Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 23, 1900, p. 4

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THE N ERA FRIDAY MARCH Fair Outside Is Substitute For Inward Good health inwardly of the kidneys liver and bowels is sure to come If gaparilla is prpmptly used a ami vigor in frame with Slow of good perfect digestion blood LOGO Of In poor with feeling ot appetite run ft I too Hoods and After I much bettor iioodo built did up A Old new Ottawa nto been troubled and and was ran dona Tried It relief And built up A Toronto 30ti to Ub J Best Advertising Medium York County I per Imo for FOR I r- iuTti mo mo Advertisements tin accompanied with writ- ton Inserted until Forbid and accordingly will bo changed month If desired For each month the composition must bo paid regular mica lor contract advert tecmente bo in the by noon on WodnoMaya Special for Executors Notice Farms to Articles Lost and Found etc A reading will bo free for any where fur nished or when no fee or collect I on la titty cents will bo a notice No to rule IM LI LEGAL J Main Street Newmarket to on good Farm Barrister BoUcltor etc for Township of Kln Money Court Ontario ii ffiate with Cameron i Toronto managed and collection made Money to loan at OTJOR Block Main Iiennox St a South of Of nee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket On Saturdays and Court for J I A Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Dunn St Manning Arcade King St Toronto to Block Loan PAINTING Toe leading House and Paper years experience in all of tie i designs in Wall Papers Ask to ace them door North of the Primary School Church Street in Secretarys wo received port of for 1899 ami take therefrom the following relating to North York f- 4 fTl J- lOI fl 2 SO CI B J A BB Cl C If r O Jl a w Map y v w i Melancholic and Tired People Are Made Active and Strong by Pate Celery Compound Rundown and Halfdead Men and Women Obtain Health and Strength from- He Great Medicine CO S ji rt 6 1 grs 3 A Calming Ae Done promptly neatly and In UjfriiMrtttg a Car- Painter and Sign Writer Order can bo at Hardware or at residence of Mr J Green head Of Jueen Street Newmarket Bolton Painter PaperHanger and Decorator AUCTIONEERS tho Co of fork flooda sold on commission reason able farm attended to SUeet NEWMARKET WORKS Monuments and Head To make atKvo if remove parent 111 tlio of fund among local ib will to bear in mind that in ad to the imposed by the Gov eminent the local corporations of Newmarket Aurora King and ville require an additional fee instance two taverns and received J while Button with taverns only received difference in made up by 00 municipal fee in ad dition to the amount fixed by Govern merit This increase applies to Newmarket Aurora and King A petition presented to Legislative last week from County of Ontario praying for alterations in law caste whore there is a of venue At present there is no provision as to costs and the county in which the crime is committed or from which the civil action is transferred escapes expense of the trial This in to be wrong inasmuch as certain counties which have became prominent centers for law and leading lawyers are burdened with a disproportionate number of these venue cases as especially with inland counties For a number of years York Coun ty Council thru the effort of Mr Jackeon then Reeve of this town brought this very question before the Government and had it not been for misguided action of the present bursar of Toronto Jail who was then chairman of the Executive Committee of the City Council relief would have been given The present Lieut- Governor of Ontario was then Prem ier and AttorneyGeneral and he frankly told Mr Jackson the Committee of the Council who him on the deputation that a case for redress had fairly been made out Mr McMillan however and hie Committee on behalf of Toronto to legislation which would make county where the cause of action arose pay reasonable cfets to county where the action was tried on the ground that might operate against Toronto headquarters for law also against the influx of liti gants to spend money in Toronto Whereupon the AttorneyGeneral said the Government did not like to act where two municipalities were nob agreed hut he advised County to make a distinct claim as against the city for the costs of these venue trials when adjusting proportionate charges payable for the of justice We sincerely trust the Government will make provision for payment of costs in- these veoue trials as petition ed for by Ontario County Council and the above observations respecting this question so far as York and Toronto are concerned in order that the point presented by Lieut Governor may bo duly when making the next adjust- with Toronto Ail Old of trlns dOVii r r The blues and make thousands