly home vainly trying to choke the tears that would come The Superintendent and Miss were still in pntry when Mar garct came back abort y after Will those Jo asked bub up a bunch of exquisite lilies of the valley lovely Miss Wilson cried Why didnt you bring these I thought to decorate the others would be boat I did not understand you never told me flowers must bo white until after had brought the t others These are A Try our Coal Oils INNS Our Bread Trade Has iwelve per cot in the lat Why not on you We now cull on over and in Newmarket atool variety Tan Shells Rolls Angle Spice Drop Snow Drops Scotch Short 164 Fried Fruit Cake also Bun Scone end To Wine and Ten Cakes each day P JACK Opposite Pip her House ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74 year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy In all affections of the THROAT or LUNGS Large Bottle DAVIS XAWRENCE CO LAO in rusty black a slender little fig ure entered Sunday School room a Grace Church and slipped into the nearest vacant seat which chanc ed to he in yew occupied by Miss WiUonVt class of iris These are all daintily- op paroled looked a- stance at the new corner and Miss Wilson herself glanced up in surprise Are you a new scholar she asked Yes want to be a the child answered timidly Did the superintendent assign you to this class Wilson question ed No maam I sat here because there was a and this was a girls class Well said Miss Wilson alter the son will ace the superintend ent Perhaps this class would not be lhr best one fr you Give me your name please Margaret Worth was the reply After carefully writing the now name in her notebook Miss Wilson gave the girl an open Bible and proceeded with the reading of the chapter At the of the lessons the Su perintendent came before the school and made a few remarks concerning the coming Sunday which would be We would like he said in con cluding to have as many lowers as possible with which to decorate the church What more fitting emblems are there than flowers for this Easter day which we Christians hold sacred as the Resurrection Day our Sav iour He is called the Rose of Shar on and Lily of the Valley The beauty of the flowers is typical of the beauty and purity of his life Silently their fragrance perfumes the air and lingers around them when they are faded So the blessed influence of his quiet lovely life pervaded the world about him and lingers with us he ascended into heaven centuries and looked lovingly down upon ago dainty blossoms my young friends bring Toronto better Last week Dr Carman General of the Methodist Church ac companied by his son Mr Frank Car man left for Europe where the for will attend as a fraternal to the conference of England Ireland and Scotland Be fore returning both father and son will probably visit the continent and the Land The Properly Commit too of the City Council last week recommend ed that Mr Formers offer paint a portrait of Win Mackenzie first Mayor of Toronto and hero of the rebellion for be ac cepted and thin in Tory Toronto On the anniversary of the battle of May the Column Association will have de monstration in this city municipal legislation By an amendment proposed- to the Act by Town and City Councils arc authorized to pass bylaws relating and licensing persona firms companies and exercising the calling or gaged in the business of selling or any wise disposing of Trading or Coupons or dealing in gilt schemes Towns jaws withdrawing farm lands from Town or Village corporations and an nexing the same to adjoining municipal At present the lands arc only assessed as other farm land but meanwhile are growing in value as the or Village progresses After a time said lands are placed in the market as park and building lots the owner is enabled to realize from 1 JO times their worth as farm landy but by the adoption of this ardend- art completed for caution of Henry Williams it the jai yard tomorrow ones I have and they- she stooped tA may fix license as high as rac t The principle of allowing gift schemes l increment there to promote trade is more or vis hyaecrueing and hard to defend bill by Mr Tucker For the better of sheep lurns Act will be a Mr Carpenter has a bill which is now before the Municipal Committee in- by creasing the iax on dogs There was quite a sharp discussion over bill before it passed to the committee Trusting A bill to amend the Municipal Light and Heat Act has been introduced by Dr an old Newmarket boy He proposes allowing pal councils where the corporation owns the plant for generating electric or other power to allow them to rent the same The member for North York will confer a lasting favor on people of this corporation if he will see that the legislation ratifying any agreement with Newmarket and the Electric Railway docs not give the company power to rent electric energy for more than ten years without pro viding for consideration to corporation Mr Holmes bill to amend the Mu nicipal Act in regard to apportioning school moneys gives power to appor tion by bylaw among the public school sections in tbe township the principal or interest of any investment held by the corporation for public school purposes according to the sala ries paidto the teachers engaged by respective school sections during the registered fetter instead of personal service It is with some