Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 16, 1900, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH T the tor ica ana core Jaandtoo SUeyowlfl to prevent a cold or break up ft W aeatte certain the MO worthy confidence Purely they can bo taken children or delicate women- all medicine or by mall 1 Hoop A Co Low I Mass that these Piasters wiH relieve pain quicker any Put only in yard rolls The latter you to cut the Plaster any Every family should have ready for an emer gency of lions II I I I I I Mill ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter upon its year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Claims Paid During IOi Polices were issued for STANDARD ban Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 Assure now and secure a shave of the profits GEO It District Inspector J A liif around the lab FIND WORTH TO Bars Mr Miller last week on a three months trip to old coun try during which ho will visit Scotland and Germany where he will and cat tle Mr John wellknown hardware merchant has made an assignment to Mr J for the benefit of his creditors Mr It ape who has been with Mr Mo- for years will continue to run the shop MOUNT ALBERT The had a visit from Grand Trustee Kenton of at their last meeting and initiated now member Mr intends moving to this spring Mr linger is minus a shoulder of pork which disappeared from his shop Last week Mr Fox and Mrs who have been visiting their parents Mr and Mrs Pa Fox left for their homo in Dak other day Asa Jewel had an duck in pond Ho was father at taking out ice and while lifting a block from the water his foot slipped Fortunately ho is none worse for his unccm- bath Children Cry for IA and would that he practises what preaches I never a finer farm Mta Elijah family her aimer Grandma Nel son Are off for Manitoba next month Elijah has purchased a home there There will lie a great deal of shift ing around in thin section in a weeks It is said that time a lady told her adoring lover that was bound to marry store keeper This seemed to alarm him that ho was ready to buy any of our business men But all that is a thing of past and there has been no business changes as yet If I had as nice a woman as father William I would only esteem it a to subscribe for the Era she asked mo The dry Globe dont suit the women half as well as Era All ladies quilting prepara tory for Uncle Sams hens are not doing as welt now They overdid themselves when eggs up now theyre suf fering a collapse Many years ago certain whoso authority I know not appoint ed Into Tommy Archibald as King of Gum Swamp King Tommy old King Colo ruled right royally for he loved good thing of life in cluding sod a- with a stick But tint old King gathered to his fathers and leaving no prince or princess the title lapsed and since then anarchy has reigned in Gum warn p Now in order that this said stale may cease we suggest that our duly crown Joe Taylor as King Til is Owl FATALITIES OF WAR Hi of Do- I Notwithstanding the superior of the liners latest and most destructive type of on both the so far during the have been iiflloii- it is not meant to convey the thai this war is not bloody and Leralhk as all wars arc hut the finalities not so great as their would of war fatalities In aut at hand hut will recall the that during the Crimean the ftrcfl 45001000 shot d 3S0OU men or every shots that lime rapid firing imns have greatly improviil T Crowded out hit week BALDWIN BREEZES BOTTLE it or to you ftftfr lHi A I Lire It J Hike lit Sit for fipittti bunch and DO ft for fAiQlIf DO caul jvj tor alio tree or B J CO VT A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS In of die THROAT or LUNGS Urge Bottle DAVIS COjUmKea of Perry m ukfc writs ltd ad luKiiiU lwi I seo in the Keswick news that through lack of exorcise Rev is feeling very frisky I to suggest that his give it and himself necessary exercise by occasionally driving over to Bald win to look after his lambs I fear ho cannot say I am Good Shep herd my sheep know my voice etc It is some he was hero and I acq his lambs to other flocks Unless their ears ore marked I fear ho will not know thorn blustery weather that ushered in March is responsible for a number of lung troubles Mrs Barry Crittenden and Master Aimer Foster are seriously ill with inflammation Out mail carrier Mrs has best record for faithful services of any along this line train is due hero at 15 pm On Thursday evening she Waited in the storm till to twelve and on Friday even ing till well on to oclock A very relieving feeling No doubt you all experienced it when Lady- smith he Hey and were restored to liberty The capture of was what set mo in There are none who can deny his equalled only by Roberts and Kitch ener Of ultimate issue theie can be no reasonable doubt Britain will triumph and the haughty siayeti uckling will bite the dust Drunk What a deal is encompass ed in that word loss of reason re spect and all the finer sensibilities of a mans nature As soon as a man or woman gets that way the law should shut them up in solitary confinement Or apply the lash A lad in this sec tion of country has always a great deal to say about devils when drunk If he dont have a care see blue Is some day of the grandest professions for women is nursing But not every woman is physically fitted for it It requires strength the most amiable disposition and scrupulous