Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 23, 1900, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH ooo V I KUUliN near TORONTO General Manager branch General Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED I A AU Minn American Drafts bought and Discounted to a Manager Sunday School Lesson Prepared or the Era by Mfticli Dp Office first of Post On ICE to I toBandO I Post Methodist flatlflfaolloti WATtFAREUPTODATE MODERN MAN KILLING DEVICES ACTUAL PRACTICE IN Hill be t the or Dp If Porter Brad Cord Monday Jackson Bauer MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the toners lamed at jMici INSURANCE 1 for ltfo Money to Loan interest at Cut- lent Us tea At iho Poet Office R Insurance tow Farm and Isolated Town Property Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St Druggists Sundries Goods Ole ft of Voice and Violin of and all Instruments Son of Man came not to bo miniatured unto but to minister Mark Ilio central word in of Life in them for needy The keynote of life companion I bom at Bethlehem Luke Divine and human Two interested inVHitt birth Service for the undcagtvini like Jesus in Jerusalem Luke grew mentally and as an ordinary boy esteemed house as the of greatest interest Service for was the do- of Christ Jesus Forerunner Luke III Preparation necessary for the coming of of mind the first prepara tion of conduct and character demanded Lesson Jeau baptized tempted Matt Ill Jesus takes His place with the vory sinful submits to all the Father quires of Ilim God with- approval what done for Ilia glory Lesson first disciples John 1 To follow Jesus is the wisest possible conduct The leadings to Jesus varied other places in life to Lesson Jesus and John 111 Wo niay know so much that Jesus may ho hindered We may fool so good that wo may overlook regeneration love conies to all but only eaves believer Lesson Jesus at Jacobs Well Jesus is prince of tactful work ers Felt need of precedes accept artoo of Him A soUl saved by Jesus becomes a missionary Lesson at Nazareth Luke The Lords Day was carefully ob served by The Lords way of was aV by Jesus Our best services may be rejected by men Lesson Jesus in Capernaum Mark I Jesus proves Himself conqueror over all Jesus demonatrates His ability to meet all emergencies Jesus was and is a complete of llrlton lit No of Col AH Arc on be or liu Army to theory anil the peace societies war has been virtually by Inventions Irie- get the best of his ri val Guns nnd explosives the world Is told liuvu been Wrought to that point of war ImiMiKxIhlt be lie mi lb Dated at Boggy than anybody JiaftaslIckCutieroroQeorthebtAtKoDesin tlie country call on fl some sound fiomo some some quiet Home some some very homely ones ana are alitor sale to Loan At percent on flrffw rw loans ftffldavlts and fistajo AiteDt for following reliable London and Globe Norwich Union Standard Mutual Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At per Jwtiaa for taking Heal Agent leaner Marriage Licensee Also Agent for Queen of London and Liverpool England citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual established In also Confederation Life Association -To- Office lour Lesson and Paralytic Mark IV 112 The divinity of Jesus Christ is a vital truth We may exercise a faith for others Sin is tho special work Of at Matthews Mark II The coll of is to complete to Him The now spiritual life needs a re generated heart Absolute abandonment to Jesus is the of salvation Opportunity dream of fit your opportunity mm time the la of a good medicine like to and no time when It is to be derived from flucli a which canst armies can will It goes without saying that the mo ment an army can lie annihilated in a certainly men will cease to think an Interesting for any ob ject whatsoever War a struggle of two In the of armed men for the one of the forces the struggle ends This was done last September by the at up to date Max I machine guns wiped out nearly dervishes killing of- them outright On smaHor scalp the annihilation of an army at has repeated on the Nile In the region of Khartum within a few weelis in tula affair the British harassed the stirred into retaliating all their old and charged where the British stood arrayed and were no until Ihey had reached within yards of thy Maxims The his rue- or chief adviser war leafier and nil his faithful emirs were killed together To say thai Hie dwvlshea Is quite tin iruth hut a horde of Ik not army The which would he to liavo refrain from war are provided with tip to date devices for limine the other side hoib parlies to the have had the one end in view- namely to adopt tho most effective man kill devices turns out in practice that are conservative In risks It is largely a matter of accident which will lie found to have best of the combat so far as weapons go A year before the Franco- Prussian war broke out was In Germany ami heard on all sides laudation of the new army rifle wbleb was to give army the mastery so her people- said This was the needle which the loventlon was guilder control Being familiar with the old Spring field and also with the carbine which some of our cavalry at Petersburg took an Interest in the new weapon and saw tests There seemed doubt as to Itt utility and that troops armed with It could mow down enemies at an appall rate But when war broke out in France brought out her to offset the needle and the mitrail leuse against the of her foe woo the day In end and perhaps It was her superior weapons which ted to the result But the French made some with their devices too General Phil Sheridan witnessed the battle of and loft a record of his observations of the re sults of new weapons He says that In the opening duel tho French mitrailleuses responded to the Gorman with deadly effect at first but finally slackened and the Germans supposedtne enemys guns bad been silenced Sheridan himself thought the French would be heard from again end the result showed his perspicacity The charged with their usual Intrepidity but when they got within range the guns mitrailleuses and along tie ridge