Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 2, 1900, p. 8

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I NEWMARKET FRIDAY MARCH r warning that liver torpid or inactive trouble may follow For prompt efficient euro of all liver troubles they the- liver restore full regular notion of the bowels do not rlpo or pain do no Irrlutoor Internal organs but haw positive effect at all or by mall of I Co Lowell Mass A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very Remedy la of S THROAT or LUNGS Large DAVIS CO of Jf Standard Life ASSURANCE OC The Company has now enter ed uion year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated about Annual Revenue Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for The STANDARD lias in Canada to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR Assure now and secure a share of profits GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A NERVOUS WEAK DISEASES MEN CUR- NO PAY Till r villi will forever Of id the of WE CURE SYPHILIS This Poison terror lUMokind readily to our SEW XKUATMliVi Mercury tic They may ruin your If una in mouther tongue throat hair fctofnacli tore bead- hue of We lb most he world tor wo accept for end cure By our Leal hair Grew lb thin and CURES GUARANTEED ialddltafcd lfuir ijy mental worry etc No lb came our And Ml to tloEj life End are I wcd can viduany beacoour 1 fcut matter what We guarantee to what no CURED i5 EMISSIONS fiVHlIIUH GLEET JSQHARQi Kennedys Kergan Cor Michigan Ave anil Shelby DETROIT MICH lilfe 116 FIND Toronto better Mr A of Urn Hoard of here to At MothodiUi Rev Palls is wry I that the fum will tlio million A number young people attended point by the of October party given Mr and Mm Mr J J who from at their homo on Friday formation of Toronto Inclin ing I trial Association has its and Mrs- Patterson enter 0fc ro Or A a few or Wends on Smith has chosen as day evening it being fourteenth 1 In consequence of the Union of wedding day lion Clock being out of order last A very pretty bat wedding afternoon quite a number of took place at residence of Mr Da- got badly fooled and had to stay in vid on Wednesday Fob the city till morning contrary when hie daughter Ada was united in to wishes marriage to Mr Walter Weils of Tern- At annual session of A O couple in- week taking up their in was Grand Master Dakota next meeting of the i Grand Lodge will be held in Hamil ton At the meeting of tho Fairs Assoc iation week the question of attrac tions one of the important issues difcuaoil amusement was but the fakirs condemn ed MOUNT ALBERT Mr Alien Grahams children are ill with scarlet favor It is of a left on Monday for a two weeks visit with friends in Milne of a of Mr llie flcMllff on An enthusiastic meeting of Is a the well pain under the lull comes f ri the or of the llvr of polling eubdiviHon No front double One pill a bos East was held to tho market hall on Saturday following gentlemen were appoint ed to attend the Convention to bo held at Newmarket on March Messrs Amos Lapp- Robert Hayes fiobert Rowland Mo- Mullen Children Cry for CASTOR I A Messrs Lennox Lennox acting on behalf of Mr of Dublin Ireland issued a writ Mr J Jewell to for expenses incurred in coming Ireland at the solicitation of de fendant to assist in prompting a Pork Packing Co here A Toronto firm has a scheme on foot to test water supplying ca pacity of a certain region at They have a force of men drilling with two drills Three artesian wells have already been sunk to a depth of ft each of which issues a 2inch stream to a height of feet each also hav ing a daily How of gallons of water These wells aro alt on Mr Cooks farm It is the intention of company to tap Mr Mack Cooks farm also It is not known definitely what purpose this company has in view hut it is expected if successful that these will some day soon be the means of supplying many wants Toronto If everything pans out alright property in that district will become as valuable as cold land THERE IS NO UNCERTAINTY about It cures your cough quickly AH bron chial give way to It 25c of alt by the of Per ry Davie Paris cabmen threaten strike the opening of the position They want- a fixed sun for their wages The The bent contentment lias Yet however noble in wind no or woman can have contentment without The blood most he kept pure and and organs fn good order best ii this purpose la it promptly cures all blood and eruptions and tones op system The favorite cathartic Is 5c Mr J Murphy of pro sided at a meeting of Canadian Association of Fairs in the court house Toronto than fifty delegate were present from various parts of Ontario There arc about 400 in this province that hold fairs so that gcntlemon pres ent represented a very small minority of these associations The object of meeting is to learn by mutual and suggestion how fairs may best bo conducted These papers wore read Special Attractions by Mitchell Membership at Exhibitions by of 13urford What Pairs have done for Agriculture by Richardson of Caledonia Appoint ment of Judges at Exhibitions by J Clark of Fail- Work by A M- James of Bowman Government Grants by of Toronto Exhibition being unique and running applicable to no other fair has no del egate in attendance But Mr manager was present to present fraternal greeting has been chosen as tho of mooting next year Mr Murphy was reelected president These additional were chosen John Burns Whitby VicePresident Mitchell 2nd Vice Alex Mc- villo J and J Y Auditors These gentle- constitute the Executive Com Wallace Wood bridge IS Jackson Newmarket Laid taw Elders Mills J W Shepherd Cayuga James Brock Mr James Deputy Minister of Agriculture addressed the Associa tion laying stress upon statement that the main business of such bodies should not ho to hold fall faira simply but to experiment with seed grain and the importation and improvement of live stock Now again down the filters you etc live women who look like You are astonished to learn that I Do you think If you do write HI Gil THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET they arc mother and daughter and yon realize that a woman at forty or forty- five ought to be at her finest and fairest Why isnt it so The general health of woman is in timately associated with the local health of the essentially feminine organs that there can be no rich cheek and round form where there are debilitating drains and female weakness Women who have suffered from these troubles have found prompt relief cure in the use of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It gives vigor and vitality to the organs of wom anhood It clears the complexion bright en the eyes and reddens the cheeks No alcohol opium or other narcoticis contained in Prescription Any sick woman may consult Doctor Pierce by letter free livery letter held as sacredly