Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 16, 1900, p. 6

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I NEW MARK ERA P IDA M i toe the Hub Aril lUiMAIJIi RON us Lot of moving on Wo welcome our now A llttlo irl hast coma the home of Mr Mm Phillip in JiuiTalo There is a booked for noxt week in James Church Miss Sun day visiting friend at Newmarket Mm Sunday with friends at HOLT Mr Frank returned to Da kota on Tuesday and went Winnipeg Mr jr is alii J very poorly Jin been in lied for six Mr got in a large load of washes a fow days ago Kays band in improving nicely He got it hurt It is still booming the mill lias of our storekeeper BALDWIN Proper and Mr Abra ham buying last week bought- two in two days Mr Jones straw stack blow over and killed fine last week was visiting at Mr Waller last week Mr Grant and Lady were tlio guests of Mr William Miller last Sunday is going to considerable moving about here Mr Wallace Young is main leader Mr Olios was paying folks at Holland Landing a visit day last week Signs of another wedding in the near future LANDING The wood has boon on the move the some GO or loads passing thru hero ill a day mostly for Newmarket sleighing is ex cellent and everyone making good use of it The Canadian Order of Chosen friends increased their Lodge on Mon day last by adding 1 1 now About a dozen brethren from New market present Mr Lane was appointed delegate to attend the Con vention at Toronto on the Mrs wo pleased to is some liettr Miss Morning has been indis posed the past with La Grippe is recovering Mr intends moving in to Mr residence on the let of April Mr moved to the of King this week where be intends farming in the future Doc Rowland sports a new driver Mr also purchased a new this week Mrs Nixon who accidently slipped and sprained her ankle last Saturday is some tatter Suckers are up they say The are catching them thru the ice CORNERS Owing to the small attendance at the Free Metis Church Rev Minor is going to return to Uncle country this Mr Henry Smith and Mary Ann were married last Wed- They have the good wishes of all We have fine sleighing in our sec tion of the country Lena spent a few days in last week Mr Willie Hicks is soon to return to Dakota He will be missed by many friends here- Mrs Annie Rose presented her husband with a fine baby boy are numerous around here and still more to follow Mr James Smith removed to the city on Tuesday last They will be missed very much in this vicinity Mr Meyers moves into his house- on Thursday There is quite a bit of changing about this One of our young men while re turning from the carnival last Wed- night bad an upset throwing out the occupants and damaging the cutter a little No one was hurt Miss Lina Rose was visiting at Mrs J Hirsts laat Sunday Mr Ed has been successful in- securing the services of Robert jr Ho will find that Bob will meet all requirements willingly Mr Geo has returned home to stay for the summer Miss Evelyn is visiting and in the city at present Mrs A McMillan has been very poorly lately but we are glad to hear she is improving Lillian is in at present Mr has engaged with Mr Wm Cunningham for the summer was visiting at Mr Walker on Sunday If annual incomo is what need bo have cared foe a cheek or two on the bank of the Kincardine Review Rather move than usual amount of moving at this season of the year will bo aeon shortly on the quiet About a fort night ago Hamilton of line North was married to a young man who lias worked their farm for some is of our most admirable and ladylike young women collapse of the Sutton Herald Jnst week was no surprise to many Like a true Briton to strike a fallen foe so will comment no fur ther Requieecat in Mace Everybody seems to be at the Joker these days The Clerk of the weather is respon sible for nonarrival of Breezes last week but theyre this week Changeable weather is very rough on Owls old bird was growling round last week with earache head ache and all other evil aches Better now I see by Boribes that other lads beside ours breaking in colts Now breaking in colts is like breaking in shoes easy enough if you goat it in a rational manner with them in infancy and pot and handle as if a baby putting on harness and all kinds of such manoeuvres and theyll never know broke In fact theyre not broken only bent twigs bent so it grows Mighty interesting war these times Some of our men including peaceful Charlie they down in A Boers One item that interested mo was that when provisions came to the starving garrison divided their rations with the Boor prisoners That was an act worthy of a Soldier of Queen Wo see that the Conservatives have two more victims to bo immo lated on the altar I believe one of them is the chap who is said to have offered his services to speak in behalf of either party some years ago at per night Oh well and are plenty good enough for me Their election will be dead easy Sometimes I read thus It pays to adyertiee in the Baa Yes it be so or such long headed men as Roche Starr and so forth would not spend such of money in placing their commodities before the public eye in its cols It does not seem that the Syndicate will erect that enormous summer ho tel at Jacksons Pi this year at least Master Less Crittenden though but a lad of haft for the past two sea- sons cut and drawn up unassisted ait the wood required for our hotel no small amount Less ia a to work and ia getting up a big of poles this year Wages are high in the lumber- shanties this year Donald Chapman been there this season Although minus an arm he