Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 23, 1900, p. 6

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J HE ERA MARCH life voQAdtbe Hub TO BALDWIN now ma chinery In the mill for the flour and removing the whole bran from grain Win it makes an in proved brand of flour It looks miniature distillery Friday morning Jack Frost crept down into pump and when Owl happened along trying to drown him out With water but had a firm grip on pump rod and refus ed to When tho left Jack still hold the fort flap ran quite freely last week from folks heads say eloctionfl will soon ho on We dont oaro how poon The Conservatives around here voto on tho common plan always for the host man And I tell you the men women and children are all staunch admirers of Win and J St Patricks day in morn in in fact whole day was rather cool to Wo dont scorn to have any good old fashioned celebrations like to was the would echo through the town Here cornea Paddies and as they marched along Homo proud mother would shout Hoy theres ray Micky God bless the and shed proudly rush forth pin a sprig of shamrock to lapel of his coat and look so mighty proud I tho bribers in South Ontario paid their fines Oh how I do eo whether Tory or Grit get their just deserts Between being tossed by John Bull and slapped by lions paw the Boers leading a pretty rough life I am anxious to seo peace but it must bo lo glory An interesting work After the American war an vol ume was compiled said to contain a description and treatment of every wound during war late Dr Montgomery had a volume The Joker is a very frequent visitor bora the attractive power horses fate scums sealed The horseless carriages are the correct thing now Why hasnt some genius long invented bicycles or carriages with work or springs as mo tive power Jut Geo Guttle is now occupying the formerly run by air and has stocked t with a select lot of groceries and furniture Mr Gut one most sub- business men The Free Methodists are very strict and careful of whom they accept in full membership therefore to be such is synonymous to being a real chris tian There are occasionally tome who for the sake of filthy lucre pass themselves off for M when they arc only shams Such a case occur red recently when a parly in a trade was to give five cords of good tama rack wood You can depend on us were they said But later on wood was measured and found to be three quarters of a cord short and mixed with swamp wood worth but little A novel cure for the tooth ache Years ago when dentistry was un known people used to suffer the agonies of toothache now One remedy then by destroying the nerve It seems that nerve passes along the lower jaw and thru a portion of the ear Now by burning off the nerve in the ear would cure the tooth ache permanently have seen them come yooping and yelling like wild men with the pain and go away a I believe this remedy was only effectual in life lower jaw Ask your doctor Our good old Dra per is failing somewhat Uncle has been a wellknown local character in East and North for eighty years He used to be a great hand for moving sometimes twice in a year He used to say his chickens got so accustomed to the moving that all one bad to do was to tell them and and theyd stick up their feet to be tied There arc five weddings reported as booked for Wednesday in this vicin- Weve been puzzling our brains who it can be to be married at fit James Sharon We await the impatiently Henry Kay is down to the corner occasionally slowly gaining his usual strength Tin Owl MOUNT The people of this Hinge and vicin ity have shown their loyalty by raising for the Fund proceeds of Concert this amount has been added by subscriptions follow ing gave each John A Hopkins Geo William Thomas John For rest ftummerfeldt John Rosa mond and Mr John Monro 3 and following each John I Allen Thcaker Long T Lloyd A Jones J Forrest lie v Willbce Alex Win Ross John Woodcock Sylvester Wood- cook Hear Rowland Lewis Hayes Mrs Sis- tor John Graham A J Hughe and Charles balance made up of smaller sums UNION Snow and wood are both on move farmers too that have team ing to do Wo fully corroborato sentiment expressed by Owl in your last issue in regard to our worthy members Wo need no better men to represent us Mrs has visiting her parents for a fow wcoke The Rink has attraction for the young folks On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week