Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 16, 1900, p. 3

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J 4 f Items WHAT OH TOWN If You Concert night in Presbyterian who largo attendance at meeting on Monday and re ports of Convention hold in Toronto prepared by delegated Irwin and splendid Richardson V iMssr THE ERA FRIDAY MARCH 1900 J J- l Gospel The Hall was well filled last program being provided by En deavor of Christian Mr occupied chair and presided at organ given by and of Hall Toronto and flinging by I nolo and Lily to program next Bond ay Halite Two men loft for Toronto on Tuesday to bo Soldiers of Queen namely Messrs an Jock Harford an order by the that applications would Ijo from mon who had pre viously enlisted in Volunteer bop- vice to to Halifax for garrison duty for cither one or three It is that both mon provfooely applied to to Africa Happy Send Off Among men in Toronto Friday to go to Africa und places of thoao who al Ion oat of ranks of first wae Mr Loon brother of If of town boys will bo glad to Loon in Africa On Saturday evening Leon was presented with a purse of money a tobacco pouch and an address by other boarders at his rendenco which expressed beat wishes for tho of Jackson was signed by ton of his ales lle Jackson also received a number of presents from friends among them a fine dirk from hie fellow at Toronto Company Mr Fred A of Jacksons Point with this contingent will aail from John Now Brunswick on March by the steamer a vessel chartered to carry Canadian hay to South for Im perial troops The Red There were fourteen ladles in attendance at the last Tuesday afternoon In unavoidable absence of the Mayor was occupied by ox- Mayor Robertson who object of the Society The ladies to organize a branch in Newmarket and elected following President Mrs J Robertson Secretary Cane Forsyth It was decided to in the manufac ture of Hospital clothing and the following were appointed a committee to material and do the cutting at the reside of Robertson on Thursday alter- week namely Mrs Mrs A Mrs A Cane Mrs Downs and the President Mrs Robs who was to the city on Wednesday was requested to ascer tain what was moat needed for the troops and patterns for garments Another meeting of the Society is to take place at the Council Chamber at oclock this afternoon and all ladies who feel any interest in the care of the sick and wounded soldiers in South Africa are earnestly invited to be present CO Jiughes Their Milliner is prepared to nil any or der that may bo required before Opening days The Owing to tho fit health of fiooU from Indiana tho special closed on They very largely at tended but productive of spiritual Mr Intends to remain here till yearly in Important Sole Attention Is directed to tho Important and Auotfoa of livo stock farm lobe hold Tuesday and Wednesday and 28th March by tho Executor of of John VanNostrand on lot Including their valu able of Cattle Horses Pigs and Sheep cat tle and part of the Implements will bo offered first day of sale oymploraents and the stock on second day Service Song The Borneo of Ron to bo given by the Choir of Presbyterian Church on Wednesday March promises to be of tbo boat yot Miss Mitchell Miss Con tralto of Toronto will bo assisting artists A feature of tho program will bo rendition of a number of Scotch selec tions opening number being Wlia by a foil choir in unison Yea Though I walk will bo sung accompanied Tho words all anthems will bo printed on pro grams A large attendance is assured admission only ten cents Coble newest for finishing on stamped goods also Lace Thread at Court into the charge against Allan Rogers jr and Tom- linson of stealing bags of grass seed from of East resumod on Monday last before iJaokson who committed them for trial was to it had boon disposed of to Mr Merchant Since the adjournment last however had been returned by tho parties to Mr thereby tag restitution Wednesday in view of this faot of this being trie first of fence charged against lbs prisoners when they brought before Judge confessed guilt and he fchem to jail for thirty They got off pretty easy Christian Church Last Weeks preach ed from John words of the text were in answer to Peter Wo should bo careful lest our sympathy with others shall make us partake of their wrongs arc driven from paths of duty by a spirit of criticism and gossip Some wor ship popularity and will not serve unless euro of success The service oars the success remains with God Danger should not with In the evening subject was the Bar- Fig Tree which represented the Jews in many ways much done for both fig tree and people and consequently but in both cases disappointment The which was to be held on the will be held on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr Leh man The wot made aa not to conflict with the Presbyterian entertain ment Donation Party Oh Monday evening last a number of the members and friends of the Christian Church in King met at the home of their pastor Eld of Newmarket and together spent a enjoyable even- in social chat and games About sixty persons enjoyed an excellent repast provid ed by the ladies after which Eld and called to the front when the following address was read by Hams- den and presentation made by Mrs Terry To Kid and We the members and friends of King Christian Church meet with yon and your family to spend a social evening- We recogoize some degree your consecrated efforts in tho work of our beloved church We desire to show you in some tangible oar appreciation of your cervices plea accept this sum of money sa a Alight token and memento Of our high for you Treating friendship may become the more endearing with the weight of years and that we may long be spared to work together for the Master Signed on behalf of by and Mrs Terry The pastor replied with ft low suitable marks then led In prayer Aa wee hours approached the friends departed for their homes leaving behind them many tokens their love