opened and the German column was destroy ed A official report states that a French mitrailleuse battery ef fectively commanded the highroad In the face of the German troops The right of the French army was la defense At that battle Captain Porter used his to shake the Spaniards In their trenches In front of the American Infantry as sault aud succeeded In doing Held batteries had Called In Hut It lakes deal of dying inetal to destroy a lino of battle to say nothing of anni hilating Its personnel At Gettysburg the Confederates rain- shots upon Cemetery hill until they supposed the Federals were but when Picketts columns got within close range they found that they bad been deluded The batteries cut down the Virginia us with and a few machine guns would lutve annihilated them but bad there been machine guns on Cemetery ridge Picketts charge would not have taken place And will never come to It that men of highly trained armies will walk up to the slaughter as the dervishes did at Theory out- what a weapon can do against a given One of the now heard of In South Africa says With such pieces one in seven minutes put do combat three- quarters of the of troops covered campaign battery at a distance of move than two miles Ho means that it would bo possible but every experienced soldier knows that It would occur one time in Hundreds of thousands of pro jectiles have been rained upon Inclosed towns with only trilling casualties It Is said that it takes a mans weight Every one knows the man who notorious for bo telling story no to destroy Its point An- English noble man Lord was noted for his suc cess In thus ruining the prosperity of a story The author of Collections and exhibits a specimen of his lordships peculiar an Thirty yours ago two large houses were built at Albert Onto London the J size ami cost of which seemed likely to prohibit tenants from hiring idem A was IsirJiid them Malta and Gib raltar because hey can never be taken Lord P thought this an excellent joke ran the lown saying to every friend lie I say do you know what they call those houses at Gate They call lie to Mnlm and Gibraltar limy can never let them Isnt it fully good one told P the old rid lie Why was the elephant the Inst get Into die ail to which the answer I Ihcnuse he had to pack bis trunk Lord P asked the riddle of the friend he met as the answer Because he had to pack his portman teau rrr In lead to kill lilm and It can be shown by statistics thai for every man hit la battle there are from to alios lived All of this Is taken Into ac count In the study of maneuvers and while lenders and soldiers expect to take chances there Is just as much in- Center of Census experts estimate soys Chicago Post that the center of popu lation will be found year to be in Indiana close to Illinois Hue at a point not far removed from town of Vlncennes The last census showed the population center to be between Columbus Ind and Cincinnati The Increase In the population of Georgia Texas the Indian Territory Oklahoma New Mexico and Arizona during the last ten years has sufficient ft Is thought to offset any Increase In the northwest and to possibly pull the cen- for Infants ami Children Is a Cor Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other substance It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and cures Diarrhoea ami Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants Children giving healthy and natural sleep Is the Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend Is ah medicine for Mothers have repeatedly of its good effect upon heir children Die Osgood Cftttoria Is to well adapt lo cbildrea recommend as superior to any pre scription known tome A put nuoii devices for covering ler somewhat to the south of the the in battles as there is j parallel The wealth center Is thought means to them is only In cases to be to the neighborhood of ncclgeuud or O that of troops la THE FACS1M1LE SIGNATURE OF murderous lire of of quick Ihlng can- exposed to the or war In South Africa a Surprise J to those whose of the subject are based upon theory It ban Wen deadly for British who were supposed to be provided with the forms of Their Is the iit a rate of speed an ordinary rifle bul let Hut It seems the IVmis have thexe yftusaud in fuel an piled with up to date material for either defensive or offensive warfare Being upon defensive they have the advantage for the range quick gun destroys the unin before It bring Us powers Into play At river Longs trims were outclassed compelling him to push dangerously close to the Boer position Since the war there has not been a prolonged conflict be tween armies equally equipped until the present When the fought Russia they had Inferior weapons and being fanatical were slaugh tered try breechloaders and also dyna mite mines In Chile Invaded Peru from tlie tea with an army only equal in numbers to foe which was on his own soil yet having breechload ers and modern with machine guns she won at all joints and In decisive bailie of Mirnuores actually Brooder float llena Can the brooder compete with the hen in chicks successfully J It can presume It Is necessary to go further Into the matter to simply make the Ou reason why I am so positive In this statement la because with a brood er it Is possible to raise tlie chick both In season and out season it not matter whether a brooder Is tak ing care of flock lu the cold winter mouths the moderately warm spring or hot summer months because good brooder will do it every time and do It well If given naif a chance All It needs Is tlie proper proper heat cleanliness and proper feeding of ihe Chicks A brooder will raise more a hen twice over Why For several reasons When ibp hen Is dragging the Ihile fellows wet grass the brooder keeping warm never forsakes j to jo to laying are aide to take care of liieuiselyos all It never takes hem so far from home them are lost- It is also a sure vermin of all kinds while hen is not hut least It Is easy take care if in tirooiiers as two hens- I Hegel In Amer ican Poultry Journal APPEALS ON EVERY WRAPPER en IMC