Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 23, 1900, p. 2

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH Advertisements Spring Millinery- A Co Spring A Clonics Montgomery Standard A Co Wall Paper ft Starr Graham to Lloyd For Hale Chi a J M Hoc Sugar Time J A Ilium Metropolitan Electric Co Toronto to Each TOTES the pasting of by lew by Muni cipal of that town can- bo sold in Murk tin lu until a co paid Every municipality in Dominion would do a act if emulated aotion Hero ie work for our local Oof Column PLEASANTLY f TIME Lcavu North Toronto Iaww Am am am am I pm pm a pm pm a wpu fi pm Return Fare either way 125 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY E i w ij a- gyp A- A- ST Ob Misuse o a to WW 8 will sell prices until May let at Kindlon Penitentiary now of this not and not if by will fcavo to pay on ftdfll- liopal pur to middle men next uf obnrcli in again had an airing in the Dominion transpired and judging from tho by Hon Sir tho pre cedent of church over another at will aoon bo a thing of tba past and bo ought of of resolution in Commons last an Independent Consorvativo journal says The division tho Conservative lead- ore with South African of Wilfrid and thus Ran have been aimed at Wber leader in Quebec of rid will hard for Con- to score heavily at hie in The tariff of the Gov- at Ottawa by of of Mr to Mr motion was approvodthia by a vote of to It was almost party division Opposition now stand in direct antagonism to the Governments tariff although their organs and Isadora have all along con tending that Administration hod stolon that policy from the tivo party ft D a a She Bn LETS P I AMD WITH EACH ISSUE all at Homo FRIDAY MARCH Just TWO Points An agreement has been the Province of Ontario and Spanish River Pulp and Paper to give possession of a portion of Township New Ontario mBd of which Spanish River flows concern has agreed with the Hon J Davis of the Crown Lands De partment to erect mills and other to the value of within two years This will greatly add to the of the land and pro duce labor and advance the settling of tho country The Opposition have been saying that the tree- have been cut in large quantities which are leas than six inches in diameter This company have signed an agreement not to cut anything that is less than that size The Inspectors of Legal Offices the gravis following respecting the inoomea of cor- tain officiate in city It shows that Sheriff office took in and the not income was From the Government was from the and from the general in connection with the Surrogate office received 2908 Judge Morgan and Judge County Grown Attorney not in- come and A Rosa office received and not income was Sheriff Office received not be ing while Grown Attorney Currys office received and was the not income In reply to a member in the House of last week gave some startling figures respect ing contracts for carrying mails under servatiye role compared with what ie now paid under Liberal management for the same service He said that the con tracts which were held by St Scott at per annate under the late were put up for ton dor with the result that the service is now performed for the annual aw ing being or a total aivingduring several covered by the contraota re to are to Onion Lake formerly coat 20 coat by tender to Saskatoon former coat coat by tender 91976 QoAppelle to Station former- ly by tender per annum Sas katchewan Land jog and Swift formerly by tender 9260 and formerly by tender The sale of the timber limits in the Crown Lands of the Province caused the Opposition to find con siderable fault They claim that the Commissioner of Crown Lands Mr Davis caused this sale to be made at a time when it was impossible for in tended purchasers to examine the property in order to obtain Any one who understands the sale knows that this was not the case and that the large rooms in the Buildings where the sale was held was crowded by eager buyers and there were no complaints because of their inability to examine the property The bid ding was keen and the sale proved to be satisfactory one and one of the most successful ever held by the Province Why should Govern ment with a of rush into a sale at unseasonable period to obtain money Independent In political ties up the Opposition to the coat tails of Government in the following It la bat and right to gay that the members of Private Committee have been as as the Libera majority to betray municipal rights and to obi iccorpnrationa If Col GoiKeiva they arc no Utter than the Liberals in their position toward a the which the bay again end Special meeting of Council held this day on call of the at pm at office The meeting was called owing to communications in reference to the destitute condition of the family as also that of the family brought before the at last meeting AH members of Council present as also County Councillor The several were placed- before the Council verb reports re above matters Upon consideration limited assist authorized in- aid of the family under the direction of Councillor In reference to the case of the family and others of a similar na ture a general motion was adopted to the following effect That