neighbors of Mr Eves did a very generous They turned out with teams and drew his winters wood from bush throe miles away Mr Eves will always hold these neighbors in grateful re membrance ROACHS POINT We sorry to hear that ouf friend Robinson leaves for British Columbia on the let April He will be greatly missed as ho has many admirers among the fair Miss Gertie visiting her members of the A held a quilting at which completed their work for this season Mr Rao expects lo do a rushing business this summer as we hear bo ha already ordered his truck for wheeling luggage from boat A number of young from hero attended the bun at last week and report a good time Who was the boy who forgot to take his dinner to school and had to fast all day Thats right Charlie keep Lent ORCHARD Mr and Mr Rodman of Little wore visiting over Sunday at Mr Halls friends and neighbors of Mr Luke Doyle and family the number of about forty assembled at their hos pitable home on Wednesday evening of lojit week with well filled basket and a good supply of oysters to bid them farewell their departure for their new home in Newmarket After a vary pleasant evening of mu sic and games this company dispersed v ho I lopper left on of last week for Leal North Dakota Mrs of also Mr and Mm of- were visiting at Mr last week Mr A youngest son Norman is very low with diabetes Among visitors wo June noted the following tho past week Mrs Dr at her mother Mrs J J Spinks Mr Harrison Proctor of and Miss Dunham at Mr Proctors Mrs Ethel Hamilton is visiting friends in Aurora Miss Mamie Love lately of Toron to home Monday considerably weakened from effects of la grippe Miss E Pratt of Toronto is paying a short visit at her homo here On Tuesday evening a company of young people from Newmarket were entertained at the home of Mr John Elliott Mr Herb Edwards who has leased Me Arthur farm for a term of organist Mi- Alice was greatly rolled on Sunday morn Trust pIio may bo abb to resume her Sunday next Wo our privileges most whon once with drawn Mr purposes Roing to Kaako w in early spring Mrs Lyon what going I That most beautiful autograph quilt made by ladies containing- names Young men Westward ho do you not wish a beautiful reminiscence of your homo Young benedicts do you not wish a memento for your spare rouch Municipal aspirants and polit ical nominees would you not care to a list of voters always near you Then send in your offers for this quilt to Sec of Ladies Aid Mr A of conduct ed meeting at Bethel on Sunday Rev Brace was on the Island where he is holding special meetings mm r j- We Pride Ourselves in Standard Goods v rrs Several of young people are visiting in this week Among them are Miss Doyle Miss Brown and Mr Frank Miss Penrose has returned home after a visit of several Weeks in Miss Evelyn after spending a few days at home has returned to Newmarket I STREET NORTH Wo are Borry to say that Mr Geo Foster is very ill with the shingles Mr John Salter sr is also very sick Mr Curtis lost a valuable with A hop took place one evening week at Mr Dennis All re port an enjoyable Mr and Mrs E Strasler spent Sun day at Mr Wrights Mr and Mrs Wright woro visiting Mr Thos at Mt Albert ono day last week Dame Rumor reports a wedding soon What is the attraction on this street for the Union Street boys Mr family were the guests of his sister Mrs Baiter on Sunday last Mr and Mrs Belfry of spent Sunday under the parental roof Mr is moving from our midst which we regret very much Mr Geo is making prepara tions for building a new barn Miss of spent a fortnight at Mr J Fullers Misses Florence and Birch of Button are visiting relatives on this street Mr Grose has moved on Mr J Mr J Salter intends moving to the Seldom Seek years moved onto premises on Monday Wilmcr the champion crokonolo player of this part thinks perhaps there are one or two crack players yet A sleigh load of people from the 5th fine were guests at Mrs Hughes con on Wednesday evening Mrs of Aurora is visiting with her son Henry tailor at Mr relatives of the Baker family tins part were quite agreeably sur prised a few days ago when Dr Baker of Nebraska paid his friends a Hying visit The Dr is a brother of Mrs Jos Baker and Mrs Wilkin son of and has not met his friends here for years Mrs Lemuel of Michigan is visiting relatives and friends in this On Tuesday evening last a goodly number of tho members and friends of the