Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 23, 1900, p. 7

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J iT THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH CHINA M A L L ii reviewing the year vs wo a very over Out trade is not bullion lines of Price nnd trying to ho public Iwliovo wo can buy so much closer than a titer live men and lliut nil linos sold equally cheap Our motto is now and always hasbeen the AND A Profit TJiis vein we want to do bettor Our customers can always getting full value for their money Our Spring Shoes will soon be coming to hand The and Quality are the we had especially the most uptodate ladys Kino Shoo over shown in and Glassware No 1 Fall Caught Trout at Close Figures in Kegs or half Keg lota The Loading Grocer Telephone 3 a By buying your Early at Tailor Shop A full stock of Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice- Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS and License WHAT IS OH TOWN Club Dr not evening at Heading be- fine at of In Hates to South People desirous of with members tho flouts now hi South Africa will bo interested in following summary relating to to details before us on matter In tended for Canadian contingent as follow a cents per postcards cents each newspapers hooks printed matter cent per ounces I pound j pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds 10 pounds 288 no of a pound limit of weight la pounds parcels not contain specie bullion gold dost tobacco stalks essences of tobac co tea or chlokory A declaration form which can be obtained from very must bo to each parcel giving of contents not weight and value with signature sender long ana tho short of it was in around Town last Saturday in the two uniform Friends Heading Oirolo next Monday night at Mr residence Last Saturday was a cold day for People generally more ready to welcome the advent of weath er has not been unusually severe but way cold bangs on is rather trying on constitution Sunday Review Day in flab- bath getting car day Jaat week Mr Jack his thumb nail against something and neatly it off Windy March up its record had corporation lodgings on Tuesday night lost a of keys while street lamps on Wednesday Finder will greatly oblige by returning them to WaterWorks Now lettuce green onions and wore on sale at Starrs yea to first season The elcctrio now p Inspector see that wherever there is the it should be cleaned off the first warm day Mr Burke had his thumb hurt a machine at on Monday The harvest not finished yet on Fairy Lake will soon be over for this sea son Musical meeting at the Barracks last Wednesday M Another trouble was this allowed Americans to buy a minors license and prospect Took their money about 26 dollars apiece for their title to a claim Then passad a lew that none but British subjects can stake and hold it claim took away the claims from but not refund them their money They con sider this robbery and dont thorn much finest lot of Indians that I ever Haw The men as well or even batter than the ordin ary white man and the get on their Sunday and come out to church would knock your out Silk and every thing to match I have seen wear capes that an Eastern lady would be proud to wear There was an Indian wedding in the A Bar racks yesterday bad a buck Even orange blossoms were displayed Annual Meeting for if will bo held on too of lit fl be In ihc in A si for J lb JO lbs The Klondike SHAKOS BOY the kindness of Mr of Sharon we aro permitted to take the following from a letter this week from hie son Bert dated March The banana trees are not in bloom yet at the but the crop of ice and snowballs is enough to all local demands There is considerable traffic between hero and Dawson now When we go out we expect to pull the largest passenger train that ever passed over the W P Yesterday I had a of going to Cape Nome as engineer on a steam dredge Was offered per day from time of signing till ray return and all expenses paid But it is not enough I Gape Nome will be one of the toughest mining camps known for many years An American told me yesterday that if it were in British territory a mans life would be as safe there as anywhere but being in American ter ritory there will be no law except the revolver and the Dawson city as a law abiding camp has been a rev elation to Americans There is no citizen in world as well as the British citizen Perhaps you remember hearing of Smith who was shot by here Smith was a desperate outlaw His is not cabin Dogs are at about the same that horses sell for down there It wonderful to see they work and endure hardship Many people Here are of Jon governing too the line could very to the of A man has to pay a to mine and prospect to run a restaurant or in fact no matter what a man goes into although it may the country he pay a license tried to make a man in Alhn take out liceuse lu cut ice in lake just wanted a few for bis It has caused many Americana agaittdt HORSE or Kit Which Will tin Swollen When Horse gut kit they will have the out- tit a tniop ever It wan when It Imowii that Lord was to a troop that troop would wot want for anything that money would not be an Expectations An if troop- era or soldiers of any kind for that matter ever went to the front with as complete or a kit It really to talk about kit is so extensive it is to vhcro to begin to It- i nil man will have woolln overj shirts two and two pair three pair of socks Mention iniiit not be forgotten of two woollen waistbands cholera protectors the outer clothing There will he an I Two nvrge fitiifs Two khaki sails One heavy military overcoat waterproof coat One cavalry hat Two pair boots One of the suits is for mourn ed dress the other for foot jtiirade When mount will wear hoots the for the uniform ore made short to uU when Walking lh men will wear hoots of heavy and puttees The riding hoots the way of splendid Thiy r made of is kin inn colored ainl are soft They are mtui with These horns were inndn for the The hoots are of very lieavy sen Iciitber The khaki One will he used for that is mount work round vamp The tunics serge and khaki ore made double hacked so as to allow for he wear of the or cartridge belt When the ma terial Wears ft fresh outer hack can be sewed on For both suits there will be brown leather belts The serge suits of course are rifle green SELLING citr Have of natter learned more about than J Old