and kindheartedness for their pastor and family not forgetting Frank the as tome bushels of oats were left in his bin In Toronto The death of Mr David Smith Ross took place suddenly in Toronto on Sunday morning last heartfailure On Friday last he walking around but complained of a slight attack of la grippe on Saturday Mr Ross was born at Park bill Scotland nearly century ago and came to Canada with his parents when a young an for vexrs he conducted a mercantile business on King St East Toronto after wards making his home at Holland Land ing where he was Station for Northern Railway for many years He retired from active business life years ago and baa since that time resided at the Elliott House Toronto The re mains were brought hero by train on Tuesday afternoon for interment at New market Cemetery Harvey who ran the first train over the Northern accompanied the Public School Regular last Tuesday All members present except Mr Manning The Principals report showed 321 on roll for with on average eltend- 2H0 for roll and I average attendance Nonresident fees for March Inspectors was received and will bo considered at a future meeting Accounts amounting to of which amount was for wood Mr Pretty was appointed to Hoard at the annual meeting of the Ontario Association to bo held in Toronto April 17 A gentleman was heard before Board with to certain Historical Charts but no action was Mr reported that ho had cords of wood the Concert In Presbyterian Church on Wednesday night Good talent from Toronto Depot Returns for the past week show Outwards car goods cars Screens cars cars Wooden ware 2 cars grain Total Inwards oars Coal cars Sundries cars Dolts car Vinegar car Dottles Lumber Total The pasecngor train for North Bay went through hero in three on afternoon loaded with settlors for NorthWeal There coaches con taining nearly passengers Two colon trains with settlers effects went thru hero night These excursions will bo contlnncd Tuesday and Fri day for sovorol woek9 It is understood among the railway offi cials that important changes are to bo made at depot here as scon as spring opens freight is to be moved far enough to West to allow another track being laid between it and station and thus provide a thru siding whore trains meet without delay of backing out flt Between CO and At Home given by the at their Hall on Thursday of last week and a de lightful time was spent The Lodge Rooms which exceedingly cosy at any time specially decorated for the oc casion with flags and rod and blue bunting giving a very attractive and pat riotic appearance Parlor games of various binds proyided followed by refresh ments A delightful program of popular was given during evening by J Hughes Pro were brought to a close shortly before the midnight hour by singing National Anthem Atkinson the only charter member left in having previously given a abort address thanking the visitors for their attendance and congratulating the Lodge on each a pleasant social gathering Pyramid Lodge instituted in New market years ago the following being the charter members L Atkinson Dr Cook of Toledo Ohio late Gain Goo of Lindsay and J Spear formerly of Aurora Of the members joined on that occasion only on remains in J Hughes Net Laces Edgings Insertions Embroid eries Veilings at Hughes Council March Meeting of this day m present Coins received from lite Sanitarium John family Haines and A Haines Reeve of Iho Council in of County Roads also M Mainprise in of of boundary of 14 and U Whitchurch and On motion Council adopted a reso lution in favor of local municipal con trol of Roads in preference to con struction and maintenance of leading roads under County Council jurisdic tion A copy of said resolution to he forwarded by Clerk to Local member Hon J Davis Payments a follows road 00 A Council adjourned to on Bat April at Sharon at am 7 J a Extra Standard Granulated Sugar per hundred Canned Pigs Feet Quart Bottle Fine Tomato Catsup Canned Tomatoes Canned Peas Dome Stove Lead Canned Plums Largo Bottle Pickles with Patent Glass Stopper Pure Epsom per lb Sulphur Sugar per lb Canned Salmon i The Best Goods none too good for our customers so you can always rely on what you buy oven if the price is low IB 8 Dentin Union At The Pastors Tuesday Evening Clara and Mrs E Canes Normal Sunday School Class held an At Home in the Lecture Room of the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening which proved to be a very social affair The members together with Invited guests numbered over one hundred and after a sumptuous tea had partaken of various parlor games were provided The room very pret tily decorated with numerous flags etc and everybody eeemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves Shortly after ten oclock the company was to order the Superintendent briefly Mrs Cane upon the success which bad crowned efforts in the organisa tion of the Normal Class and thanked all those who bad assisted in providing a pleasant evenings gathering Pastor then announced the hymn commencing Blest be the that binds Our hearts In christian love and after an earnest prayer for the tem poral and spiritual prosperity of all con nected therewith company dispersed Singing Presbyterian Church Concert next Wednesday lgbt Only Regular meeting of Town next Monday evening seotlon men on the aro feel happy oyer the prospect of increased wages next month Only weeks from Good Friday The of the year is time that moving becomes somewhat gen era but this year foyer has taken on somewhat earlier than uaoal and already we bear of a number of changes recent storm was a lucky fall for men out of employment Vacant houses in town ere scarce There is a constant demand for houses that would rent from to per month With the amount of snow now upon the ground spring freahets of mora than ordinary volume may be looked for It is not yet safe to prophesy an early spring Regular meeting of the at the residence of Hughes next day afternoon Tomorrow