Messrs Boyd and be a standing committee to investigate and take action re cases of family destitution being empowered to grant assistance to needy applicants also authorized to take legal action as by statute pro vided the head of a family where owing to habits of shiftless- or dissipation they neglect or re fuse to provide for their families adjourned When winter will fur the flowers One of our exchanges is induced to say that this is glorious season of the ear when you wear a greet coat one day thin the a porous the third mid a doc tor bill the fourth the with any weekly for Mies gavoa oclock tea last Monday Mr Herb Wilson has accepted a sit at Mies epont over Sunday lit city with her sister Mayor Cane went to Now York this week on a business trip Mr and Mrs G were At Home XViday night A lady visitor over Bun day with Miss J Mrs and daughter were At Homo on Tuesday Mm gavo a thimble party afternoon Miss Brown of Tina Orchard spoot with Mia Mies Dunn entertained a number of young people Monday night A of ladles took a drive to on afternoon Mrs It and two children visiting In tbo this week Mr and Richard Ktrton are visit relatives in this at Hughes last is back to Town again May was visiting with friends in Kiog a few days last week Mr audMro Oliver were At Homo with friends on Monday night Mrs Jackson of mother of Mrs a visit Mies has boon accepted as a nurso In a hospital at Brooklyn Mr and Mrs A At Home with on Monday night Mrs of Toronto ia on a vioit with her daughter Mrs Hewitt Walter and daughter Inez spent over Sunday at Mrs it J Mrs of via- Mrs Kirton at over Sunday Mies rry of Ml Albert was visiting over Sunday with Mrs and gave Ave oclock teas week Peter Oilman who ia the care with la grippe is improving Mre A Cane gave a thimble party last Friday afternoon to a number of gueota Eastwood entertained some com pany at Mr Geo Woods on JPoeaday of Kettloby mother of Mr is here on a visit for a few days Mrs J Wilson spent week with her parents at Keswick returning home yesterday Mr Millard of waa in Town last Saturday with oye open for some more Mr Peter Brown and family have moved to tho 2nd coo of King the place Miss Mainprise of Albert is iog with her Bister Mann of street for a few weeks Bradford Witness Mr Fred Cole and Clara of Newmarket over Sunday with Mlas Alice Poole A TGregory of and Gregory of Birmingham England are at J Mr and family of Tp eft yesterday for Co where he work own farm In future Mra and children came here from on Tuesday a visit with her husband who Superintendent of the Specialty Works end will remain for three or four Mr Samuel Miller of Maple Hill Bruce Co arrived in Town on Tuesday evening and a few days among relativeB and friends around Sharon and He looking well and reports a fine busy winter The many frienda of Mr Jaa St Paul Mino will regret to learn of the sudden death of his wife nee Miss Lily of only a couple of with a pain in her head got a letter week from Japan written on one sheet of paper yards long and inches wide faintly decorated throughout with vino and flow- ere It was from Mrs a former here by the name of Miss Mary The to Rev Harry of Michigan who mar ried yesterday at Clinton to of W formerly of this Town The bridal couple were on a visit to his parents Si Mr Smith called at this office last Saturday to say thai the notice of his marriage in Corners items weak Is entirely falsa We wish one corre spondent a be a little more careful In reporting Hams from their localitlea and a lot of annoyance Porter High and school here and has been Booth York for arrived in Newmarket on Friday last by her Miss- Ad Porter will spend two or three weeks here the of John Mrs fthnttlo worth of Cordova Manitoba writes Of all the papers that into my home tho flret it bo liku a fetter containing it does all iCil and happen ingd that occur old home that always to til- of the Mr P Moore of Marie filch writes All well hero Having a nice winter not jiery cold and enough aoow to make good alelgbipg Good times on the Power Mrs Draper of Seattle Wish follows part of the It contains alt news in and around all of la to da We are having the finest of weather no frost to speak of this coming out in blossom and it Is a common thing to see roses in bloom in the garden The day yesterday wo had a handsome sent in by a Wo have no snow except what can bo seen on- peaks of and Cascade about distant from Seattle Seattle growing rapidly population at being peo ple It ie prophesied that in year time will reach US Gov- esc Seattle for the loading of their tranaporis for the Philip pine Islands The Port of the largest boats on this run now load ing for these Eastern possessions The on Sound is of the finest as a lady from east remarked It is climb it having to many hills on which is built March 17 The Canadians arrived at on Wednesday having in Lord Roberts We had caaualttes We participated ia the Poplar Grove fight but as supports not part in the actual engagement The health and spirits of the men are We now getting an extra food allow ance which is much enjoyed after the hard campaigning The regiment will probably stay here gome days March The gun again shelling us The situation at Brickfields