neatness Miss of Newmarket fills the bill in that re- She is ray beau ideal nurse flow sick and wounded in A appreciate the tender care of a corps of such nurses Something like this will probably adorn the this week Glover And many other similar ones Dame Rumor is busy just now I wish Dr could have heard the expressions of delight when some of his friends here read his de nial of removing from Sutton The Dr is popular Free That word caught Roy Tomilsons eye so he off and se cured the valuable prize a watch Of course its a beauty all such are If those farmers who attended recent institute at Newmarket would drive down and inspect Simpson of Markham TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tho money It to euro K is on each box School Reports II OK MERIT KESWICK SCHOOL Son Jim Ethel Gibson Martha Brooks Ill Leo Morton Bessie Pressor Sen Lloyd Elliott Oldham Cole Part Raymond Huntley ley Teacher min with VTIlrAT US lm iOliiif mKff of both artillery and Infantry Hie shots hat can lie fired In a given increased many over The proportion of fa talities however grown has In the civil war the Wit when compared with since- In some bat- Iks the lass was per cent of the eiKKed and losses of from to per cent were common At when most peo ple M0 I Brigade were practically the actual wat only 47 per cent In Hie of modern there in a greater proportion of Wounded and a less proportion of It a fact however that proportion of the wounded recover smull at terrific force partly accountable for hut much credit roust be given to met hurts surgery and work of the nnd insliiuijoiiK In wars more soldiers hove died from sickness than front injuries combat In explanation the de creased mortality battle marked changes in method most be Into account The brilliant charges of are now suldnin attempt ed although in the present Transvaal War there have been more of them than the usual modern proportion The man behind the breastworks has A GREAT Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Is a great builder It Klves weight adds healthy flesh and overcomes any downward tendency of health Davis Lawrence Co Ltd makers Give century question a rest and try your hand at this When to morrow yesterday today will be as far from the end of the week as was today from the beginning of the week when yesterday was tomorrow What day of th week is to day Babies and children need propel food rarely ever medi cine If hey do not thrive on their food something is wrong They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly COD LIVER OIL Wessons in Painting J Pollock j Art Graduate of Ontario farm r Infants and Children A 51 IS rt will generally correct this difficulty If you will put from one- fourth to half a teaspoonful in babys bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement For larger children from half to a according to age dissolved in their milk if you so desire will very soon show its great nourish power IF the mothers milk does not nourish the ttaby she needs the Won will show an effect at once both upon mother and child c SCOTT Cerent I feel as if I should fly to pieces Hew often thote words arc on a womans lips They express lb the uttermost the nerve racked condition of body which life a daily If this condition had come suddenly would have been unbearable But transition was grad ual A little more strain each day on the A little more drain each day of the vitality- Any woman would be glad to he rid of such a condition Every woman tries to be rid of it Thousands of such women have been cured by Dr Pierces treatment with his Favorite Prescription when local doctors bad entirely failed to cure Sick women suffering from unpleasant drains irregularities bearing down pains Inflammation and ulceration arc invited to consult Dr Pierce Buffalo letter free of charge Every letter is guarded as a sacred confidence AH let ters are promptly answered and In private envelopes without printing of any kind upon them Favorite Prescription lain the full est sense a temperance medicine con taining neither alcohol nor opium or other narcotic any form Accept no substitute Rem of Marlon Star Co Ohio had troubled with chronic constipation and female and doctored to help me I of your 1 thoueht I would try your medicines I did and with good results Took one bottle of Favorite Prescription and two of his Golden Medical Discovery and can I atn cured of my troubles thanks lo Ir- fierce and his medicines They do a world of good to give good trial Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are a per fect cure for constipation LOVE ON THE FARM f V fc- J I Do you think of If you do write I LD1N NEWMARKET And got Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ICE Artistic Inside Woodwork on And in Ltd pie for And all the red way the riJ Your love nnot be trld j You me But tttti caeca Atd laid at he ctt by ny niTCe And J too am early And you Ive i Eo lum your lovely But Largest Factory in Canada for the manufactnre of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS ETC fcnd Repair kinos on notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET r bin grown if has worked in way of destructive not greater ingenuity evolved of keeping out Ah Che War advances the British Realize the fiystcniutic which the Boers have been making during the past Severn years In the first place both the and the Orange