of- uvea miser able in spring time Men and women around com plain of tired feelings nervousness flleoplessneas stagnant and general rundown condition Though not confined to bed condition of dent nervous and rundown sufficiently alarming to demand care and attention The syrapjoms and feelings alluded are the sure fore runners of and death This particular should be a time of recuperating and strengthening for run down and ailing people Paints Celery Compound will quick ly banish despondency and and tired feelings will way to life buoyancy full health It is suicidal for sickly men aisd women around in a halfdead condition and shut their eyes to the marvellous blessings that are offered by Compound is the one great medicine in spring time with- all classes of our- population Try a bottle and see how quickly you get rid of every physical burden Celery Compound is the kind that makes sick people well- and Paul Decker were each sentenced to Jive years in peni tentiary at Woodstock for counter feiting was given IS months in the Central anil will probably be given his freedom in re turn for information- PROM OVER CANADA come telling of the groat derived from tho ueo of Menthol Plot ters in of neuralgia rheu matism lame back etc Davie Lawrence Co Ltd manufac turers tiarch A run away accident may prove fatar happened last fright Mr Mies driving along Eighth towards their home near Clair- villa a dog jumped out at the horse which was- a spirited animal The frightened along at speed and so that Mr jumped out the young ladies following his example Mies seriously injured and it is feared she will not recover Miaa Dobson badly hurt while Mr escaped with a severe shaking up Financial Position clear and comprehensive ex hibit of the financed of Ontario as presented in budget speech of Premier capacity as Treasurer notwithstanding the carp criticisms of the Opposition re- fleeting the classification of assets and liabilities or clamor about trust funds being credited to capital or surplus is a showing credit able to the Government and satis- factory to majority of the Oil the present Premier assuming the reigns of Administration a Finan cial Commission was appointed to ex- amine and report upon the financial the Province For some years Opposition both in and out of the Assembly kept harping upon the ono painful string that Ontario had no such thing as a surplus A AMICE To and JioooloGhBS Mrs Robins ot Port Tells How She Found a Cure and As- sorts Belief That the Same Remedy Will Other Mrs Daniel Robins of Port Col- borne is one of of those who he when a disease has been found it is the duty of the person benefitted to in order that Other sufferers also find the road to renewed health Robins In the spring of health gave way and- I completely prostrated palpitation of the heart and severe that it was a delusion headaches were the chief symptoms manipulation of figures The nervous trouble was so severe as I BACKS THAT ACHE Kidneys that Wont do Sidney of A by ii I rji j r It is but a short time counted by days since Kidney Tablets first came to Newmar ket It was said they were soraethingen out of the common as a specific for and kidney and that they acted very quickly and made startling of that all other failed to influence Newmarket people are com ing to the front to substantiate this statement One of them is Mrs Jacob Prospect Ave who relates her experience as follows I suffered or some two years from a backache and kidney trouble duo to over strain My bothered me a good deal and was very dizzy pain in the back waa very severe I tried many things with no relief and finally got a bottle of Dr Pitchers Kidney Tablets from J druggist I must they worked admirably all pain sore ness of eyes and is gone and the kidneys in good order can conscientiously recommend them to any sufferer as reliable and euro Plica cents per bottle A sample of Dr Pitchers Back ache KidneyTablets mailed to every applicant If you ftairbt the pKvi for manipulation of fig and bad bookkeeping but ing of above Commission after an exhaustive examination of the public accounts is so clear and satisfactory to all except the most rabid partisans that it has net question of surplus entirely at rest and furnished ample of the mistaken conceptions of Opposition True Mr Whit a few of his more immediate followers seem greatly over Commissions report but they woefully failed to convince either the Legislature or the country that the commissioners themselves either partisan or incompetent or in any sense untrustworthy a redult Opposition have been super ficial- the facts brought out by the Commissions report precludes op portunity of palming off inuendo false supposition as trustworthy The Opposition however fancied they had discovered a clear ease of financial juggling in the ap parent