about iter White after national dairy convention Chi cago People In Chicago forgot ten the of butter have fed on so long that they dont know the difference There are federal license to Hell In mid there Is store after store where they sell nothing but creamery butter according to the nothing but It Is put Up In like two dozen forms In maybe a dozen grades and labeled Elgin Cream- cry but am glad didnt any illnnosota Some of It as at cents maybe the grade la Hold but ter for as high aw The department mores are honest They on Its merits One handles pounds a mouth of Hut only one restaurant where I ate any rent butler served Isnt the whole of it The agents go around with mixed as half with pure but ter best grade And that they eay and ever no much better than butler And people who know butter only the they have have to admit It If that laut a case of double cross I saw one What with buying that he thinks Is butter and getting samples of butter that he think how a Chicago man to know any better They are Just beginning to do bet ter They have a pure food and dairy law In IDIiioIh for the first time be lieve this year the first who resigned for some reason just been succeeded by a new man will be all right the department gets going They have tried to correct the abuse on the simple basis of false represen tation have bad think dismissed Now ought to be able to regulate it- And as soon as tt is possible for Chi cago people to tell butter from and vice versa ought to be a good field for the Minnesota creamery men to work up a high class trade They have tin better chance because ho far a I know the reputation of baiter not been tra duced the sale of under Its Dame sT A SCOOT OF THE NORTH serge suits have a while collar narrow red braid at the TV The administration is determined to keep for Canadians fcho wealth of On tario In their policy the present Government has not been by any means narrow as Government of Quebec lies been The Ontario Gov inspired by a common pa triotism and recognizing a common nationality opens the door to every province in tho Dominion In all the acts which have been adopted by Que bee any effort at restricting the wealth of the province has been limit ed not to the people of Canada but to the people of Quebec But the Province of Ontario will enforce the policy of limiting its wealth to the people of Canada Nickel must be in Canada must he manufactured here it is more difficult to enforce the for- than latter but Mr Davie has taken steps to enforce tho smelt ing of nickel within this land and in this connection on Tuesday Da vis introduced resolution regard ing of Oxford Copper Company which resolution was car ried unanimously The reason of the resolution was a bill which had been reed in the Dominion Parliament pro- for an extension of the patent That patent was secured in 1893 and was for six years providing however that at the end of this term if a cer tain sum was paid an extension of years should bo made The Oxford Company say that they had sent the at the proper time but owing to an error or omission of a clerk the sum was until it was too late If the Dominion Bill passes the patent will be enforced until But said Mr Davie Com pany has overlooked one section which Winter I JUST fir a jj All the best makes in the following lines IN AND BETH PES AND POCKET KNIVES SCISSORS ALL KINDS AND Fine line of TABLE KNIVES FORKS We handle a Special Lino of we warrant to be Clasp AND BRUSHES BREAD AND THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER We are selling for Co Toronto a of Fur and Paid for Raw Fate J A ALLAN GO with a bottom Other arc Two handker chiefs two Rowels Jour single blan kets one woollen one razor two clothes brushes one hair brush and two combs one pair braces one tin blacking and brushes soap one waterproof sheet knife fork etc And every article is of extra qual ity Money has not been spared The writer asked the cost the equipment No one seemed to know and those who should know if any body docs evidently didnt care to talk about the gift horse The fig ure will bo pretty high A rough estimate of cost at ordinary price would make each outfit worth That figure of course does not include the horses equip ment which in it the very best and Includes surcingles feed etc The outfit will weigh pretty heavy A trooper said Ill bet you that when my old broncho gets that freight load on her back she wont feel much lite kicking Id like to wager that the whole thing weighs over a hundred Im not a military man the policemen tell that tho kit away heavier than that of Northwest Mounted Po lice cavalry are tendon made ore of finest material They are a sort of color and match the khaki well Altogether the troops will present a remarkably fine appearance when they parade on their A trooper that such bats sell Calgary for not less III Hi 10 It is will over Choking In cattle Is usually caused by swallowing a potato apple piece of turnip or carrot or a piece of corncob No mailer in which pan the gullet It Is lodged It causes great distress Dr Mcintosh In the The animal coughs saliva runs from the mouth eyes bulge out hack Is arched and bloating also taken place If It Is In the upper part of the gullet the animal noon dies from suf focation if it is lu the middle or lower part the animal may live for several days- It It Is lu the upper part of the gullet give a little oil and then rub the hand up and down the throat to scat ter the accumulation It be nec essary to give a little oil several times continue the rubbing it may take some time to overcome the chok ing In case no oil la at hand a similar attempt may be made by pouring down some water If the obstruction cannot be forced up or down by oiling and rubbing gullet use a which Is made of spiral wire covered with leather and which will bend with the neck There Is also a gag to put lit the mouth with a bole In the center through which the passes Oil the and let one man take- of the animals horns or ears while an other passes the through hole in the gag and Into the gul let Press gently until the object Is felt then by steady pressure It will pass Into the Too much force should not be used for fear of ruptur ing gullet No unyielding article should be pressed down the gullet it Ib almost sure to rupture it If a is not convenient take a piece of rope about threefourihs to one Inch diameter fray out a little of the end