ranks as a firetelaaa man Those who take an interest in crim inal statistics aver that criminality is hereditary Of the truth of that state I am convinced from my own observations But there aro other hereditary peculiarities For instance there are the births of even male and female children In our own family grandfather had four sons and four daughters two which had even numbers of the sexes of which one had three sons and three girls of these one had five boys and five girls another four boys and four girls I observed other families with similar results I theres an agitation for reform in spelling It needed But- if begins theres no telling when theyll get thru It aeema to me the whole structure will have to be torn down and rebuilt from the foundation Mr Welly Morton is showing some machinery The have sent out some very handsome A couple of flaming the walla of Peekaboo 1odgo Murray our popular market man was on Monday looking well as usual after several weeks illness though a trifle pale around the gills The Lookout corner of mar ket was crowded with pretty girls on Monday That is the comer devoted to young ladies not engaged though perhaps willing to be Our are making some particularly fino displays at present Mr Editor if theres any letters from Hal lets have them The Owl POINT Mr Starr of Newmarket deserves great credit for serving his customers ho faithfully winter season Also driver Billy for bis kind and obliging manner to all with whom he has dealings summer months wo have butchers and bakers galore hut ere the- last rose of sum mer has faded they are gone ami the usual question is When was there a butcher hero Echo answers When I The people here forget all about election matters discuss nothing but the war- Wo are- all very very much over tho recent vic tories in South Africa and the bereav ed warmest sympathy Mr George Young and Miss Marsh guests of Hamilton on Sunday Miss Mary has returned from Albert Mr Tease happened with a very painful accident while unloading logs a thumb nail wo torn off ice in in very good condition now as by making a detour cracks can bo avoided Miss Ferris is preparing for a much larger traffic in icecream this summer having stored double tho former quan tity of ice Wo wish her every suc cess as her icecream is satisfactory both in quality and quantity The Owl must be a very gener ous bird as ho came so allantly to assistance of our bachelor Jess It- is well for liiin ho is not here or ho would not have a feather left- as pi urn is in such demand here by our young ladies oven rob our fowl turkey The aristo cratic owl would have to suffer badly KESWICK A pleasing and event took place at the of Mr Harry Grose on March the The oc casion being tho marriage of his third daughter Miss Ursa to MV of Richmond Hill The marriage ceremony was performed by Kd of and witnessed by about guests The bride was handsomely and neatly attired carry ing a shower bouquet of roses whilst tho bridesmaid Emma her sis ter was dressed in cream cashmere and wore carnations The groom was supported by his nephew Mr The matrimonial knot being tied then followed usual congratula tions The guests were then inyited to the dining room tables were spread with tempting delicacies in pro fusion Presents numerous and cost ly folly attested the high esteem in which the bride in held The l have announce ments out for their regular Monthly Temperance Meeting for Mon day evening next There should be a good turn out as there will be good moonlight and the Ladies have a good program prepared The following arc to take part Mrs Neil Morton of will give an essay Recita tions by Mrs Jesse Council and Miss May j Music by Mrs Jesse and Mr Isaac Gilpin and others Mr John Reeve of the Township and P of the of here will also give a short ad dress Farmers busy now getting in their supply of ice which is ft of good blue ice thick On Wednesday the sale of the of tho late Joshua Will- cattle and horses sold well one cow brought the handsome price of About each were paid for nearly all of the cows Mr and Mrs Davis of spent Sunday with friends here Mr addressed the School in the afternoon Mr and Mis also spent Sunday with friends here Mr is sway on visit with friends at Britain Mr and Mrs John jr were visiting over Sunday with friends in A company of our young folks paid Mr of a visit on Wednesday evening No doubt a good time was spent as friend Gilpin is just the one the young folks a good time The Methodist Church choir is in vited to the home of on Friday night for choir practice We trust that this good example of Mr will be followed by other members of the church thereby en couraging the choir in their work VanNorman Brothers are stocktak ing this week They being assisted by Mr About one year and a half ago the Endeavor societies here made love to one another and united as a union society There is every indica tion at present that there will be a divorce case in the near future A silver wedding was celebrated last Friday night at homo of Mr and Mrs of the con near when a large party of personal friends and relatives graced the occasion loading the board with many costly and handsome gifts to commemorate landmark matrimonial life A sumptuous sup- partaken of and the party up midnight Among the many invited guests was Mr and Mrs Sam of street Newmarket t Everything greatest excitement at the homo of Mr and airs Sam of North on Wednesday instant their daughter Mary was united in marriage to Robert Glover of venshoe by Rev A P Brace of Sutton About guests assem bled to do honor to tho