Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 2, 1900, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCHS the COR- On Thursday of last Hon sold that averaged lbs They here for export ami the next day Mr Davis bought feeders on the market in Toronto to take their place in the stables at King Horn V w The regular Tempcranco Moating in connection with will bo hold in the Hat on Monday fith at pm The ion Mrs Annie ford will deliver on The Aim and Objects of the She is a very able speaker one who always delights her A mus ical program will ho provided con Everyone cordially invited Mr Kaako of Toronto is visit mother at the Lawrence House Mr Davison and friend from Newmarket paid a Hying visit to the Point one clay last week Owing the severe front last week Mr it had one of his valuable frozen to death Master Young ought be complimented on the splendid fires he on in the church every I think our friend Jews is like Alary and the lamb the reason he love all the girls is because nil the girls We glad to hear Mrs Young has recovered from a bad attack of Grippe BALDWIN CORNERS Phew what blizzard that strayed away from mother last Sun- clay Thats No squall for our maiden winter- Our dunce company have had a good time this winter attending the school at Sutton Got your wood homo wo may not another such a fall of snow this season A patriotic feeling exists here as well as elsewhere Several of our young men are talking of joining the volunteers for the next drill that never attended is a rumor on foot in regard to building a parsonage It is very much needed and we hope it will he completed A meeting was called by the PM Board A reliable informant came for miles in last Sundays storm to inform me that a younc man stopping at iiis place and one day while he was cut ting wood was standing around the stove talking to his wife and- finally grabbed her hand with his mouth ready but her lips came together blank and sealed with a back bander He skipped and was seen no more These luxuries of life come high Im told A gent was going his rounds thru our midst with a title to his name as long as a cows tail After reading the faces of some of our people they feci proud of themselves We read an article in a certain paper under the caption of prohibiting the use of cigarettes and otherwise It is none too soon as a certain School Section a tobacco chew ing by its pupils Mr Teacher watch them closely you will see them spit ting like big men Jack Frost peered into many a house this late cold snap and pinched nearly all the flower plants Mr to the hospital and came back for good The say there it- is well as can be expected One of Uncle Sams sons is visiting one of our young ladies He is bring back many sweet remembrances of his frolics in days of yora The sweet smiles of one haunts him still A very slim attendance at country churches last Sunday due to the bliz zard Another wedding very close at hand You cant always fool us young man Samuel Bain changes boss Ho will manage affairs for Mr John Hoi- and live near the creamery Our sympathizers have some thing else to talk about now Take a Hutch Tuesday of this week a bee wan formed to haul ice for the creamery- According to the old adage March will come in gentle as a They say Mrs was getting of Paul when ho had hi arms around Not long ago the stillness of the night air was disturbed by the sound of loud voices A race was on and the hordes were obeying the commands of their owner when Norland came out ahead Joker coach- man hod close shave a short ago enough to turn his head gray While crossing track at shore an train without whistling rush ed upon him A liberal application of tho god saved of tlio five oc cupants and a suit for manslaughter against the The Dr wrote to the Co to bo careful or hed bo after them again Uncle Hauls girls apple of his eye Some of our boys think sweet too Undo Sam nod were away ho our boys fearing girls would bo lonely stole up there Some neighbor girls came in and a most pleasant time was spent till oclock when tho boys adjourned for homo Barns heart overflows with gratitude for tho thoughtful- often observed out of tho corner my that great many young men esteem it it great favor to drop in and have sup tea with Mary Marys such a trim little body and so chatty and that a chap fools might basking ill her smiles Mr Chapman our local his torian seems to have the history of the rise full of every nation ancient and modern at his tongues end He is well posted on Trans vaal He is loyal British subject and has worn the scarlet uni form Mi is giving the Miss- and Edith and Georgia Crittenden instructions in ornamental pen work Old English and German text The mak ing excellent progress Our tailor was caught seated amid a lot of women folk at a He should know all the news I have at times had occasion to rather disparagingly of Sutton but I didnt mean any harm me Bob Sutton has redeeming features among which are her numer ous attractive ladies almost equal to Surrenders Prisoners Canadian s Gtonotis our and a few very nice young men amongst whom Dr Charlie boys Hag- Crosier Burrows and perhaps one or two more I could tell some spicy yarns of high life in Sutton wcro I so disposed Our good friend Hilly Ed has his mind sot toward BC land of the setting sun Billy much miss ed from Sutton as he is one of the most prominent characters there and one of the best to boot As Aunt says Billy lias a hot tongue but an awful good heart all his friends will testify to that If a poor down in luck chap comes to Billy Ed for aid Billy never fails to respond Mr John Murioll of Bethel Corners is a frequent visitor to Baldwin of which ho was one time a resident I believe in my soul that John would like to be back amongst us folks Lord hag already captured over COO Boors and at this rate ho will soon have a respectable ar ray of prisoners to hold as hostages for the three thousand British already in Pretoria War Office has purchased Cana dian products to the value of about 750000- Everything