Methodist Church spent a very pleasant evening at the Parsonage at Mr H Sherman who was visiting in the city for a few days has return ed home Good fishing here now Mr two beauties last week Ho hung them up in shed ever night but Pussy was too quick for him When ho went to get them in the morning ho found she had made a good square meal off of them Misses Boyd were of Mrs Sherman one last week Our jovial butcher avo us a last week but his visits arc like the angola few and far between Mr Frank Sherman was visiting in Mount Albert over Sunday It is easy seen of what nationality the are as they were al sport ing tho green on the even the dog Mr and Mrs Boyd and Mr Robert Hamilton woro the guests of Mrs on Sunday We wish Owl would pay a visit to the Point and try and cut out our bachelor with the girls but that would be almost impoeaible Mrs McCordick has been very poorly with inflammation of the lunge but improving Davisons Pure Mocha and Java Coffee excels all other coffee its riohness of aroma gives the true flavor of coffee and you will enjoy that stimulating beverage Have You Tried a Shredded Biscuits package dish prepared with milk Twentyfour persons were drowned by capsizing of a boat in which they were crossing the Danube River fiorn to Pays Monterey sailed from Halifax for South Africa on Saturday morning with Horse and contingent recruits on board mm Davisons Blended Black Tea pep has strengtn and flavor combined possesses that which you like in Black Teas entirely free of the agreeable taste which so many so called Black Teas jut jz Christies Cream Soda Biscuits Bibtins J RAE OK LICENSES SUTTON WEST Brown Gelding fop Sale years old an eta very driver andean bo driven or a very Newmarket- Delicious in bulk lb I We sell considerable of this Cocoa because we it fresh and at lb is a great deal cheaper than ftoork Two of our Silver Butter Knife Silver Sugar Spoon Either would be a useful article Start at once to order your at Davisons Grocery and you can toon- have a piece of silverware if- Pasture to Bent Settled Tenders will bo by up to Saturday of Match SUTTON Mk Jons is Agent for the at Sutton and in authorized to receive collect accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly atteuded to Two thieves were at Cornwall to the Central for stealing an from Mr Whit ney Settlers from United reported to be pouring into the White of north Ontario Germany will increase the num ber of her war vessels stationed abroad from sixteen to- twenty- one China getting nine instead of six and the American coast Retting three instead of one Three will be seat to South Africa DOG TOWN BARKINGS is in Aurora this week ifr James while visiting at Island last week bought some seed oats Mr Hector of Bond Head has rented the old farm Wm Cook has engaged with for the summer and Albert Morning are arranging to move to the Crows Nest and expect to leave on General White has come home from Keswick He tolls of hardships along the I a tie shore but intends going back in a few weeks Mr is giving up farming and intends going to Ireland this sum- Mr Rout of Amsterdam was around here last week on business and spent over Sunday at has bought another binder Mr and Mrs Wm Morris spent Sunday last in Newmarket of Ireland passed off very quiet in Dog Town saw mill passed through Holland Landing last week for Island where he has con tract so wo are told to cut logs He cut about feet at lumber around here It a matter for regret that we are about to loose several of our esteemed citizens namely Messrs J Crocker Jos and others who talk of leaving with the view of locating in New Ontario Mr Vroomau our hardware merchant has engaged a tinsmith to take place so Jour and favorably occupied by Mr Crocker The new man Mr comes from the Co of Oxford Mr Brown of dis pensed the Sacrament in the Presby terian churches last Sunday in Sutton and Egypt Mr Herbert Johnston merchant of has rented his store to a party from and intends taking a test for a time Matrimonial rumors are in the air in this vicinity and it is highly proba ble that before another week closes the consummation of more than one of these interesting and happy events will go on record Mr Jackson of the was here this week in the interests of his paper and added several new subscri bers to his already large list The weekly market is proving a great boon to the community in this neighborhood Good prices