occasion Promptly at the hour announced tho entered on the arm of her father followed by her sister a The groom was by his brother Glover After tho ceremony the company partook of and excellently prepared and daintily served dejeuner all under the direction of Mr Goodyear of tlio Lake Shore who more than justified the confidence placed in him Nothing was left to event a perfect suc cess which everyone pronounced it file a sight worth see ing numerous costly and varied everything useful and ornamental oven to the cash There can be no doubt of the high esteem in which young people are held by their many friends Amid showers of rice and wishes the happy couple left for Newmarket thence to Toronto and Buffalo for thoir honeymoon Many of tho costumes worn were prettily chosen rfpectally those of the bride and her maid The wedding was sweetly discoursed by Miss May long life and happiness be the lot of the GROCER Art Bologna Sausage Fresh An Excellent Fish Sauce in bottles lb Pure Coffee A Deep Pink Salmon worth per tin wo are at Nice Bright Dried Apples lbs for Fresh Trout Fish per lb Trout in brine per lb Labrador Bait per do Fresh nice and thick per lb Choice Roll Bacon per lb Fresh Sausage per lb Fresh Prunes lbs for Our Pain Dried Rolled Oats for Breakfast lb Gold Dust Corn Meal fresh per lb You know the difference in Canned Vegetables We sell Best Brands cans for Prepared Mustard in jars each Catsup in large bottle each in bottles nicely mixed Baking Powder in Tumblers each Cow Brand Soda per package J Bars Davisons Soap for We are informed we can recommend this soap Our Premiums in Silverware are interesting to all because of their quality and the easy way any purchaser can procure them We have a complete line of goods on view at bur store and invite you to call and see them when your purchases amount to 500 present you with a Handsome we I MISS AN Hits removed to Room from the Block 10 the SyVta Jllock op I to Smiths roe cry A Rood Strong boy wanted learn the Apply at this office Wanted An elderly preferred and to the farm Apply at this office Red Cross Society the Town and vicinity Are Invited to attend a meeting of the In the Council Chamber Newmarket on Friday Afternoon- at oclock TJROBERTSON MRS President Secretary In the Firing Line Smith Bros are m the firing line of the army and while they are entrenched jo the estimation of the still they are exposed to An shot from theentmyp GOOD SENSIBLE advertising and attention to OWN sees placed them in the row and there they intend to at ay Metropolitan Depot Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received by the un dersigned up to The day of to the Industrial Horn- for the County of York one year with Bread Groceries Contracts to commence 1st of April tender for any of the above supplies can obtain blank form at the Home and set necessary Information in reference to wbat la required Parties with whom contracts are made to deliver supplies at the Home No accepted J Inspector Silver Pickle Fork or When your purchases amount to io you can draw a Silver Pepper and Salt Cell When your purchases amount to 15 an Elegant Silver Butter Knife or Silvef Sugar Shell of Silverware 1 have already been given away just commence at once and buy your supplies at Davisons Grocery will find we keep the best of everything and goods always fresh and you pay only one price i I mm We deliver all goods promptly just when you want them DAVISON CO Main St Newmarket Private Board Apply to St FOR Miss was very seriously injured in a runaway accident at Wood- bridge taken on a bylaw to peal the act which lias been in force in South ainco resulted in favor of the by law by a majority of seven votes Executors Notice to Creditors provisions provided in that behalf notice Is hereby that ail creditors and other persons Calms against the Estate of of the County of York yeoman deceased who died or about day of February lftOare hereby required send by post prepaid to Charles Keswick of the last will of said on or before tho Cay of April a statement in of their names and and full particulars of claims duly verified Notice further given that immediately after the said fifth of the proceed to the assets of estate amongst those of whose claims notice ball then have been win not flnypart thereof to any person or who have not then filed their claims All persons noti fied to pay in their the state forthwith for cento Dulllyr old Timothy Seed and Gray Peas EG QuecnfivMePQ Do we do the Black Dress Goods Trade A A Tailors Talk BE unless the tot and quality were apparent to back op state ment We dont talk volumes bat oar Baits talks for us Measured forms flrft make high toned for delivery my We have the Largest Range of Goods in Town TORONTi done tblB tern in the Central Business College of Toronto whore regular Teachers employed and oyer student are in attendance This a big school and a school to which business firms look for skilled help Eleven young people went direct from College to situations during week ending Feb Write for prospectus You may enter any time No vaca tion Principal Red Wheat Wanted Bushels White Wheat Wanted Bushels- Oats Wanted Bushels REMEMBER WE DO CHOPPING EVERY V DENN Fire in the portion this town completely wiped out all houses the south of treat The losses Mtimat3aJ about only partially insured Thirteen families burned oat barrister sixtytwo years ago was sentenced to five years in Penitentiary on Tues day upon the corrupting the morals of a number of little girls in that

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