difference between figures given in Premiers budget speech arid thoCommihsiona statement but as usual they only jumped at false conclusions On this point the puts matter straight in the follow ing brief extract report of the Commission gives the assets liabilities of the Province as of the of Oct whereas the budget speech gives the assets and liabilities as of the of Dec The assets as stated by the commissioners on the- of Oct were The assets on the of Dec owing to the receipt of a considerable revenue from the Crown lands during the last quarter of the year were On the other hand the liabilities as stat ed the Commission were These were reduced by cer tain payments made since the of Oct bo that the sur plus when last financial year actually closed was If these in mind confusion avoided It being satisfactory to the people this Province to have this double assurance that Ontario pay every it owes and cite of The cash on the of pec given at 836 and from the statement made by Hon Mr Ross it seems quite within the range of probability that Ontarios bank balances at the end of will amcfunt trover will bahijQoapn candidate wrest jewitii iCtliyihdi A nana Guard yourself against euaaen by keen ing a bottle of PainKiller In the house there is one PalnKmer Perry and to border almost upon St Vitus darfce The leiist exertion such going up stairs for example would leave me al most breathless and ray heart would palpitate violently My appetite very fickle and was much reduced in usual remedies were tried but did not help me and eventually I became so weak that I was unable to perform my household dutiesand the headaches suffered from at times made me feel as tho my head would burst was feeling very when a cure in much resembling mine thru the use of Dr William Pink Pills came to my notice and I decided to give them a trial After using two boxes I found so much re- lief that I was greatly rejoiced to know that I had found a medicine that would cure me I continued ueEn Dr Williams Pink Pills until I had taken eight or nine boxen when con- side ted my cure complete pal pitation of the heart nervousness and headaches had disappeared my appe tite was again good and I had gained in weight nicely I regard myself as completely restored and I would urge other women suffering as I did to give Dr William Pink Pills a trial and I sure they will have equally good so to sound their praise There are thousands of women thru- out the country who sniffer as Mrs Robins did who are pale subject to headaches heart palpitation and dizzi ness who drag along frequently feel ing that life in a burden To all such we say give Williams Pink Pills a fair trial These pills make rich red blood strengthen the nerves bring the glow of health to the pale and sal low cheeks and make the feeble and despondent feel that life is once more worth living The genuine are sold in boxes the wrapper bearing the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People May be had from all dealers or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont pom A this week aorjococc3 that Her Gracious Majesty Victoria will visit the- Isle daring the Hut week of month Ireland making preparation for iho reception The member for Weal York Mr J hill has a bill before the Legislature to amend the general electric railway act It to the rate on all electric railways at two and to com pel the adoption table for the of the public on all auburban lines An amendment to the Criminal Code has been Introduced in Parliament by Mr which hotel- and will appreciate amendment makes it an offence imprisonment or any per son to at any hotel or boarding- a and procure food lodging or other without paying there ir except when credit is given by agreement Neglect to pay for ouch or absconding or attempt to remove any baggage is to be i- prima fat evidence fraudulent in tent or leaving baggage to be valuable as security also made indict able The has gone into lamentation over fact that for York is for re distribution bill recently the It fairly over the im aginary loss of prestige the Postmaster General will sustain in be ing for this bill The breaking op of Grit which were forced upon by gerrymander which created conetituenciea unlike anything In heavens above or beneath and to opportunity for an at the polls is in nocent of the tears of oar the Improved Blower every box of Dr Cure ever devised to reach disease Every person vho has ever doc tored for catarrh knows that iho great trouble is to get the remedy to tho desired spot where It can heal tho eradicate disease from the system This difficulty is entirely overcome by means of simple but most blower which Is to In every box of Chases Catarrh Cure By this blower the preparation is tD direct to parts and through hi the inflammation heals ulcers positively