was in good shape when it arrived in Africa and it is more will bo wanted Feb A recon naissance yesterday in force under Gen with eight guns found the Boors ooeupyiog a ridge three miles beyond in the Storm- berg direction Montmorencys Scouts Boors who round tbo scouts flank pouring in a deadly The scouts were finally compelled to retire having lost fourteen men are missing Gen Boiler on Saturday faced lust and strongest position of those who bar his way to Tho strenuous fighting indicates a light between armies rather than a rear guard action protecting a retreat On Thursday and he lost t killed and wounded representing probably a total of from to Feb 27502 pro The War Oflice has received the following despatch from Lord Roberts At am today a most dashing advance was made by Canadian and some supported by Gordon and 2nd resulting oat gaining a point some six yards near the enemy and within about yards of hie trenches where our men en trenched themselves and maintained positions till morning a gallant deed worthy of our colonial comrades and which I am glad to say was at tended by slight toss This apparently clinched matters for at daylight today a letter by 1 hi ill 3 v com here Strange to relate the Gordons who wore all but annihilated in a material degree to wipe off stain from their regimental arid his have certainly rovcalcd a heroism never surpassed in the history of our race Surrounded by an army of men with guns continually pouring shells on their position they stood at bay for days Ottawa Feb In House of Commons this at 5 oclock Sir Wilfrid Laurior interrupted the de bate which following from Mr Cham berlain to Lord London Fob Her Majesty Queen desires you to express to people of Dominion her ad miration of gallant conduct of her Canadian troops in late engage ment and her sorrow at the loss of bo many great men War has received the following despatch from Lord Roberts Feb In a very successful attack made by the Royal Canadian contingent on one of the enemys trenches this morning Fellatio was wounded eight men were killed and men wounded From Toronto Co Page was killed and the following wounded J and Holland AH the wounded Canadians in South Africa doing well but one War last night posted a bulletin from Lord Roberts announc ing the departure of and his pincers for Cape Town under guard of tho London Volunteers and reports that 170 wounded Boors found in the laager which had been rendered almost impregnable The women and children were sent to their homes J It appears that on Tuesday morn ing when the Canadians so gallantly V A This Opportunity for Days Only to Saturday Night 3rd March Will Sell lbs Japan Tea OR MIXED Will Bell pound of Bars Prices will not warrant this sale Wo bought heavy when prices were right We want to turn it into money Regular Laundry Soap same size as all Bars Its a splendid soap We close this Bale Promptly This Tea contains the best Indian and Ceylon Teas grown and imported direct from Gardens by the Grocers est Rolled Oats Gen in which ho stated that ho surrendered unconditionally stormed Boer trenches were brought to our outposts under a flag only retrained from carrying the of laager at point of bayonet by The number of Boor prisoners imperative orders to the contrary four thousand of which Feb Lord Roberts has forwarded an additional list of the British casualties during the three days fighting at showing The surrender of Gen and killed wounded and four the Boer army of the offers an including seven officers and strange illustration of that irony of Canadian privates wounded about are citizens of the Orange Free The remainder are citi- of the Transvaal Thursday will be the first day for our New Blend It is Pure Coffee and wholesome It will please It has taken two months to perfect this blend of Coffee manufactured in Canada sold at Grocery We are very particular in this line of cereal fowl Another fresh lot of goods has just arrived including the Best Gold Dust Corn Meal Rolled Wheat Flake Barley Buckwheat lour Wheat Germs Fine Oatmeal Graham flour axtjz lbs Boiled Oats for CCA J lbs Corn Meal for Choice Confectionery Just Arrived I I Boasted Almond Chocolates lbs of Candy To Sell Special at lb tJ IT 100 lbs of a line of Chocolates We Special Price Our Price lb again fate which often marks history of nations Exactly nineteen years ago today the Boers out to pieces a Brit ish force on Hill On the anniversary of that disaster they fall a prey to British valor and treacherous lion who by deceit caused This makes Canadians killed deaths and wounded total Five of tho wounded are sorious In attempt to carry Railway Hill last Friday night Gen Boiler lost officers and men killed and Mr Hugh Tunny is about moving from these parts to a farm on of south of Little Africa Peter Sally and Mary Hart arc to move into Arnolds house north of Baldwin Listen to the wedding bells The Owl KESWICK Mr Morton General Mer chant and PostMaster has out to A mouse is a small animal but it can do a deal of mischief Borne time ago one of our young men got a fine triumph But the irony does suit for a special event but the event was postponed indefinitely and the suit laid away Later on the suit was resurrected but alas the pesky little cusses had eateu a in it But I guess the old woman tan patch em Our friend J E poem is a very woeful one but elegant io composition James seems to think Britain has the right as well as the And so General lias not gained access to yet and he wont Im glad to hear it Reports are rife that Johnnie of Gum Swamp has the matrimonial fever and will this wed the daughter of a prominent merchant Our friend Jesse of Roachs Point pay heed to the gag the scribe got off about being a bache lor Its no disgrace especially if one lias the proud consciousness that he could get half a dozen if he wanted them No Jesse better tarty than marry in haste and repent at leisure We in unison with other scribes regret the sudden death of Joshua Joshua was a good social citizen and a warm friend The last