tie a piece of around it to form a soft knot grease this well and it will supply the place of a In cases where an animal be re lieved by this treatment cut down on the gullet with a knife making an in cision and removing the material Clean the wound and bring the edges of the gullet together and sew with silk thread or catgut letting the ends bang out of the external wound bring the edges of the skin together put a bandage around keep It wet cold water for hours and It will usually heal Give the soft food for some days and If a was used and the gullet not cut give soft food two or three days Greatest Hat Cap and market Soot Shoe Clothing Furnishing We handle nothing but The Best Goods on the HEW RING- GOOD Are arriving and they are of The Styles Our Mens Felt Hats are very nobby Our Mens Ties are the prettiest ever seen in Newmarket Our Mens Spying Suits and are equalled in the County Our Mens Fine or Boots are best and cheapest shown Our liens Cloth Gaps are uptodate Our Groceries aro always end Good pine Cost Our Boys and Girls School Boots are made very strong fill Winter Goods Cost Price at Our Goods Buying Spring Clothing use to feel very 1 llu Witt Banner Year Cheeie The Commonwealth of Fond du Lac Wis In speaking of the past year lu that comity gives some quite interesting statistics There are about cheese In that county and fully creameries three hundred and fifty boles of cheese have been sold oh the local of trade the whole seasons will equal Prices paid this year are per cent higher than last year At the coruoiencement of the season cheese for cents The style of cheese as Daisies has sold as high as 12 cents Twins have sold for The ruling styles cheese In that are mid Twins but the latter provides that if a patent is not acted upon two years its power lapses Mr Davis proceeded to explain that the Canadian Copper Company took toe position that they were unable to refine here because the Oxford Copper Company had control of the only satisfactory process and they refined in States When tho Copper Company wag incorporated it was intention that should refine here It is in trie public interest that they should refine Mr Davis explained that the other processes such as Dr and the would soon be in operation Both were very success ful Mr Whitney could find no opposi tion The Oxford Copper Company is a smelting company which has smelting works in New York It closely affiliated with the Canada Copper Company and some say that ik the same as the Canada Copper Company The Canada Copper Co the one which was incorporated by the Con servative Government at Ottawa and scoured very extensive Interests in the nickel deposits at Sudbury Their incorporation provided that the com pany should smelt in Canada but the Conservative Government at Ottawa refused to enforce the clause and the company shipped its ore to the works of the Oxford Copper Co This Ox ford Copper Co is in possession of a upon which they have secured a patent in Canada but which they never have in Canada and pro never will The patent runs out soon and application being mado baa it The question is how can these regulations be judiciously applied As an example of how such a policy can bo crystallized into law the act referring to is sub mitted It is as follows Alt sales of timber limits or berths by the Commissioner of Crown Lands which shall after April 2D be made and which shall convey the right to cut and remove spruce or other soft wood trees or timber other than suitable for manufacturing pulp or paper and all licenses or per to cut timber on the limits and berths so sold and all agreements entered into or other authority confer red by said Commissioner by vir tue of which such timber may be cut upon lands of the Crown shall be so made issued or granted subject to the condition set out in the first regula tion of Schedule A of this Act Schedule A provides That every or permit conferring on a license holder the right to cut all spruce soft wood trees or timber not being pine suitable for the pulp or paper on the Crown Lands shall require that such spruce be manufactured in Canada into merchantable palp or paper or into sawn lumber or wooden ware utensils The cutting of the trees suitable for manufacture is not meant by this re gulation to be the manufacturing of i Just At tXiit I have driven out former ran to one- half cent Twins weigh n bout pounds arc put one Twin so called have been kept down When Mr Davis assumed control of the Depart ment of Crown Lands he decided upon extending the fire ranging system and to accomplish this has introduced a bill The bill extends working of the system to all timber limits to limits not under license and to limits upon which the owners heretofore not placed rangers In this latter case fire rangers are placed in charge and the limit bolder is half the expense By the amended bill the Govern ment has full supervision of all those employed as fire rangers can examine the men as to fitness and can punish them for not properly performing their For years there hag been some not much but some dispute regarding Algonquin Park Mr Davis has already dis pute very satisfactorily province and the result of it is a bill now the House Mr has also a bill regarding Land Surveyors and also a bill whioh is not completed PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music for renewal It of the utmost dent that next if not preceding in These two bills or rather this and bill form what is the most important of legislation during the present session Next in is one also introduced by Mr which refers to preser vation of forests from fire It is I receiving primary For Sale at a Bargain at his hack will Ontario Since Mr Davis came into preycot the renewal the province has adopted a Much in same line is an act system of fire ringing which is a very which was introduced during the pre- excellent method of lire protcuou sent week which refers to the sale of License holders of tinier limits una spruce and The day has Government divider the for dieeusaing the such keeping timber fircuien who beep Every one it over the The The of iDlutio3 been very of Shetland Ponies Buggy Cart Cutter Robe Harness Saddle Complete Outfit In good condition Will sell ponies separately if so de sired GJACKSON Town Carting fire All kinds of Hud r DA VII Cur A St J i f j nnvi L

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