Fret State have plen ty of money In the revenue of the Transvaal wan over and its annual income had increased to nearly War preparations have been on under the direction of President for years The factories at a creation of are the largest and in the were by and turn out any explosive known to science The fortifications at Pretoria are some thing which the world does not yet but it is to say that they Include everything that money and skill can produce Gigantic forts may he seen on every side of the tpwiiand the and heaviest ar tillery is in the hands of the best Boer and European and men The only way in which an invading army can capture Pretoria is to starve it into submission and it may be tpkea for granted that every pre partition has been to resist a siege It is estimated that there are Boers now at the front i carrot til to fe go if you onion And leuurtp think you Law of toy ilgh Too long a maiden I Lav teen For fticr it your spare a the tuber luidis youll be You are the vccplftg now with di il wily luUr He caught her And her an Devoured nil fa SU of War I came where the hit the writes Charles Shaw In The Toronto feltgram There a cluster of or SO dead and wounded Look ere sir yelled a bending over a comrade us was hurrying forward for the shots were Hying little hot The man was hard hit in two places on one Leg Wot dye think a that I didnt think anything except to lie sorry or the poor beggar who nev er anything more than won der wot the little girl will think of me round on one leg Tjiink answered the towns- main Think its a fihillin a day pension for life And as blood which couldnt be gushed forth anew won dered if tills women of England yes and knew what war which they deemed so really meant feet of maahood going back on one leg to the little girl in far off England who was his only thought while bullets whistled over hiui and the pain of his wound soul Age is not to be feared The older a good and healthy person grows the greater becomes his capacity to enjoy the deeper sweeter more Us Leading Specialists of America ft YEARS Hi DETROIT CUB EMISSIONS Nothing can wore to middle ccd men filing of They a for married life and bppUwt No matter by jfoati fit Method trill NO CURE- NO PAY you Karl or mar yon- not till Our New Method I will car You so CURED You we sd nervous irritable ted ex citable- You foifetfbl and ranker wrinkled fEce fbna and diracMWualaaDc the of your Ho matter bow riiw caw NEW iiErilOD ii it worror retain in meat vitalized or No tut a cars PAY- SO DETEN- BUSINESS CURES GUARANTEED fit cud core SYPHILIS To on A Cabin Passage to Paris Free aatna at sea The Tire Company Limited will give free a steam ship ticket to Paris and return to the giving the best 200word description of an ex perience with Tires you have to do is to send a postal card registering your name for competition and ask ing for the Tire An nual M which contains par ticulars and much valuable data about aalr Co CliXBGES KV ilODZRATE If lo tall 351 tor a BLANK for HOME Kennedys 148 SHELBY STREET DETROIT MICH if wefaiJL and description of any will promptly the of same JBow to a sent upon request- Mcurd throagh advertised for talc at our patents oat through us receive without charge in The Patent Record an illustrated and widely circulated journal Investors Stud FREE Address VICTOR J- EVAM6 CO- Solid Gold Best Gold perfect OPTICAL YongoStreot Toronto- kinds of affords which the Our sentiments our our words lose on entering cer tain minds us sticks the water bout cross Work supposed to be practically he full strength of nation but as every calculation in regard lo the wily lias thus proved wrong there is certainty about thin one There re known to he more sol diers around Pretoria than anybody no account has taken of who can fight nearly as well the men While Doer teach their as boys to guns and the women never get too old to shoot well They an and combative as the men and if oc casion their in fighting After a woman has reached the age of wonders how many linve passed before she Chicago A Skin Beautifies Inestimable Value which Pimpjts Blackheads Eczema and every form of is Dr Chases Ointment As great as may be the difference of opinion as to the various types of beauty no one can aeo beauty in a face that is dis figured by- pimples and blackheads or scarred by traces of eczema or other diseases- The lowneck society dress frequently reveals shoulders and back covered with pimples or other skin eruptions repulsive to the sight Why are women content to use powders and harmful preparations to cover up such blemishes when they could as well euro them and nudte the skin clear healthy and natural by using a preparation so well known as Chases Eczema or Salt Rheum may be the most severe form of diseases which mar beauty and terrible Itching and burning sensations That Dr Cnee Ointment bap cured the worst casea of eczema on Is well known No preparation Is of such inestimable value in a womans toilet for besides the that are usually troublesome at Intervals it gives relief to the itching to which women subject absolutely carts piles a box at all dealers or Co Toronto Shannon- pile manufactured by r The Office Specialty Co I Factory Newmarket Out and Bay St Toronto 1744 Notre St Montreal P Q If you not a subscriber to fcheUra Send for a trial trip of mouths-

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