wo saw of him was at our market here He then apparently bid fair for a long life as the rest of us In the life were in death Janies Smith of Jersey announces his intention to retire from the farm and locate in city for the benefit of his boys who in business there James and familys loss will he felt as they are the best of friends and neighbors Bon voyage John Alexander and Billy Miller have been reaping ice harvest for the two father Bills The ice is pure as crystal Our thanks are due to County Clerk and High Constable fur detail ed report of Good Roads Convention The theory is excellent time will show the practical part The beet and cheapest plan to secure good roads is to secure good and pay thorn a decent salary and appoint men who will destroy all previous good that may have been accomplished the surrender of in wounded war of that time is himself made a London- March 1 Geo and the subject of a British aid entered on Wednesday not but its relief is not yet confirmed DAVISON Main St Newmarket J QUEENSVILLE Nearly every person in the village has their wood up now and are wait ing for the buzz saw to come around The township council have decided to have the hay scales removed from where they have been for the last years as there is no other more suit able place in the village than where they are it is supposed they will either sold or else piled up in some per sons yard Now we cannot do with out these scales very well and if it Mr Jesse of this place Thoy down to a point of law I do not are busy taking stock Mr think the took full possession on tho 1st of March Mr and Mrs Howard Willoughby son of late J from Mich returned totheir home on Tuesday Mr Chas is under the care this week Ulcerated sore throat is the trouble Mr Win Munroe had a runaway with bis driver a short time ago He has been nursing a sprained ankle ever since We understand the hostler had quite an episode with the same horse Council could their re- at all It was the council that gave permission for them to be put where they are and I do not think this council and the agitation could have them removed without a petition from the ratepayers j and even if a petition were presented there is an other petition already being presented to the council asking for scales to be left where are They will be sorely missed if they are removed out of the village as quite a number of loads of different kinds are weighed on them in a year Mr Geo Wright the former owner sold them- to Mr HOLLAND LANDING The Patriotic Ball on Monday even ing was very largely attended consid ering cold night The Sunday School concert on Tues day evening was well every one seemed to enjoy the Grama- phone selections Proceeds 1040 The Carson Concert which was tot have came off on Monday night was a No one put in an appearance The have added several to their Lodge here recently Many thanks to Messrs Hoi born and of who assisted Messrs West and Davidson in i choice music at the Patriotic Ball Mis we are to say is very ill Daniel of Ottawa was suffocated by smoke from a small fire in his own dwelling The Allan steamship which left Portland Me on Sat urday night struck a rock Sunday morning All passengers were safely removed Good Farm Wasted For a term of Apply to JOHN ROGERS St near Newmarket I Mil I I I House and Lot Fop Sale on St Apply lo New auk 0 I is no place like the INK HO Yd It- one day since the runaway When a loadR between and blanket hod to be taken away with a pitchfork Mr Mahoney has returned from British Columbia He thinks the air no homo is as good in that country He is looking much tho same as when he went away Preacher horse evidently dont have enough exercise On Tues day when one of his parishioners Mr was preparing take a drive he left it standing for a moment he ran the cutter out of the shed and the horse took to his ran a few miles before it was tured Mr Mains young people are enjoy ing a visit this week from two of their cousins from Mrs Ewing is suffering from a se vere attack of Measles arc still prevalent in this now and sprint will be accommodated The scales will not be removed until the frost is all out of the ground any way Mr Earnest and Miss Wight were At Homo to a number of friends on Friday evening last Mr went to Port Perry on Wednesday last for a couple of weeks vacation Mr Ross had a holiday party on Saturday evening last Another carnival on Wednesday evening Cash prizes will be given for the boat costumes A bad conscience keeps more people awake than insomnia does Rev J C of was presented with a handsome fur coat by his as a token of the esteem in which ho is held by id Binder Twine A Aim TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE MOUNT ALBERT J Btill Farmers Binder Twice Co- and Is prepared to soil for future deliver at prices that will be found Interest- to Farm for Sale op To North half of lot con about fiCerea Possession at on Terms easy Apply the premise to ROBINSONS price for Men a boots tic Mena tewed to Boys boots riveited Youths boots vet ted eft Ladles boots Si boots sewed 15 Childrens S1 Mens a Ladles be els Mrs Harpers horses ran away from the pond a load of ice and scat tered it all along the road No dam age was done Mr Wagg was burnt out on Saturday morning The house was burnt to the ground Mrs was sick in bed and had to be taken to the barn for shelter Nearly all the fur- was lost in the dames Some of our boys are fixing them- selves for the Central Prison They got into the cellar window of J Rowlands store and going upstairs they took knives and other things The boys were let off with a warning It is to be hoped that they will not do it again Finer Than Ever SMITH BROS PHOTOS AND SEE NEW J More at we on room- otter everything throughout our Establishment at such prices as people are Id of clothing will appreciate We have ft large to select from the floct fabric In trad Call for and realize hat arc at MCLAUGHLINS Store and Dwelling in country In pair Wilier Apply Hi post I

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