surprise notice Legislation Committee of ik Co Council one day last week dead d to oppose Mr J Hills bill mi be fore the Legislature giving minor mu nicipalities the right to regulate street railway franchises within their own boundaries Well well What next Why should the Legislation Committee take upon themselves to interfere with the street franchise of a local municipality Failing to suc cessfully manage the York Heads the County abandoned Yonge St to the local councils why should they now interpose objections to their obtaining powers naturally to them What prompts this action in regard to the County men have never received a mandate from the people The Ontario Government has intro duced a measure to amend the present election law It is very in character and goes further than the bill proposed by the leader of the Op position in its penalty provi- Easter Triple Pledge To be presented in all North York Sabbath Schools for the first time Sunday tin- past year or according to the- average attendance of pupils at each school Infcrf m section doting the same period or lb hill a cording to the assessed value of whole penalties property in the section or by an f division among the several sections and The has been sent to he House re to JH evidence ihtinsfel- the bill provides that who answer truly are to Accumulated Funds about J Annual Revenue over i Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices issued for The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 and I a share of tho profits GEO MHUNT District Inspector J A Agent New Spring Goods have arrived and on collection of for I lit coming season Cannot be Surpassed for extensive variety attrac tive designs and general com pleteness The latest styles of fashionable of ex ceptionable value and wearing durability Fancy and Fancy Trouserings are included Call and examine and make your selection Clover Timothy and all kinds of Field Seeds FRIDAY APRIL I3TH Hungarian and Ontario Fam ily and Pastry Flour COAL WOOD W J WILLSON Cor Huron tlfi Smith Bros Gallery bo all on SludiO us flowers to twine about his altar on Master Day I can bring some said Margaret eagerly Would they care for lilies indeed lilies are just what we want You may bring what you can Miss Wilson replied a little pat Then she spoke to the Superintend ent in regard to the new scholar who was given a place in the Sunday school I didnt think my would suit her at all she said after Margaret had passed out of her hearing My ffirls are of such a nice set and dress so well it would be to her But the child did not hear this re mark and was thinking very little of others she was thinking how glad she was to be able to do something for the Saviour if it was only to give flowers to beautify His house Her father who was now dead had been a florist and her mother still kept up the little garden so Margaret knew something of tbe value of plants though their customers were mostly of the plainer people who were fond of all flowers whether they were rare or common and knew little of the fit ness of certain blossoms for certain occasions Easter morniug dawned bright and beautiful as Easter mornings usually do in California Church was a bower of beauty Its tall columns were wreathed with and ivy while great bunches of roses and lilies were banked about the altar Margaret Worth gazed in wonder she had never seen anything so beauti ful I couldnt bring my offering yes terday she said because mother was sick but I hope it wont be too late to use what I brought this morning I came as early as I could Superintendent with several of the and scholars stood in tbo vestibule when the child held out her flowers to Miss Wilson Oh I exclaimed that lady we do not want those for Easter I Tiger lilies The ideal cried one of the girls as she gazed sghast at the great armful of tawney spotted lilies Margaret looked from one to an other pleadingly I I thought you And they said the kindly for he felt -Ik- hud hesitated to complete her sentence She looked up gratefully for the kindness of his tone encouraged her liming last by his hand caught in themachiu- cation will not be lie will he off work for a time Kendall used to play in the They are tMe first to bloom and Aurora before the Wilkinson bad thought to put them on my Work wens removed from that Town father s grave he so But A Women I know he would be glad to ha roe the bring for an Easter offering ii i Mr J Kendall foreman in the Wilkinson Plow Works met with by Mr To rim last pr and relate to I moo School He propose once every Another hill dealing with the school Tuck Miss Wilson left a kiss on the girls to as she took the flowers of the the See she said w lovely thev look in the slender white vase part schools The ladies city schools The got the and UsUB consideration passing Town the she J open on the crimson covering of the ordinal winter weather the open Bible J new consume There were tear in the 0H Ja eyes when he spoke to Miss Wilson a few minutes later and go of the country have no down the steps he gathered the purees of money and rejected tiger ilies from the pavement valuables which daily disappear from and laid them in a glowing mass atlPP the crowded streets and the foot of the altar And the thought stores of Cecity Almost daily re- was in his heart that these discarded ports of losses reach