obtain for butter eggs and poultry We regret to say that Mr Milne still continues very poorly Taylors shingle mill started up on Monday giving a lively appearance to that part of the village Rev Brace reports great success in his special meetings on the Island The Indians stirred as never be fore Mr J 11 Stevenson one of old est and most familiar business men of Sutton has converted his carriage- house which occupies a fine location in to a very neat office lie attends to business matters as health permits The bustle around mill gives an activity to the village that is striking to outsiders The Concert in Rich- mood Hill netted Mrs Geo Fogg had relatives from Newmarket visiting her last week Mr Dan and son Fred were also visaing Mr and Mrs- Fogg last Tuesday Hill and Lewis families leav ing for the North West will make quite a vacancy in Their presence will bo greatly missed We wish them prosperity and in their new homes Miss Morrison of Bradford is home on a for a couple of weeks Miss Bessie Henry who ia in a hospital in Toronto very low Slight hopes are entertained of her recovery Mr Geo Fogg shipped a box of harness to Brandon Man Wed nesday This shows Mr Foggs repu tation as a harness maker He made a set of harness last week in half a day Lillian of North is visiting at Mr Annie is visiting her grandmother at McMillans Cor ners Mr T J Power our popular prin cipal of the School was in To ronto on Monday and Tuesday con su ting a specialist He has had a sore ear for a couple of weeks but he never discontinued his duties until Monday when his doctor advised him to consult a specialist Nomination of at the last Tuesday night election next week All members requested to be present Visitors welcome Dame Rumor has it that there is to be a wedding near hero next month I wish I was an Owl I could spook around then and see if there are any signa of it Miss Wight is visiting at Mr David in North The buzz was in the village a couple of days this week cutting some of the wood piles but it will have to come back again as there are a few piles left yet There is supposed to bo a bylaw in this township requiring people to shovel the sidewalks fronting their property but we notice that the snow Inspector himself has not got his shovelled so how are we to know what to do Come Mr Inspector get a hustle on Judge for he Town Flats north of Timothy street for one year may tender for cither barn or separately or both together By order DAVID LLOYD Town Clerk W Apply Newmarket Do we do the Black Dress Goods Trade We have the Largest Range of Goods in Town JOBBIFO BETHEL CORNERS visiting is a sister of Mr and Mrs Brown Mr Geo Mrs Mrs The Ladies Aid met at Mr John on Wed lost- A good at tendance and a pleasant time was spent Mr is still in Toron to jurying matrimonial and Western fevers are raging hereabouts attacking all classes and conditions of men Mr Ellis Sunday in the city A Tailors Talk USELESS fit and quality up every We talk volumes but our lor Measured form tint make tooed suns for delivery my In the Firing Line Smith Bros are the firing line of the army and while they are entrenched in the of the still they are exposed loan occasional from GOOD work idvertiBing and strict attention to their OWN busi ness bus placed them in the front row and there they intend to Metropolitan Depot Newmarket Book News ALLPAPck For the Spring trade Large variety of patterns to choose I Prices Right iom WAR Another consignment of handsome war just opened Dinner Sets and Tea Sets FRAMED Add much to the appearance of a home Preserve your having them framed We have a stock of New Mould and can frame them for little C03t and see III NEW Now on sale LIFE OF MOODY paper cloth FROM CAPE TOWN TO pap WAR ATLAS two last wars by Rand N Central Telephone Tenders Wanted Seated tenders will be received by the up to day of to be Industrial Home for of York one year with Beef Groceries and Buy Goods Cot trade to commence Hi of April tied tender for any of above obtain blank forms at the Home and set necessary Information Jo to what Is required with whom ate made to deliver at Home No tender accepted J SwB Inspector to gall or acres on Uae or bury half ft wile from Newmarket depot of tree Good market farm Apply to B EMM r Bed Wheat Wanted Bushels White Wheat Wanted Bushels Oats Wanted Bushels s CHOPPING EVERY DAY Ho I

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