confidential- and an swered in a plain envelope Address Dr Pierce Buffalo JC J commenced to lake Dr fierce Favorite Prescription writes Mrs Martha Karham of George June his Golden Medical Disco- cry I cannot ex pre the I have received from I was what the doctors called chronic torpid liver I also whli female weak ness The did not me any good so I wrote to you for advice I to use the medicines 1 only pounds vow I wciyh no pounds Dr Pellets regulate the liver And got of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Window i ALL THE Artistic in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTMES PINS Etc Over was subscribed for fund at a moisting at Calcutta over which Viceroy Lord pre DONT RUN CHANCES by tak ing whiskey or brandy to the stomach or stop a chill in hot water sweetened will do you more good Avoid substitutes theres but one Perry Davis A daughter of Mr Stamford Township was killed by a strawstack falling over on her Health World A Magazine written plainly for the home showing how to prevent and cure diseases of the human frame No post free has on how to be beauti ful how to cure rheumatism lumbago sciatica corpuance consumption gout diseases of men and women noise hair litis- J3t llea had his hand in printing construct all kinds on notice ion The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co newmarket fine not a subscriber to the Ira Send for a trial trip of months Solid Gold 2 Best Gold Pill BfebGIaases We guarantee GLOBE OPTICAL CO QZ street Toronto in Painting J Pollock A Art Graduate of Ontario Main Sis AURORA J of the firm of J Sous of this place intends sailing for Italy next week via New York He will remain in Italy a few weeks and then visit Switzerland then Paris after which ho will visit London England from which point will sail for home the latter part of next summer On Thursday morning an old man by the name of Was found by Mr hostler lying in an insensible in one of the stalls in the stable of the hotel hostler trier to rouse him but failing to do so got assistance and carried- him into the bowl and immediate went for Dr Stevenson who did all he could to revive the old man but with out effect and he died in a short time On Monday a large force of men arrived At the Trunk station here to Commence work on the now passenger station The when completed will be a handsome struc ture and will be in striking contrast with the present building they call a station house The new building will be feet wide and feet long and built the site of the old station on east side of the track The will be situated in the central part of the building with ladies waiting room at the south end and a general waiting room at the north end A commodious baggage robra will be sit uated at the north end also A cov ered platform will extend from the station nearly to Wellington street A drive way will be constructed from Wellington street to the rear of the station For Infanta and Children f You may have heard about SCOTTS EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tures It is codliver oil the purest and the best in the world but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it Nearly all children like it and ask for more 1st J looks like cream it nour ishes the wasted body of the baby child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence ft bears about the same Hon to other emulsions that cream does to milk If you have had any experience with other socalled just as good preparations you will find that this is a fact fha vHh the oil give It Ihty nil body- If- v Council Met at Schoroborg on The following bills were paid Frank Brown to bridge 00 A Wells grant 3d con Canada Sewer Pipe Co pipes H Hamilton tax refund Patterson births unloading pipe CO to pay for atone J salary hardware Ough hardware freight 26 Riddle blank forma rent of hall 00 J Wells postage J Norman service as A SO A lumber l J Robertson legal fee Sous repair to road machine ti Proctor lumber aceoaot A Armstrong legal ex pense re Pot tage GO A pig Dnooan tax refund J Wells salary as collector J Edwards salary col That be grantee to Tew to xpend the porchasoof Julia Cutting and the same amount be granted to A Hnrableton to like necessaries for Mrs Shropshire Rogers That be authorized to notify Out Metropolitan to cease placing on Hie travelled part of St and to remove what hey have already placed there at onoe and if they fail to place the matter before the County Committer Carried the of the treasurer for with Jacob Walton Lloyd H Lloyd and Walton as bondsmen be accepted as satisfactory Carried Gallagher That be granted for gravelling oppo site lots 22 J Watson Jatns Coulter to be Commissioners to expend the same Carried That Messrs Burns Gallagher be a committee to for and tenders for building of a suitable bridge over River on 11th line of King they to use their discretion as to design and to have the work done as soon as possible Carried Council adjourned to at Hog- Hotel King City on Saturday Marob 3rd A big at Halifax Friday played havoc with the telephone and wires Miss Elizabeth grad uate of Toronto General Hospital and Bailiff J of had a leg at a How York hospital last young lady wfti with can cer of ho knee arid ftiiipuialion to her life- The popular use of a spring medicine is founded on experience With the corning of the spring season comes languor debility a dragged- out condition and a general lassitude summed up in the familiar phrase that tired feeling from the gross effects of the fatty foods of winter there is no medicine equal to Dr Sarsaparilla It not only cleanses the blood but re vitalizes it It puts a spring into the step and a sparkle into the eye that betoken health It restores the lost appetite induces refreshing sleep and reduces the liability to disease by neutralizing the conditions essential to the development of disease germs a medicine during the months of March April end May know other can begin It the leader A VYElsrK 1 cannot speak too highly in raise of Sarsaparilh From I recommend as best spring medicine ISAAC SPARKS I have used in my family years and highly recommend it As a spring it has no equal A NICHOLS St Cambridge lifus has been a household companion in our family for years take it every spring beginning in April it tones up my system gives me an excellent appetite and makes ine sleep like a top Asa blood medicine it has no in my opinion I Pa Saryaparilla without an equal as a Mood purifier and spring medicine and cannot have praise enough I have watched its effects in chronic casts where other treatment was of no avail and have been astonished at the results No other blood medicine that I have ever and I have tried them all is so thorough in its action and so permanent cures as Sarsaparilla Maine mr

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