the police flowers were like some humbly lying at the feet of the Master THE POPULAR BOOK Hundreds of Thousands in Canadian Homes Reduction in OF Dr Anews Catarrhal Powder The price of Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder has been reduced by the manu facturer from sixty cents to fifty cents fper bottle This remedy which has been recommended as other one in existence by members of Parliament ministers and educational men can now be had of any druggist at cts a bottle It relieves in ten minutes headache and all pain caused by colds Mat and Rug making in the home catarrh It is delightful to use It is attracting the attention of ladies all completely Sold by over tho Dominion I Lehman The manufacturers of ihe celebrated Diamond Dyes are now prepared to meet the popular demand for novel and pretty designs in Mats and Bugs and have prepared an illustrative booklet showing In colors the styles they have for sale Full information is given in book Bent free to any address by Wells Richardson Co Mountain Montreal lions three years the Inspector and Assess ore of the municipalities out of which the union is formed after the assess ment is made and before the first of July shall meet and determine what proportion shall be levied on the re spective municipalities out of which said union is formed to cover the sum tiflcate indemnifying prosecutions for corrupt practice but if they testimony they shall be liable to perjury This bill will be a terror to evildoers at lection time- and its provisions against ballot stuff ing etc by returning officers arc very severe We apprehend there is no special yearning for the enactment of Mr enquired annually by tbe trustees for providing for proportional school purposes at municipal councils There is not enough in it for all the trouble to the appointment involved change A bill relating of Police Magistrates for Towns has- been introduced by Mr Fox proposes that the salaries of Police Magistrates in Towns mav J SlS l be fixed by the Councils thereof Thfs Wm to amendments will solve the difficulty between the for the M fii rt i election of Mayor- Reeves ani salary now fixed by statute and J for terms of Beware of using tho personal pro noun I too freely in your talk when you are talking in a room full of Egotists arc often amusing and j entertaining but as often they iO very much out of order April Journal The boiler of a French torpedo boat exploded near Cherbourg and five of the crow were terribly burned One died and another unable to bear agony jumppd into the sea and was owned Unfortunately the news of the discovery of the South Magnetic pole is not accompanied by a description of that longsought object nor is it said what scientists intend to do with it now that they have their clutches up on it The Cataract Power Company has reduced the rates for the electric light ing of residences in Hamilton to one- half cent per hour the no salary question If the bill becomes law a number of Towns not enjoying the luxury of a Police Magis trate will be able to make such ar rangements as to have appointments made But Mr Fox should carry his bill allow Towns all fines arising from the operations of a police court as the saving to the whole coun try would fully justify such a provi sion In dealing with Mr Pardees Bonus bill the House Committee reached the conclusion that a bonus bylaw must have the assent of two- thirds of all the ratepayers entitled to vote or as an alternative that it must receive the sti port of two thirds of those entitled to vote as well as a majority of those actually voting In which case it is carried if not more than onefifth of those entitled to vote oppose it No bylaw shall be passed to an industry when a similar industry already exists in the municipality or to the removal of an industry from another municipality Bonushunters will now have a harder time of it The member for South Wellington has introduced a bill giving the head of the Council in addition to voting with other members a second or cast ing vote in case of a tie and gives mu nicipalities power to pass bylaws to prevent the production or immoral or indecent plays or shows The member for East York has of fered a bill which if passed will authorize County Councils to pass one were by very decid ed majorities The opinion of the committee was that tho public did not desire the change and that Ihe an nual meeting afforded that counter balanced any consequent in convenience or expense We believe voiced the wish of the people generally by not sanctioning the change proposed The public at Point Edward was destroyed by fire The Grimsby Park Company reported to be in financial Over in Iowa John Carson cut hi leg while chopping and out fell a bullet that he has carried around since and which doctors could not locate The of Pro ways Mr A Campbell that he has received an intimation that the Council of Pickering Town ship has decided to abolish statute labor in that municipality Whales live to a great age and they sometimes found to be from to years old Their age ascertained by size and number of the layers of the whalebone which in crease every year A train was wrecked near Postal Clerk had to bo chopped out with on wlnlo car was on The math were all burned hut no was seriously injured

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