cures catarrh Chases Catarrh Core is prompt and effective In action It clears the air makes breathing free and easy re lieves the pressure which causes headers end deafness the ringing in the em and droppings in the throat and counter acts foul breath It thoroughly and per manently eradicates cata from the system a box blower free at all dealers or Bates Co We the underaigned do hereby to refund the monev on a twenty five cent bottle Wills English if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently cure obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay am Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket Ont J ft Druggist Scotts Pharmacy St Ont R Hollow Subterfuge ii-ivi- your liiiu in 11 iirC Ton What is known as an open winter seems the spread of all contagious and diseases and the of troubles Heat has been intense south of the equator and in the northern latitudes even in the Klondike the weather has been mild and spring like In South British troops have suffered intensely from the effects of an almost unbearable high temperature From every quarter of the known globe siok- and death records are appalling Pulmonary and bronchial affections either or follow in the wake of the attacks of the contagious diseases CHASES rihh- Co tent put tltari ic I The Toronto Conservatiye organ appears greatly exercised about the re distribution bill introduced in by Hon Mr and after declaring that it outs County of St J in twoleaving the of St John a Riding by itself plump the middle of it cries out in direst agony Let us get lid of this iniquity andhave the distribution done by impartial men precisely what Hon Mr presses to do and there i J to a jngfc is one constituency and the county no cutting and But if the wants to know what a real gerrymander is the editor need not go down to Man time Province for tin example Take the pities and counties right at home East York has a part of it taken there from West Ontario Grit Hive and then to insure its political status as Conservative a slice is chopped off Toronto and added there to Coming further north Whit Newmarket and are carved out of North York add ed to dickering and Uxbridge Town ship village to create West Onta rio and the combination of these municipalities the hope was entertain ed that what remained of North York with West and Bradford from County attached thereto the Riding would thereafter be num bered those supporting the Conservative leaders The was an the honest politi cal sentiment of the country out raged and now when present Ad- ministration to this great the Matt wants men to mnke the our Ilijih I J ii1ch not men Looking backI see saw before lip Is the of satisfied customer We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation free GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Jewelry Store NE Wholesale Spokeits Shippers AH who do business own Town or City should have Long Distance Telephone Equipment the cost Is the many the Local foft BS80 W 1 P 1 Call a girl a chick and she smiles can a woman a hen and she howls call a woman a witch and she pleased call an old woman a witch and she is indignant Call a girl a kitten and she rather likes it call a woman a cat and shell hate you Queer sex isnt it EMULSION OF may be taken mm most results by those who are run down or Buf fering from after effects of la grippe Made by Law rence Co Ltd la being done this torn In the Central Business College Toronto where regular Teachers employed and oyer students are in attendance Thin is a big school and a popu lar school to which business firms look for skilled help Eleven young people went direct from J College to situations during one I week Feb Kith Write for You may nv No vaca tion WHSHAW Principal Executors Notice to Creditors Pursuant to the provisions of the Statute in behalf notice Is hereby that all creditors and other the Estate lure of Qwllllmburr In- the county of York yeoman deceased who K J or- February irth Day of April a statement In writing of their names and or dnty further ibat AprJJ the Ex ecutors will proceed to djsnlbute the fitivU those of whose notice f halt then have been and will rt be thereafter Mid assets or thereof to any person or persoos who have not then filed their claims are flcdtorHylntheIrlndebtfocato MAUHlrt Solicitor Executor VJtV- PATEN SECURED Write lor oar books Invest- Wo Help and How jou Arc ftwindtcJ or of and will tell you to it of rejected In PATENT EXPERTS art A ICecbWtlcal Patent Law rase ex go YEARS Trade C Inroo fcindtng kteh nd description re whtihcr Sag Carpet If aseetUin our tlon liprobibiTpircntatle JwiriahF MoadeatuU IPt for Ptcnta takso A Co- to Scientific A Jartct ftnytcicnuco journal Terms or any raonibj old all Hew York To Good flCCORO

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