Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 2, 1900, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH CHINA MARCH reviewing the- pant year a very in- crease over Our trade not built on soiling homo lines of good at Cost Price and trying to make the public believe wo can buy so much closer than live business men and all lines sold equally cheap Our motto is now and always AND A v This year we want to still better Our customers can always rely on getting full value for their money Our Spring Shoos will soon bo coming to hand and Quality the best wo ever had especially tho impress Shoe most uptodate Ladys Fine Shoo shown in New market China and Glassware No Fall Caught Trout Close Figures in Kegs or half Keg lots The Leading Grocer a Telephone if Nrtlt York Reformers- v A fine Meeting of tlje i With exception of Township When to of part of Biding was at a mooting of Control Executive of North York Reform Association in Newmarket last Saturday Between and men were pros- er they considered it better to spend more capital at once and invested in thoeo within years succeeded in bringing this to A CONCLUSION SL Wo now a highway who splendid speeches Mr of Bradford and the first business was Iho election of foot depth from tho Ocean to Lake Superior What is result contracts are foe the enormous deposit minerals from Lake of which resulted as follows vee to PresidentMr Floury of Aurora J 1st Bradford markets of Germany It England Millions of dollars arc SecretoryMr A of Aurora ft enormous Jos Rogers of j The engrossed resolution passed at at the Canadian Kruppthe solve The Dominion Government baa only been a short in office but judging by the results it seems like instead of Every la prosperous and the Hon Postmaster General who- represents this constituency has not only wrought and efforts on half of Government but bis own Deportment stands out as a brilliant success PASSING bo referred with regret to ho retire ment of Hon A Hardy but congratu lated party in having so able successor or Hon Ross This is growing and progress in the interests of people irrespective of party is of the Govt of Ontario Timber policy is work- them our All you have to do is to go your tent ten to one you will sec an ostrich running around grab hla tail which Ik easy to do theyre tame as chickens and you will have a handful South Africa Is- all sand and mountains They Bay It Is nicer further up and It needs to be We haw a Band storm every din ner to help fill up Wo have fierce sand storms here not be ing able to see six feet sometimes We looted both and Douglas got everything we wanted but wo could riot carry it What wo couldnt take we burned We burned good wag gons tents new saddles all kinds THE 9 Winter Goods JUST OPENED I ing very satisfactory mill will clothes rifles etc By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Shop A full Bfcock Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds for VERCOA and PANTS LUNDY death of President the Win Esq was the of the in Newmarket wore appointed to have tho Memorial suitably framed pre sented to family holding of a for the nomination of Candidates was left for future consideration but polling subdivisions are requested to boo that a chairman and ore elected at The following resolutions were then carried unanimously Moved by T J Robertson Esq tad seconded by Esq That this mooting of Reformer of North York to iRko opportun ity of placing on record their continued confidence in and rendered to Iho Dominion of Canada by the of Wilfrid Tliev are very firm in the opinion that by Government beat muted to tho interests of Canada will bo by very loyal son of lie Dominion and they earnestly hope that Wilfrid may he a part d to lead the Government They gladly embrace this opportun ity of expressing in llio Huh William the Commons member for the Riding and hope be may long sprod to uphold the Reform In banner of North York Moved by E Lundy Esq and seconded by Dr Pearson of Queens- That at this first them the Liberals North York want to ce In the Government of Hon Geo and to give expression to their feelings lie new Government is well to carry out the Liberal Iolioy which bean long in as in the Province of Ontario desire to give voice to their re- at the enforced retirement of the Hon Arthur Hardy and earnestly hope that he may long be spared to enjoy the evening of life They desire on place on record their continued confidence the Hon J local member for the Riding and euro in hie hands the cause of reform will not Moved by J Robertson Esq and very patriotically supported by Esq who referred to the gift of government Queen Victoria was pleased to bestow upon Canada through the action of the former leaders of the Reform party whom some people are pleased to call but whose deecendents are as loyal to Her Majesty and the British Empire any of her and by the willingness that they have taken up anna in the present crisis to defend the flag in Africa Central of the North York Reform Association their ap- of the gallantry of many of men of Canada Id volunteering forth to the lands of Africa and to take their share in upholding honor of Britain and the Empire of which we are to form part And we are glad to learn that our Canadian Contingent baa so bravely done their the battlefield in distant land thereby the encomiums of Lord Roberta the CommanderinChief But while thus praising their we must not forget those who have sealed with their blood the attachment of Cana da to the Empire day many families in oar fair minion are mourning the loss of their loved ones Let mourn with tbofe who and by I expression of sympathy with help to alleviate their grief And thro ft may we hope that the at of the various portions