developed with treat rapidity The by com bined and vigorous work upon this and Sap and by concentrated and rifle fire made an advanced hole txnd position of our own supports was no longer Contact was on Saturday morning the with our trenches under a heavy shell fire together with the employment of dynamite bombs and our outposts into the re fuge of the second clay hole from we contested the position The flew the Transvaal flag over Sap on Sunday and held Sap on Monday morning when we advanced strong reinforcements and secured our origi nal position then our position remains unchanged London March The Guards Brigade returned yesterday from Nor- Pont hundred burghers have laid down their arms to General PoleCarew at Edenberg and else- where The officer commanding at Belmont reports that some Boer have come in with a Maxim a pounder and another gun Another has been brought into Cape Colony March The Canadian Mounted un der Col and the Canadian artillery commanded by Col have here with a contingent of yeomanry London- March The Cape Town correspondent of The London Daily telegraphing Tuesday March says I have just arrived from where I learned that no further movement is probable for three as negotiations are proceeding I failed to ascertain the nature of the negotiation or whether Sir Alfred Milners departure Cape connected with them But I should not be surprised if war collapsed A statement comes from Pretoria admitting that Boer lose during the wot- exceed The Anniversary Sale Continues This Week Every day this week will find crowds of buyers here This sale is bound to draw people No wonder as you save dollars on your purchase Remember a cash saving on your is a long way better than paying a big price for your goods and having some kind of fake premium thrown in Suits at J Mens Fancy Check Tweed and all wool Halifax Tweed Suits sizes to value 7 Mens Fine Black Worsted Suits in Cutaway or Sack styles lined with best Italian stitched with Silk all sizes from to 42 price 14 Sale price Mens Very Fine Tweed Suits made of all wool Canadian Tweed tailored in very latest style lined with Italian a splendid bargain Sale price Mens Black Beaver Overcoats Sale SO 95 Anniversary Boot Shoe Bargains Mens Overshoes sizes and only price 160 Sale price Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes Special Sale price Ladies Fine Kid Buttoned Boots Special Sale price Ladies Fine Button or Lace Kid Boots J D Kings make Sale price Mens Strong Lace Boots solid leather Special Sale price Mens Fine Kid Lace Boots Special Sale price Hot Shot Lace Boots J D Kings make Special Sale price Bargains this week in all kinds of Rubbers 0 Dress Goods New Prints New Carpels Wall Papers Groceries ESI nam tiHr0 reader In lie Orient a prominent Kansas City creamery map after an extensive trip Japan and China states that Is not a creamery or dairy In China and tint two small ones In Japan He says that bent In Shanghai a city of fiUO000 use a poor quality of made In Germany IN THE LINE Yes so was Geo v- ftod If work to be considered the order ft retreat the war will be over and the- enemy down on that little Then they can Ad DdtrutbftUyHfly at only front and of all we surrey But- 1 aia like a and will never purrend- r I gain a greater proceaslon than ever i Old Stand t A a A A A A A A V TO LEHMANS and Cattle Men Will find it to their advantage to have their Condition Powders Cattle Spices Liniment etc made by us We wish to induce more horse owners to use Our Yorkshire Remedy and to do this we place on sate Saturday packages at 15c package Try a package and be convinced it is the Best General Condition Powder you ever tried Out at bottle is well worth trying STORE Household Remedies and Sundries 5 Hopes Tiny Tablets Springs the great blood purifier and strength producer Lehmans Liver Pills Combs Brushes At all prices A good assortment to choose from W I LEHMAN as The Leading Fupnitupe House Undert and Specialty Telephone J The Cradle At on he AM Mr Mrs Myron ftEOn to At March to Mr Jatnee and Emily formerly he flit m In on Haven 1 by Ray attbV of father of the eooQddnHtPi Strati to Mr J on Inst- by P Toronto formerly Ottawa Sale Register Norman of Orkney was fatally injured by his sleigh up setting near Mills John Gnliaui Grand Trunk and P W a Stock have advanced secondclass passenger rates to the Pacific coast j Sinib Farm for sale Mr Gavin a farmer of the Emerson District was instantly by his team arm and away i credit Jackson Miss March J Sale at one fruit and vegetnblej W sections of the State thatlTotsDAt March 28 Big the early strawberries were consider ably damaged by Fridays rose Vege tables and peaches however are safe r of implements belonging Eaito of late J Van- See bills per Wheat ptrbu5i6ltVa3 Barley per el mmii per Cutler j OSS a a Wool lb per ion Be of fe I jLi-i- Main if Turkey per Lift j fct 1 if J if a li CO to I a 0 a i a eta a Ova a CO a iJ a if a Oil a or To March a White Wheat per a Wheat per per bushel Bye per hmmi Butter roll per bay per Hey per too Pot ptrewti lilmJ Iilr j iiriijiIiySuJr j j i Mil I I on 10 WW CO CO W li a a a a a a a a a a a a a u EL it J

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