Qlnrk e FOR Winter Dry Goods OR Clothing v fj Without first examining bur new stock and prices I Inferior force attacked with an gained a victory Aside from the officers there lias been no remarkable execution the battles between Boer and Britain thus far- Some of correspondents give lurid pictures of British shells crushing the Boers into earth hut It always turns out that the Boers are time British get within smashing distance At and river the British artillery worted spitefully hut with Indecisive results The British guns which were brought up to flro at high angles of elevation and drop shells In the enemys lines but the range Is uncertain The gun which Is often men tioned In connection with Boer takes Its name from the Secure a Yield The hardest ask in maintaining a 1 continuous yield Is 10 keep laying stock In prime Hon says Colonel This means such a condition of perfect health thai the eggs will uot only he I laid regularly but they wU be of uniform according to laying Under such conditions we should have large eggs from Minor- ens Leghorns Plymouth Rocks and Bra limns When such breeds lay small abnormally large eggs with per- double yolks or soft shelled eggs stock Is out of condition usual ly The eggs will thus be laid Irregularly and many times laying will stop entirely Layers should be kept active and activity Is induced by short feeding A hungry hen Is usually We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap Leading House Sharon medicine By and vital- i for its Side and that tin blood and toning op the nt The EMULSION EMULSION o Cod Oil gr Hi EMULSION Is by The EMULSION flesh producer you an ft per Bottt DAVIS CO Limited Or wViiiaii Ifll- luTjfr J with fn billon tin- -a- ln-h-i- nvc- AVi taUir the blood and toning op Hoods starts you light for a year ot health Is cured by At St John A Haywood was instantly killed in Wabash yards lie slipped while making up a train and falling sotfoss the rails was crushed to death Liquid air can now bo at a cost of five cents a gallon and will no doubt in many instances take place of coal Thirty gallons will furnish amount of power as a ton of and will therefore re duce cost of running machinery on land and sea fully fifty percent It will also much valuable space which is now required for storing of coal For refrigerating purposes gallons of liquid air- will do the work of five tons of When air is re duced to degrees below zero it can ho dipped up and poured out like water are becoming interested in the now and per haps day in not far distant when it willbe generally Children Cry for run wing hod mitrailleuses On one part of Held a German battery was silcDded by cut down all the horses several dO men At Mors le Tour a Prussian infantry was forced to fall back before Are and was almost Cavalry was pushed forward to recover ground but the charge was violent mitrailleuse fire mitrailleuse of 1870 not a wrapon but combined with the breech Ipadlng it produc ed per of the In the German army at So great fear of the ermao soldiers of machine that order for artillerists was No matter what else you do so as yon sec the mitrailleuse battery devote your attention to it The guns to field- pittas 10 Abe French army was one three In the war the guns played an insignifi cant part At El In Sudan iiere nicks force was the Mflhdlsts failed to shake the by the I the square In front inn loader and that ended the use of tftUS tin to llli- The Universal Favorite Disc Harrow The only that has ftture Is is bard or ground kjc pk A ACTIOS tory at Creusot At two well aimed Boer shells broke up the last British attack In file matter of rifles the opposing armies have not yet come to the su preme test the Mau ser In large and also a now and savage weapon The British carry the LeeEnfield and lu the long run are perhaps off than enemy this respect Both Too little iron means weakness lack rifles have magazines and both may be spirit pallid cheeks shortness of used for slnglp firing leaving the mag azine cut off from the barrel The Mauser has five cartridge In Its ond they are all placed In at once the Lee- En rt eld It is fashionable today to have a new heart scare every hours The commonest symptom of dys pepsia or nerve trouble such as pal pitation weak spells loss of appe tite aad poor circulation axe magni fied and distorted into serious signs of heart trouble with the object of frightening the public into taking this or that heart remedy If a hundredth part of the heart trouble we hear about were real the ceme teries would be filled in a month A wrong construction is put upon com mon ailments in order to humbug the people into Jhe belief that heart disease is prevalent whereas real heart trouble which is so sadly and suddenly fatal when it does occur is a rare disease Lopsided arguments cannot con an intelligent people Iron is the vital element of the blood Cultivator New Spring Tooth fitted grain and Coning If wired with reversible also Alette if ordered The lightest draft beat most cultivator manufactur ed The teth direct wheel See the Hew Spring lift the and preuure Our reliable Brills are flo rcH they tor tbemelvtaj are now of this couDtry We invito the closeBt inpectioti of Farm whioH ate lor coming In addition the above we call special to our New Victoria Binder ami No Oxford Clipper ilo our and I WiM repay a to oar before placing their orders Send for our ew Catalogue VimmXiM Co Out breath sleeplessness nervousness loss of vital force endiog in general The iron in Dr Ward Blood and Nerve Pills is in the the magazine must j by one Thus if a DAISY RIFLE lil jU mo lie by meet empty rifle or closer quarter In can load up flrfe four Irlinii Is ami Urine slosh lint driven rifle Hip Briton has liu- flw to crisis live lustra shot might nil manner that disease cant resist their action You feel yourself well when you take Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills tfcrfiM Sam It t finUVrf jiitcJ rtU It ft fUliaiirairtJilueftiJuiifciAsIUljr rit J the Sold by J 4 and got all the Homo I r

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