la the of Ireland sun creases the line next Looks as if it might be a fine season for sugaring off The OddFellows initiated two more candidates last Tuesday night Big crowd In Town last and another big crowd expected tomorrow It was unfortunate that in one of the High should give out the very day the Inspector was here The carpenter at Canes Factory busy just now on inside woodwork for a large Toronto establishment- Another cold snap 20 below zero yester day morning A procession of teams la bringing pail limber to Cane Factory every day loads were delivered on Wednesday Junior League preparing for on entertainment on the tost bis been at the Ontario Bank to the Patriotio Fond since the Con cert here Council Regular moetiog held at March present Messrs or Draper Morton and Hamilton Minutes of meeting read and The auditors report of Township accounts was laid before the also the bills hereinafter dealt with following resolution was passed That whereas it has pleased the A1- mighty to remove of our members the late Joshua from our midst since our last meeting we the remaining members of this council take this our earliest opportunity of expressing our with the be reaved family and also to place on record our esteem for the late mem ber who by his cheerful manner and kindly disposition made our meetings most agreeable we feel we have lost whoso place will be hard to fill and that the Township has lost of it3 most prominent citizens especially do we remember bis prompt ness to reader any assistance to the poor of the Township we ask that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the family Tho auditors report of Township accounts was accepted and the Clerk instructed to have copies printed also to order six copies of the Munici pal World No was extended north to Keswick and extend ed south to Keswick which will do with The following amounts were paid Municipal World office and collectors rolls and other station ery James use of scraper days Geo repairs to scraper Necessaries for family one hund red dollars was granted to improve Townline East to grant a like amount A Bylav was passed appointing Overseers of Highways Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers and Council adjourned to meet May as Court of Revision and other business Overseers of Highways Patrick Hoggins fosse Main William John Woods John Reed Thomas Huntley James Levi Miller 15 John 1G Henry Grose Alfred Morton Henry George Thompson Washington Ellis Sheppard David Draper John Stephens 24 Geo Micks James Robertson John 27 Silas Bennett 28 Washing ton William Samuel J Silver John William Wrightman John Anderson William Moulds John Hamilton jr Henry Silas David Wight Thomas Glover John Thomas Richard Pollock Charles Joseph Pollock Sheppard Poundkeepers Frank Terry Woods John Anderson Wellington Sheppard Wellington Levi Miller William George William William Burrows J Glover and S Fence Viewers John McNeil John Hamilton John Stephens Perry Morton William King Robert Walker William Morrison and Michael DRY GOOD NEW SPRING GOODS I Just to ibis week Goods Prints Embroideries Muslins Art Sateens Shirtings Ml ip You never fail with Bruntons Baking Powder i The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE 2i Departments ITS AH Our Entire Stock to be cleared Every article marked at Must be Sold Prices Simply this we are closing up our business and the stock will be coming here In the place we have not the room to spare for it and then it would make our stock here too large both good and reasons for a complete clearing out of oar present Stock We you to read every item of the following list of Bargains which represent Everything else in the Department including Mens and Boys Odd Coats Vests Panto Overalls Smocks etc have been reduced in the same way The sale will last till the entire stock is sold out which may be a month But remember the first customers get first choice only a part of our stock Pile 1 Mens Tweed Suits regular to Your choice Pile Mens regular 7 Your choice and Pile Mens Tweed regular 8 and Your choice Pile Mens Tweed Suits regular 0 and Your Choice Pile Mens Tweed Suits regular 10 and Your choice 595 Pile 11 Mens Tweed Overcoats to G Your choice Pile 12 Mens Beaver Overcoats regular and 7 Your choice 0 Pile Boys ThreePiece Suits to Your choice 295 Pile 20 Boys Suits regular J5 to Your choice 425 Pile Boys Suits reg to 8 Your choice Pile 13 Mens Beaver Overcoats and Your choice Pile Mens Tweed Suits regular and Your choice carried the bylaw to bop the Imperial Starch Dr Cttaeos Syrup Unseed ftud en title mothers favorite remedy for coughs colds and ore throat It has by far the talc of remedy for coughs and It Is to the taste prompt action Js absolute safeguard against and pneumonia a bottle Family size CO cents Seventeen persons a majority of whom were children were burned to death at a tenement house lire in New ark NJ Boston Mass March The grip which has prevailed widely in this section for past few weeks has assumed epidemic proportions in this city The Board of Health reports deaths from it for the week ending to day It has been years since the hes been general in Boston present- Pile Mens Worsted Coats and Mens Pea Jackets regular S3 4 and Your choice Pile Boys TwoPiece Suits to Your choice Pile Mens Beaver Overcoats to Your choice Pile 15 Mens Spring Overcoats regular 7 and Your choice Pile Boys TwoPiece Suits 325 Your choice 225 Pile Boys TwoPiece Suits to Pile Mens Spring Overcoats regular to Your choice Pile Mens Rubber Coats regular and 3 Your Choice Pile Mens Ulsters regular 5 Your choice Pile Youths Tweed Suits and Your choice 2 Pile 18 Youths Tweed Suits regular 7 Your choice to Yourph Pile Boys Ulsters and I Overcoats to Your choice 235 Pile 26 Boys Ulsters and Overcoats to 550 Your choice Pile Youth Ulsters and Overcoats to Your choice Pile Youths Ulsters and Overcoats regular to Your choice NEWMARKET f

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