of the Empire Britain and to one another may be more cemented great gun manufacturer who employs baa con sented to purchase onethird of raw material from this district and this is but outcome of tho com pletion of our canal It will REVOLUTION and our North- West wheat form went to Buffalo and was eventu ally shipped from American giving that country a groat advantage in trade returns will now go to Mon treal and bo exported a Canadian product in Sir Wilfred proposed preferential tariff in favor of Great Britain and trad at once re vived what gave to Canada tha highest place of honor in the Previous to this American sought for but it not now Wherever it pos sible the English are asking for Canadian made There a warm affection for Canadian people and the amount of wn Bell ing to Groat Britain fabulous today compared to what it three years ago Penny Postage bad its influence in bringing the together and a permanent un ion being established between aft who reside under the protection of the British Hag a cloud arises and it is A NEW TUX KG FOB CANADA to sons to defend Empire Great Britain gathered Canadian boatmen to assist in passing the oat of the Nile bat it did not occur to the in power to offer assistance to the Mother but with the assistance of the Reform Government two contingents of Cana dian arms men are now Sol of Queen fighting by aide with tho Imperial forces gratifying to see press of Great Britain giving a moat prominent position to Canadian Government and it ill- becomes men of our own to decry what baa been done by on aide of polities Canadian a have already proved that are bravo strong and loyal The flowar of our youth has gone to maintain the Empire in South Africa and Canada has given tha that she can be depended upon to Y the Wo are 500 miles north of Cape It is also clearly established that what- j Town in a large City of Belmont ever nation the British Lion has got to reckon with the Lions Cuba This war will revolutionize the relation between Great Britain and colonies and the world will bo in operation in Northern Ontario the coming season and new mills will be erected This will benefit man ufacturers and in Old Ontario Iho owners buy all supplies this aide of line After tho of April all pulp wood cut must bo ufaotured in going to bo a wonderful advan tage Men with unlimited faith in our resources and unlimited capital are making preparations for an enor mous trade at the We have NO OK In a teat in District a shaft waa feet below tho level of the Lake and whole depth iron ore only richer at the bot tom is iron for any number of smelters any amount of pulp- wood and one company 1000000 in this enter prise at Sturgeon Falls The Colon ization question is receiving attention also Forest Reserves For revenue from timber has been a mil lion dollars hulk of which ia paid to Old Ontario to help school and interests and also the ad ministration of This year it will a million and a quarter dollars Our forest reserves arc there fore very important and acres aw to bo planted with this year Another reserye of two million acree is to bo set aside for this purpose The of tha country gen eral no boom about it hut logitimaf supply and demand Let us xho Government that have been instrumental in bringing Applause Meeting then adjourned Another lietfcer South PHI V ATE HAINES WRITES OF Belmont Jan Dear Folks I received four let ters from Canada Saturday I am writing this on the famous Boots Ridge where I am on guard under a canvas tent This in the ridge where the Scots charged and drove the out The Boers thought they could hold It six months they held It six hours I will have to come to Newmar ket when I come back and tell you all the news It is In the shade I should judge but we arc used to It now Harold and I sleep out- side together every night There are men in our tent fin you can imagine how much room we have The British have in on mountain and we are waiting for siege guns to blow them up sky high There are British miles from here at a place called There arc British in South Africa now and more expected and they will need them all I tell you Its a fright the positions the Boers hold you can imagine what Its like when guns do not hurt them at all They have been preparing for six years The British are digging tunnels under the mountain the Boers are on and go ing to blow up high that la the only way they can got at them That Is the reason the war is lasting so long all their positions are the same if not bet ter so you need not wonder at so many troops being needed All the men are i good health and I never felt better in my life It gets pretty cold here at nights We are all enjoying ourselves fine It very seldom rains here hut It ttiem out regardless of rained one night and In the morn- when we woke up we were lying In three inches of water We have a route inarch of eight miles every day I think the Boers will see their finish in about three months from date VW have singing every night and sit around and toll stories The hoys are happy when we get the mail I will tell you a joke the boys have on a Frenchman He was on guard and some were com said- Halt Who conies there Friend was the answer Instead of saying Advance friend and give the countersign he said Advance friend and say Hamilton that being the countersign I will close by sending my love to all Byebye From your loving soldier son HAINES Ail the best makes in the following lines IN AND PEN AND ROCKET KNIYES SCISSORS ALL KINDS AND Also Fine line of TABLE KNIVKS 0RK8 AND SPOONS Wo handle Special Line of we warrant be First See our CRUMB AND BRUSHES BREAD BOARDS AND THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER We are or Co a of Fur and Robes Prices Paid for Raw Fara J A ALLAN CO Starr jyv Here for Bargains that are Bargains indeed are through StockTaking and we find we are heavily loaded in some lines more especially Black Teas We are bound to Ceylon Tea 50c Indian Tea 25c Blended Tea There is no fake in these Teas We acknowledge we are losing money on every pound we sell We dont believe in keeping goods too long we want the room worse than the goods Pure Ginger lb Toilet Soap in a box of either Oatmeal Apple Bloom or Peach Bloom box Large bar Soap Toilet Soap take Good Salmon can Kippered Herring tin lbs Roll- Wheat for 25c lb jar Mustard A good bulk Coffee lb Peas can Tomatoes can Bitter Marmalade Oranges Dont miss these Tea Bargains They wont last long AAnvmrt ft YEARS EXPERIENCE DctlOHi AC sending our opinion Is Mann till fee without coarse In Scientific American A Illustrate coifed of Journal Bold New York lit PostMaster General was then intro duced and received with applause He the mover and for the kind pergonal reference to hie action a member of the Dominion Cabinet He had represented North York for years which was a large proportion of a mans life and had earnestly to advance the interests his constituents and the public at large He referred to the depression and general fltagpatiott of business in Canada pre vious to the present government power when Canada was a country- practically unknown among the nations of the earth i despite the gone -Conser- that her outlying possessions are not a source of but a source of strength Canada is making his for herself and there is not a man that would want to turn the dial back to the former We have deuce in the wisdom of the leaders our party There ia not a man that has done more for THE UNIFICATION OF RACES than Sir Wilfred one who is eminently endowed to diaobarge the duties the that devolve upon A man of highest tionsforthe highest good And he has great for Old North York He does not forget the trium phal march from Aurora to Newmar ket the address of welcome in the grove and be attributes the of the following campaign to the enthu siastic reception which was then ac corded to him joe speaker was pleased at the renewed expressions of confidence in the resolution and the past but a guarantee of the future Great applause HON J DAVIS the Commissioner of Crown Lauds was alec warmly received He spoke with tenderness of the absence of the late honored President whose efforta in liberalism in North York were an inspiration but he was glad to meet again with the represent ative men of the Biding and congratu lated the newly elected He briefly referred to the struggle in South Africa for equal rights and fair play to all and had no that Britain would succeed because she is right and right will prevail One result of war will bo the OF THE as never executive ca Dominion mobilizing first contingent vatiyes had spent an amount new in thin country of capital canal creditand Volun already distinguished them one house one store and a sta tion Something like King City name We that is C company went on a flying col umn We walked beside mule wagons miles then put up for the night at Cooks farm At oclock a we struck off again and walked and ran 20 miles beside the mule wagons with about pounds on out backs in shade Got at a the firat shot fired at a fought for four hours then marched into the Doer camp burnt everything the Boers left behind Including rounds of ammunition found a curiosity there I will show It to you when I come home We left there at a nest morning We killed Boers and captured We had 2 killed and wounded We bur ied the dead at a very sad sight Boers got away and went to Douglas Well as I said before we left Sunny- side at 5 a marched miles to left there half an hour later then walked and rode to Douglas miles When we got within three miles of there we formed up for attack I leading company next fi A in rear To our great sur prise when we got close to Doug las there was the Union Jack fly ing Of course all we had to do was to march In and wo didnt whether fought or not being so tired We had to do picket work all night and then leave next morning with refugees at a We learned later that Boers had heard we were going to Douglas to at tack them and got away about hours before we got there We and walked back to Belmont miles taking us two days We had a tic hard tack and canned meat to eat all the were away think nothing of AURORA The wind storm on Sunday has made the road thru the Binges almost impassable in places The Metropoli tan Railway had to dig a way the track makes good right- of way for other vehicles Mr Linton who is leav ing here with the Morse with by on Friday night Mr Lennox will take His Honor Judge place at division courts at and Button on March owing to court judge being en gaged on the Weet Commission has arranged with the authorities of Great Britain and Cape Colony that letters from the Canadian troops in South Af rica shall be forwarded and delivered whether paid or not NNE ed Wheat Wanted Bushels White Wheat Wanted Bushels Oats Wanted Bushels REMEMBER WE DO CHOPPING EVERY DAY H How do you Buy Where do you Buy And what do you Pay for your Clothing Boots Shoes Mens Furnishings and Groceries Hundreds of our Customers answer r r We Buy From and we Save Money Hundreds of others will give the same answer after once dealing with us the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in Town We have thelargest stock of Mens Clothing in Town We have the best selected stock of Mens Furnishings in Tovvn- -1- We keep the most Stylish and Caps in Town and our Groceries are always fresh You may be among he people by buying your goods from 1 I ore -j- I j I KUrAi

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